Author Topic: China rejects Dalai Lama 'assassination plot' report  (Read 4058 times)


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China rejects Dalai Lama 'assassination plot' report
« on: June 03, 2012, 09:38:42 AM »
BBC reported:  "
China has denied claims that it hatched a plot to kill the Dalai Lama by sending female agents to poison him.
A foreign ministry spokesman said the accusations were "groundless".
The denial came after the Dalai Lama told a newspaper that he had received unconfirmed reports of an elaborate assassination attempt on his life.
China has long accused the Dalai Lama of trying to split Tibet, with its separate culture and language, from the rest of China.
Speaking at a regular press briefing, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the Dalai Lama was spreading rumours to attract public attention.
"His sensational allegations are not even worth refuting," he said, before calling them groundless.

The spokesman added: "Wearing a religious cloak, the Dalai Lama has been engaged in international anti-China separatist activities."
The Chinese newspaper the Global Times went further, calling the allegations mind-boggling.
"The assassination plot told by the Dalai is more like something you would find in a martial arts novel. Revealing such unreliable information, the Dalai appears to have become mixed up in his old age," it wrote.

With due respect to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, if the Chinese is serious as what has been claimed there is a plot to assassinate him, they would have easily done so long ago.  But again, let us reason it out on spiritual view why the Dalai Lama has not been harmed and he is still spreading word of peace and word of ancient wisdom to the whole wide world.  We must have some good seeds or merits to warrant the Dalai Lama to remain with us and become a torch to earth where the light is waning.   How fortunate we are and we have to rejoice on this note.


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Re: China rejects Dalai Lama 'assassination plot' report
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2012, 09:57:33 AM »
With all due respect to HHDL, I find it rather amusing that the assassination attempt on HHDL by the Chinese government by female agents through poisoning. How do female agents by touch could poison? Obviously if the poison is so potent that can poison through touch will in fact poison the agents first before they can even come close to HHDL. HHDL need not worry about assassination attempts as HHDL work has benefitted many sentient beings.

Tenzin K

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Re: China rejects Dalai Lama 'assassination plot' report
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2012, 12:03:37 PM »
I agree with Icy that if the Chinese were to assassinate HH it could be done long time ago but I don’t think the Chinese would take such an action as it would just bring them down. Even though HH is travelling the world to seek support for more rights for Tibetan people but the Chinese has gotten Tibet anyway.

May HH continue to spread the wisdom of Dharma to the world and continue to create the harmonious of inter faith.   


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Re: China rejects Dalai Lama 'assassination plot' report
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2012, 05:46:22 AM »
I do not deny HHDL's enlightened mind, therefore him saying that the Chinese wants to kill him, could be for some other reason. Why would HHDL suddenly 'accuse' China of forming an assasination plot to take his life, and just weeks before that, claimed that he will live until 90. My feeling is that HHDL may want to anger the Chinese more, and the only 'hint' that HHDL has given which could 'end his life' is through practicing Dorje Shugden. So what will the Chinese do? Spread and practise Dorje Shugden even more, and go against HHDL's words!! Otherwise, why else would an enlightened being voice out such absurd statements.. if not to spread BuddhaDhama in some way or another.

But there's a slight tingling in me..maybe China does have an assasination plot to bring down HHDL, but not through women poisoning HHDL. So making such a claim, HHOL would like to tell the Chinese that he knows whats in their minds...that he's clairvoyant. Who knows.


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Re: China rejects Dalai Lama 'assassination plot' report
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2012, 07:06:23 AM »
Perhaps HHDL is saying this to undermine the people's faith in him further in preparation for lifting the ban and also for his passing. He is clearly not interested in holding the postion of the Dalai Lama anymore as there were many instructions and improvements that were given by the 13th Dalai Lama that were not implemented at all even now at Dharamsala. Why does he still want to be around?

Lets not forget that several of HHDL's incarnations that died mysteriously at a very young age were in fact, assassinated and their true cause of death was not documented on purpose by the Tibetan historians (Which are the Ganden Phodrang people, by the way) So why did they do something like that to the leader that they love so much? Perhaps since then HHDL was already trying to implement some changes but there were people who were not happy?

It is only a matter of time before the karma from all of these things will fruition and it will be in the form that this form of Cherenzig will not be with them anymore. Perhaps another Cherenzig will take over, like the Karmapa for example. If I was His Holiness with all due respect, why should i want to go back to a government that does not do what they say and always break their samaya with the Dalai Lama and to the people?

CTA must change and be a good example to other nations if they do not want HHDL to leave them. And after HHDL perhaps the Karmapa will leave them as well if they still persist with doing silly things like enforcing the ban when they should be concentrating on improving the lives of their people. There really is not much hope with the CTA anymore these days.