Author Topic: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama  (Read 8953 times)


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First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« on: June 17, 2012, 02:27:33 PM »
Some white minister dare to snub the Dalai Lama by not meeting him despite being the most important minister. CTA, say something?

    By David Clegg, political editor
    Published in the Courier : 14.06.12
    Published online : 14.06.12 @ 11.38am

Alex Salmond has been accused of ''snubbing'' the Dalai Lama by not arranging to meet him during next week's historic visit to Scotland.

There has been huge demand to see the Dalai Lama during his visit next week — but not from the First Minister.

Thousands of Scots will flock to see the Tibetan spiritual leader during the tour, which includes a public lecture in Dundee next Friday.

A notable figure absent from the guest list will be the First Minister, with sources close to the visit insisting three separate approaches have been quietly rebuffed.

The claim, which was denied by a spokesman for Mr Salmond, came in the wake of China reacting angrily to Prime Minister David Cameron's decision to meet the Buddhist spiritual leader last month.

Labour drew attention to Mr Salmond's close relationship with China and said the matter raised questions about his judgment.

It is understood organisers of the Scottish visit initially expected the First Minister would attend an event hosted by Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick at the Scottish Parliament next Friday.

But it has now emerged Mr Salmond is to miss the Holyrood reception and instead take part in a meeting of the British Irish Council scheduled for the same day.

The Courier has been told two further unofficial invitations to meet the Dalai Lama, including the offer of a private meeting, have also been rejected by the SNP leader, who will spend much of next week in the US.

One source said Mr Salmond had ''backed off'' from meeting the Dalai Lama since the visit was first arranged over a year ago. The trip to America was ''very convenient'', the source added.

Mr Salmond has worked hard to foster close links with China, with the relationship between the two countries culminating last year in the loaning of two giant pandas to Edinburgh Zoo.

Labour MSP Patricia Ferguson said: ''It is extremely sad that the First Minister will not meet a man who is universally recognised as an international ambassador for peace.

''Alex Salmond was rightly criticised for refusing to raise the issue of human rights on his recent tour of China, so this snub raises further questions about his judgment.''

A media spokesman for the visit of the Dalai Lama to Scotland said there was still the ''opportunity'' for the two men to meet next week.

Responding to the row, a spokesman for Mr Salmond said: ''The First Minister has only received one invitation, and that was to be part of the audience when the Dalai Lama received an award in London on the 14th of May — when in any event the First Minister was in Norway on official business.

''Next week the Dalai Lama is in Scotland on a pastoral visit as a religious leader. He is being properly recognised at a meeting hosted by the presiding officer in Queensberry House on behalf of the faith communities on a non-political basis.

''This is a perfectly appropriate and respectful way to receive an international religious figure.''

The spokesman added: "Of course, these arrangements are a matter for the presiding officer not government — and given the nature of the event our understanding is that no party politicians have been invited.

"In any case, the First Minister, who leaves for the US this weekend, returns in order to chair the British Irish Council in Stirling next Friday."

China has ruled Tibet since 1950, and the Chinese government has repeatedly accused exiled Tibetans, including the Dalai Lama, of stoking dissent against its rule.

The spiritual leader fled to India in 1959 after a failed uprising.

The 76-year-old will visit Dundee on June 22 to deliver the Margaret Harris Lecture on religion as a guest of Dundee University and Dundee City Council.

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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2012, 02:58:02 PM »
Sigh! Even the First Minister of Scotland seems to cower under the might of China when it starts to flex its political muscle... However he seems to have the perfect excuse each time not to attend any of the carefully planned events. Hmmmm... So he seems to think so! How often does one get the chance to see in person or meet such an illustrious persona... Mr Salmond truly does not have the merits! ;)

That aside, it is really setting a bad example to others in the political arena as it makes it seem ok to turn down the chance to meet HHDL. Not good at all!!! Religious beliefs aside, HHDL is after all an ambassador of Peace, A Nobel Prize Laurette and a champion of his peoples. Surely that in itself would make someone want to meet HHDL.

Sure, some of you reading this may disagree with the "titles" I have given HHDL given the ban and all... but I stand by what I say because he truly is all that and more. If we take the spiritual equation out and leave the secular achievements, HHDL certainly has deserved those titles.

Coming back to the ban and the spiritual aspect... why I segregate these two is because it needs to be looked at with different goals coming from a different motivation, specifically the ban on Dorje Shugden. Why else would HHDL put his name and fame on the line of fire if not for a foresight you and I cannot foretell at the moment. I trust in HHDL and the bigger picture. I pray that the ban be lifted as it should be as soon as it has served it's purpose!


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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2012, 03:38:57 PM »
Wow, this is indeed news. Do you know that they waited six years from the initial invitations in 2006 for His Holiness The Dalai Lama to visit Scotland?

Anyway, I do think that it is a sound decision by the First Minister. After all, is Scotland ready for the damage and repercussion, like what has been reported previously such as slipped in export and so on that happened after a country’s officials met His Holiness? Also, it is best not to provoke wrath of China as issue of self-immolation is still on-going. The latest - China's official Xinhua News Agency confirmed (another!) a self-immolation happened (as recent as) Friday morning in Jianzha county in the province's Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture, or Chentsa county in Malho prefecture in Tibetan language.

However, His Holiness will be meeting some MSP (Members of the Scottish Parliament) members of the *Cross-Party group on Tibet of the Scottish Parliament, so this provide like a “middle way” I suppose.

*The purpose of the Cross-Party group on Tibet of the Scottish Parliament is to facilitate the building of relations between Scottish Parliament, Tibet and its people and those interested in Tibet.
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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2012, 06:55:22 PM »
This whole subject reminds me of a letter written awhile ago (now posted up here:, where a Tibetan writes to Lobsang Sangye (the "prime minister" of the exiled Tibetan community). In it, he points out:

"Many Tibetans living in exile in India and also all around the world have a lot of hopes with you. For so many years since we left Tibet, there is still so much difficulty for Tibetans. For example travel is so difficult. Nobody recognize or accept Tibetan travel papers like the way they respect other country. Nobody respect us because nobody respect where we are coming from. How come no one respect us? How come Tibetan government doesn’t work on infrastructure or methods to make us respected so people don’t put us down in every place we go. Why Tibetan government doesn’t do more things on a world level to bring up reputation.

Now in modern world, there is no really famous Tibetan. Apart from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, no Tibetan has become world famous for anything like science, writing, music, art, business, medicine etc. Why? Why Tibetan have nobody famous except religious people. For last 50 years, Tibetan government in Dharmasala focus too much on religion issue, lamas, practice, protectors and sects. This focus on religion does not help us to get our country back, also does not help Tibetan cause in the world. You must stop talking so much religion things. Actually, whatever religion, practice, lama, sect, Buddha or protector that Tibetans choose, the government must give freedom. Government must not interfere in this kind of private things. Tibetan government should never talk about religion like all other government in the world don’t talk about religion and have focus on religion all the time.

The Tibetan government never provide any good opportunity for after education. There is no help for Tibetans to have good career and good work life and chances for growing. The government never help to produce any world-class Tibetans. If you can promote us to be successful in different area, then we will be more famous in the world and have more respect. Then if Tibetans talk about Tibetan cause, it will be more powerful and more people will listen to help us. But Tibetan government never help Tibetans to be successful. We cannot even travel so how we can achieve more bigger things?"

For a long while now, the Dalai Lama was still widely respected and loved for all his work for peace in the world, so it is sad that even he is being snubbed now for political reasons. The letter above goes on to point out that if the CTA stopped focusing so much on the petty internal problems of religious affairs, they could better spend their efforts and time on improving the education, opportunities and therefore global standing of their own people. Because they haven't done so in the last 60 years in exile, they haven't built themselves up in the world at all. So it comes to this now, that even their leader is so easily snuffed out by another.

CTA needs to have a long hard look at themselves, realise that they're "not in kansas anymore" (i.e. the isolated mountains of Tibet), and start playing to compete on a global stage. Denial of human rights and the curbing of religious freedoms are not a part of this stage.

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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2012, 12:34:34 AM »
Obviously the First Minister of Scotland is afraid to offend the economy mighty China and risk 'punishment' by Chinese officials. This is indeed very sad outlook for CTA and Tibetans in exile. In a show-down on gaining supports, China had delivered a perfect punch for this round  :-[

As rightly pointed out by Beggar, HH the Dalai Lama is the only Tibetan that is world famous and a respectable world leader. Unfortunately even this is changing to the worse; now it seems China is managed to slowly wooing supports to its side by flexing its economy muscles.

As long as Tibetans not able to compete with the rest of the world in term of contribution to the modern living standards, like becoming leaders in the field of technological know-how, medical science, IT, etc. no influential world leader will really pay attention to their pleads or willing to risk his own benefits to support and protect the exiled Tibetans.


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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2012, 01:57:32 AM »
This whole subject reminds me of a letter written awhile ago (now posted up here:, where a Tibetan writes to Lobsang Sangye (the "prime minister" of the exiled Tibetan community). In it, he points out:

"Many Tibetans living in exile in India and also all around the world have a lot of hopes with you. For so many years since we left Tibet, there is still so much difficulty for Tibetans. For example travel is so difficult. Nobody recognize or accept Tibetan travel papers like the way they respect other country. Nobody respect us because nobody respect where we are coming from. How come no one respect us? How come Tibetan government doesn’t work on infrastructure or methods to make us respected so people don’t put us down in every place we go. Why Tibetan government doesn’t do more things on a world level to bring up reputation.

Now in modern world, there is no really famous Tibetan. Apart from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, no Tibetan has become world famous for anything like science, writing, music, art, business, medicine etc. Why? Why Tibetan have nobody famous except religious people. For last 50 years, Tibetan government in Dharmasala focus too much on religion issue, lamas, practice, protectors and sects. This focus on religion does not help us to get our country back, also does not help Tibetan cause in the world. You must stop talking so much religion things. Actually, whatever religion, practice, lama, sect, Buddha or protector that Tibetans choose, the government must give freedom. Government must not interfere in this kind of private things. Tibetan government should never talk about religion like all other government in the world don’t talk about religion and have focus on religion all the time.

The Tibetan government never provide any good opportunity for after education. There is no help for Tibetans to have good career and good work life and chances for growing. The government never help to produce any world-class Tibetans. If you can promote us to be successful in different area, then we will be more famous in the world and have more respect. Then if Tibetans talk about Tibetan cause, it will be more powerful and more people will listen to help us. But Tibetan government never help Tibetans to be successful. We cannot even travel so how we can achieve more bigger things?"

For a long while now, the Dalai Lama was still widely respected and loved for all his work for peace in the world, so it is sad that even he is being snubbed now for political reasons. The letter above goes on to point out that if the CTA stopped focusing so much on the petty internal problems of religious affairs, they could better spend their efforts and time on improving the education, opportunities and therefore global standing of their own people. Because they haven't done so in the last 60 years in exile, they haven't built themselves up in the world at all. So it comes to this now, that even their leader is so easily snuffed out by another.

CTA needs to have a long hard look at themselves, realise that they're "not in kansas anymore" (i.e. the isolated mountains of Tibet), and start playing to compete on a global stage. Denial of human rights and the curbing of religious freedoms are not a part of this stage.

CTA has never been in the global political stage at any point in their history of politics. All they have been focusing is amongst themselves, that's why we have been repeating ourselves albeit like a broken record already what the CTA needs to do in order to survive in today's political scene.

Not only they're not 'kansas' anymore, they're not gonna make it if they continue to bank on HHDL like this. it will be another hole which they will dwindle down by.

sad but true
Harry Nephew

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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2012, 03:24:59 AM »
This whole subject reminds me of a letter written awhile ago (now posted up here:, where a Tibetan writes to Lobsang Sangye (the "prime minister" of the exiled Tibetan community). In it, he points out:

"Many Tibetans living in exile in India and also all around the world have a lot of hopes with you. For so many years since we left Tibet, there is still so much difficulty for Tibetans. For example travel is so difficult. Nobody recognize or accept Tibetan travel papers like the way they respect other country. Nobody respect us because nobody respect where we are coming from. How come no one respect us? How come Tibetan government doesn’t work on infrastructure or methods to make us respected so people don’t put us down in every place we go. Why Tibetan government doesn’t do more things on a world level to bring up reputation.

Now in modern world, there is no really famous Tibetan. Apart from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, no Tibetan has become world famous for anything like science, writing, music, art, business, medicine etc. Why? Why Tibetan have nobody famous except religious people. For last 50 years, Tibetan government in Dharmasala focus too much on religion issue, lamas, practice, protectors and sects. This focus on religion does not help us to get our country back, also does not help Tibetan cause in the world. You must stop talking so much religion things. Actually, whatever religion, practice, lama, sect, Buddha or protector that Tibetans choose, the government must give freedom. Government must not interfere in this kind of private things. Tibetan government should never talk about religion like all other government in the world don’t talk about religion and have focus on religion all the time.

The Tibetan government never provide any good opportunity for after education. There is no help for Tibetans to have good career and good work life and chances for growing. The government never help to produce any world-class Tibetans. If you can promote us to be successful in different area, then we will be more famous in the world and have more respect. Then if Tibetans talk about Tibetan cause, it will be more powerful and more people will listen to help us. But Tibetan government never help Tibetans to be successful. We cannot even travel so how we can achieve more bigger things?"

For a long while now, the Dalai Lama was still widely respected and loved for all his work for peace in the world, so it is sad that even he is being snubbed now for political reasons. The letter above goes on to point out that if the CTA stopped focusing so much on the petty internal problems of religious affairs, they could better spend their efforts and time on improving the education, opportunities and therefore global standing of their own people. Because they haven't done so in the last 60 years in exile, they haven't built themselves up in the world at all. So it comes to this now, that even their leader is so easily snuffed out by another.

CTA needs to have a long hard look at themselves, realise that they're "not in kansas anymore" (i.e. the isolated mountains of Tibet), and start playing to compete on a global stage. Denial of human rights and the curbing of religious freedoms are not a part of this stage.

To me, this represents a very sad state of affairs where the country is not properly run and everyone grovels to the Dalai Lama. I do not think that the Dalai Lama wants to form a personality cult at all. When that happens, why would the Lama want to remain if he was a real one? He would not want his students to create more negative situations for themselves? No wonder the Dalai Lama says he does not want to return to be the next Dalai Lama, and that there will be no more Dalai Lamas after him. He is effectively not coming back and it is very clear to me why: CTA and the rest of the Tibetans are doing things to push him further and further away. They expect him to run the country and get involved in worldly affairs, not take that responsibility away from him.

It is the government's job to care for the people, but instead of caring for them they were more obsessed with the ban and implementing it. Why are they only focusing on what is not necessary and only on "instructions" that allow them to express their savage nature? Each and every proper government in the world has a justice system that protects people from being wrongfully accused, but CTA does not, since the beginning. And what makes them think the citizens will not suffer under their rule?

Lobsang Sanggay should do the right things already and start focusing on the "worldly" aspects because THAT IS WHAT A GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO DO!!


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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2012, 04:09:26 AM »
One can't help but think what can this government do without His Holiness. I always find their news to appear "childish", baseless and not news worthy. The only reason why it's news worth is because it concerns the Dalai Lama.

For example, in the past there were news that the Tibetans fear Chinese infiltration,
 "Tibetan government fears come two months after a Chinese woman was arrested in Mcleodganj for staying without valid travel document.  Chai Sha Hung, convicted for violating foreigners act, was deported back to her home town last month, the police suspected her of being a spy but claims could not be established."

And then, again indirectly accusing Shugden practitioners of trying to harm His Holiness and working with China,
"Tibetans government has warned the exiles to remain cautious about the activities being undertaken by followers of Dorje Shugden. Dalai Lama had banned worship of Dorje Shugden. The Dalai Lama identifies Dorje Shugden as a "spirit", and claims that tradition of propitiation associated with Shugden elevates this spirit to being equal or superior to the Buddha. He states that encouraging the worship of Dorje Shugden could contribute to reducing Tibetan Buddhism to a form of superstitious spirit worship. Tibetans exiles say that China was using Shugdens for prpoganda against Dalai Lama." 


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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2012, 05:44:22 AM »
One can't help but think what can this government do without His Holiness. I always find their news to appear "childish", baseless and not news worthy. The only reason why it's news worth is because it concerns the Dalai Lama.

For example, in the past there were news that the Tibetans fear Chinese infiltration,
 "Tibetan government fears come two months after a Chinese woman was arrested in Mcleodganj for staying without valid travel document.  Chai Sha Hung, convicted for violating foreigners act, was deported back to her home town last month, the police suspected her of being a spy but claims could not be established."

And then, again indirectly accusing Shugden practitioners of trying to harm His Holiness and working with China,
"Tibetans government has warned the exiles to remain cautious about the activities being undertaken by followers of Dorje Shugden. Dalai Lama had banned worship of Dorje Shugden. The Dalai Lama identifies Dorje Shugden as a "spirit", and claims that tradition of propitiation associated with Shugden elevates this spirit to being equal or superior to the Buddha. He states that encouraging the worship of Dorje Shugden could contribute to reducing Tibetan Buddhism to a form of superstitious spirit worship. Tibetans exiles say that China was using Shugdens for prpoganda against Dalai Lama."

Oh now the CTA are xenophobic and racist now? The Tibetans forget that some of the biggest contributors to Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism are the Chinese. Just look at Taiwan and Singapore. So many Buddhist centers have mushroomed up there and almost every month some lama appears, gives initiations or a talk, give blessings, then move on to the next country. And in spite of everything, they dare accuse the Chinese? How disrespectful, racist and xenophobic. So, does this mean that chinese people or people of chinese descent should not visit Dharamsala, even if they are sincerely on pilgrimage coz CTA wil accuse them of being Chinese spies? So much for Buddhism! So much for tolerance and understanding! Would anyone who practiced the Dharma and have learned the Dharma behave and act in such ways? And CTA will lose more sponsors that way when more people discover the racism that they throw on people.

On a very ironic note, most of the pro-tibet people are americans who are very against racism, but they're supporting a racist and xenophobic government! Irony!!! Wait till the americans here about this and see how many people would walk away from the Tibetan cause. So what is CTA gonna do once they take back Tibet? expunge all of the han chinese that had settled there for years? Massacare them? imprison them? I cannot imagine what would happen if they took back Tibet in this state. No! No! No!


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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2012, 04:19:53 PM »
CTA has never been in the global political stage at any point in their history of politics. All they have been focusing is amongst themselves, that's why we have been repeating ourselves albeit like a broken record already what the CTA needs to do in order to survive in today's political scene.

Not only they're not 'kansas' anymore, they're not gonna make it if they continue to bank on HHDL like this. it will be another hole which they will dwindle down by.

That's right harrynephew said it! Come to think of it Tibetans and CTA have only been just focusing on themselves! They sound like a winy kid that keeps talking about themselves and their lost and their freedom. They take it for granted whatever they have now and keep on living in the past. In Dharma isn't this called attachment??? Hmmm sad.

But really what has Tibetan people offered to the world? Besides His Holiness the Dalai Lama? Who is the only person who seems to be doing all the work. His Holiness offers spirituality to the world, some kind of hope and peace and teach about kindness and compassion and none violence and no attachments. But when there is no His Holiness - HOW CTA? What have you then got to offer?

Also the CTA and Tibetans uses His Holiness the Dalai Lama's reputation and stardom for their plight, okay that is fine, but it is what bothers me is that, while your spokesperson talks about love & peace & compassion, the people are doing quite the opposite with all this burning of themselves, crossing over people's country borders without papers and well throwing rocks at those who practice a different protector from them. Soooo CTA I really don't think you will get very far without His Holiness if you don't straighten out your people first. Because the only thing you really have to offer is Buddhism but you are certainly not acting like a Buddhist nation.



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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2012, 04:32:44 PM »
Hence I am really not surprised that His Holiness was being snubbed by the 1st Minister of Scotland and CTA has nothing much to say. What can they say??? China will flex their mighty economy muscle to anyone, they can, and they will. The power they have over the world is the economy which makes the world goes round.

What do you CTA have after His Holiness is gone. Please think before it is too late! If you are smart... you will think strategically how to stop fighting using flames with a huge volcano China. It is pointless... it would be smarter if CTA think along the lines of using peaceful methods... since that is the topic and universal message His Holiness is sending out now during his tours around. Here's a clue... u can start by officially addressing all the self-immolation acts happening and request your people to stop.   

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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2012, 04:40:37 PM »
CTA has never been in the global political stage at any point in their history of politics. All they have been focusing is amongst themselves, that's why we have been repeating ourselves albeit like a broken record already what the CTA needs to do in order to survive in today's political scene.

Not only they're not 'kansas' anymore, they're not gonna make it if they continue to bank on HHDL like this. it will be another hole which they will dwindle down by.

That's right harrynephew said it! Come to think of it Tibetans and CTA have only been just focusing on themselves! They sound like a winy kid that keeps talking about themselves and their lost and their freedom. They take it for granted whatever they have now and keep on living in the past. In Dharma isn't this called attachment??? Hmmm sad.

But really what has Tibetan people offered to the world? Besides His Holiness the Dalai Lama? Who is the only person who seems to be doing all the work. His Holiness offers spirituality to the world, some kind of hope and peace and teach about kindness and compassion and none violence and no attachments. But when there is no His Holiness - HOW CTA? What have you then got to offer?

Also the CTA and Tibetans uses His Holiness the Dalai Lama's reputation and stardom for their plight, okay that is fine, but it is what bothers me is that, while your spokesperson talks about love & peace & compassion, the people are doing quite the opposite with all this burning of themselves, crossing over people's country borders without papers and well throwing rocks at those who practice a different protector from them. Soooo CTA I really don't think you will get very far without His Holiness if you don't straighten out your people first. Because the only thing you really have to offer is Buddhism but you are certainly not acting like a Buddhist nation.

CTA has never been in the global political stage at any point in their history of politics. All they have been focusing is amongst themselves, that's why we have been repeating ourselves albeit like a broken record already what the CTA needs to do in order to survive in today's political scene.

Not only they're not 'kansas' anymore, they're not gonna make it if they continue to bank on HHDL like this. it will be another hole which they will dwindle down by.

That's right harrynephew said it! Come to think of it Tibetans and CTA have only been just focusing on themselves! They sound like a winy kid that keeps talking about themselves and their lost and their freedom. They take it for granted whatever they have now and keep on living in the past. In Dharma isn't this called attachment??? Hmmm sad.

But really what has Tibetan people offered to the world? Besides His Holiness the Dalai Lama? Who is the only person who seems to be doing all the work. His Holiness offers spirituality to the world, some kind of hope and peace and teach about kindness and compassion and none violence and no attachments. But when there is no His Holiness - HOW CTA? What have you then got to offer?

Also the CTA and Tibetans uses His Holiness the Dalai Lama's reputation and stardom for their plight, okay that is fine, but it is what bothers me is that, while your spokesperson talks about love & peace & compassion, the people are doing quite the opposite with all this burning of themselves, crossing over people's country borders without papers and well throwing rocks at those who practice a different protector from them. Soooo CTA I really don't think you will get very far without His Holiness if you don't straighten out your people first. Because the only thing you really have to offer is Buddhism but you are certainly not acting like a Buddhist nation.

That's the sad truth. Not only are they focussing on themselves, they are also burdening their host country, India with unnecessary pressure from the Chinese government. The Indians pressured the Tibetans to rename their Tibetan Government In Exile to just Central Tibetan Administration because of Chinese pressure.

Knowing this, what does the Central Tibetan Administration do for their gracious host, India? They are always talking about themselves and their independence but what about India, who had been so kind to allow them to reside on their land for so long. The Indian government never asked the Tibetans to leave and never got them to do anything for India. In fact, I wonder if this basic thought of repaying kindness even crossed their minds? I think they should shift their focus towards giving something back to India, from which they have taken so much.

There's so many things that can be done for the Indian Buddhist community and also much can be done to help the poverty stricken in India. Most Tibetans live much better off than millions of hungry poverty-striken Indians. Its a huge nation and that's why there's so much opportunity that the Tibetans can give back.


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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2012, 05:03:41 PM »
If the Dalai Lama isnt offended, why should anyone else be???


The Dalai Lama yesterday insisted he was not offended by Alex Salmond's apparent decision to "snub" his visit to Scotland – saying he was only interested in spreading a message of harmony.

The Tibetan spiritual leader is in Scotland for a three-day visit yet no Scottish Government minister is scheduled to meet him during his time in the country.

This has led to claims from the SNP's opponents that Mr Salmond and his ministers have deliberately dodged all meetings in an attempt to stay on good terms with China.

Mr Salmond has made several trips to China in the last few years to help promote Scottish trade and cultural links. The Chinese Government responded by allowing two Giant Pandas to be sent to Edinburgh Zoo last year. This has led to speculation that Mr Salmond is not prepared to antagonise the Chinese authorities by meeting the Dalai Lama – who has lived in exile from Tibet in northern India since 1959.

But yesterday the Buddhist spiritual leader insisted he was in Scotland to spread a message of harmony and not to get involved in spats between governments. He said: "Wherever I go meeting the public... spreading a message of human values, spreading a message of harmony is the most important thing.

"I think governments can't do much. Of course, if there is an opportunity of meeting (members of the government), then I am happy."

The Dalai Lama also made an oblique reference to Scottish independence when he declared: "Scotland belongs to Scottish people, not these (political) parties."

His visit to Scotland is part of a nine-day tour of the UK, which has already seen him visit Leeds, Manchester and London.

He will be in Inverness this evening in the constituency of Danny Alexander, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Mr Alexander put more pressure on the SNP Government yesterday by pointing out that, when the Dalai Lama was in Britain in May, he met the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister – yet he had not met Mr Salmond or his deputy on his visit to Scotland.

By the way, he was also snubbed by Italy and one wants to annoy China do they? Go on Tibetans, keep pushing and irritating the Chinese... theyll just pick up everything YOU dont want to do. Go on, keep giving Dorje Shugden free publicity to 1.2 billion Chinese.

Oh and in fact Italy have pulled back from giving him an honorary citizenship. Ill post up the link soon.


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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2016, 02:12:29 PM »
It is quite clear that Scottish minister Alex Salmond has a very good reason to avoid the Dalai Lama. Since the Scots are friends with China they can't do anything that China Does not like and one of the thing that China hates most is the Dalai Lama and the Ban. So i guess that is the reason Mr Salmonds is looking for every possible excuse to avoid a visit with the Dalai Lama.

I really hope that the ban will end soon for the sake of everyone.


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Re: First Minister accused of 'snubbing' Dalai Lama
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2016, 04:08:48 PM »
I honestly do not see him as good or bad, he is just put in a bad situation. If he agrees and supports the Dalai Lama's visit he will face China's wrath and people will complain about him. If he rejects the Dalai Lama's visit, he will be witch-hunted by the world. If he stays as quiet as possible, people will call him out on not showing enough respect or wisdom in his decision, I fee bad for him honestly. He is just in a lose-lose situation.