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CTA dosent care about their people!
« on: June 17, 2012, 03:50:33 PM »
found this on Phayul:

Tibet Marcher Tsetan Dorjee sentenced to five years by Nepali court
Phayul[Friday, June 15, 2012 17:55]
By Tendar Tsering

DHARAMSHALA, June 15: In an unexpected ruling, a court in Nepal today sentenced Tsetan Dorjee, the Tibetan who was on a march back home, to five years and five months, and 25 days in prison for illegally entering Nepal.

Dorjee was kept in detention for nearly two months before his sentencing.

He was arrested by the Nepali police at Thumpo Rin, 15 kms from the Nepali capital Kathmandu on May 21.

“During his detention period, Tsetan Dorjee had refused to bribe the police and stuck to his goal of marching on to Tibet,” Mogru Tenpa, a member of the Tibetan Parliament, who was with Dorjee just before he entered Nepal, told Phayul. “As a result, he has now been passed this heavy sentence.”

As of now, there is no information on whether Dorjee will move a higher court on his sentencing.

Dorjee along with his mother, Dhumpo Kyi and sister, Lhamo Kyi had embarked on their peace march to Tibet from Dharamshala, the seat of the Central Tibetan Administration on March 10.

After marching for over two months and covering more than 1,300 kms, the exile family was stopped by Nepali border police and forcibly returned to India in May.

However, slipping past Nepali border posts, Dorjee left behind his mother and sister on the Indian side and carried on with his March to Tibet in Nepal. He was arrested eight days later on the outskirts of Kathmandu.

Dorjee has been living in Israel for the last few years along with his wife and two children, and came back to India to begin his journey back home.

“If I die under the Chinese gun at the border, my message to all Tibetans is to be united in our struggle,” Dorjee had told Phayul before beginning his march.

“As Tibetans in Tibet keep burning themselves for a free Tibet, it is our responsibility to be united and stand together for Tibet,” Dorjee said. “It is time to be a Tibetan for Tibet, not just for one’s own family.”

Reports last month had indicated that Chinese authorities in Tibet are planning to re-launch the infamous Strike Hard Campaign not only in Tibet but also in Nepal.

According to the exile Tibetan administration, Chinese authorities have commissioned plans to “crackdown” on Tibetans across Tibet, and those living in Nepal through “collaboration with the Nepalese police.”

Boo hoo hoo, self pity, Nepal has no right to jail that Tibetan marcher despite the fact that he did not obtain any legal documents (oh! conveniently missed out in the article!). why did nobody arranged for that poor man's documents and visas to pass nepal? WHY DOES CTA KEEP SENDING THEIR CITIZENS TO DIE OR TO GET INTO SAD SITUATIONS FOR THEIR PUBLICITY???!??! THEN DOING NOTHING TO SAVE THEM!!!! THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR PEOPLE! WHAT A DISGUSTING GOVERNMENT!

At least, respect and save your citizens! Lift the ban and the suffering it caused the people!

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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2012, 03:10:14 PM »
found this on Phayul:

Tibet Marcher Tsetan Dorjee sentenced to five years by Nepali court
Phayul[Friday, June 15, 2012 17:55]
By Tendar Tsering

DHARAMSHALA, June 15: In an unexpected ruling, a court in Nepal today sentenced Tsetan Dorjee, the Tibetan who was on a march back home, to five years and five months, and 25 days in prison for illegally entering Nepal.

Dorjee was kept in detention for nearly two months before his sentencing.

He was arrested by the Nepali police at Thumpo Rin, 15 kms from the Nepali capital Kathmandu on May 21.

“During his detention period, Tsetan Dorjee had refused to bribe the police and stuck to his goal of marching on to Tibet,” Mogru Tenpa, a member of the Tibetan Parliament, who was with Dorjee just before he entered Nepal, told Phayul. “As a result, he has now been passed this heavy sentence.”

As of now, there is no information on whether Dorjee will move a higher court on his sentencing.

Dorjee along with his mother, Dhumpo Kyi and sister, Lhamo Kyi had embarked on their peace march to Tibet from Dharamshala, the seat of the Central Tibetan Administration on March 10.

After marching for over two months and covering more than 1,300 kms, the exile family was stopped by Nepali border police and forcibly returned to India in May.

However, slipping past Nepali border posts, Dorjee left behind his mother and sister on the Indian side and carried on with his March to Tibet in Nepal. He was arrested eight days later on the outskirts of Kathmandu.

Dorjee has been living in Israel for the last few years along with his wife and two children, and came back to India to begin his journey back home.

“If I die under the Chinese gun at the border, my message to all Tibetans is to be united in our struggle,” Dorjee had told Phayul before beginning his march.

“As Tibetans in Tibet keep burning themselves for a free Tibet, it is our responsibility to be united and stand together for Tibet,” Dorjee said. “It is time to be a Tibetan for Tibet, not just for one’s own family.”

Reports last month had indicated that Chinese authorities in Tibet are planning to re-launch the infamous Strike Hard Campaign not only in Tibet but also in Nepal.

According to the exile Tibetan administration, Chinese authorities have commissioned plans to “crackdown” on Tibetans across Tibet, and those living in Nepal through “collaboration with the Nepalese police.”

Boo hoo hoo, self pity, Nepal has no right to jail that Tibetan marcher despite the fact that he did not obtain any legal documents (oh! conveniently missed out in the article!). why did nobody arranged for that poor man's documents and visas to pass nepal? WHY DOES CTA KEEP SENDING THEIR CITIZENS TO DIE OR TO GET INTO SAD SITUATIONS FOR THEIR PUBLICITY???!??! THEN DOING NOTHING TO SAVE THEM!!!! THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR PEOPLE! WHAT A DISGUSTING GOVERNMENT!

At least, respect and save your citizens! Lift the ban and the suffering it caused the people!

Truly a sad affair this.... CTA claims to be the voice of the people, to back the Free Tibet Cause... whatever that means (no disrespect but merely expressed within this context)! But a simple case of speaking up for ONE of their own and sparing the man the anguish and disappointment cannot be accomplished. What more is there to say about the bigger picture?

Where is the Prime Minister in all of this? Why is Dr Lobsang Sangay silent? With his Ivy League education, surely he could find a way to help... or at least "pretend".

I agree with you Ensapa, I too am disgusted... and I will not even go as far as calling them a Government because they do not even deserve that entitlement!

However everything is impermanent... speak up now CTA or forever hold your tongue! Speak up when it is required and stop hiding behind your petty roles and just DO IT! Prove to YOUR people you are there for them when it matters most! But alas... perhaps I am just putting water on a duck's back?


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2012, 03:40:34 PM »
To be honest, I am not too surprised at all. This is caused directly by the Dorje Shugden ban. The ban encouraged the blatant disrespect of human rights and thus it causes CTA to not respect any of its citizens' rights as people in general. They do not care, neither do they see people as people, they see them as pawns to further their ambitions into "getting" Tibet back. So what if yet another person sets themselves on fire and suffer a painful and agonizing death? So what if another one of protesters, who were working for our cause get into trouble? Sacrifices need to be made for the greater good, right? So it does not matter if these people get into trouble, it does not matter that we do not try and get this protestor out of trouble. He chose it anyway so we just sit back and write a pity party story about how Nepal is soooo harsh on an illegal, er, our protestor.

Dear Dalai Lama, this is what the ban is doing to the CTA. They are disregarding even their own as real individuals. If they can see Dorje Shugden practitioners as nothing, destroying their properties and homes, degrading them, insulting them, throwing them to the street even though they are senior monks and have total disregard for their human rights, CTA can do that too to anyone, including their own citizens. If Nechung allows CTA to take back Tibet again, millions more will suffer. Why would Nechung allow that?! NEVER. Unless CTA improves.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2012, 04:50:48 AM »
There is an Office of the Representative and a Tibetan Refugee Welfare Office in Kathmandu, Nepal. Why was nothing done to help this poor Tibetan? And what happened with the member of the Tibetan Parliament, who was with Dorjee just before he entered Nepal? Why can’t they just bribe the police for him? A cheap bribe saves someone from suffering in the prison for 5 years and 5 months.

Anyway, I don’t think CTA can do much to help either because in 2005, the Nepalese government closed both office above in Nepal citing reasons that the Tibetan offices had not registered as required under Nepalese law.

2 things came into my mind when I first read the news. First, why didn’t the offices that look after more than 20,000 Tibetan refugees not register with the Nepalese authority? Second, knowing that The Tibetan Refugee Welfare Office (TRWO) had been helping many destitute Tibetans who fled from Tibet across Himalayan passes, Nepal still did cheap “trick” like this to please China. Of course, who dares antagonise China.

It just shows how sad the situation is for CTA/ Tibetans, and the only person who has some say or influence is slowly losing power to help on these secular issue as His Holiness wants to focus more on religion and not politics.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2012, 05:19:46 AM »
There is an Office of the Representative and a Tibetan Refugee Welfare Office in Kathmandu, Nepal. Why was nothing done to help this poor Tibetan? And what happened with the member of the Tibetan Parliament, who was with Dorjee just before he entered Nepal? Why can’t they just bribe the police for him? A cheap bribe saves someone from suffering in the prison for 5 years and 5 months.

Anyway, I don’t think CTA can do much to help either because in 2005, the Nepalese government closed both office above in Nepal citing reasons that the Tibetan offices had not registered as required under Nepalese law.

2 things came into my mind when I first read the news. First, why didn’t the offices that look after more than 20,000 Tibetan refugees not register with the Nepalese authority? Second, knowing that The Tibetan Refugee Welfare Office (TRWO) had been helping many destitute Tibetans who fled from Tibet across Himalayan passes, Nepal still did cheap “trick” like this to please China. Of course, who dares antagonise China.

It just shows how sad the situation is for CTA/ Tibetans, and the only person who has some say or influence is slowly losing power to help on these secular issue as His Holiness wants to focus more on religion and not politics.

From how I see it, it is very clear that the CTA not only disrespects their own citizens and disrespects their rights, but they also disrespect other countries as well. Would it not be the proper thing to do to request the government for a license to run welfare office and do whatever is necessary to obtain it, not just open an office as and when you please on the land of others with total disregard for the government of that land! How insolent. And as a result, so many Tibetans in nepal are not well taken care of and they have nowhere to turn to for support and help when they need it. I dont think that the issue is due to China at all but due to the Tibetans disrespecting the government officials of Nepal which Nepal does not really take kindly to. In short, the Tibetans offended Nepal by disrespecting their rules and regulations, which is why they have to reap the consequence.

Perhaps, Dorjee was used as a sacrificial lamb by the CTA to generate more sob stories for their "cause" for Tibet and undermining China and so that they have more pity cards to pull out from. CTA caused and put him in jail in Nepal. The government official that was him is left out of the report in the news. This is not nice at all. This goes against so many Buddhist principles when people are used for political pawns and purposes. Sad. CTA is really, really degenerate.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2012, 03:51:06 PM »
Now isn't that silly Dorjee! Why I cannot understand, do they think they live in a time where documents and papers and not required. Wake up!!! This is the 21st century people. You cannot just move about from one country to another without any proper papers... this is not sob story, this is a silly man who did something illegal and got arrested - the end.

How can you expect to cross a border full of shoulders and officers with very tight security and not expect to get yourself in to trouble? It definitely shows the type of mindset the Tibetans have and well even worst since they say they represent Tibetans as a whole... they represent their so govt too - CTA. Well CTA not only does not care about the marcher... they obviously does not care about their own reputation too. Silly! How on earth do they expect any seriousness from this and expect world leaders to pay them any attention? Not to mentioned the powerful Chinese Govt who will look at this and laugh their heads off. Oh dear  :o   CTA you've done it again... making yourself look really silly. You did not help your people and your people do not help you because the methods are all just foolish acts.

Look you want to march, crawl, walk, swim to any country... you need authorities to approve and well you need papers/passport and well sometimes a visa buddy.

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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2012, 05:14:07 PM »
Come on, if the Central Tibetan Administration really cared for her people, they wouldn't have enforced the ban till today. The Dalai Lama has stepped down and he no longer hold the reins of the government, why have they not dissolved the ridiculous ban on Dorje Shugden?

This point already illustrates how much that the Central Tibetan Administration really cares for her people. I am sorry but this guy is just one guy and there are so many suffering Dorje Shugden practitioners that the Central Tibetan Administration is totally neglecting. The funny thing is that all of Central Tibetan Administration's staff are Buddhist but none of them exude an ounce of compassion. All their policies have been to carry out instructions blindly and to impose and enforce self-serving rules.

You know something, if they took better care of their own people, the CTA would have a better chance of opening dialogue with China. They would be able to argue that, "Look, we are able to take care of our own people and so, give us the autonomy but we are still be under you(China)." This may seem simplistic but it can be the basis of a bigger and better plan. There's just so many things the CTA could do that will help with their situation with China instead of being trapped in a stalemate situation that will never be resolved.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2012, 10:58:27 PM »
I just read this online:

The Embassy of Denmark in China on 19 June stated that Danish Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee delegation will visit both Beijing and the Western Province Qinghai to discuss China’s environmental, social, economic and political challenges, foreign policy and growing role on the international stage. The delegation will visit Yushul Tibetan Prefecture People’s Congress and local villages in Yushul.
We hope the Danish Parliamentary delegation be allowed by the Chinese authorities to carry out independent interviews with members of local community in Yushul,” said Dicki Chhoyang, Kalon for the CTA’s Department of Information & International Relations.


Why is it that the CTA expects/ "hopes" that the Danish Parliamentary delegation will carry out interviews? What has Denmark got to do with Tibet that they had to 'take over' CTA's job?


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2012, 01:53:26 AM »
Come on, if the Central Tibetan Administration really cared for her people, they wouldn't have enforced the ban till today. The Dalai Lama has stepped down and he no longer hold the reins of the government, why have they not dissolved the ridiculous ban on Dorje Shugden?

This point already illustrates how much that the Central Tibetan Administration really cares for her people. I am sorry but this guy is just one guy and there are so many suffering Dorje Shugden practitioners that the Central Tibetan Administration is totally neglecting. The funny thing is that all of Central Tibetan Administration's staff are Buddhist but none of them exude an ounce of compassion. All their policies have been to carry out instructions blindly and to impose and enforce self-serving rules.

You know something, if they took better care of their own people, the CTA would have a better chance of opening dialogue with China. They would be able to argue that, "Look, we are able to take care of our own people and so, give us the autonomy but we are still be under you(China)." This may seem simplistic but it can be the basis of a bigger and better plan. There's just so many things the CTA could do that will help with their situation with China instead of being trapped in a stalemate situation that will never be resolved.

If they can ban the religious freedom of others and also mistreat them in a very bad way, they can definitely do it to anyone else. Here, in this example, this man was not a Dorje Shugden practitioner and he is on the side of the CTA and he is doing something for their sake and even then the CTA heartlessly abandoned him and made almost no effort to save him from trouble. Next thing we know, his wife marries a certain minister and the whole thing was an elaborate set up to put him to jail so that one of the ministers can marry the wife. But that's just a theory and even if it happens i am not surprised. The ministers are not known to be professional in the first place. Point is, what happened to the member of parliament that was together with him? why did he abandon dorjee and the phayul report conveniently misses out on that part and also the part where the CTA attempts to rescue him? They more or less do not give a damm about ppor Dorjee and that is probably the same attitude they have for everyone else in Dharamsala and Tibet. They dont care if many more suffer for the sake of their cultural identity.

Tibetans seem to have very little regard for authority and very little exposure. There seems to be a pattern here where they like to do whatever they like without getting the proper permissions from the local government or if their actions are actually illegal in that particular country. Then, they get into trouble and CTA proceeds to make a sob story out of it. If the Tibetans are happy in Dharamsala, does this mean that CTA does not have much rules to begin with to keep them happy? A government without proper laws is not a government. How can anyone take a government like this seriously?


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2012, 02:44:56 AM »
The ban took away many of the priviledges the tibetan people should enjoy. It has show signs of a monarchy government and even wanted to control religious belief. In the present century, countries around the world advocates religious freedom rather than banning and stopping from people to belive and worship their deity they have followed through many generations. It a shame to the CTA and even if they have gotten back in power of tibet, i wonder if it benefits the tibetan ppl.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2012, 04:00:20 AM »
To be honest, I am not too surprised at all. This is caused directly by the Dorje Shugden ban. The ban encouraged the blatant disrespect of human rights and thus it causes CTA to not respect any of its citizens' rights as people in general. They do not care, neither do they see people as people, they see them as pawns to further their ambitions into "getting" Tibet back. So what if yet another person sets themselves on fire and suffer a painful and agonizing death? So what if another one of protesters, who were working for our cause get into trouble? Sacrifices need to be made for the greater good, right? So it does not matter if these people get into trouble, it does not matter that we do not try and get this protestor out of trouble. He chose it anyway so we just sit back and write a pity party story about how Nepal is soooo harsh on an illegal, er, our protestor.

Dear Dalai Lama, this is what the ban is doing to the CTA. They are disregarding even their own as real individuals. If they can see Dorje Shugden practitioners as nothing, destroying their properties and homes, degrading them, insulting them, throwing them to the street even though they are senior monks and have total disregard for their human rights, CTA can do that too to anyone, including their own citizens. If Nechung allows CTA to take back Tibet again, millions more will suffer. Why would Nechung allow that?! NEVER. Unless CTA improves.

I agree. CTA is very busy enforcing the ban. After all, they have to look busy. So busy that nothing else or nobody else matters. This forum allows freedom of speech and freedom of spiritual practice unlike CTA. Even when there was a teeny weeny voice who was on this forum who wrote in favor of the ban, the moderator did not suspend his/her postings. But no, all hell will break loose if a teeny weeny person were to speak up for Dorje Shugden in Dharamsala. I wonder why HHDL talks of interfaith harmony but the CTA is adamant in ostracizing Shugdenpas to the point it is ruthless and inhumane?


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2012, 04:24:00 AM »
The ban took away many of the priviledges the tibetan people should enjoy. It has show signs of a monarchy government and even wanted to control religious belief. In the present century, countries around the world advocates religious freedom rather than banning and stopping from people to belive and worship their deity they have followed through many generations. It a shame to the CTA and even if they have gotten back in power of tibet, i wonder if it benefits the tibetan ppl.

CTA has a very dark and nasty history of banning lamas who have gotten more powerful than them from reincarnating and seizing all their property while they're at it. It will not benefit the Tibetans at all even if they regained Tibet, but instead more people suffer. Why? Just look at their history before China's invasion and how barbaric they were. CTA and their propaganda material may be able to disseminate lies to unsuspecting people but  they cannot erase and hide historical material that talks about their brutal past and failures forever. they never cared for Buddhism, all they cared about was to polish the Dalai Lama's apple as how to fill up their pockets with money even if it means that they bring down others and cause suffering to others. They were never a Buddhist government from the start, just using the name Buddhism as a cover.

If only the ban was reversed and the Tibetans re-educated to actually care for the welfare of their people, China would feel more secure to hand back Tibet to them. They should really show proof that they can instead of demanding without collaterals.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2012, 11:21:09 AM »
Another heartbreaking update to this story...why is the CTA not doing this themselves? The poor man's mother had to raise awareness in this way for her son to be released. In a normal country, when a citizen has been arrested by another country, the country immediately holds talks with the other country to reclaim their citizens, like how China immediately demanded North Korea to hand back their fishermen. They did not keep quiet the way CTA did. Learn from your enemy CTA, you have much to learn.

I was thinking if only WSS used this strategy instead of the protest, would it have made a difference?

Tibetans in Nepal to move court for Tibetan marcher’s release
Phayul[Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:23]
By Tendar Tsering

Tsetan Dorjee, his younger sister Lhamo Kyi and mother Dhumpo Kyi being confronted by border police at the Nepali border in Sonauli, May. (Phayul file photo)
DHARAMSHALA, July 18: Tibetan NGOs based in Nepal are all geared up to seek the release of jailed Tibetan peace marcher Tsetan Dorjee.

According to sources, the NGOs will be re-appealing Dorjee’s case in the court.

Last month, a court in Nepal had sentenced Dorjee to five years and five months and 25 days in prison for illegally entering Nepal.

He was arrested by the Nepali police at Thumpo Rin, 15 kms from the Nepali capital Kathmandu on May 21 while on his return march to Tibet and kept in detention for nearly two months before his sentencing.

Earlier this month, coinciding with the Dalai Lama’s birthday celebrations, Dorjee’s mother, Dhom Po Kyi was seen distributing pamphlets in the exile headquarters o Dharamshala, requesting Tibetans, Tibetan NGOs, and the international community to help secure her son’s release.

“My son has been jailed in Nepal just because he was on a peace march to Tibet, demanding the resolution of the ongoing crisis inside Tibet based on the principles of genuine autonomy,” Dhom Po Kyi said, appealing for her son’s release.

Dorjee’s younger sister, Lhamo Kyi has also brought out a newspaper titled, “Tsetan Dorjee,” which has information on the arrested marcher in Tibetan, English, and Chinese langauges.

Dorjee along with his mother, Dhumpo Kyi and sister, Lhamo Kyi had embarked on their peace march to Tibet from Dharamshala on March 10.

After marching for over two months and covering more than 1,300 kms, the exile family was stopped by Nepali border police and forcibly returned to India in May.

However, slipping past Nepali border posts, Dorjee left behind his mother and sister on the Indian side and carried on with his March to Tibet in Nepal. He was arrested eight days later on the outskirts of Kathmandu.

Reports in May had indicated that Chinese authorities in Tibet are planning to re-launch the infamous Strike Hard Campaign not only in Tibet but also in Nepal.

According to the exile Tibetan administration, Chinese authorities have commissioned plans to “crackdown” on Tibetans across Tibet, and those living in Nepal through “collaboration with the Nepalese police.”


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2012, 01:52:19 PM »
CTA is one strange government, it has the energy to enforce a ban on Dorje Shugden, ostracize a lot of the top Gelugpa Lamas who could actually help its cause for freedom. So even the ban on Dorje Shugden is not done for the benefit for the Tibetans there is some self serving reason behind the ban.

But it is clear from this example there is no way that CTA would act based on the benefit of their people. Any country in their right mind would defend, protect their people and make known to everyone and the world do not mess with my people. We will take all measures to protect our people. CTA acts in the opposite manner.


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Re: CTA dosent care about their people!
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2013, 03:38:31 AM »
CTA is one strange government, it has the energy to enforce a ban on Dorje Shugden, ostracize a lot of the top Gelugpa Lamas who could actually help its cause for freedom. So even the ban on Dorje Shugden is not done for the benefit for the Tibetans there is some self serving reason behind the ban.

But it is clear from this example there is no way that CTA would act based on the benefit of their people. Any country in their right mind would defend, protect their people and make known to everyone and the world do not mess with my people. We will take all measures to protect our people. CTA acts in the opposite manner.

It's pretty ironic isnt it? the resources it took to make all the anti Shugden propaganda could have been used efficiently to improve the Tibetan community instead of being used to enforce a ban which has no clear or direct benefits to the community although they would like to believe that it 'safeguards' Buddhism and its for the spiritual benefit of the people, but it is not and in reality, it is just to get on the Dalai Lama's good side and nothing more beyond that.