Author Topic: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims  (Read 6938 times)


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Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:15:57 AM »
So Im chillin in BKK and I happen upon this picture. Ones outward expression of devotion can be so different, but essentially all our motivations are the same...we just dont want to suffer! And because we know what suffering is like, we dont want others to suffer too.

Do you think Dorje Shugden practitioners will ever receive the same kind of openness from the CTA?


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2012, 07:35:59 AM »
Speaking of which, found this on the www...thought it was an interesting read for the rest of us, a nice lesson on religious tolerance and acceptance...geddit CTA? GEDDIT?

Many Faiths, One Truth

WHEN I was a boy in Tibet, I felt that my own Buddhist religion must be the best — and that other faiths were somehow inferior. Now I see how naïve I was, and how dangerous the extremes of religious intolerance can be today.

Though intolerance may be as old as religion itself, we still see vigorous signs of its virulence. In Europe, there are intense debates about newcomers wearing veils or wanting to erect minarets and episodes of violence against Muslim immigrants. Radical atheists issue blanket condemnations of those who hold to religious beliefs. In the Middle East, the flames of war are fanned by hatred of those who adhere to a different faith.

Such tensions are likely to increase as the world becomes more interconnected and cultures, peoples and religions become ever more entwined. The pressure this creates tests more than our tolerance — it demands that we promote peaceful coexistence and understanding across boundaries.

Granted, every religion has a sense of exclusivity as part of its core identity. Even so, I believe there is genuine potential for mutual understanding. While preserving faith toward one’s own tradition, one can respect, admire and appreciate other traditions.

An early eye-opener for me was my meeting with the Trappist monk Thomas Merton in India shortly before his untimely death in 1968. Merton told me he could be perfectly faithful to Christianity, yet learn in depth from other religions like Buddhism. The same is true for me as an ardent Buddhist learning from the world’s other great religions.

A main point in my discussion with Merton was how central compassion was to the message of both Christianity and Buddhism. In my readings of the New Testament, I find myself inspired by Jesus’ acts of compassion. His miracle of the loaves and fishes, his healing and his teaching are all motivated by the desire to relieve suffering.

I’m a firm believer in the power of personal contact to bridge differences, so I’ve long been drawn to dialogues with people of other religious outlooks. The focus on compassion that Merton and I observed in our two religions strikes me as a strong unifying thread among all the major faiths. And these days we need to highlight what unifies us.

Take Judaism, for instance. I first visited a synagogue in Cochin, India, in 1965, and have met with many rabbis over the years. I remember vividly the rabbi in the Netherlands who told me about the Holocaust with such intensity that we were both in tears. And I’ve learned how the Talmud and the Bible repeat the theme of compassion, as in the passage in Leviticus that admonishes, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

In my many encounters with Hindu scholars in India, I’ve come to see the centrality of selfless compassion in Hinduism too — as expressed, for instance, in the Bhagavad Gita, which praises those who “delight in the welfare of all beings.” I’m moved by the ways this value has been expressed in the life of great beings like Mahatma Gandhi, or the lesser-known Baba Amte, who founded a leper colony not far from a Tibetan settlement in Maharashtra State in India. There he fed and sheltered lepers who were otherwise shunned. When I received my Nobel Peace Prize, I made a donation to his colony.

Compassion is equally important in Islam — and recognizing that has become crucial in the years since Sept. 11, especially in answering those who paint Islam as a militant faith. On the first anniversary of 9/11, I spoke at the National Cathedral in Washington, pleading that we not blindly follow the lead of some in the news media and let the violent acts of a few individuals define an entire religion.

Let me tell you about the Islam I know. Tibet has had an Islamic community for around 400 years, although my richest contacts with Islam have been in India, which has the world’s second-largest Muslim population. An imam in Ladakh once told me that a true Muslim should love and respect all of Allah’s creatures. And in my understanding, Islam enshrines compassion as a core spiritual principle, reflected in the very name of God, the “Compassionate and Merciful,” that appears at the beginning of virtually each chapter of the Koran.

Finding common ground among faiths can help us bridge needless divides at a time when unified action is more crucial than ever. As a species, we must embrace the oneness of humanity as we face global issues like pandemics, economic crises an99d ecological disaster. At that scale, our response must be as one.

Harmony among the major faiths has become an essential ingredient of peaceful coexistence in our world. From this perspective, mutual understanding among these traditions is not merely the business of religious believers — it matters for the welfare of humanity as a whole.


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2012, 02:58:55 PM »
Ahhh it's interesting to read this article. So much is being said about spiritual harmony and unity and tolerance.... well could there be one for Dorje Shugden practitioners or are we classified as none religious faith? LOL Hilarious!

It is definitely very sad that within themselves there is separation and they is no unity. Now I am sure China is seeing all this and probably cooking up another story to tell how CTA and HHDL is a hypocrite in this sense. The smart thing to do is lift the Ban while this message is being carried out by HHDL around the world. YES CTA needs to act like democratic government since they claim they are.

So next question: Can the Tibetans who are Dorje Shugden vote or be active in any politics?
Are they not considered Tibetans anymore due to a difference in faith?
And why do they need to declare that they are not a Shugden practitioner when they join certain activities??? Though this is not a form created by the CTA but certainly this has been the wide spread poison they have spread around Buddhist Centers around the world.


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2012, 03:12:58 PM »
Speaking of which, found this on the www...thought it was an interesting read for the rest of us, a nice lesson on religious tolerance and acceptance...geddit CTA? GEDDIT?


But the Dalai Lama identifies Dorje Shugden as "spirit" worship and not religion, so may be that's why ?  ::)

I find it illogical that His Holiness/ CTA mentioned that encouraging the worship of Dorje Shugden could contribute to reducing Tibetan Buddhism to a form of superstitious spirit worship. So why is it the incarnation of Dalai Lama's tutor, the one who taught His Holiness this practice, is allowed to practice? Did His Holiness change his mind and wants to 'encourage superstitious spirit worship' now?

When they give up Nechung and all other schools in Tibetan Buddhism give up the whole pantheon of unenlightened protectors, then perhaps we can talk about giving up Dorje Shugden.

Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche said that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha and widely disseminated the practice of Dorje Shugden until the day of his death. One of his students, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso practised till this day and the Kadampa centres grow and benefit many. Lama Yeshe practised Dorje Shugden and founded a large organisation, Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). Aren't those examples good enough to show that there's nothing wrong with this practice?


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2012, 03:24:00 PM »
"I have always felt it important to show my respect to other religions, such as Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and so on." -  His Holiness Dalai Lama

So what about Dorje Shugden practitioners? Which category of religion do they belong to? Why the tolerance of other religions but not Dorje Shugden? This is so sad that other religions are recognized but not a Buddhist practice like Dorje Shugden, who is an Enlightened Being. Illogical!

Big Uncle

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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2012, 03:46:37 PM »
"I have always felt it important to show my respect to other religions, such as Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and so on." -  His Holiness Dalai Lama

So what about Dorje Shugden practitioners? Which category of religion do they belong to? Why the tolerance of other religions but not Dorje Shugden? This is so sad that other religions are recognized but not a Buddhist practice like Dorje Shugden, who is an Enlightened Being. Illogical!
"I have always felt it important to show my respect to other religions, such as Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and so on." -  His Holiness Dalai Lama

So what about Dorje Shugden practitioners? Which category of religion do they belong to? Why the tolerance of other religions but not Dorje Shugden? This is so sad that other religions are recognized but not a Buddhist practice like Dorje Shugden, who is an Enlightened Being. Illogical!

Dorje Shugden practitioners belong to the category of the spirit-worshippers. We are apparently murderers and refuge breakers. We are refuge-breakers because we worship Dorje Shugden as our main and principle Protector. We are murderers because a few Dorje Shugden monks murdered some other monks and the only thing in common between the murderous monks and us, is our belief in Dorje Shugden.

That is if the evidence against them were not falsified. We are also murderers because our continued existence creates the cause for the Dalai Lama's life to be shortened. This is also not taking in consideration that Dorje Shugden practitioners are increasing worldwide and the Dalai Lama seemed to be in the pink of health. Since we are so bad in this two ways, we are branded evil and should be ostracized. As Mahayana practitioners, all who seek enlightenment should aspire to assist all sentient beings except practitioners of Dorje Shugden. So, it seemed that we are a new category.


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2012, 04:34:21 PM »
That is if the evidence against them were not falsified. We are also murderers because our continued existence creates the cause for the Dalai Lama's life to be shortened. This is also not taking in consideration that Dorje Shugden practitioners are increasing worldwide and the Dalai Lama seemed to be in the pink of health. Since we are so bad in this two ways, we are branded evil and should be ostracized. As Mahayana practitioners, all who seek enlightenment should aspire to assist all sentient beings except practitioners of Dorje Shugden. So, it seemed that we are a new category.

The Dalai Lama believes that he will see Tibet again.

“I think at a practical level, my health is quite good. So I’m expecting another 10-20 years. So within that period, definitely things will change,” he told the BBC Radio in an interview this month.


Dorje Shugden practice is growing  - with the establishment of Shugden monasteries like Serpom & Shar Gaden, the initiations and opening of monasteries in China as well; we can see the development on various posts on this website and forum. So why is it that His Holiness' health is still good?

So if Shugden practice is harming the cause of Tibet, why is it that there's a chance for His Holiness to see Tibet again?

If Shugden harms the cause of Tibet, why is it that His Holiness said there's hope of him seeing Tibet again? And why are Tibetans in Tibet and China so 'stupid' to continue or take initiations of this protector, knowing that it harms the cause of Tibet?  ???

Shugden practitioners are indeed a new category - the category that is loyal to their Gurus and the practice despite facing problems like being ostracised from their own monastic & Tibetan community, being put down as being 'against the Dalai Lama' and pressured to conform and 'give up' by their own family and friends. Only those with strong faith in their Guru and protector can endure such hardship. 


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2012, 12:00:57 PM »
But the Dalai Lama identifies Dorje Shugden as "spirit" worship and not religion, so may be that's why ?  ::)

Actually I didnt think of it that way. Fair dos mate.

I find it illogical that His Holiness/ CTA mentioned that encouraging the worship of Dorje Shugden could contribute to reducing Tibetan Buddhism to a form of superstitious spirit worship. So why is it the incarnation of Dalai Lama's tutor, the one who taught His Holiness this practice, is allowed to practice? Did His Holiness change his mind and wants to 'encourage superstitious spirit worship' now?

When they give up Nechung and all other schools in Tibetan Buddhism give up the whole pantheon of unenlightened protectors, then perhaps we can talk about giving up Dorje Shugden.

Amen brother, tell it like it is! What I find astounding is the hypocrisy. Discouraging practice of a deity and labelling it spirit worship...but propitiating a deity who is KNOWN to be unenlightened, all on the same breath. If they cant make up their minds about something as simple as that, how can they ever manipulate global politics in their favour?

Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche said that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha and widely disseminated the practice of Dorje Shugden until the day of his death. One of his students, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso practised till this day and the Kadampa centres grow and benefit many. Lama Yeshe practised Dorje Shugden and founded a large organisation, Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). Aren't those examples good enough to show that there's nothing wrong with this practice?

Well maybe not Geshela cause unfortunately not everyone accepts him but def Lama Yeshe whom everyone likes regardless of their affiliations. If the practice was so bad and doing it sends people to the 3 lower realms, why is it Lama Yeshe came back in the form of Lama Osel? Instead of going to the 3 lower realms? How comes the Tibetan establishment recognised Lama Osel as the unmistaken incarnation of Lama Yeshe?

Im also looking at all the other lamas whove made an impact, they ALL practised Dorje Shugden:

  • Pabongka Rinpoche gave the teachings that formed the Lamrim text that...
  • ...Trijang Rinpoche memorised then wrote it down, and edited it for everyone
  • Gangchen Rinpoche does so much work for world peace
  • Gelek Rinpoche is constantly travelling and spreading the Dharma
  • Kaka Jetsun Dampa revived Buddhism in Mongolia
  • Jamseng Rinpoche is apparently huge in Taiwan and New Zealand

And the list goes on and on... (it really does, check it -

Gabby Potter

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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2015, 09:55:14 PM »
I think that this is the true spirit of practising religion and holding the principles, religion wasn't and isn't meant to tear people apart, it's a wonderful thing! We should be more accepting and tolerant towards each other, most of us may not have the same religion, we may not share the same faith, but what is most important is that we don't do bad, this is the basis of every religion.


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2015, 12:52:21 AM »
The ability to be able to respect other practitioners' way of worship in Buddhism if much needed. As respecting other religion is possible to happen already..


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2015, 06:49:37 PM »
I agree that there should be more constructive interactions between different religions. Different religions have different kind believes and different kind of practice, but deep down, it is about teaching compassionate and kindness.

On the other hand, Dorje Shugden practitioners, who are part of Gelug sect, is not getting the equal treatment from HH Dalai Lama, which is very ironic. It is time to treat all equal already...


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2015, 04:40:21 AM »
It is definitely nice to see the Dalai Lama doing prayers with the muslim. However, when can we see Dalai Lama doing prayers with the Shugden practitioners? He may not have to be agreed to Shugden but can’t he be OK with respecting and accepting others believe? After all, Shugden is practiced by his teachers such as HH Trijang Rinpoche, HH Zong Rinpoche as well as other lamas such as Panchen Lamas, Lama Yeshe, Domo Geshe Rinpoche, etc? Why can’t he just respect others religion and not enforcing the ban???!!

I sincerely pledge Dalai Lama to lift the ban soon! With folded palms...


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Re: Dalai Lama prays with Muslims
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2015, 12:18:51 AM »
"I have always felt it important to show my respect to other religions, such as Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and so on." -  His Holiness Dalai Lama

So what about Dorje Shugden practitioners? Which category of religion do they belong to? Why the tolerance of other religions but not Dorje Shugden? This is so sad that other religions are recognized but not a Buddhist practice like Dorje Shugden, who is an Enlightened Being. Illogical!
"I have always felt it important to show my respect to other religions, such as Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and so on." -  His Holiness Dalai Lama

So what about Dorje Shugden practitioners? Which category of religion do they belong to? Why the tolerance of other religions but not Dorje Shugden? This is so sad that other religions are recognized but not a Buddhist practice like Dorje Shugden, who is an Enlightened Being. Illogical!

Dorje Shugden practitioners belong to the category of the spirit-worshippers. We are apparently murderers and refuge breakers. We are refuge-breakers because we worship Dorje Shugden as our main and principle Protector. We are murderers because a few Dorje Shugden monks murdered some other monks and the only thing in common between the murderous monks and us, is our belief in Dorje Shugden.

That is if the evidence against them were not falsified. We are also murderers because our continued existence creates the cause for the Dalai Lama's life to be shortened. This is also not taking in consideration that Dorje Shugden practitioners are increasing worldwide and the Dalai Lama seemed to be in the pink of health. Since we are so bad in this two ways, we are branded evil and should be ostracized. As Mahayana practitioners, all who seek enlightenment should aspire to assist all sentient beings except practitioners of Dorje Shugden. So, it seemed that we are a new category.

All sentient beings would be all encompassing, beings from the 6 realms, ie gods, demigods, human, animal, spirits, and hell beings. Dorje Shugden practitioners would be something beyond sentient beings if they are excluded from being the object of compassion. What is more alarming is any human being who choose to practice Dorje Shugden can be transformed out of this 6 realms, as is being converted by some kind of virus, magic or something beyond science, but one thing is for sure, they are easier to identify than virus infection. How do we know? When one say 'I pray to Dorje Shugden', one automatically is not a sentient beings of these 6 realms, and not an object of compassion, meaning you can kill, harm, steal from this people which you won't get negative karma.  ::)

Did the Dalai Lama say all of these? I don't think so.