Author Topic: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border  (Read 8402 times)


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China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« on: June 24, 2012, 12:15:05 PM »
So Chinas pumping money into the border areas between themselves and India. The CHinese have an insatiable need to expand, and everyones starting to bow down to their economic might especially at a time when people are attempting to bolster their own economics in their desparation to stay in power. Soon youll have the Chinese bailing out the Greeks too and then you just wait and see how the Greeks vote when it comes to EU discussions on Tibet.

India must be feeling the pressure economically and politically. Think about it- they extended a hand of assistance over 50 years ago but today, all the Tibetans do is stir up their country with troubles, with protests, with riots, with religious suppression. What does India get out of keeping the Tibetans in India? Nothing.

Tibetans have to get with the programme- piss off INdia anymore and the govts going to make it very difficult for the Tibetan people. In fact their not going to achieve independence in this lifetime unless something drastic happens to lessen CHinas economic clout.

China will develop Tibet's picturesque Nyingchi prefecture, located close to Arunachal Pradesh border, into a major tourist hub with an investment of USD 63.5 million which included construction of 22 "well-off model villages".

More than 400 million yuan has been earmarked to develop tourism in "South eastern Tibet", by China's southern Guangdong provincial government as partner assistance, official media here reported.

China refers Arunachal Pradesh as 'Southern Tibet' which formed part of border dispute negotiations being held between Beijing and New Delhi.

"Nyingchi prefecture in southeastern Tibet, with abundant virgin forests, snow mountains, rivers and pastures, has potential golden tourism resources," state-run news agency Xinhua quoted an official in Tibet as saying yesterday.

Guangdong provincial government has designated four counties in Nyingchi prefecture to develop.

An international tourism town is planned for Nyingchi county in the prefecture, which is expected to attract investment of more than two billion yuan from government and enterprises, the official said.

Besides the tourism town project, 22 well-off model villages, each with an investment of 4.5 million yuan, will be built in three years to help local residents to provide family hotel services and increase their incomes, the official said.

Tibet in recent years has become a major tourism destination for mainland Chinese tourists.

In the first three months of this year, Tibet received 230,000 visitors, up 23.7 per cent from a year earlier. Tourism revenue in Tibet also rose 27.9 per cent to reach 229 million yuan during the period.

China has been pouring money into the development projects into the restive Tibet, which in the recent months witnessed about 40 suicides by Tibetans protesting heavy security controls as well as calls for the return of the Dalai Lama from exile.

A recent report said state-run Chinese banks have issued record high loans amounting to USD 8.22 billion in Tibet to spur regional development amid recurring suicides to protest the security restrictions in the Himalayan region.

By May, bank lending in Tibet had posted a consecutive month-on-month growth over the past 10 months, Xinhua said.

The banking authorities said banks in Tibet have been encouraged to lend to medium and small businesses, disadvantaged groups, infrastructure and development projects in rural areas.


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Re: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2012, 05:13:08 PM »

A car drives out of the Galongla Tunnel in Nyingchi prefecture, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region on December 15, 2010. Finally, every county in China is connected by road. And the people of Metok county in the Tibet Autonomous Region at last, after several doomed attempts, have a link to the outside world. The Galongla Tunnel, built at an altitude of 3,750 metres, is the key to the 117-kilometre project, which leads to Bome county. (AP file photo)

There is no way the CTA can ever benefit Tibet economically how China can. China is filthy rich. She can build roads like the above to connect Tibet to the rest of the world. The living standards of Tibet have improved tremendously due to the Chinese government's investments and incentives to induce economic growth. Tibet's gross domestic product (GDP) for year 2011 was one of the highest in the world.

According to the news:
"LHASA - Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region reported double-digit gross domestic product growth for the 19th consecutive year in 2011, the regional government chairman said Monday.
Tibet's GDP is estimated to expand by 12.6 percent year-on-year to 60.5 billion yuan ($9.6 billion) this year, Padma Choling told the annual regional economic work conference.

The per capita disposal income for urban population rose at an estimated annual pace of 7.8 percent. Meanwhile, the per capita net earning for farmers and herdsmen climbed 13.6 percent year-on-year, the ninth year for double-digit growth, said Padma Choling.

Local authorities continued to build roads and bring water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, radio and television, and postal service to remote regions this year, he said.

The local government helped 223,000 farmers and herdsmen gain access to clean drinking water and 89,000 get access to electricity, the top regional official said."


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Re: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 04:11:31 PM »
"Local authorities continued to build roads and bring water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, radio and television, and postal service to remote regions this year, he said.

The local government helped 223,000 farmers and herdsmen gain access to clean drinking water and 89,000 get access to electricity, the top regional official said."

China is indeed bringing an abundance of economical benefits to the Tibetans through their massive infrastructure projects. It is great that the Tibetan people now get to enjoy modern commodities that the CTA could not possibly provide, but at what expense?

The initial railway link to Tibet, which was planned to bring economic development to the Tibetan society, turns out to be a part of a broader plan to exploit vast deposits of metal (copper, iron, lead and zinc). Beijing spent $45.4 billion on development in the Tibet Autonomous Region since 2001 but ripped Tibet off its resources worth an estimated $128 billion. No where near fair trade I suppose. This was in 2007.

Plans in mining Tibet has been intensified in recent times with China investing more to earn higher revenue. Promises of job creation and raising income levels of the locals were not fulfilled adding on to the polution and destruction of natural beauty.

Is Tibet prospering under China? We really cannot say for sure.


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Re: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 05:33:57 PM »
I believe China’s development plan is solidifying Beijing’s control and the sinocisation of Tibet by driving economic growth in Tibetan areas with schemes developed by the central government without considering the Tibetans’ needs. Many have expressed that Beijing’s strategy aims to provide incentives for millions of Chinese economic migrants to settle in Tibet, while Tibetans are marginalised in their own land.

A few months back, the United Nations calls on China to suspend the forced resettlement of Tibetan nomadic herders in a report presented at the UN Human Rights Council on 6 March 2012. The Chinese government claims that they are moving the nomads because nomadic grazing practices damage the Tibetan plateau’s environment. However, recent scientific research confirms that Tibetan nomadic practices maintain biodiversity on the plateau and keep the grasslands strong and healthy. Research also demonstrates how Chinese government mining, damming, logging and agricultural policies over many decades have devastated the ecology of the plateau.

It is very sad that Tibetan nomads are forced to resettle and left without livestock. China is also known for cancelling nomads’ land leases hence the nomads cannot return to their land.

Also, infrastructure like the railway projects actually aims to facilitate the movement of natural resources out of Tibet for use in China’s resource-starved eastern provinces. There’s also the possibility that the project ensures rapid deployment of military personnel into Tibet. 

Infrastructures are built for economical benefits, but whose? ???


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Re: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 08:24:34 PM »
After grabbing the natural resources, now it's time to get $$ from Tourism?? More 'development' for Tibet. I think they must have been thinking what else can they do to get more out of Tibet while they can...

China to increase train services to TibetPTI
BEIJING, China, 1 July 2012

Lhasa Railway Station, located in the southwest of Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region, is a terminal of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. The railway station is about 20 kilometres from Potala Palace, the winter palace of the Dalai Lama.(Xinhua/Karma/China)

China will increase passenger train services from major cities to Tibetan provincial capital Lhasa, cashing in on the tourism boom with rising numbers of Chinese tourists to the picturesque Himalayan region.

Trains will travel daily between Guangzhou, capital of south China’s Guangdong province, and Lhasa starting from July 09, said Wang Tao, a spokesman for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company.

Chengdu-Lhasa trains will soon follow the same schedule.

Seven major Chinese cities currently have Lhasa-bound trains. All are expected to operate on a daily basis in the future, Wang said.

Among them, Beijing, Shanghai and Xining already have daily trains to Lhasa, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, spanning 1,956 km from Xining to Lhasa, has transported 52.76 million passengers since going into operation on 1 July 2006, Bao Chuxiong, the general manager of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company, said.

With heavy promotions by the Chinese government, Tibet is experiencing a major tourism surge. From January to March, the region received 230,000 visitors, up 23.7 percent from a year earlier.

According to government statistics, 8.7 million tourists from home and abroad visited Tibet in 2011, generating USD 1.5 billion in tourism revenues.

The vast majority of tourists however are locals as foreigners require special clearances to visit Tibet.

Bao said railway has become the “first choice” for most Tibet travellers even with the region having five airports already.

The number of Qinghai-Tibet Railway travellers has grown by about 10 percent annually, he said.

Last year, it reached 10.6 million, up 65.6 percent compared to the figures from 2006.

But the increase has strained railway operators, as there are not enough oxygenated trains to meet demand, Ma Xiaojun, another official with the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company said.

Because of the low oxygen content on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, trains travelling on the railway have to use sealed and oxygenated train cars.

Currently, all Lhasa-bound passengers board oxygenated trains from the departure city, but this arrangement will become impossible when all services are offered on a daily basis, Ma said.

Starting this month, passengers on Guangzhou-Lhasa trains will need to switch from ordinary trains to oxygenated trains at the Xining railway station, just as they would transfer between flights in an airport, he said.

“The mass transfer, usually involving hundreds or even thousands of passengers, is really a scene to watch,” the official said.

“The railway station operators have undergone many drills to be prepared.”

Railway officials said that if the transfers work properly, efforts to increase Lhasa-bound train services will be expedited so that people can easily ride a train to Tibet from any Chinese city connected to the country’s railway network.

Tibet aims to attract 10 million tourists this year, with tourism revenues expected to reach CNY 12 billion (USD 1.89 billion), the local government said.


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Re: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2012, 05:01:41 PM »
This news below shows that China is a very powerful, self-sufficient country. China doesn't need to listen to anyone, and everyone has to listen to China (whether or not they like it!)

Tibet Tourism Grows, With Or Without Foreigners
By GILLIAN WONG 06/13/12 10:30 AM ET

BEIJING -- Tibet is seeing a boom in Chinese visitors, meaning that the government's latest ban on foreigners following self-immolation protests against Beijing's rule has barely dented the region's tourism industry.

The Chinese government typically closes Tibet to foreigners during periods of unrest, and tourism of any kind plummeted after riots against ethnic Chinese in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, in 2008. But domestic tourists are still allowed, and the government has wooed them in recent years with deep price cuts, direct flights and more train services.

Hotels catering to Chinese tourists in Lhasa are doing brisk business. With its pristine, yak-grazed grasslands and snowcapped mountains, the Tibetan plateau provides a stunning getaway for many urban-dwellers.

"I was attracted by the natural environment here. The blue sky, clean air and water make me feel like I am really enjoying life here," said Feng Junyuan, 26, a freelance editor from the southern Chinese megacity of Guangzhou who was reached by phone at a hostel in Lhasa.

Staff from restaurants around the Potala Palace, once home to the long-exiled Dalai Lama, say their tables have been filling up with Chinese tourists, chatting and snapping photos during their feasts.

"The pace of life is slow and the people are pure and it is totally different from what we see in big cities like Beijing and Guangzhou," Feng said, adding that he visited several monasteries during his trip. "Some days, I can spend three hours just sitting quietly on the corner of a street here."

A Tibet tourism policy targeting domestic travelers who are less likely to sympathize with anti-Beijing sentiment reflects China's desire to both develop the region economically in hopes of winning over its ethnic Tibetan population and keep a lid on embarrassing reports of unrest.

The most recent ban on foreigners came after a wave of self-immolation protests reached the Tibetan capital late last month, although the government has not publicly acknowledged the restrictions.

"I suppose that they don't want any presence in the case of protests or more self-immolations," said Andrew Fischer, a China expert at the Institute of Social Studies at the Hague in the Netherlands. "They're going back to old-school, old-style control over foreigners to control information. I suppose they don't feel the same threat from the Chinese public."

State media has said international travelers are continuing to visit Tibet each day while the Tibet Tourism Bureau says foreign tourists are still welcome.

However, tour companies and hotel operators in Lhasa said Chinese authorities imposed a ban on travel permits for foreign tourists starting this month.

"We were told by company management not to receive foreign tourists since June 1, no matter whether they are coming individually or in groups," said a man surnamed Liu who works at the China International Travel Service in Lhasa.

Though the foreign tourists are missed by some businesses – especially high-end ones – they now amount to a tiny portion of the overall visits, given the surge of Chinese tourists.

Foreigners accounted for just 30,000 of the 1.45 million visitors to Tibet in the first five months of this year – or around 2 percent of all tourists, the official Xinhua News Agency reported, citing the Tibet Tourism Bureau.

"I don't think that small, very marginal loss (from foreign tourists) would be of any importance to them in the larger strategic picture of what they're trying to do," Fischer said.

The past year's wave of more than three dozen self-immolation protests against Chinese rule did not erupt inside heavily policed Tibet itself, but in ethnic Tibetan parts of other provinces in China. It finally reached Lhasa in late May when two men set themselves on fire in the popular Barkhor market.

Photos later posted online showed a Western-looking foreigner watching one of the men in a cloud of smoke as others extinguished the flames. The latest foreigner ban started days later.

Such bans are usually delivered orally to tourism industry leaders, apparently to avoid issuing documents that could embarrass officials eager to project a sense of calm and control.

Foreign tourists trying to book Tibet trips over the border from Nepal have been denied permits since May 28, according to travel agent Pradip Pandit in the Nepalese capital, Katmandu.

The Chinese government sees tourism as a key way of bringing money into the chronically poor region. A signature project inaugurated in 2006 – a $4.2 billion high-speed rail project that zips over mountain passes – can whisk travelers from Beijing or Shanghai to Lhasa in about two days.

But after violent riots in 2008 in which Tibetans attacked Chinese migrants and shops, torching parts of Lhasa's commercial district, the government sealed off the region. Overall tourism that year fell by nearly half, while the number of foreign tourists fell by 80 percent. To try to draw the crowds back, authorities halved prices for tours, hotel rooms and entry tickets for the Potala.

Last year, the number of Chinese tourists jumped 27 percent to 8.4 million while that of foreign tourists grew 19 percent to 270,800, raking in 9.7 billion yuan ($1.5 billion) in tourism revenues, official statistics show.

The foreigner ban is hurting Tibet's handful of luxury hotels, including Lhasa's Jardin Secret Hotel where rooms go for up to $335 a night. "Our occupancy rate is relatively low at the moment because we don't have many domestic guests," said a staffer who gave only his surname, Xu.

But many establishments are thriving. All but a fifth of the 80 rooms at the three-star Tibet Mansion in Lhasa are occupied, said an employee surnamed Liu. The hotel's guests are mostly domestic travelers.


Associated Press writer Binaj Gurubacharya in Katmandu contributed to the report.


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Re: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2012, 05:46:23 PM »
All this news about China is AMAZING how they are growing bigger and bigger and bigger and not slowing down is pretty scary!!! You know what they say - THE BIGGER YOU ARE, THE HARDER YOU FALL -  I cannot help to think this ... as China becomes the world's biggest Super Power Nation... the will also become a Nation with many ailments as this has been a natural cycle of every developed country as they society becomes more and more a materialistic giant. Depression, anxiety, mental problems, stress, insomnia, cancer etc will also rise. And as this becomes more and more prevalent, the nouveau riche will seek to find some solace... and this is where SPIRITUALITY comes in, where DORJE SHUGDEN will truly help!

Hence it is so so important for us to support, encourage and help the work of those Lamas who practice Dorje Shugden who are spreading Dharma in Tibet/China, cos no doubt they are preparing and planting the seeds for the very near future..... How could we possibly do this... simple and it is FREE... The Cyber world, it has no limits, especially with the likes of FB, Tweet, YouTube, Forum, Blogs, Vlogs, etc etc and you can be as creative as you wanna be... 

One fabulous page to join with so much info to share to the world if this FanPage...

Already Dorje Shugden's presence is being felt and encouraged just from a simple tweet
by a celebrity Professor Kong Qingdong who tweeted about Dorje Shugden on March 23...

"Just received Dorje Shugden materials from friends in Singapore. I express my gratitude! The world population must unite together to preserve religious freedom, faith freedom, speech freedom, and tirelessly working towards the true, kind, and virtuous state of world peace!" ~Professor Quindong

He has 794,948 tweeter friends, probably now even more and his tweet about Dorje Shugden has 949 retweets, and 188 comments
... amazing!!!


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Re: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2012, 05:33:17 PM »
China has more plans coming, I just read this news. In a way, I wonder if it is CCP's way to highlight the story of the Chinese princess who brought "development" to barbaric Tibet?  Or is it really "friendship" that they were thinking of?  8) By the way, I am sure the CCP did not ask the Tibetans whether or not they would be interested in a theme park like that. It was more for Chinese tourists from other parts of the country and foreign tourists I suppose.

Tibetan capital to build massive theme park about Chinese princess who married Tibetan king
By The Associated Press July 6, 2012

BEIJING, China - Tibet's capital will spend billions to build a massive cultural theme park to boost tourism.
The official Xinhua News Agency said Friday that 30 billion yuan ($4.7 billion) will be spent in the next three to five years to build an 800-hectare (3-sqaure-mile) park near downtown. Its theme will be the ancient Chinese princess Wencheng who became a symbol of ethnic friendship by marrying a Tibetan king.
Xinhua says the park will also showcase Tibetan folk arts and medicine.
Beijing has spent heavily to improve the Tibetan economy in hopes of winning over ethnic residents, but its heavy-handed rule has drawn criticism. Many Tibetans accuse the government of religious persecution and cultural assimilation and say such huge projects quicken those changes.


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Re: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2012, 01:05:58 PM »
Looks like professionals do think that China is very good for Tibet... Read the below from a reporter of Newsweek Isaac Stone Fish... and it makes one wonder... what has the Tibetan Govt in Exile done since?? And what could they contribute if they got Tibet back... could they have done as much as China?? However the part on the government requires citizens to relinquish the right to free worship and free speech is quite sad though. But how come we see Dorje Shugden monasteries and temples spreading? Interesting isn't it!

From Newsweek
Charity Case
Feb 16, 2010 7:00 PM EST

Whether they like it or not, China has been very good for Tibetans.

President Obama's controversial meeting with the Dalai Lama this week has already infuriated China and stirred up Tibet advocates who thought it should have come sooner. China says Tibet is part of its territory, and that the meeting represents an unwanted intrusion into its domestic affairs. But most Americans still see the Dalai Lama as the representative of a people oppressed by Chinese rule. Tibetans feel chafed by the restrictions on their political and religious freedoms; many are dissatisfied with Chinese rule, and this has led to widespread rioting over the past few years. They want self-determination; fair enough. But that seems to be the only story about Tibet that is ever told. The other story is that, for China's many blunders in mountainous region, it has erected a booming economy there. Looking at growth, standard of living, infrastructure, and GDP, one thing is clear: China has been good for Tibet.

Since 2001, Beijing has spent $45.4 billion on development in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR). (That's what the Chinese government calls Tibet, even though many Tibetans live in neighboring provinces, too). The effect: double-digit GDP growth for the past nine years. About a third of the money went to infrastructure investment, including the train connecting Beijing to Lhasa. "A clear benefit of the train was that it makes industrial goods cheaper for Tibetans, who, like everyone else in the world, like household conveniences, but normally had to pay very high prices," said Ben Hillman, a Tibet expert from the Australian National University's China Institute. The train also provides an opportunity for Tibetan goods to be sold outside of the region and for a massive increase in number of tourists, reaching more than 5.5 million in 2009—up from close to 2 million in 2005, the year before the train. The Chinese government's Tibet tourism bureau expects the numbers to keep climbing. While Tibetan independence groups like Free Tibet raise sustainability concerns about the increase in tourism, Hillman points out that "tourism is an important industry that can benefit local Tibetans."

Infrastructure improvements have not only helped grow the economy but also have aided in modernizing remote parts of the Tibetan plateau, an area with 3 million people about twice the size of France. Paved roads allow herders easier access to hospitals and the capital, where they sell handicrafts. "Cellphone service in parts of western Tibet is better than in parts of New Jersey," said Gray Tuttle, an assistant professor of modern Tibetan studies at Columbia University.

Since 2006, the Chinese central government has been shifting its Tibet development strategy from funding massive infrastructure projects to programs intended to bring greater benefit to individual Tibetans. While Han migrants may compete for jobs with Tibetans in urban areas, diffusing the benefits more broadly among Chinese, the net per-capita income of rural residents was $527 in 2009, an increase of more than 13 percent from the 2008 figure and the fourth year in a row where growth exceeded 13 percent. While still low, it represents an increase in wealth creation at the lowest levels. Although Chinese statistics on Tibet, like Chinese statistics in general, are impossible to verify, it seems clear that material living standards among the 80 to 90 percent of the population living in rural Tibet are rising rapidly.

"I was amazed at the amount of money actually being spent in these villages," said Melvyn Goldstein, codirector of the Center for Research on Tibet at Case Western Reserve University. Through extensive rural fieldwork in the TAR, Goldstein found that "health-insurance plans are getting better, bank loans are now more accessible, schooling is free for primary school and middle school, and access to electricity and water is improving." At the improved schools, students learn Mandarin, which gives Tibetans access to work opportunities in government offices in Tibet and in companies throughout China.

Last month, President Hu Jintao held the Communist Party's fifth Tibet planning conference, the first since 2001, to strategize on the upcoming years. He said that Tibetan rural income will likely match China's average by 2020. And he stressed the need for Tibet, beset by the "special contradiction" of the Dalai Lama, to develop using the "combination of economic growth, well-off life, a healthy eco-environment, and social stability and progress."

It's true that, so far, all the money has failed to buy Tibetan loyalty. Beijing won't deal with the Dalai Lama, even though Tibetans revere him, nor will it let his monastic followers build any power or voice any nationalist sympathy. Instead, the government is offering Tibetans the same bargain it has offered the rest of the country: in exchange for an astronomical rise in living standards, the government requires citizens to relinquish the right to free worship and free speech. The Chinese government has kept its end of the deal. Even if Tibetan residents never signed the contract, they have benefited from its enforcement—a fact Obama might keep in mind when he meets the Dalai Lama.

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Re: China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal border
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2012, 07:27:29 PM »
Looks like professionals do think that China is very good for Tibet... Read the below from a reporter of Newsweek Isaac Stone Fish... and it makes one wonder... what has the Tibetan Govt in Exile done since?? And what could they contribute if they got Tibet back... could they have done as much as China?? However the part on the government requires citizens to relinquish the right to free worship and free speech is quite sad though. But how come we see Dorje Shugden monasteries and temples spreading? Interesting isn't it!

It's no surprise that China, with her deep pockets is the better guardian over Tibet. I think the Chinese government is spending insane amounts to develop Tibet as a message to the world that she is the rightful owner of Tibet. And i don't think we can deny that although the Tibetans themselves wouldn't agree and have been putting a fight since the earlier days of Chinese occupation. It is only natural that the Tibetans would insist on self-autonomy.

The only benefit from all these is the Chinese support for Dorje Shugden monasteries, Lamas and practitioners within Tibet. The Chinese is extending this support as a political move to destabilize the Dalai Lama. They figured that Dorje Shugden is a great way to counter the power and fame of the Dalai Lama. Hence, it is no surprise that the Chinese government are busy developing Tibet, especially along the borders to give a start portrayal of the disparity betwen Tibetans living in China and those living in various other countries.