Author Topic: Rain of adamant fire  (Read 5966 times)


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Rain of adamant fire
« on: June 27, 2012, 05:49:36 PM »
Okay, I found a very interesting document. This was written by Chatral Rinpoche to refute Zemey Rinpoche's yellow book and it's called "The Rain of Adamant Fire: A holy discourse based upon scriptures and reason, annihilating the poisonous seeds of the wicked speech of Dzeme Trülku Lobsang Palden” Which sounds very very very very sectarian in nature, dont you think? I have read a brief translation of this work many years ago as it was featured on esangha before it went down but after esangha went down, the english translation of the text was lost forever. This copy of the text comes from the "current" Reting Rinpoche's website which kinda is anti Dorje Shugden but in a weird way that lacks depth. It sounds very one dimensional, and this text was found there. The website promised an english version since 2006 but its 2012 now and there is still nothing. Hahahahaha. So much for efficiency! I do notice a repeating pattern, is that websites that go against Dorje Shugden are rarely strong, apart from HHDL's website and they always go down or are abandoned by their owners after a while. Case in question is who went down after a mere few years of operation.

Here's a brief description of Chatral Rinpoche's biography:
Rinpoche has shunned institutional and political involvement his whole life, choosing instead to live the life of a wandering yogi. To this day, despite his great age, he continues to move about, rarely remaining in one place for more than a few months. A lay yogi, he is also greatly concerned with maintaining strict discipline in the context of the Dzogchen view. He has advocated vegetarianism[1][2] and has a yearly practice of ransoming the lives of thousands of animals in India.[1] In addition to his emphasis on the union of view and conduct, Rinpoche also stresses the practice of retreat. He has established numerous retreat centers throughout the Himalayas, including in Pharping, Yolmo, and Darjeeling.

My question is why would such a high and accomplished lama who "does not want to get into politics" would write such a political and sectarian piece of work? This is the text known as Dorje Mechar, a text that was written to disparage our protector. It is only available in Tibetan (fortunately!) and i doubt they will ever be able to find a translator for this. If the text was really that beneficial and not just more political smearing and sectarianism, why has no Dharma protector help to get it translated while many Dorje Shugden related materials get translated at a very fast speed? Hmm...


Kyabje Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche, Author of 'The Rain of Adamant Fire'. He is the supreme living master of the Dzogchen teachings and the regent of the Dudjom lineage.
Written in 1978 by the supreme living saint of the Nyingma lineage, the great yogi and scholar Kyabje Sangye Dorje Rinpoche, the 'Rain of Adamant Fire' attacks the cult of Dorje Shugden, arguing that association with this form of demon worship destroys one's refuge vows.

It was composed as a refutation to Dzemed Tulku Lobsang Palden's book on Dorje Shugden, a foul text compiled from the oral teachings of Trijang Rinpoche, tutor to the 14th Dalai Lama.

The full title reads: The Rain of Adamant Fire. A holy discourse based upon scriptures and reason, annihilating the poisonous seeds of the wicked speech of Dzeme Trulku Lobsang Palden by the old nyingmapa hermit Chatral Sangyey Dorje.

Big Uncle

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Re: Rain of adamant fire
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 04:19:33 PM »
It is interesting to see that Chatral Rinpoche disagrees with the Yellow Book so much that he actually penned a book to refute it. I am not too sure if it was really a political statement for writing this book. But anyway, the Nyingmas have a huge stigma when it comes to Dorje Shugden Lamas and practitioners.

In some ways, it has been a long standing issue since the Yellow book was out that Dorje Shugden harms Nyingma practitioners. That's because in the Yellow book, it has numerous cautionary tales of High Gelug Lamas that were harmed by Dorje Shugden because they mix Nyingma and Gelug lineage and teachings. Hence, I think this Lama took it that Dorje Shugden would also harm Nyingma practitioners since the equation includes their own lineage.

Hence, he took great pain of composing a text to refute such claims. He used strong language because in his mind, he was defending his own lineage and was displeased that a mere spirit can cause such problems. I am not saying he doesn't have a political agenda but I am saying that he is reacting based on the situations and conditions of what he knows. So, I am not sure if that's political.


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Re: Rain of adamant fire
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2012, 09:06:56 AM »
It is interesting to see that Chatral Rinpoche disagrees with the Yellow Book so much that he actually penned a book to refute it. I am not too sure if it was really a political statement for writing this book. But anyway, the Nyingmas have a huge stigma when it comes to Dorje Shugden Lamas and practitioners.

In some ways, it has been a long standing issue since the Yellow book was out that Dorje Shugden harms Nyingma practitioners. That's because in the Yellow book, it has numerous cautionary tales of High Gelug Lamas that were harmed by Dorje Shugden because they mix Nyingma and Gelug lineage and teachings. Hence, I think this Lama took it that Dorje Shugden would also harm Nyingma practitioners since the equation includes their own lineage.

Hence, he took great pain of composing a text to refute such claims. He used strong language because in his mind, he was defending his own lineage and was displeased that a mere spirit can cause such problems. I am not saying he doesn't have a political agenda but I am saying that he is reacting based on the situations and conditions of what he knows. So, I am not sure if that's political.

Personally, if he was such a high and attained lama, why would he waste his time on penning something like this? also, why would he see the book as deriding Nyingma when it was made very clear that only gelug  masters who tried to pollute the teachings by practicing Nyingma as well when they were not supposed to were "punished"? If he was an attained master, why would he "misunderstand" the yellow book? But the mere fact that his book is unpopular and remains untranslated shows us that nobody cares. He should not have too. As a high lama with clairvoyance, cant he transcend those situational obscurations and conditions and see what is really going on? Or that he is selective? I find it highly disturbing that he would display such actions in the first place.

Nyingma's beef with Dorje Shugden is highlighted in Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors:

Pretending to be Dragshul Wangpo, you tormented the oracle
By swallowing a vajra in his throat,
And repeatedly split his temple abode, and so on,
Praise to the terrifier of even the great gods!

When all the deity's people took refuge in you and made requests,
Saying, 'Build a statue of Tsongkhapa and I will grant activity!'
You gave them relief
And justified belief, praise to you!

Dragshul Wangpo is a Nyingma protector and he can be found in Dudjom Tersar's lineage:

I find it odd that most anti Dorje Shugden materials comes from or is related to the Dudjom lineage. Chatral Rinpoche is related to Dudjom....hmmm and Dudjom Tersar is the one who came out with all those funny and ridiculous anti Dorje Shugden chakras of very bad and poor craftsmanship.

Chatral Rinpoche, Sangye Dorje (Tibetan: ????????????????????????, Wylie: Bya-bral Sangs-rgyas Rdo-rje) (born 1913) is a Dzogchen master in his mid-90s. He is a reclusive yogi known for his great realization and strict discipline.[1] Rinpoche is one of the few living disciples of Khenpo Ngagchung and is widely regarded as one of the most highly realized Dzogchen yogis.[1] In addition to his relationship with Khenpo Ngagchung, Chatral Rinpoche also studied with some of the last century's most renowned masters, including Dudjom Rinpoche, Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro, and the famed dakini Sera Khandro. Rinpoche is one of the primary lineage holders of the Longchen Nyingthig, and in particular the lineage that descends through Jigme Lingpa's heart son Jigme Gyalwe Nyugu and then on to Patrul Rinpoche.[1]

can fear and misunderstandings even affect holy and high lamas to commit acts motivated by delusions, jealousy and hatred :( or is this another case of seed planting?


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Re: Rain of adamant fire
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2012, 03:32:06 PM »
Gosh all that trouble just to defame and protect themselves from getting "harmed" by Dorje Shugden... it goes to show how weak their faith is in Lord Buddha because you cannot be harmed by anyone according to the Buddhas if you have taken on the robes and refuge in the 3 jewels. So already all this effort directly implies that they are fearful of a "demon spirit" which in fact they showing their practice is weak, no?

But it is funny how if we look back in hostory, even the Nyingmas were perpetuating Dorje Shugden at one point if not why would the quote that Dorje Shugden was one with Avalokiteshvara??? Although I am not at all too sure about this. If anyone could further verify, this would be excellent.

The Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden Tsel definitively is Avalokiteshvara. The Nyingma Tantra Rinchen Nadun says “The one known as Dolgyal is not mistaken on the path to liberation, he is by nature the Great Compassionate One,” which establishes this by scripture.
This was said by Dragshul Trinley Rinchen the 39th Holder of the Sakya Throne.

The Great Je Sakyapa Kunga Nyingpo is well-known as an incarnation of the Arya Lotus in Hand (Avalokiteshvara). The Arya Lotus in Hand definitively is none other than the Lord of Mandalas, but provisionally by assuming the manner of a tenth level bodhisattva he simultaneously sports billions of superior, middling and inferior emanations to accomplish immeasurable benefit for beings, such as setting them on paths to the higher realms and liberation. (2)

Thus in order to show that his father was Avalokiteshvara, he set out to show that his father was well-known to have been an emanation of Dorje Shugden, and then demonstrated with a quotation from Nyingma tantra that Dorje Shugden and Avalokiteshvara are the same person.

Fifth Dalai Lama initially mistook Dorje Shugden for a harmful and vengeful spirit of a tulku of Drepung monastery called Dragpa Gyaltsen, who had been murdered by the Tibetan government because of the threat posed by his widespread popularity and influence. After a number of failed attempts to subdue this worldly spirit by enlisting the help of a high-ranking Nyingma lama, the Great Fifth realised that Dorje Shugden was in reality an enlightened being and began henceforth to praise him as a Buddha.

So if they could not subdue him then and failed... What makes them think that Dorje Shugden can be subdued now? Strange how practitioners who are trained with logic is not acting very logically.


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Re: Rain of adamant fire
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2013, 06:43:53 AM »
Here's a clincher with the whole deal: the 5th Dalai Lama has reversed his idea that Dorje Shugden is a spirit after so many attempts of exorcising him failed, so why is it that its not possible for the current Dalai Lama to reverse the ban? it is well known that the great 5th overturned the ruling that Dorje Shugden was a spirit, but unfortunately many of Dalai Lama's practitioners dont really see that and go against Dorje Shugden all out.

But going back to this, perhaps these lamas are just trying to put themselves in a position where they will be proven as wrong when the ban is lifted?