Author Topic: what's the big deal  (Read 12064 times)


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what's the big deal
« on: June 27, 2012, 06:07:15 PM »
Hey folks
just cruised onto this website and found your forum which I have been reading for a few hours.
you all seem kinda crazy. What kind of forum is that, you all discuss only one topic of this one protector. I thought Buddhism is about all kinds of different topics like what about karma and the four noble truths and all the teachings from the dalai lama.
all you seem to only do one practice which is one prayer with one protector. do you think you can get any kind of progress from this?
you are all saying that this is something good because so many people are doing it and all of you talking and talking about it together. but hey, just because a lot of being are doing something it doesn't mean that it is necessarily a good thing. what about all the millions of people in the world who are drinking coke or even snorting cocaine. those are billion dollar industries and so many people buy into it but it's not a good thing is it?


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2012, 10:04:43 PM »
Hey Karla,

I dont think we only just talk about our wonderful protector here although I am sure many here would love to. In this forum alone, there's a another section which discusses about general Buddhism which touches topics of what you have mentioned.

One can't help but to study and and want to learn more about Dorje Shugden who cleared and assisted many in their life's obstacles and spiritual path. Many and not just a few actually experienced miracles and help. Yes, this protector is good not because everyone says so, it's through study and research that strenghtens their faith and believes. You can read many testimonials from here.

I hope you will stick around, join in the conversations and learn more to clear your doubts.

Positive Change

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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 05:49:04 AM »
Hey folks
just cruised onto this website and found your forum which I have been reading for a few hours.
you all seem kinda crazy. What kind of forum is that, you all discuss only one topic of this one protector. I thought Buddhism is about all kinds of different topics like what about karma and the four noble truths and all the teachings from the dalai lama.
all you seem to only do one practice which is one prayer with one protector. do you think you can get any kind of progress from this?
you are all saying that this is something good because so many people are doing it and all of you talking and talking about it together. but hey, just because a lot of being are doing something it doesn't mean that it is necessarily a good thing. what about all the millions of people in the world who are drinking coke or even snorting cocaine. those are billion dollar industries and so many people buy into it but it's not a good thing is it?

Hi Karla... I mean no disrespect but did you by any chance read the URL of this site? Does it say Funny it should have quite a lot of information on this extraordinary Protector of our Time!!!

If you did actually read it for hours as you say, you would also know that in this forum there are many other there are two categories, one is General Buddhism and the other General Discussion... Both categories are a wealth of information ranging from varied discussions and debates about all aspects of Buddhism, HHDL, AND the King Dorje Shugden... NOT just ONE topic as you claim!!!

I discovered this website some time back and I love it. It is THE definitive website on Dorje Shugden but NOT biased. There are many varied views on the many hundreds of threads on the forum. If you actually did take the time to read, you will discover and learn as I have and other too.

Sure we in the forum do not all necessarily agree, but that is what a healthy forum should be. To learn, to educate, to share and to contemplate... whatever conclusions you then have in your mind is yours alone. Do not thrash this website because of your pettiness. As a Buddhist one should be broadminded and not ready to push another down!

By the way, we are not merely saying Dorje Shugden is good because many people are practising, that is a good indication yes because people get results... but more importantly, for the majority of us here I feel, it is because our Guru's tell us to and that you have to respect!

Hence, respectfully I ask you to read more and you will see there is a lot here to learn from!


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 09:54:50 AM »
Dear Karla

I like your term… “Crazy” haha… well, perhaps I will share a little as to why we are so enchanted by this particular deity. 

Dorje Shugden is a unique Dharmapala.  Dharmapala is an enlightened Dharma protector.  He has vowed to protect Buddha’s teaching.  In particular the teaching of Lama Tsongkhapa the founder of Gelugpa lineage.  Why he is a unique Dharma protector?  He is very swift and very appropriate in this degenerate time when there are so many distractions that prevent us from pursuing the Dharma learning.  Dorje Shugden provided us with the suitable conditions to practice Buddha Dharma.
Many of us in this forum have been benefited by Dorje Shugden.  For some of us, Dorje Shugden is a practice given by our precious Lamas. 

The implementation of the Ban by His Holiness Dalai Lama. (HHDL)  In 1996, Dalai Lama enforced the implementation of the ban against the practice of Dorje Shugden.  He stated the followings:

•   DS is an ordinary spirit of Gyalpo class

•   Anyone who worship DS is ban from attending HHDL teachings
Since then, the ban has caused the sufferings of existing DS practitioners because this ban is being enforced by Central Tibetan Administration and many other parties who tried to be politically correct. HHDL himself was a well known DS practitioner.  He received this practice from his Guru, Trijang Rinpoche, who was also the teacher of many high Lama.  Since we have received DS practice from our Lama, we have to hold it purely in our heart.  One of the unfortunate effect of the ban is many of the High Lamas and monks in the monasteries were forced to sign a declaration that they are not DS practitioners.  This is like defying our own Lama openly.  If you have read the extract of Vajrayana teachings, the practice of Guru Devotion is very important.

Thus, we use this forum for the followings:

•   Spreading the correct information about DS practice.  DS is an enlightened protector and not an ordinary spirit.  The ban against DS is not only the question of spirit worship, but a form of religious persecution.

•   We would like to push for the lifting the ban so that DS practitioners can practice openly.
Most of us in this forum believe in HHDL as an enlightened beings who have brought tremendous benefits to the Dharma teaching.  We respect him very much.  So we believe that by using Buddhist tradition to investigate and to learn about this deity further and to discuss it with our friends in this forum, we can clear our own doubt and can conclude for ourselves that DS is an enlightened protector.  I believe that HHDL put this ban to spread the teachings of DS and to emphasize the controversy surrounding this deity, and to encourage us to learn more.  Thus, by learning, investigation and spreading the truth about DS, we hope to create the cause for the ban to be lifted soon.

Please do read so many precious information in this website.  It is the result of hardwork of many people who cares about the growth of Buddhadharma.   

Happy learning!!


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2012, 12:37:26 PM »
Hi Karla,

Just like what Positive Change pointed out, this forum is dedicated to Dorje Shugden and therefore the main focus is on this protector. However, there are other topics on Buddhism that are discussed here also. Please refer to the sections available and those you are interested to discuss.

Dorje Shugden is an Uncommon protector because he manifest as a Dharma protector to protect the Gelugpa school of Buddhism especially Lama Tsongkapa Teachings. And of course he is an Enlightened Protector, an emanation of Manjushri.

The whole reason for this forum is to create awareness to the public that Dorje Shugden practitioners are being discriminated against and unfairly judged. All this comes about when the Dalai Lama imposed the ban on Dorje Shugden and brand him as a spirit. A lot of practitioners suffer from this ban and we are doing all we can to create awareness and making it known to the world that this action/ban is very unfair and is taking away the basic rights of the people to practice religious freedom freely.

Welcome to this forum. Your feedback and comments are valuable in the learning and growth of Dorje Shugden in the world.


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2012, 01:51:15 PM »
Hi Karla, welcome to the forum. This forum is dedicated to Dorje Shugden so the topic discussed are mainly related to Dorje Shugden. That's the reason why all the information about Dorje Shugden is on this website:

The reason why I am doing one practice, one prayer, one protector is due to the help of this Sacred Protector. I stumbled upon this website some time ago and was curious so I started reading up and I found a lot of information here which are logical and not biased. My practice grew and I have strong faith in Dorje Shugden. Since then, many of my obstacles were cleared and my spiritual practice became better. So I feel is a sign of progress for me in my spiritual practice.  You can also check out some testimonials from here:

I hope you will take your time to read up and participate in this forum to clear your doubts.

Dolce Vita

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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2012, 05:58:26 PM »
Hi Karla,
As mentioned by Positive Change, this website is of course it's main purpose is to provide a platform for people to discuss about Dorje Shugden!

Dorje Shugden is a very controversial protector, many think he is a spirit. I too in the beginning when I first heard of his name and read what Tibetan Government criticised DS, I thought he was a spirit.  I decided to google him on the internet just to see what others say about him. Then I found this wonderful website.

I found so much information about Dorje Shugden here, how other great masters are practising him. By looking at the behaviour and results of these DS practitioners, it made me wonder how can this protector be bad? So many people are helped in their spiritual practice, for example Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyaltso, he is very successful in the western world. He has many centers in Europe. Lots of westerners met Dharma because of him. He is a DS practitioner, if DS is bad, his Dharma works will not grow, will it?

Apart from that, I noticed people here respect His Holiness very much, they do not say bad things about His Holiness. They have this 'bigger picture' theory in which His Holiness is in actual fact working with DS to spread Dharma teachings. After reading through the forum, for example, read this you will be able to understand better.

If you would like to read more about Buddhism, you can always go this 'General Buddhism' section.


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2012, 06:22:33 PM »
Hey folks
just cruised onto this website and found your forum which I have been reading for a few hours.
you all seem kinda crazy. What kind of forum is that, you all discuss only one topic of this one protector. I thought Buddhism is about all kinds of different topics like what about karma and the four noble truths and all the teachings from the dalai lama.
all you seem to only do one practice which is one prayer with one protector. do you think you can get any kind of progress from this?
you are all saying that this is something good because so many people are doing it and all of you talking and talking about it together. but hey, just because a lot of being are doing something it doesn't mean that it is necessarily a good thing. what about all the millions of people in the world who are drinking coke or even snorting cocaine. those are billion dollar industries and so many people buy into it but it's not a good thing is it?

Hi Karla, welcome to the world of Dorje Shugden! This is the protector whom you have mentioned and we all (i think) love Him. As many of them have mentioned in this thread, this forum is a lot more than just Dorje Shugden, try reading the articles and forum topics of General Buddhism in this forum. I personally have benefitted so much from the thread. its a great learning stuff and you know what? I got to read more about stuffs that i did not even think about because of the many topics coming from newbies like me and you with a lot of hero and full members here explaining and debating on hot topics and China govt. So, enjoy!


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2012, 12:11:40 AM »
Dear Karla,

Yes, I agree with you that this forum is talking about Dorje Shugden, because Dorje Shugden is the protector that helped us a lot, and he has helped many people throughout these periods, please take a look at this link to see how many people been benefited from Dorje Shugden:

Dharma is talking about benefitting many, and don’t you think this website is doing what Dharma supposed to be? Be it a Dorje Shugden or Palden Lhamo or Mahakala or any other protector or even Buddha, it doesn’t matter right? As long as it benefit people. This is one.

Number two, as many had mentioned earlier, this is a website called Dorje Shugden website, erm… isn’t this what we should be talking about? Or it should be something else? Have you been to a Japanese class that talks about English? Or a Christian Church that talks about Buddhism? Well, when they don’t, do you go make noise why a Japanese class doesn’t talk about English? Sorry, I’m not being mean here, but find it quite funny as what you have questioned.

3. We have General discussion that talks about Dorje Shugden and General Buddhism that talk about Dharma matters, which this is supposed to be a Dorje Shugden website, I salute this webmaster as they had done, their work in this website is really beneficial.

This is the link where you can see General Discussion and General Buddhism

4. ok, now I don’t talk General Buddhism, if you read carefully every thread in Dorje Shugden comments, you can actually notice it does includes the topics about Dharma Teaching but presented in our daily life way of discussion, so that people is more easy to understand and absorb, this is a learning website.

The last but not least, I wonder when you go through this website, whether you notice or not, the webmaster had put in a lot of effort in promoting Dorje Shugden, why? Simply because that Dorje Shugden is the protector of this time, he is one of the most effective protector to practice, of course we have to promote him to more people out there.

I hope you understand what the purpose of this website is, and I would kindly invite you in here to promote it to more people, if it is what Dharma you are talking about, I’m sure you won’t reject my request to benefit people right?

Hope you understand why I said all these, because of this website, I found hope in my life, I can’t do much to help, but at least I can do my best to promote. For this, I really thank this webmaster for creating such great vehicle to help so many people, including me.

Oh ya, before I forget, to answer your question, YES, this is a big deal for me, if not because of Dorje Shugden, I can’t and don’t dare to imagine where will I be now, Im still safe and writing this comment, all thanks to Dorje Shugden, My protector, my Hero.

Thank you for reading my comment. I hope you enjoy reading more from this website.


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2012, 02:49:25 AM »
Hey folks
just cruised onto this website and found your forum which I have been reading for a few hours.
you all seem kinda crazy. What kind of forum is that, you all discuss only one topic of this one protector. I thought Buddhism is about all kinds of different topics like what about karma and the four noble truths and all the teachings from the dalai lama.
all you seem to only do one practice which is one prayer with one protector. do you think you can get any kind of progress from this?
you are all saying that this is something good because so many people are doing it and all of you talking and talking about it together. but hey, just because a lot of being are doing something it doesn't mean that it is necessarily a good thing. what about all the millions of people in the world who are drinking coke or even snorting cocaine. those are billion dollar industries and so many people buy into it but it's not a good thing is it?

Welcome Karla to this informative yet unbiased website and forum which is dedicated to all Dorje Shugden practitioners in the world.  Since you have been on this website for few hours, am sure you could have read what all this is about and not just babbling away championing hero, Dorje Shugden here.  In fact, I have even chanced upon this website and forum just like you and I find it very informative and supportive.  Why supportive? I found the support that I need to face all the hatred and discrimination that was hurled at me for practising DS.  Yet I did not give in to them for DS has helped me and my family so much to the point that I could not repay for many lifetimes to come.  He has been there for me when I needed the most and spiritually too.   My family and friends were physically and emotional there for me, but that is not enough as it was just that moment of time only.  Yes, I am greedy but greedy for good. Greedy for spiritual knowledge, achievement and support which I have been seeking very long time.  In fact, I FOUND IT here!!!  My cyber solace and refuge. And I am not alone too! 

Karla, do come on to this website to find out more and you will be awed by the vast information that you can gather and learn from.  There is general information and threads on general Buddhism which you would want to know more

In addition, this website and forum is another platform for each and everyone to share their experience and knowledge here to help someone out there who may lost and not sure why, what, how and where to clear doubts and to enrich their body, speech and mind.  Who knows you may help one person out there with your sharing.  Do check out how others has benefited too

I do hope you could spend some time over here and you will see what I mean.  Read with an open mind. Thank you :) :-*

negra orquida

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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2012, 04:57:04 PM »
Hi Karla,

Welcome to Dorje Shugden's official fan site! If being a fan or firm believer of someone (e.g. Justin Bieber, Dorje Shugden, Michael Jackson, Jesus Christ) and talking about that person on a website which is named after that person is being "crazy", then this world is pretty full of crazies that it is actually very normal!

you are all saying that this is something good because so many people are doing it and all of you talking and talking about it together. but hey, just because a lot of being are doing something it doesn't mean that it is necessarily a good thing. what about all the millions of people in the world who are drinking coke or even snorting cocaine. those are billion dollar industries and so many people buy into it but it's not a good thing is it?

It is definitely worthwhile to spend a few more hours reading why "this is something good because so many people are doing it".  Why are so many people "doing it"? if you compare the people who are practicing Dorje Shugden and the people who are practicing snorting cocaine, who would you want to hang out more with?

Do watch the video in this post to see examples of Dorje Shugden practitioners and watch this
A True Cocaine Story By Amy Winehouse Small | Large
to see an example of a cocaine practitioner. also see this video of a coke practitioner (that is a hard boiled egg)
Still drinking coca cola? Watch this! Small | Large

So is practicing Dorje Shugden good or bad notwithstanding "so many people are doing it"? Based on the results shown and proven as you can see in the videos, I certainly am really happy to follow the Dorje Shugden crazy group!


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2012, 03:42:49 PM »
Hey folks
just cruised onto this website and found your forum which I have been reading for a few hours.
you all seem kinda crazy. What kind of forum is that, you all discuss only one topic of this one protector. I thought Buddhism is about all kinds of different topics like what about karma and the four noble truths and all the teachings from the dalai lama.
all you seem to only do one practice which is one prayer with one protector. do you think you can get any kind of progress from this?
you are all saying that this is something good because so many people are doing it and all of you talking and talking about it together. but hey, just because a lot of being are doing something it doesn't mean that it is necessarily a good thing. what about all the millions of people in the world who are drinking coke or even snorting cocaine. those are billion dollar industries and so many people buy into it but it's not a good thing is it?

Hey Karla... I THINK U GOT THE PICTURE hu?  ;) Yes we are CRAZY and we are CRAZY about DORJE SHUGDEN X. So this is where we congregate!

I believe you have MISSED the section on GENERAL BUDDHISM and that is where we talk about everything under the Buddhism sun
Yes we do talk about other Buddhas and Yidams, and Yoginis and Vows etc there.

But I guess you must have found the GENERAL DISCUSSION pretty hot stuff lol. Yes I think everyone has pointed quite clearly WHY WE ARE HERE... So do enjoy your stay... we look forward to much exchange & sharing x WELCOME  :)

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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2012, 04:01:48 PM »
Hey folks
just cruised onto this website and found your forum which I have been reading for a few hours.
you all seem kinda crazy. What kind of forum is that, you all discuss only one topic of this one protector. I thought Buddhism is about all kinds of different topics like what about karma and the four noble truths and all the teachings from the dalai lama.
all you seem to only do one practice which is one prayer with one protector. do you think you can get any kind of progress from this?
you are all saying that this is something good because so many people are doing it and all of you talking and talking about it together. but hey, just because a lot of being are doing something it doesn't mean that it is necessarily a good thing. what about all the millions of people in the world who are drinking coke or even snorting cocaine. those are billion dollar industries and so many people buy into it but it's not a good thing is it?

Sorry, when I read your thread, I burst out laughing. I think you are right that we are all crazy about Dorje Shugden. Although, you may not agree that it is good way to approach Buddhism but hey, different strokes for different folks. You may leave whatever comments you like and we (especially me) like your comments because it is a voice from the perspective of a new comer (or noob as somebody once coined).

Nonetheless, you are right that focussing on the worldly aspect of Dorje Shugden may not be the best way to engage in our practice. That's right. So, we have 2 separate forums, one for general discussion and the other for topics related to Buddhism, that you should be in as dsiluvu has mentioned. Nonetheless, we have been practitioners for a long time and we are very much in need to know and discuss the latest development on the political situation of Dorje Shugden, hence we talk it out here. So, no hard feelings ya.

Jessie Fong

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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2012, 01:16:06 AM »
Dear Karla

Thank you very much for spending your time on this website and reading the forum posts.

Indeed this is all about Dorje Shugden - everything and anything you need to know related to Him is in this site. Yes like dsiluvu said - we are crazy - but in a good kind of way - we are not our of our mind crazy.

Obviously when you chanced upon a site that says -- what did you expect to find, if not all there is to know about Him?

In fact, you should appreciate the hours and hours that the webmaster has spent on building this site, to bring DS practitioners together here to share their thoughts and ideas.

What you have expected anything less?


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2012, 08:14:12 AM »
Hi Karla

Now you have read all the views on why we CRAZY bums are here on this website and punch on our keyboards to say what we think, question and seeking advice/opinion?  In fact is a place for us to support each other.  We need that. You need that if I may say so.  If not, you would not have check out this website.

Your opinions, ideas and sharing are most welcome at all times.  We are all 24/7 here.

Cheers... ;D ;D