Author Topic: what's the big deal  (Read 12062 times)


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2012, 08:37:52 AM »
Hey folks
just cruised onto this website and found your forum which I have been reading for a few hours.
you all seem kinda crazy. What kind of forum is that, you all discuss only one topic of this one protector. I thought Buddhism is about all kinds of different topics like what about karma and the four noble truths and all the teachings from the dalai lama.
all you seem to only do one practice which is one prayer with one protector. do you think you can get any kind of progress from this?
you are all saying that this is something good because so many people are doing it and all of you talking and talking about it together. but hey, just because a lot of being are doing something it doesn't mean that it is necessarily a good thing. what about all the millions of people in the world who are drinking coke or even snorting cocaine. those are billion dollar industries and so many people buy into it but it's not a good thing is it?

Hey Karla,

Are you here? Actually I kind of agree what you said, even I don’t know these people here, but I think these people are really crazy here talking about Dorje Shugden, but beside crazy, do you sense some energy here? The energy of passion, I was here since 2 years back, and in these 2 years I saw how the webmaster and the forum member who make this website so informative, and so fun.

I feel like a family here, sometimes we had argument and sometimes we had quite a good discussion, please feel free to join us here and we look forward to your participation. There is no right or wrong, we just share our opinion and our thought here. ?



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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2012, 11:06:26 AM »
Hi Karla,

Firstly i would like to thank you for your opinion. The numbers does not represent good or bad. Good or bad is very subjective as some may view certain things as bad and some may view the opposite. This is Dorje Shugden website and obviously it is very informative about Dorje Shugden. This website is for people like you and me to read and understand who Dorje Shugden is before making any assumption about Dorje Shugden. There are many people wanting to find out more about Dorje Shugden and other information about Buddhism and this website serves that purpose by being very informative and readily available for anyone to browse. I believe you want to know more about Buddhism, and in the website and forum has many topics about Buddhism. Take you time and and browse through the website and forum and I'm sure you will find many topics about Buddhism in general not just solely on Dorje Shugden.

Happy browsing :)


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2012, 01:20:23 PM »
This thread is rather interesting.. I guess when people logged in this forum, almost everything is about Dorje Shugden, haha.. of course it is , almost like a Shugden fan club or more than that.  It is nice to hear from Karla, and new people coming in to question, even among us Shugden practitioners, we all have questions too.  I guess this is how this forum is very helpful to us.  Or should I say the entire website.

I guess why we are discussing about Dorje Shugden is because we hold the practice very closely to our hearts, which is a sacred practice passed down by our guru.  Because of the ban, we have different minds at different levels.  So we share our thoughts on the whys and whys.. I must say, please do not feel offended if it seems like we are sticking together and push you down... This has actually worked out to become a learning portal for us Shugden practitioners and it has became a great support system to us as well, I personally think it is something beautiful that the practitioners are united and want to preserve the lineage.  Hence, we are all here.  If you ask me, actually I hardly know any of them in real life.. haha.

But i must thank all the admin, forum goers and the people behind this website which make it possible for us to learn so that we do not give up our practice.  And Karla, welcome!  Please do question us crazy people if you have any questions.  Welcome!


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2012, 01:38:51 PM »
Dear Karla,

I am glad you 'chance' into this website and forum and took the interest to leave a post!
You must have found something of real interest to you to so what you did.

Well, we are here to discuss, learn, share and at the same spreading dharma - you taking part in this forum and
visit the website is the strong sign that we are doing something right!

Agree with you that there are many areas of Buddhism that one can learn and practice, afterall each and everyone of us is different hence the 84,000 teachings. However, Dorje Shugden is the most powerful dharma protector who could support us in our own spiritual path and our dharma work of helping others.

Stick around and you will find out why Dorje Shugden is so 'additive'...
Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2012, 07:50:55 PM »
Hey, I saw the other forum. Thanks, nice to see lots of different kinds of stuff going on there.

I still don't get what you're all talking about when you say you're having discussions about Dorje Shugden. You're not having discussions. You're all just agreeing with each other. Even in responding to me, you're all saying the same thing. You're all like some kind of crazy cult, just parroting each other. Do you notice you all just repeat points after each other, just phrased in a different way? This is shown throughout all the other threads too. Just rehashed and rehearsed information.


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Re: what's the big deal
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2012, 11:18:17 AM »
Hey, I saw the other forum. Thanks, nice to see lots of different kinds of stuff going on there.

I still don't get what you're all talking about when you say you're having discussions about Dorje Shugden. You're not having discussions. You're all just agreeing with each other. Even in responding to me, you're all saying the same thing. You're all like some kind of crazy cult, just parroting each other. Do you notice you all just repeat points after each other, just phrased in a different way? This is shown throughout all the other threads too. Just rehashed and rehearsed information.

Dear Karla
It is just happened that the people who are responding to your questions are Shugdenpas.  Thus, it appears to you that we are agreeing and saying about the same thing. 

What we do not agree with is the ban imposed by HHDL that specifically said that our protector is a spirit.  This forum is our means to argue and express our disagreement through logic and understanding.  Since we cannot do so openly without risking the well being our our fellow practitioners (e.g., our Lama can be ostracized if we voiced our disagreement openly).

I hope the above explanation respond to your question well.