Author Topic: Unruly Tibetans  (Read 6796 times)


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Unruly Tibetans
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:46:52 AM »

So Tibetans keep complaining on how China is victimizing them, but what are they doing to the Chinese in turn? I found this interesting article on how a Tibetan mob lynch mobbed a Chinese businessman and burned down his business, and killed his partner and baby in the process. And they do not expect to be punished...and they expect to have no karmic repercussions? If you raze the business establishments of others, how on earth do you not expect the police to clamp down hard on you? How does going against the law of karma help?

Do we want CTA to take over such people and allow more chinese in Tibet to be victimized? what is CTA doing about this? Why is phayul conveniently ignoring this news? Sad indeed.

March 25, 2008; Page A10
SHANGHAI — Peng Jianwei moved from his hometown in central China to Tibet as a teenager seven years ago, hoping to strike it rich on the country’s Western frontier. Now, his dreams are in ashes. His girlfriend was killed, her parents badly injured and the shop where he worked burned to the ground during riots in Lhasa 10 days ago.

In the early afternoon of March 14, the day the capital of China’s Tibet Autonomous Region erupted in violence, a crowd of Tibetans broke into the clothing store owned by Mr. Peng’s girlfriend’s family, doused stacks of shirts and jackets with gasoline and set the piles on fire, says Mr. Peng. The details of his story couldn’t be independently corroborated.

Liu Guobing says Tibetan activists burned his clothing store.
Mr. Peng’s girlfriend, Liu Juan, and her parents, Liu Guobing and Wang Xinping, were hiding upstairs. As the fire spread, Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang jumped from a second-story window. Ms. Liu, who was 20 years old and the mother of their 9-month-old son, apparently was overcome by the smoke. Her body was found inside the burned-out shop the next day, says Mr. Peng, who wasn’t in Lhasa at the time of the attack.

Mr. Peng spoke in a telephone interview Monday from Mr. Liu’s bedside in the First People’s Hospital of the Tibet Autonomous Region in Lhasa. Mr. Peng, 24 years old, says he related events as described to him by Mr. Liu. Mr. Liu, who is being treated for spinal injuries, was unable to speak on the phone.

Cases such as the Liu family’s are fueling anger against Tibetans among the Han Chinese, the country’s predominant ethnic group. Han are also voicing frustration with foreign media, which they feel are ignoring their suffering and instead focusing on Tibetans’ grievances with the Chinese government.

For most of China’s Han majority, the anti-Han violence is the central story of the past 10 days of unrest in China.

China’s government has been highlighting the ethnic violence, in part to justify its use of force to restore order. Demonstrations began in Lhasa on March 10, the anniversary of a failed 1959 uprising by Tibetans against Chinese rule. After marchers were arrested, more protests ensued, turning violent on March 14.

Witnesses said Tibetans — many of whom are angry with government restrictions on civil rights and religious freedoms and feel economically disadvantaged — set fire to large numbers of Han-owned businesses as well as a mosque. Chinese authorities have denied journalists access to the restive regions, and almost every day there are conflicting accounts of deaths and injuries by the Chinese government and the Tibetan government-in-exile.

Tales of the suffering of Han Chinese and Muslims at the hands of Tibetans have become a staple of China’s government-controlled press. First-hand accounts of their stories have been relatively rare in Western news reports, in part because of the difficulty of reaching people by phone in Lhasa.

Many of the stories of Han Chinese targeted in the violence echo with the disillusionment of people who believe that what they see as their pioneering spirit and desire to help develop China’s West have been betrayed.

Fan Yunhua, 35, left his hometown in Sichuan province and moved to Tibet last November. He opened a small store selling cigarettes, alcohol and drinks using nearly $30,000 he had scraped together from friends and relatives. The shop was on East Beijing Road, not far from Jokhang Temple at the center of Lhasa’s old quarter, and served tourists and local Tibetans.

“Folks at home all said it’s easy to do business in Tibet,” says Mr. Fan.

On March 14, Mr. Fan and his wife locked themselves inside their shop as crowds gathered on the streets around them. At around noon, a group of Tibetans broke the door open, Mr. Fan says. Some began knocking bottles from the shelves. Mr. Fan says he and his wife were dragged outside. The details of his story couldn’t be independently corroborated.

Seven or eight people began to beat his wife, and as he tried to make his way to help her, he was hit in the head with “a cellphone-sized rock,” he says. A Tibetan woman rescued his wife and dragged her to shelter by a fire truck. His wife and some other Han shopkeepers hid for two days before being escorted from the neighborhood by paramilitary police, Mr. Fan says.

Mr. Fan says he fled and made his way to a hospital where the wound in his scalp was closed with 20 stitches. The couple is now staying in a government-run shelter for victims of the violence. “I still want to do business here. I still like the city. But it depends on whether the government will be able to guarantee our safety,” he says.

China’s government is acting to reassure the Han population, deploying large numbers of police in Lhasa and elsewhere. Heavily armed police even patrolled the southwestern city of Chengdu over the weekend. The authorities also are highlighting their efforts to bring rioters to justice.

At a news conference in Beijing on Monday, the Public Security Ministry said it had detained five Tibetan men and women in their early twenties on Sunday and Monday. The authorities said the five had confessed to two separate crimes of setting fire to a boutique and a car-repair shop in Lhasa, resulting in the deaths of at least seven people — Han Chinese and Tibetans — including an 8-month-old boy.

When Mr. Liu hit the ground after jumping from his burning store, he couldn’t move, and was slapped in the face by a Tibetan man, Mr. Peng says. His girlfriend’s mother broke an arm in the fall. The two were pulled from the scene by other Han Chinese civilians and policemen and taken to a hospital, Mr. Peng says.

Mr. Peng says he and the Lius could understand some of the Tibetan language but couldn’t speak it and had “very good relations” with their Tibetan customers. But, he says, he had witnessed previous altercations between Tibetans and Hans.

Mr. Peng says he believes the riots were masterminded by the Dalai Lama and were aimed at disrupting the Beijing Olympics in August — an assertion repeatedly made by the Beijing government and denied by the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, who is in exile in India. Since the unrest started, the Dalai Lama has said violence isn’t the way to advance the Tibetan cause.

Now, Mr. Peng says, he hopes the government will offer compensation for his and the Lius’ losses. Mr. Peng says he and Mr. Liu are still too shaken to discuss their plans for the future. “This is a sad place. We don’t want to stay here. But we may have no choice,” Mr. Peng says. “We don’t know if we can start it over.” The main concern now, he says: how to care for his son, who is now staying with relatives in his hometown in Hunan.

–Jason Leow in Beijing contributed to this article.

If they do this sort of thing in Tibet, then they should stop complaining about being mistreated by the Chinese which they brought onto themselves.


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Re: Unruly Tibetans
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 02:48:15 PM »
What happened in Tibet as described in the article is really sad.  It just shows that violence will not helped in the Tibetan causes.  Violence against Han Chinese will only increase hatred and suspicions.  In addition, it will not gain worldwide sympathy. 

The way I observed it, extreme measures taken by Tibetans to make statements to the Chinese Government have undermined HHDL’s or CTA’s attempts for reconciliation.  China tends to blame these extreme measures on HHDL and branding him as a hypocrite because HHDL has always promote non-violence.  If only the Tibetans take what HHDL said seriously, maybe, the situation will be much better now.

I think, we as Shugdenpas, can learn from the situation described above.  We have to be clear and persistent in our objectives to lift the ban, but we should not take violence measures in our fight against the ban.


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Re: Unruly Tibetans
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 03:43:11 PM »
This article when reflected on with other articles that tells the woes of the Tibetan people under Han torture illustrates how the perception of right and wrong truly depends on the angle from which you view a situation. When we hear stories about Tibetans being abused by Han Chinese, which are true accounts, we view that the Tibetans are the victim and the Han Chinese are wrong. When reading stories about the suffering Hans experience due to Tibetan violence (as in this article), we view the Tibetans as wrong. This is exactly what Dharma teaches about duality of our minds and, as in the case of Tibetans vs Han (or vice versa) we get to see the tricks a dual mind plays on us.

I believe the truth as: Whether we look at things from the angle of the Tibetans or Han Chinese, we must realize is that indulging in looking like the victim and making the other party wrong, we are walking down a very dangerous path where nobody can win as we are in actuality all ONE. How can a winner arise when hatred only creates losers? The hated falls and the hater lives a damaged life filled with bitterness and regret (e.g. stories of the Vietnam war veterans). We spend so much energy trying to convey our story to look “good” in the public eye that we forget that as we allow the separation to continue we will eventually inherit a barren land: barren of material wealth that was destroyed and barren of goodness in spirit that died in dismay of humanity. So, the reality is, whether we like it or not, we win together or we loose together.

This is a perfect condition for us to practice the below verse from the 8 verses of mind transformation:

When others out of jealousy
mistreat me with abuse, slander and so on
I will practice accepting defeat
and offering the victory to them.


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Re: Unruly Tibetans
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2012, 03:53:23 PM »
The situation in Tibet as per the article does make people feel sad about the whole situation isn't it? While violence cannot help to solve a situation and especially this one. It will only create more problems ahead and when will all these news about Chinese being mistreated will end? Citizens from all over the world will not be sympathetic on this. This whole issue will just make others feel disappointing.

Why? The Chinese government will only have more reason to blame it on The Dalai Lama and the way i see it, the attempt of reconciliation between to this two parties will never happen. If the so called loyal Tibetans took the advice from The Dalai Lama, it will not boil the situation to a even greater height but instead will ease the situation.

Violence is never the measure, as it is now, Tibet is China and nobody can doubt that. What can we take from here will be hoping the will be no more violence in Tibet against anyone, of which then will bring peace to the land of Tibet.


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Re: Unruly Tibetans
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2012, 07:06:32 PM »
These incidences not only undermined not only China's claims to have brought peace and prosperity to Tibet but also the Dalai Lama's longstanding creed of non-violent resistance. Sad, another step backwards towards achieving autonomy or whatever they wish to achieve.

I think more and more people are getting desperate as the negotiations are heading nowhere.  The middle way strategy calls for greater autonomy within China and demands that this goal be pursued through non-violent means.  Twenty years later, the "Middle Way" has not produced any meaningful results. This has even caused His Holiness’ envoys to resign (read:

I remember in a 2009 interview with NBC’s ‘Today’ program, His Holiness conceded a truth known yet ignored, that the “Middle Way” policy, which sought from China’s regime ‘autonomy’ for Tibet, rather than their rightful independence, has failed. I am sure the Tibetans are becoming more desperate, because how can the Tibetans be asked to have faith or trust in a strategy, which the Dalai Lama himself has acknowledged as a failure? Yet, this policy continues to be promoted as the only ‘solution’ even up till now.

Also, another group to watch out for is the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), an international non-governmental organisation that advocates the independence of Tibet from China. They have around 30,000 members and  is the largest of the pro-independence organisations of Tibetan exiles. The TYC is seemingly representing itself as a parallel organisation to the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Dharamsala and is recently seen as more vocal on criticising the middle way policy and its advocate, the CTA.   

Well, whether it is the CTA or TYC, I think the key is not to anger China because then, there is really no way to get ahead, be it autonomy or indepence.


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Re: Unruly Tibetans
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2012, 08:05:50 AM »
The reason why I want to share this news is because CTA has been complaining constantly that China has been mistreating the Tibetans in Tibet and how they are oppressed etc, and that it is not the whole truth and it is just a one sided story designed by the CTA to actually gain sympathy from the international community so that they can get support for the Tibetan cause. But that is not the truth and CTA knows it, yet they spread lies about China in a desperate attempt to garner support. They poison the minds of their own people and also poison the minds of their supporters who supported them out of good faith just to achieve a cause. Why would anyone want to do that? That is just a very ghastly thing to do, to poison the minds of people who support you out of good faith. Last I checked, lying is one of the big misdeeds in Buddhism. So how will they be able to achieve anything if they keep lying?

If CTA was really serious about Tibetan independence and also serious about being a Buddhist country and government, why are they breaking the very advice that the Buddha has taught, which is not to deceive and lie? It would be nice to see news like this on Phayul and a commentary of how the Tibetans should stop these unruly acts and how it does not benefit anyone in the long run and how it goes directly against Buddhist principles. A government who is transparent about their mistakes and also report fair and unbiased news will always garner the support and respect of the people. A government that lies constantly through their teeth just for the sake of getting support will always lose supports at the end of the day as people do not like to be deceived, and they will eventually find out and not forgive the CTA.

If the Tibetans in Tibet wish for China to stop clamping down hard on them, then they should violent acts like these and it is really the CTA's duty to acknowledge this kind of news and speak out against it, and remind the Tibetans to respect the Chinese law and to represent the Tibetans in a good way. Violence will only beget violence. Now we know why the Chinese were so hard on the Tibetans. It is merely just karma coming back to them and the whole thing can end, if only the Tibetans were more honest and transparent about reality and also the CTA telling them to not do things that will bring more misfortune.

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: Unruly Tibetans
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2012, 11:35:19 AM »
If the Tibetans in Tibet wish for China to stop clamping down hard on them, then they should stop violent acts like these and it is really the CTA's duty to acknowledge this kind of news and speak out against it, and remind the Tibetans to respect the Chinese law and to represent the Tibetans in a good way. Violence will only beget violence. Now we know why the Chinese were so hard on the Tibetans. It is merely just karma coming back to them and the whole thing can end, if only the Tibetans were more honest and transparent about reality and also the CTA telling them to not do things that will bring more misfortune.

It is truly sad to know that these kinds of violence are happening in Tibet. But in my point of view, these are the act of some minority groups who think they are doing Tibet a favor and as revenge upon the Chinese by taking things into their own hands, not knowing that in actual they are doing more harm than good. While the fact remains true that, as a direct result of Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet, over 1.2 million Tibetans have died. It was history, a history of violence. The frustration and anger from past incidents cannot be understood by others, as the degree of violence inflicted upon Tibetans during the Chinese occupation in Tibet is simply unimaginable.  Those who inflicted harm, pain and killed during that period of time shall pay heavily for their negative Karma.

What happened in the past, we cannot reverse. We should look towards a better future. I do not think HHDL or the CTA has anything to do with the violence because it really sabotages the plans and efforts made for reconciliation. It is bad enough that the Chinese government view HHDL as an enemy, and if the CTA do not take actions and send out a strong message to fellow Tibetans that it’s unacceptable to act in such violent manners, I am afraid, in time it will only get a lot worse than it is.
Over 1.2 million Tibetans have died as a direct result of the Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet. Today, it is hard to come across a Tibetan family that has not had at least one member imprisoned or killed by the Chinese regime. According to Jigme Ngabo, "after the suppressions of 1959 and 1969, almost every family in Tibet has been affected in some way". These facts speak volumes about the "democratic reform" China claims to have brought to the "dark, feudal exploitative society" of Tibet.
Independent Tibet was certainly not an embodiment of perfect human society. But it was, by no means, nearly as tyrannical as it is today under Chinese rule. Its two biggest prisons, located in Lhasa, had, at any one time, no more than 30 inmates each. But, following Chinese invasion the whole of Tibet has been turned into a vast network of prisons and labour camps. There are reports that China even resorted to massacre of prisoners to keep the prison population within manageable limits.



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Re: Unruly Tibetans
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2012, 11:54:46 AM »
It is truly sad to know that these kinds of violence are happening in Tibet. But in my point of view, these are the act of some minority groups who think they are doing Tibet a favor and as revenge upon the Chinese by taking things into their own hands, not knowing that in actual they are doing more harm than good. While the fact remains true that, as a direct result of Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet, over 1.2 million Tibetans have died. It was history, a history of violence. The frustration and anger from past incidents cannot be understood by others, as the degree of violence inflicted upon Tibetans during the Chinese occupation in Tibet is simply unimaginable.  Those who inflicted harm, pain and killed during that period of time shall pay heavily for their negative Karma.

What happened in the past, we cannot reverse. We should look towards a better future. I do not think HHDL or the CTA has anything to do with the violence because it really sabotages the plans and efforts made for reconciliation. It is bad enough that the Chinese government view HHDL as an enemy, and if the CTA do not take actions and send out a strong message to fellow Tibetans that it’s unacceptable to act in such violent manners, I am afraid, in time it will only get a lot worse than it is.
Over 1.2 million Tibetans have died as a direct result of the Chinese invasion and occupation of Tibet. Today, it is hard to come across a Tibetan family that has not had at least one member imprisoned or killed by the Chinese regime. According to Jigme Ngabo, "after the suppressions of 1959 and 1969, almost every family in Tibet has been affected in some way". These facts speak volumes about the "democratic reform" China claims to have brought to the "dark, feudal exploitative society" of Tibet.
Independent Tibet was certainly not an embodiment of perfect human society. But it was, by no means, nearly as tyrannical as it is today under Chinese rule. Its two biggest prisons, located in Lhasa, had, at any one time, no more than 30 inmates each. But, following Chinese invasion the whole of Tibet has been turned into a vast network of prisons and labour camps. There are reports that China even resorted to massacre of prisoners to keep the prison population within manageable limits.

China is paying for their mass killing of innocent people and the desecration of many religions with their accelerated moral decay and having more and more unhappy people. There is really no telling when will everything for China improve on that end. Almost daily, there are news of how the Chinese in China did something that is a direct result of the lack of morality and conscience of the Chinese people. And some of these stories are extremely shocking and disturbing mainly because it is something that no normal or sane human would actually think of doing. The lack of human rights in China is caused by the lack of spirituality in their people and this is a direct result of their karma for killing so many people and destroying religion. And now, the Chinese people are destroying themselves.


The Incident: After Causing Accident, Female Driver Strips Naked, Blocks Paramedics, and Wrestles Down Injured Little Girl
June 17th, in Shandong’s Linyi City Lanshan District, a mother and daughter pair were hit by a speeding car and sent flying, causing the death of the 4-year-old daughter and severely injuring the mother, who even after rescue is still in life-threatening condition.

After the accident, residents dialed 120 [the Chinese paramedics number]. When the ambulance arrived, something shocking happened…

The female driver responsible for the accident took off all her clothes, and blocked the ambulance from driving into the residential neighborhood to commence rescue.

The paramedics, being left no choice, could only get out of the ambulance and go in on foot, whereby they then carried the little girl to the ambulance.

At this time, the female driver responsible for the accident suddenly got up and yanked the little girl from within the ambulance down to the ground, preventing her from being taken to the hospital.

Victims’ Family: This is no accident, it’s intentional harm

Progress: The case has already been turned over to a criminal investigation team

Miss Zhang and Miss Wang are both residents of Linyi city’s Xiangxielidu residential community. Because they saw each others kids often, they had a loose acquaintance.

On June 17th around 10:00 am, the fates of the two violently collided, with tragedy emerging between the two.

Miss Zhang was speeding through in the residential community, but before she had driven very far, she crashed into Miss Wang and her daughter, sending them flying. Miss Wang is still in critical condition, and her daughter, only four years old, has already passed away.

In the midst of this tragedy is a mix of farces both shocking and bewildering.

After hitting the Wangs, Miss Zhang took off all her clothes, and shockingly impeded the paramedics from rescuing Miss Wang’s daughter, as if she had gone insane.

Yesterday [June 26th], a video of the incident went viral online, evoking hot debate, with Miss Zhang even being labeled a “Female Yao Jiaxin” in the video.

Yesterday afternoon, reporters arrived in Linyi city Xiangxielidu residential community, where the aftermath of tragedy still lingers, and many residents are still talking about it. They brought the reporters to the site of the accident, a one-way street at the bottom of building that leads to the residential community exit, now without any visible bloodstains. Residents told the reporters, the driver responsible for the vehicle accident, Miss Zhang, was about 37 years old and the mother of two children. She lived in building 7, and the victims, Miss Wang and her daughter, lived in building 6. “They knew each other, because they’d often watch their children play outside the buildings.”

Miss Wang’s husband, Mr. Wang, told the reporters that the day of the accident, the family had planned on having Mr. Wang’s father over for Father’s Day. Because he had errands to run, Mr. Wang had Miss Wang go out to get groceries. “About 15 minutes before the accident, I had just called my wife,” said Mr. Wang. “She happily told me that she had just finished buying all the groceries, and I told her I would be back soon.” Seconds later he got another call from his wife’s phone, only this time his wife was not on the other end of the call.

Mr. Wang collected neighbor and witness accounts and evidence after the incident, and began to gradually understand what happened. He told the reporter, at the time, his wife had just finished buying groceries and was riding an electric scooter back with the daughter, while the son was riding a bicycle back with them, but just as they were about the reach their building, bad fortune struck. “The three of them were coming from the east and riding west. A speeding car came from the front and crashed into my wife’s scooter. My wife and daughter were both thrown from the vehicle. My daughter flew past two cars parked on the side of the road, and landed under another. The car responsible for the accident scraped several other parked cars, then stopped at the end of the road.”
The residents told the reporter, they understood the situation more or less the same way. After the accident, people dialed 110 [the Chinese emergency number] and 120 for rescue. When the ambulance arrived, it sent the mother and daughter to a nearby hospital for medical attention. Unfortunately, Miss Wang’s four-year-old daughter died. Miss Wang herself had internal bleeding in her skull. She has been through surgery, but is still being treated in intensive care at the present. As of yesterday night, she was still in critical condition. “When I went to the hospital, saw my wife, and then saw my daughter, I was paralyzed and fell over.” Mr. Wang said he was dazed with grief at the time. “Everything was fine before, how could have this happened?”

The Video in Replay

The driver responsible prevents rescue naked, pulls the injured girl down out of the ambulance.

As the accident occurred, a property owner inside Xiangxielidu residential community filmed the entire rescue process on tape, then gave then victims’ family the footage. On the 24th, netizen “linyiyuanqing” uploaded the 5 minute and 17 second video to the internet.

As the video starts, about 10 people crowd around a light colored sedan. Beside the sedan lay a middle-aged woman. Underneath her is a car’s wheel. The crowd struggles to lift the car up, with city residents joining in at this time to help lift it up, and seconds later, a little girl wearing orange is carried out from under the car. Both of her eyes are closed, her two legs already unable to stand, and the left side of her face covered in blood.

A man and a paramedic run over, pick up the girl that was rescued from underneath the car and carry her over to the ambulance, putting her inside. Right at this time, the naked lady that had been blocking the ambulance gets up off the ground, pushes away the paramedics at the door, crawls into the ambulance, tries to carry the girl out, and in the struggle ends up falls out onto the ground with the little girl. This action makes the surrounding city residents gasp and yell in shock, “What is she doing?!” When the little girl was carried back into the ambulance, the naked woman again lies back down in front of the ambulance. But the moment vehicle begins to drive away, she gets back up yet again and throws herself toward the car, grabbing onto the ambulance’s front bumper. After the crowd pried her hands off, the ambulance backed away and leaves, while the naked woman again lies down in the same spot.

Can you imagine what is being done in the name of revenge? This is the results of China's destruction and denial of religion. Pretty soon if Buddhism dosent spread fast enough, they will destroy themselves. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.