To me, this summary covers some additional information about the ban that we should all be aware of, and the effects it has on the people of Dharamsala and how much they are suffering, and how HHDL's followers are contradicting the Dharma.Just because HHDL does not speak up against it, it is obvious that such actions are wrong by logic, so why even on a very secular sense do these people are unable to not do something very basic like not harm others? Where is all the Dharma when you need it the most?
The weird thing is that His Holiness himself has denied the devastating effect of the ban on Dorje Shugden practitioners.
In a documentary, when the Dalai Lama was asked why he would not simply advise against the practice and then otherwise be tolerant, advising against violence, he repeated his statement that no one was being harmed. When confronted by the reporter about the announcements advocating violent action in newspapers and wall postings His Holiness said he thought it was rumours. When asked "All the great masters who have worshipped the deity for centuries, was all of that wrong?" the Dalai Lama replied simply "Wrong! Yes! Wrong!".
From the transcript of programme "10 vor 10" shown on Swiss National TV SF1 in 1998 Question to the Dalai Lama (1) Reporter: "Are you aware the potential for violence that your ban contains when Tibetans think that your life is in danger?"
Dalai Lama: No! No!...No No! (meant as denial of the violence)
He continues to bring up the subject in public discussions. A commission of his government in exile found no wrong doing against the worshippers of this deity. Dalai Lama: "Everybody you can ask. The majority, I think 99%, completely agrees or follows my advice, and from this side, NO SINGLE record about violence."
Question to the Dalai Lama (2) Reporter: Why don't you simply advise people not to worship the deity Dorje Shugden and instruct others to be tolerant and avoid violence towards those who continue to worship it?
Dalai Lama: Nobody harming! Nobody harming on them!
Reporter: But I've seen the calls for violence in the newspapers
Dalai Lama: No, no, no
Reporter: I've seen it with my own eyes
Dalai Lama: No, I think rumors!