Author Topic: Avalokiteshvara Empowerment & Ethics for a Whole World  (Read 6538 times)

Positive Change

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Avalokiteshvara Empowerment & Ethics for a Whole World
« on: June 29, 2012, 01:51:18 PM »
WOW... How incredibly fortunate and blessed for those attending. I have highlighted some interesting points from HHDL teaching below.

June 28th 2012

Milan, Italy, 28 June 2012 - His Holiness left his hotel early to have time to undertake the preparatory rituals for the Avalokiteshvara empowerment he was giving this morning. By the time he was ready most people had taken their seats in the stadium that was filled to its 10,000 capacity.

His Holiness began by explaining that there are four classes of Buddhist tantra and that this empowerment of Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, belongs to the class of Action Tantra. All four classes of tantra involve visualising yourself as a deity and the recitation of mantra and so forth. This is a specific method that combines the practices of calm abiding and special insight. Tantrayana is sometimes referred to as Secret Mantra. It is secret because it is fit for those who have developed the awakening mind of bodhichitta, while mantra literally means mind protector. We all have the potential to attain Buddhahood and visualising ourselves as deities, our speech as mantra and our minds as Dharmakaya is a way of fulfilling it. In this practice we are trying to transform our ordinary experience into a transcendental experience.

His Holiness remarked that he received this empowerment from Tadrag Rinpoche and his Senior Tutor Ling Rinpoche and that last night he dreamt of Ling Rinpoche. What an incredibly auspiccious sign!

During the course of the empowerment he gave the lay persons’ upasaka vows, as well the ceremonies for generating the aspiring and engaging awakening minds of bodhichitta. In addition, he took care to explain how values and practices found in Buddhism are also to be found in other religious traditions. An Italian Imam, and several Catholic monks and nuns had come to attend the empowerment and he suggested ways in which what he was teaching could be relevant within the context of a different faith. At the end he advised,

“The empowerment is complete, now, if possible serve others and if you find you can’t do that, at least refrain from harming them. Follow your teacher, whoever you consider him to be; the teaching is concerned with being of benefit to others.”

Following lunch, His Holiness gave another television interview. Asked to comment about the series of self-immolations that have lately taken place in Tibet, he said that due to the politically sensitive nature of the issue he prefers to keep silent. Interesting that HHDL chooses to remain silent this time around!

“However, these sad events are evidently not taking place because the concerned individuals have family problems. The Chinese authorities must investigate what the cause is, what’s wrong to provoke such desperate acts. After former premier Hu Yaobang, who was a good Communist, visited Lhasa in 1980 he publicly apologised for what had happened in Tibet and promised to reduce the Han population. As Deng Xiaoping recommended, the Chinese authorities should seek truth from facts.

“When Hu Jintao became President and made known his aim to ensure harmony in society, I supported it. But the right method for achieving that is to create trust, whereas they think they can achieve it through force, which is illogical. The use of force contradicts any efforts to create trust. The Tibetan spirit will never be cowed down by the use of force. It is rooted in Buddhism, a tradition that is more than 2500 years old, whose image in the world is on the rise. Communism, on the other hand is barely 200 years old and its image is on the wane, while totalitarianism is completely out of date.”

Regarding the crisis in Europe, His Holiness said that he has always admired the idea of the EU and the Euro and that he suspects the present problems are a temporary setback, not the end of either of them, although the lifestyles to which people have become accustomed may have to change.

Meeting a gathering of Mongolians and Tibetans resident in Europe he extolled the value of the Tibetan Buddhist culture both peoples share and encouraged them to continue their efforts to preserve it. Addressing the Tibetans in particular he explained how recent changes in his own political status and that of the institution of Dalai Lamas are not because he is downhearted, but for the good of the Tibetan people among whom he has wished to see democracy flourish since he was young. Surely the biggest "hint" to CTA to date by far!

At the beginning of the afternoon’s public talk speeches were made in His Holiness’s honour by the Mayor of Assago, the Municipality in which the teachings were taking place, and the President of the Province of Milan, at the conclusion of which he was presented with the key of Assago. He responded,

“Dear brothers and sisters, I am extremely happy to meet you and to have this opportunity to share some of my experiences and thoughts - and through your questions I hope to learn some of your concerns. Of course, to begin with I’d like to express my thanks to the organizers here for making such good arrangements. I’d also like to thank the Mayor of Assago for the certificate and key presented to me, which I appreciate as being in recognition of what I am trying to do.

“If we remember that at a fundamental level we are the same, that we all have a right to a happy life, we can understand that there is no difference between us. In this twenty-first century, when we live in such a globalized and interdependent world, our old notions of them and us are no longer relevant. We need instead to think of a great us. The Hawaiians have a marvellous saying ‘Your blood is my blood, your bone is my bone’ meaning that your pain in my pain and your joy is my joy. What this means is that if we must be selfish, it’s much better to be wisely selfish rather than foolishly selfish. In order to derive the maximum benefit the wise thing is take care of others.”

His Holiness repeatedly speaks of his vision for this twenty-first century to be a century of dialogue and today he looked forward to a time when children are so imbued with the idea that problems should be solved that way that they will gently chide their quarrelling parents to sit down and talk it through. Making dialogue the solution depends on having genuine respect for others’ rights, their happiness and their prosperity, after all, he says, we have to live side by side on this planet with our fellow human beings. His conclusion was,

“Whatever you do, take a realistic view and think of the long term interests of humanity. Thank you.” Dorje Shugden Ban perhaps??? ;)

Before His Holiness left, the organizers of events in Milan made a financial report in the interests of transparency. They announced that of the 10,000 seats available, 1000 had been made available free of charge to monks and nuns and to the needy. Income from ticket sales and donations amounted to €628,000 while expenses for the rental of the venue and facilities cost €465,000, leaving a balance of €163,000. This will be divided as follows, 40% to be given to the Dalai Lama Trust, 30% to be given to Ghe Phel Ling to support future teaching programmes, and 30% to be given to two other Ghe Phel Ling charitable projects: one supporting young Tibetans studies in India and another dedicated to rehabilitation of prisoners in Milan.

Tonight, His Holiness will board a flight back to India

Pic 1: His Holiness the Dalai Lama during the Avalokiteshvara empowerment in Milan, Italy, on June 28, 2012. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Pic 2: Members of the audience during His Holiness the Dalai Lama's  Avalokiteshvara empowerment in Milan, Italy, on June 28, 2012. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

Pic 3: The Milano Forum, venue for His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teaching and talk in Milan, Italy, on June 28, 2012. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL


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Re: Avalokiteshvara Empowerment & Ethics for a Whole World
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2012, 06:58:08 PM »
AMAZING! Thank you Positive for this interesting post.

I honestly do not think anyone who is a "fake" could carry such power in commanding such an audience of this amount. Up until now... even though His Holiness reputation has been tainted due to the Ban of Dorje Shugden, it is unquestionable that His Holiness is still ever so influenced. Perhaps the only sane reason is that He is truly Avaloketeshvara and  that this whole Ban has been orchestrated to increase our faith in our Guru and Dorje Shugden... for those who remained loyal.

“The empowerment is complete, now, if possible serve others and if you find you can’t do that, at least refrain from harming them. Follow your teacher, whoever you consider him to be; the teaching is concerned with being of benefit to others.”

For this simple quote highlighted sums it all... it is quite obvious. With that notion... I think His Holiness will stick to his firm decision of the Ban until He passes but I do think His Holiness is also giving CTA a chance to do something different. CTA could lift the BAN and stop all negativities thrown at Shugdenpas, and unite their own people as a whole.

Here is a recent interview by Mohammed Abbas of Reuters interviewing His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his visit to London, England, on June 20, 2012. ( See how His Holiness so humbly yet with dignity praises China and spoke with much gusto and perhaps a final hope that their conflict will be resolved soon.

Rueters Interviews His Holiness the Dalai Lama in London


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Re: Avalokiteshvara Empowerment & Ethics for a Whole World
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2012, 08:11:42 AM »
As can be seen on this occasion of HH Dalai Lama giving an Avalokiteshvara Empowerment in a town in Italy, the stadium is filled to its full capacity of 10000 seats! So the Dalai Lama still draws huge crowds to His teachings and Empowerment ceremonies, wherever He goes. As an emanation of Chenrezig Himself, this empowerment, from Him,would be seen by all to be very powerful.

The Dalai Lama in His public talk, emphasizes the need for people of the 21st Century to engage in DIALOGUE to solve problems. The way of peace is always better. He says that dialogue stems from "having respect for others' rights, their happiness, their prosperity". He also speaks of the need of the "globalized interdependent world" of the 21st century to think of the "greater us" as opposed to "you' and "me". There is consistently  an insistence, in His talk, on recognizing the needs and rights of all and the importance of harmony.

When we think of the Shugden issue and His tactic of belligerence towards Dorje Shugden, and contrast it with this persistent message of peace, harmony and honoring the rights of all,we have to reflect again on this contradictory and inconsistent stance of the Dalai Lama, and logically look once again at the Bigger Picture.   


Big Uncle

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Re: Avalokiteshvara Empowerment & Ethics for a Whole World
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2012, 08:34:18 AM »
Meeting of Mongolians and Tibetans resident in Europe he extolled the value of the Tibetan Buddhist culture both peoples share and encouraged them to continue their efforts to preserve it. Addressing the Tibetans in particular he explained how recent changes in his own political status and that of the institution of Dalai Lamas are not because he is downhearted, but for the good of the Tibetan people among whom he has wished to see democracy flourish since he was young. Surely the biggest "hint" to CTA to date by far!

I knew it! The Dalai Lama has retired and has placed his trust on the new leaders of the Central Tibetan Administration. He said so himself here and that could only mean one thing, the dissolution of the Dorje Shugden ban can only come about through their own intervention. They have to take the welfare of the Tibetan people into their own hands. If they really want to work towards a social change of the Tibetan people, they have to think for ALL Tibetans without exception. That is the norm today and there is no self-respecting government in this world that works only for the benefit of a segment of society.

With that in mind, all policies that are archaic and segregates society in any way should be abolished. Now, it is time to show the world, especially China that they are capable of ruling its own people in a secular and fair manner. They need to counter years of Chinese allegations that the Tibetans are feudalistic, archaic and superstitious. Although the CTA's administration follow along the lines of a democratic system but the existence of this ban has already tarnished this image.

There's no guarantee that it will work for the Tibetan people as international relations and diplomacy is often best a rocky affair but it is worth a try. It is better they work towards this direction than let history takes its course and the Tibetan cause will be lot forever.


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Re: Avalokiteshvara Empowerment & Ethics for a Whole World
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2012, 12:42:55 PM »

For this simple quote highlighted sums it all... it is quite obvious. With that notion... I think His Holiness will stick to his firm decision of the Ban until He passes but I do think His Holiness is also giving CTA a chance to do something different. CTA could lift the BAN and stop all negativities thrown at Shugdenpas, and unite their own people as a whole.

Rueters Interviews His Holiness the Dalai Lama in London

Do not lose hope Dsiluvu.  HHDL was a DS practitioner before he enforced the ban.  He received DS practice from his junior tutor, Trijang Rinpoche.  He definitely can change again.  If HHDL lift the ban himself, it will give so much credibility to our cause. 
When that happen, we, Shugdenpas, can join grand HHDL empowerment as described above.


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Re: Avalokiteshvara Empowerment & Ethics for a Whole World
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2012, 12:51:44 PM »

During the course of the empowerment he gave the lay persons’ upasaka vows, as well the ceremonies for generating the aspiring and engaging awakening minds of bodhichitta. In addition, he took care to explain how values and practices found in Buddhism are also to be found in other religious traditions. An Italian Imam, and several Catholic monks and nuns had come to attend the empowerment and he suggested ways in which what he was teaching could be relevant within the context of a different faith.

I found it amazing that HHDL allows Catholic monks and nuns to attend the empowerment and he explain that what he was teaching could be relevant to the context of different faith.  This is contradictory to his previous statements that Shugden practitioners are not allowed to attend any of his empowerments and initiations.

Sometimes, High Lama really act in a way that is very difficult to understand.

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: Avalokiteshvara Empowerment & Ethics for a Whole World
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2012, 03:30:55 AM »
So many people gaining blessings and empowerments from a living Bodhisattva. I sure wish I was able to be there. For now I am in Dharamsala looking forward to New Year's teachings from HHDL.