Author Topic: what is the western shugden society?  (Read 18376 times)


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what is the western shugden society?
« on: April 11, 2008, 02:46:52 PM »
hi all,

does anybody know anything about the western shugden society what is it, who are its members, when was it founded and what is its function??

love kelsang

a friend

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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2008, 11:37:34 PM »
Yes, Thom, what are you talking about?  ::)
Why do you use the name of a well known journalist?
Please enlighten us!

And Kelsang: you started asking about the Western Shugden Society.
Do you have other information than the Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's letter?
His seal of approval does not clarify in the least what is the Western Shugden Society.


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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2008, 02:26:08 PM »
i don't think lama gangchen knows them. but maybe zawa rinpoche can shed some light?


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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2008, 02:53:10 PM »
From The Dorje shugden society web

December 20/21, 2006

The 10th Anniversary of founding of Dorje Shugden Society and 5th International Dorje Shugden Summit was held at India International Center, New Delhi. The summit was attended by dignitaries, scholars, and delegates from 14 different countries.

Maybe then people who attended this know something about WSS. Does anyone here know who attended?

In the recent letter sent to Sera it says:
You will remember that in 1996-1997 when a similar situation arose through religious discrimination created by the Dalai Lama to ban the practice of Dorje Shugden, the Western Shugden Society organised demonstrations directly against the Dalai Lama throughout the world, including the USA and United Kingdom.
So i guess it's the same organization as back then.

It also says:
We need your answer by the 22nd April 2008, signed and delivered by registered post to:
Dorje Shugden Devotees Society,
House No 105, Old Tibetan Camp, Majnu Ka Tilla, Delhi-54
(91) 11-23921169, Mobile:(91) 9910262029

... So i'd say the WSS is in close comunications with the Dorje Shugden Society in Delhi.  :)

a friend

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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2008, 05:37:06 PM »

If someone does not explain in this Forum what the Western society is, guys, beware, this name is not going to work once the street demonstrations start. Mohani, what you say does not prouve anything, anybody can put an address without permission. This is not idle curiosity, I agree with whoever spoke some days ago of avoiding another communications disaster.
Please think about it! We only want to help.



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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2008, 05:44:40 PM »
"Confederation" is a more inclusive description.
The thinking is that east_ west Shugden Devotees are one.

Shugden Confederation

Confederation invites everybody

Unless there is a reason to differentiate for some reason


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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2008, 08:04:28 PM »
hi a friend,
i dont really understand what u r trying to say ...
do u mean if we talk about this publicly it may not be helpful for the plans our Lamas may have?
or r u saying we cannot trust these letters and and we should be careful what we believe...?
sorry my english is not the best and i maybe a little slow... ;)


jeff Ryan

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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2008, 08:56:54 PM »
I don't think there is a "WSS" per say. I think someone used the term and now it is sticking. I am a member of the DSDCRS and I live in the west.

a friend

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« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2008, 09:38:37 PM »


What I mean is that if we talk --and particularly if NKT talks, like in the letter Geshe-la wrote-- about a DSh Western Society that does not exist, not only it might not be helpful for the plans the Lamas may have, it might be a serious hindrance, something that might backfire with precisely the accusation that Dorje Shugden people act under phantom institutions, i.e., are not reliable.

About the letter that Geshe-la sent ... well, to me it's difficult not to believe Mohani and a couple of other people that announced themselves in the Forum as NKT. They said that their centers received that letter from GKG. So I would be inclined to believe the letter is true. But obviously there's still an element of leap of faith because I don't have any direct channel to NKT myself.

RYAN: Western Shugden Society doesn't sound like a spontaneous term that now is sticking. Not when mentioned so prominently in a letter supposedly written by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

NKT people, if you love your Lama and the NKT, please try to find out more, to inform them of what we are saying here. WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS and are trying to help.



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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2008, 07:23:33 AM »
I sent an email to the chap who sent the NKT the original Sera letter yesterday, asking him to clarify details about The Western Dorje Shugden Society. I directed him to this forum, explaining the concerns.
I checked my emails last night, and to add another twist there was a forwarded email from my teacher from Geshe-la:

Dear Resident Teachers and Admin Directors of the NKT Dharma Centres,


Concerning the demonstrations, for certain reasons I have cancelled the plan to help the ´Western Shugden Society´ and to support the demonstrations. Please forget it.


With love and prayers,


Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

I dont know what to say. A bit of a roller coaster.

jeff Ryan

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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2008, 10:24:52 AM »
too much talking on this forum about this subject created the obsticles. we have ourselves to blame.

Zhalmed Pawo

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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2008, 11:46:01 AM »
Or maybe it was because GKG knows something we do not.
I'm referring to Trinley Kalsang's post here
But who knows...


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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2008, 03:24:46 PM »
Dear students of NKT,

Wouldnt it be very good if Nkt could start a website or a forum where they can discuss all their internal issues, plans, teachings, questions, and subjects relevant to their organization on their new site?

Many Nkt ppl discuss their issues on this site and their issues are valid, but this is not an Nkt site, but a dorje shugden site. Not affiliated with any centre or lama as far as i understand. We should discuss only issues directly relevant to dorje shugden  and not connected to any centres.

If GKG doesnt want to have a site up for Nkt students to discuss things, then when you are discussing it on this site, is it a breach of holy his instructions? Maybe you discuss Dorje Shugden and not NKT?

I mean no offence to anyone, please do not take it wrong. But when i go into the Guestbook, the posts are getting to be very vulgar and rude. I have written in an appeal to Admin to do something re that. It is getting degenerated. And when i come into the forum, many NKT issues being discussed back and forth by students of NKT using this platform.

PLEASE EVERYONE, LETS GET BACK TO DORJE SHUGDEN. My deep respects to Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, NKT and students. It is truly an organization that makes us all proud.


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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2008, 03:41:51 PM »
Hi to all and especially to NKT Students.

Geshe–la specifically requested all NKT forums to be closed down last year specifically to avoid NKT issues being debated in public.

Also he requested all NKT ordained Sangha to refrain from meaningless discussion on the internet.

We could apply this to all Sangha.

So if you rely upon Geshe-la as your Guru, you should avoid speculation and meaningless discussion on this media or any internet forum

With love to you all.


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Re: what is the western shugden society?
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2008, 05:19:15 PM »

Dear Mountains,

You are right, this site is independent of any organization, Lamas etc., which is one of its strengths i believe, as it makes us less vulnerable to being biased. That many learned practitioners have written in and contributed is a cause for rejoicing, and perhaps an answer to our prayers that our lineage masters to whom we owe all that is decent in us may look down on our endeavors from Tushita with benevolence.

All that an independent reader needs to know about our holy, most compassionate Protector, and the fabricated controversy - this too shall pass, and we will see it pass - around him, is already gathered here. In this too we rejoice, as well as in future research and sharing of additional information that will support and ornament this already strong house.

And because of this the time seems right to remind ourselves of our deeper purpose - to practice and share the Buddha's teachings in general and Jetsun Tsongkhapa's inconceivably precious legacy in specific.

There is no other purpose in Dorje Shugden's blessed influence in this world than this - to nurture and protect the bliss that knows no sorrow that springs from the indestructible power of the enlightened mind, and that will work forever in service of all who have not yet attained it.

May the time come soon when we can discuss only these.

So i agree with your request and reminder, with the greatest respect to the New Kadampa Tradition's practitioners, and with supplications for decency to various recent writers.

Very soon we will post the Lama Chopa sadhana which says it all, which contains the entire path, and which could be regarded as the definite expression of Dorje Shugden's wishes for all of us, regardless of who we are.

With warm thanks for all your precious contributions -

Yours, beggar