Author Topic: Holy Items from Oracles & Miracles  (Read 4970 times)


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Holy Items from Oracles & Miracles
« on: June 30, 2012, 09:30:33 PM »
I know some people have doubts when it comes to oracles and miracles, but I feel that this is a valid part of the practice itself and we should not dismiss it and we should feel happy we still have the great fortune for oracles of Dorje Shugden to be around today.

I have read about miracles of Shugden oracles bending swords, but have not had the good fortune to see any in person, but thanks to, I found some pictures of it (attached 2 below) on one of its many informative posts (Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche in Mongolia,

In his memoirs, Nebesky Wojkowitz, author of Oracles and Demons of Tibet, described a performance by an oracle of Dorje Shugden:

A servant pressed a short sword into the oracle priest’s right hand. The seer placed the point against his hip, where a strong leather strap showed under his brightly colored apron, and pushed on the handle until the blade doubled up.

Such a twisted sword is called a “knotted thunderbolt” and is valued as a defense against the supernatural. Hung next to the door, it can prevent malignant spirits from entering.

If you have any holy item related to the oracle or miracles performed by Dorje Shugden oracles, please share the pictures/ stories here  ;)

Big Uncle

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Re: Holy Items from Oracles & Miracles
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2012, 05:17:50 PM »
Well, I have had the good fortune to have audience with the Dorje Shugden oracle many years ago. I am not sure which oracle this is but it was in Kathmandu Nepal. The oracle was rather scary because his back was facing me as I entered a room full of people awaiting the Protector to take trance. The oracle was in a trance-like state and I could see that he was shivering. As the monks completed the invocation, the ritual music reach a crescendo and then suddenly, the oracle jumped around and used a khata to strangle himself!

Then, there was a frenzy of activity as the monks prepared his ritual hat. It was a smaller hat to accomodate the size of the room. He was lead to the High Lama on a throne and the Lama shared his cup of tea with the oracle. He did a sort of ritual dance and spoke a few words, blessed a few items and then he left. But the trance didn't end there as another being began to take hold of the oracle's body. He quivered but this time, it was with much lesser intensity and the being entering appear calmer and he spoke more.

It was many years ago but I still remember the intensity of the experience of being in the company of Dorje Shugden and Kharche Marpo. I remember that I received a shredded little narrow piece of red cloth that was tied in a knot along with some rice grains that was dyed with yellow saffron. I heard that the rice is imbued with Dorje Shugden's energy.

I was told that it is extremely beneficial to consecrate water and to partake when we are in mortal danger or to effect his miraculous healing abilities. I was also told that I could burn it with Tibetan Juniper incense to ward off negativities in the environment and to appease the local deities. Fortunately, I have not had much of a need for the rice but I do use it to bless the corpse of dead animals that i found in my yard. Perhaps, other people might have more interesting experiences with Dorje Shugden's rice.

Positive Change

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Re: Holy Items from Oracles & Miracles
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2012, 07:56:32 PM »
I too was blessed to have had the blessed opportunity to "meet" Dorje Shugden and Kharche Marpo through trance of an oracle some years back too. Like Big Uncle, those there were given a red string to be worn around the neck as well as some rice. We were told of the significance and efficacy of these items.

I had almost forgotten about the rice which I actually kept in the refrigerator (I was told it kept better in this way) until one day, my best friend's wife called me up one day to meet for coffee. She was rather distraught. We met an hour later and she told me what was amidst.

She has always been extra sensitive when it came to beings we cannot see with the naked eye and have always managed to keep them at bay so to speak with the prayers of her faith. However this time she said that even the prayers that she has always used did not work and that she keeps feeling and seeing this dark presence in the corner of her eye and had a strong feeling of unpleasantness and impending danger. This time she said she feared that this being may harm her or worse her family (they have 2 kids). Recurrent dreams of so called bad omens have also dominated her sleep the last few nights. She looked a tired and a right mess!

After hearing this, I told her I had just the thing to help. I went back to get a couple of grains of the rice blessed by Dorje Shugden and returned promptly to her home. I put some incense in a bowl, burnt it and put the rice in it while reciting Dorje Shugden's mantra. I made a short prayer and asked Dorje Shugden to please help protect this family.

The very next day, she told me the dreams had stopped and that her uneasiness dissipated and that the dark presence seems to have gone/left. I was truly happy to hear that and had no doubt that Dorje Shugden would help me and my loved ones when needed.


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Re: Holy Items from Oracles & Miracles
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2012, 07:58:46 PM »
It was many years ago but I still remember the intensity of the experience of being in the company of Dorje Shugden and Kharche Marpo. I remember that I received a shredded little narrow piece of red cloth that was tied in a knot along with some rice grains that was dyed with yellow saffron. I heard that the rice is imbued with Dorje Shugden's energy.

I was told that it is extremely beneficial to consecrate water and to partake when we are in mortal danger or to effect his miraculous healing abilities. I was also told that I could burn it with Tibetan Juniper incense to ward off negativities in the environment and to appease the local deities. Fortunately, I have not had much of a need for the rice but I do use it to bless the corpse of dead animals that i found in my yard. Perhaps, other people might have more interesting experiences with Dorje Shugden's rice.

Heya Big Uncle... yes I have also had the fortune to receive some of these blessed holy protector rice and protection knots from the oracle a few years back. Recently a friend of mine had some spirit disturbances, hence she was feeling very uncomfortable staying in her home. So I gave her a few pieces of the protector rice and taught her to burn along with her incense and do an incense prayer invoking upon Dorje Shugden.
After she did it, there was no more disturbances.

Also the protector's knot... one can actually encased it in one's statues', lockets or keep it in a stupa. It looks something like this see attached... a drawing image I found. But hang on... not just any drawing...
This is a drawing by Kyabje Dagom Dorjechang’s own hand in his last few days. When translating the Kangso in French, his students were not sure about how to translate the noose (lasso, knot, etc.), so they requested Rinpoche for an explanation. He gave us this drawing. 


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Re: Holy Items from Oracles & Miracles
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 10:33:32 PM »
Dear all, i have heard many miracles with Oracle taking trance of protectors... I happened to have the fortune to witness one in front of my very own eyes.  Protector Dorje Shugden was taking trance in a monastery in India, and people were lining up to receive blessed rice, khatas, protector strings, even by the touch of the oracle's hand is considered as blessing and purification...

However, one man jumped the queue and screaming very loud as if he was dashing to assassin the protector.  The crowd screamed and some men hold him down, but he was so fierce, his body was shivering and he was screaming trying to fight back and rushed to the protector.  He was already right in front of the oracle.  The oracle drank his black tea and spit on the man, and used protector knot to beat parts of his body... The man screamed for a while and passed out.  His body was still jerking...

I couldn't speak the local's language, but I gathered that the man had some spirit disturbances problem.  Hence, maybe the spirit was there to get blessing?  It was might seemed like a violent act but what protector did was to bless the beings around and purified the man.  Protector might looked wrathful but his compassion is unquestionable.  Not just to human realm but to all beings.  I was greatly honoured to have witness such event, protector came alive in front of my very own eyes.  Therefore, these blessed items given by the protector are very holy and rare.  They haven't given up on us so we shouldn't give up on them!

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Holy Items from Oracles & Miracles
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2015, 07:20:47 AM »
Most of the time, the holy items that are given out during an Oracle taking trance of Dorje Shugden are blessed rice tainted with saffron and a protector string.

Many stories have been related to me about the miracles from burning the protector rice and protector string in times of great need of protection.  My personal experience was when I was attending to an 8 year old who fell and cut his lips which was bleeding profusely, I said the mantra "Hum Benza Wiki Bitana Soha" and dabbed the cut with water filled with protector rice, not only did the bleeding stopped but the cut closed up.  It was an amazing miracle.

Watching the Oracle in trance can be wrathful but when DS comes in a peaceful form, we may be so blessed to have Dharma teaching taught. 

The holiest item from the Oracle is the blessings of Dorje Shugden.