Author Topic: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...  (Read 41667 times)

diamond girl

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Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« on: July 02, 2012, 02:26:39 PM »
I stumbled onto this video while looking for other interesting videos to watch. You must admit that the title is captivating with paradox, isn't it.... They have two different versions of this video applied onto different religions. If you have never watched it, please do and you will feel disgusted as to what this certain religion does to brainwash and propagate... It is insulting to other religions and also insulting to freedom of choice. This is a classic example of using fear to indoctrinate religion. I am just grateful that I have adopted Buddhism where we practice the Middle Path and not fanaticism.

Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in HELL!! (english translation)

Tenzin K

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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 03:31:20 PM »
Unbelievable! Never thought of watching such video in putting down other religious.

I’m glad to have my Lama who teaches me to respect and look for the common good qualities in other religious.  There is no point keep pointing the different for the sake of putting down other religious because it will never end and will end up to suffering just for the sake of whose right or wrong. Harmonious is important in interfaith because we are not a lone living in this world and we should together bring happiness and great benefit to others.

We should encourage others to be loyal with the Lama or spiritual teacher because faith is very important in spiritual practice and will bring no result and attainment if we doubt. By saying that we should show a good example and always support each others.   


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 04:26:46 PM »
i always believe in logic and Buddhism gave me just that! I am a born Christian and my mum always tells me to believe in GOD and things will be better and if you are not, you are going to hell (!). This statement has been with me eversince i was a child and did not really went away until i met the precious teachings of Buddha. How will i just go to hell by not believing in Jesus Christ? So does that mean others who did not follow Jesus' advice or worship Him will make the poor guy go to hell? This is unfair, what about Mathama Ghandi? What about Buddha or any other people who are good and not evil?? those who harm or kill will be born in hell not people who does not believe in GOD (Jesus). Oh my god!


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2012, 04:31:55 PM »
A concerned Christian ministry has investigated and interviewed the said person who was the so-called 'monk'. They found it full of holes, and the man continuously contradicted himself on many ocassions, and could not point them to a single person who could verify his story, and is unemployed. They also noted that there are numerous conflicting versions of the story being circulated, and that the man has made many conflicting claims that turned out to be untrue.

I believe that in any religion, there are people who will investigate and are non-bias. I am glad that in this case, the CCG (Concerned Christians Growth Ministries) went to investigate. It is important to have faith, but we must make sure it is not blind faith.  Buddha himself said, “Bhikshus and the wise should examine my teachings like goldsmiths analyze gold, by cutting, rubbing and scorching it. Examine my teachings in the same way and then put them into practice. Do not practice Dharma on the strength of blind faith alone.”

Excerpt below from their website: The tale of the resurrected monk;

The story of the ’resurrected Paul’ is known throughout much of Myanmar - and his tape has circulated (in several versions). Hardly anyone in Myanmar - especially amongst Christian leaders - has accepted or believed the story. There is just nothing to back it up. Paul is known of in Myanmar, and regarded by most - as a troublesome and troubled person. He has caused problems and difficulty for Myanmar Christians, and has even been responsible for bringing fear into parts of the Christian community. A number of people in Myanmar who personally know him, or have met him, believe he is in need of medical help and counselling. Sadly, in Myanmar, he is certainly not known as a fearless and faithful witness to Jesus Christ, whose testimony is converting Buddhists, strengthening the church or bringing glory to God’s name.

 Further complications have arisen with this whole saga. According to the beliefs of some people in Myanmar (or some with friends and/or relatives in Myanmar), several different people supposedly, or apparently, are claiming to be the resurrected Buddhist monk - at least an older man and a not-so-balanced younger man.

 Whatever the truth behind this sad saga, most Christians, and most pastors and church leaders in Myanmar, are not taking this story seriously and see little value in it for the growth of the Christian community in that country.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2012, 04:49:40 PM »
Oh my Buddha! How can these people stoop so low and do this? What are the benefits of doing this? I don't see Buddhists doing this sort of disgusting thing.

But then again, I think if Buddhists did see this video, they wouldn't believe what was shown in the video. They can have their freedom of speech and I won't budge from my faith and believes in Buddhism.

I have time and again hear Gurus who always teach their students not to make negative remarks about other religions for we must respect their faith. Never mock other people for what they believe. I have friends who are Christians and they transform beautifully inside.

“The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, and forgiveness.”
? Dalai Lama XIV

"Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion."--His Holiness the Dalai Lama

negra orquida

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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2012, 05:33:27 PM »
wow. this is so absolutely ridiculous. i couldn't finish the video after forcing myself to watch 8 minutes of it.

the time and effort spent to cook up the story is rather... amazing though. gosh, the amount of time and effort spent just to try and debunk Buddhism! imagine the negative karma incurred... he used up that much of his life to collect negative karma. poor guy.  poor him for not feeling secure enough in his own religion and wanting to make Buddhists believe in what he believes, and not being able to rejoice with other people happily practicing their own religion.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2012, 05:51:44 PM »
After watching the video, I realised how mentally unwell this person is who came up of this video. His claims sound like a dream he had. It is baseless and holds no water. I found it rather entertaining as he is creative enough to do a video like this.

Regardless of what religion we belong to, the fundamental spiritual practitioner should embody qualities such as kindness and compassion. Bambi quoted HHDL, “The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, and forgiveness. Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion." This requires transformation of our mind.

By merely accepting God and not changing our negative attitudes and behaviours, why would the person ascend to heaven? For example, why would a murderer go to heaven and join Mother Theresa just because the murderer accepts God? Then why bother being like Mother Theresa? Might as well continue doing vice and except God at the end of the day.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2012, 03:20:22 AM »
If it were true like what's claimed in this video, heaven would be overcrowded by people like Hitler, SS soldiers , the crusaders and all the people who had committed heinous crimes but at the crucial last hour "embraced the Lord " !

This is the very thing that put me off about Christianity. The same reason for which many born in the faith turn against it when they grow up and realize how illogical is the doctrine.

I'm really surprised that at this day and age, some Christians still believe in such simplicity of the doctrine. No wonder Buddhism spread so rapidly in the West in recent years !


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2012, 04:10:34 AM »
The vid is a scare tactic that had turned arguably more people away from Christianity than to it., at least the intelligent ones. On the other hand , if you are standing on their side with v strong evangelistical fervour to spread the faith, you  can understand where they are coming from. Fear as we know  is a powerful motivator. For many who are less knowledgeable or too lazy to check things out, who are weak in their mind , who likes to be spoon fed  , all of us who have some experience with ' staunch  Christian groups , will know Christian tactics work very well through their support system for those during vulnerable moments.
On a fair note, I don't believe true Christians will take it in a literal way  the threat that if u don't believe in Jesus you go to hell. If believing in jesus means following his way of love and giving joy etc thereby engaging in virtuous actions, then it is consistent with Buddhist ethical behaviour and karmic operation accoridng to which one will be protected from falling into the lower realms, hell being one of them. Perhaps Jesus knows abt the other lower realms, perhaps he did not or perhaps he grouped them all as hells anyway for simpler minds !


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2012, 07:28:30 AM »
There is always a high chance people make use of religions to make money - they say religion is the BEST money making machine. Why? Because a lot of people jumped into blind faith without checking whether it is real. And many religious leaders misuse trust from their followers. Worst still, many a time, the rule by fear - fear of the repercussions of not following their instructions or wishes.
Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2012, 07:36:58 AM »
Totally not logical. Does it mean that i'll be sharing Heaven with Hitler or Queen Mary if i choose to believed in God?
Does it make any sense to you? I would like to share an article with you all regarding why would god allow the people going to hell to be born in the first place?

Why should God make people knowing they are going to hell forever?

This question raises many issues.  If God is all-loving, why would He send people to hell?  What is hell?  Is it a place of eternal torment?  Why create creatures knowing they will end up in an eternity of damnation?  Is God helpless to save them all?

Often times, skeptics try to present an idea so that fairness and compassion necessitate that the Christian God cannot be real.  For example, they sometimes say that a truly loving God would not create people He knew would go to eternal punishment.  Of course this is only an opinion, but it is sometime raised nonetheless.  As one skeptic put it, "If God truly loves us (this sacrificial love you talk about) then he would simply say 'I do not want the child to be born'. He is in control and has that ability, doesn't he? I would not wish any of my children, whom I love, to go through a life of agonizing pain." The main problem with such an approach is that it is overly simplistic and based on emotionalism, not scripture.  So, let's look at what the Word of God says.

First of all, when God made Adam, He made him good.  Adam had the freedom to choose to obey or disobey God.  Adam is the one who rebelled.  God did not make him rebel and God is not responsible for Adam's rebellion.  It would be like a parent having a child knowing that the child would eventually disobey the parent.  Does this mean that the parent is responsible for the child's rebellion when it occurs because the parent knew it would happen?  Of course not.  Furthermore, if the parent has more children, does he/she not know that some children may very well turn out good and others bad?  Should the parents then not have children because some of them might turn out bad?  The skeptic, if he is consistent, would urge parents not to have any children at all lest some of them turn out bad.

The skeptic might say, "But God knows for a fact who will be bad and good.  Why allow the people going to hell to be born in the first place?"  But, if this is the case and if God arranged it that no "bad" people were born, then we would all go to hell.  You see, Jesus is the only way to be forgiven of our sins.  His sacrifice on the cross was necessary in order to make it possible for us to be saved because everyone, "good" and "bad" has sinned.  If there were no "bad" people born, then there wouldn't be any "bad" people around who would have sent Jesus to the cross.  If that never happened, then we wouldn't be saved from our sins because Jesus would never have been unjustly condemned and His sacrifice would never have happened.

Second, if someone says that it is wrong for God to allow someone to be born and who will go to hell, then would he rather have God remove our freedom to rebel against Him so that no one can be blamed for sin?  If the critic says he only wants those people born who go to heaven, then how are they truly free and how would that fulfill the ultimate plan of God to sacrifice His Son for the redemption of mankind?

Third, God could have reasons for sending people to hell that we cannot understand.

Fourth, God is just and always does what is right.  Therefore, sending people to hell is the right thing to do, especially when we understand that God is eternally holy and those who sin against God incur an infinite offense because the infinite God is the one who is offended.

Finally, the Bible simply tells us that people will go to hell.  They go there because they are not covered by the sacrifice of Christ.  Whether they are created or not does not affect the fact that sinners must be punished; otherwise, the holiness and righteousness of God mean nothing.

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2012, 09:57:24 AM »
This video offers some really nice graphics! But the content was utter bullsh*t. >:( At first it sounded really convincing, like he really went to hell and came back to tell a story. But after awhile, it gets confusing. ???  For a Buddhist monk, this guy seems to know more about Christianity and Jesus Christ than Buddhism.
He merely quoted a few famous names like U Zadila Kyar Ni Kan Sayadaw, Gautama Buddha? Aung San, the revolutionary leader of Myanmar which he probably researched out of Wikipedia. And most importantly it is obvious that this video is out to promote Christianity and put down Buddhism when the first thing he said he saw in the lake of fire is the Saffron Colored Robes that Buddhist Monks wear and then he keeps seeing monks (not saying that monks don’t go to hell, but how come monks? ??? There are so many evil people and sinners out there)! And people who persecute Christian. It is as if to directly tell the audience, Buddhists go to HELL, people who are not Christians go to HELL; people who don’t BELIEVE in the LORD go to HELL.
Why are those people in HELL? They are in HELL because they didn’t BELIEVE. But why is he here? He’s a Saint! Oh Well, because he also didn’t BELIEVE. Ha ha ha!!!  BELIEVE.

 It’s funny though that he saw YAMA in a Christian HELL instead of SATAN or his assistant BAAL. The HELL is Buddhist’s and the HEAVEN belongs to Christians who BELIEVE, ::) since Peter has the key to this ohhhh… very very beautiful place. And Peter said what to come back to the world and testify? Tell the people to stop worshipping Buddha? Those who build temples and idols will go to HELL? Those who give offerings to earn merits and go temple will go to HELL? Oh no! Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu, you better BELIEVE and you BELIEVE real hard. By the way, Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu is now called Paul.

My BELIEVE, as a human being, to not put down or criticize other’s religious practice and beliefs. The Buddha and other holy beings can manifest in so many different forms. We should respect one another no matter what kind of religion others choose to practice. After all, every religion preaches goodness. It is our deluded mind that makes us say that this is good and that is bad and in this case, if you don’t BELIEVE you go to HELL. Religions do not divide people; it is the ignorant people in religion that divides people.

I’ve include here a two interesting articles for reference.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2012, 11:46:26 AM »
I am quite amused by this video indeed.. I guess fear tactics is still one of the best ways to sell even in this time and age. Some christian, not all, are really harping on the "if you don't believe in Jesus, then you will go to hell" theory.

Actually, Buddhism also have the same concept, but the emphasis is different:

Christian (some, not all): If you don't believe in Jesus, you will go to hell. So believe in Jesus now!
Buddhism: Be a good person, do virtuous deeds, don't commit heinous crimes, otherwise, you will go to hell. So do virtuous deeds now.

I heard someone said before, if Christian is all about believing in Jesus and we will go to heaven, then why would Jesus bother to teach anything at all? Why have bible? Just have one page and say, "Believe in me and you will go to heaven", right?


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2012, 02:40:35 PM »
What I can say is that this video is ridiculous and illogical. How can someone who claimed to be a monk stooped so low to come out with this video? It is a shame to say that if we didn't believe in Jesus we go to hell. So if all our lives we kill, steal, cheat or even kill our parents, once we believed in Jesus we go to heaven even though we have committed sinful actions. So all those sinners who have committed heinous crimes and believed in Jesus are now in heaven and all those who are good virtuous but do not believe in Jesus are now in hell.

Regardless of which religion we belong to, we should never criticize or condemn other religion. To quote His Holiness Dalai Lama: "The very purpose of spirituality is self-discipline. Rather than criticizing others, we should evaluate and criticize ourselves. Ask yourself, what am I doing about my anger, my attachment, my pride, my jealousy? These are the things we should check in our day to day lives" I feel this person who tried to tarnish Buddhism should spent his time evaluating himself rather than wasting his time recording this video.


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Re: Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in Hell...
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2012, 11:00:38 AM »
Yama in a Christian Hell? So Buddha was correct as Yama is really the King of Hell. So confusing. Don't believe in this crap. So if we lie, cheat, murder and generally be very anger some but we believe in Jesus, we go to heaven? Gandhi went to hell because I didn't remember anything is history that said he believed in Jesus? Maybe Hitler went to heaven because he believed in Jesus just before he committed suicide.

Peter sounded so unreasonable. Believe is Jesus or go to hell! Thank you very much!

With due respect, this is not even a proper Christian message. It is just scare tactics.