Author Topic: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero  (Read 17765 times)


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2012, 04:50:50 PM »
I understand how some people could see this video as disrespectful but I think that if the motivation behind creating something like this was good, then it is not disrespectful. Like everything else, it will appeal to some and not to others. I have seen many of the promotional efforts of this website criticized, such as the brochures. My only question is this – all well and good if you don’t like the way something is done, how about giving constructive suggestions of what else can be done to promote Dorje Shugden?
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2012, 05:58:15 PM »
This is ridiculous. What do you hope to achieve from something like this.
If this is the so called buddha that you so deeply respect then why would you degrade him like this? I guess this is why they call it degenerate times. That a Dharma practice is really just some stupid animation.
Like I said before, just because something is mass produced and mass liked with millions of followers, it doesn't mean it's good. It just means the level of our minds out there is getting more and more cheapened and degenerate and simplistic.
No practitioner would take this practice seriously if they saw this.

There are many other things that many practitioners would not take seriously - this isn't the fault of the object or the deity but the mind of the practitioner himself. There are some Buddhists who don't take ANY of the Tibetan Buddhist deities seriously - they follow only Shakyamuni and don't like the wrathful tantric deities. I have even heard some saying they don't know whether they even believe in the tantric deities or the bodhisattvas! This doesn't mean that it is something bad... just a wrong understanding on the part of the practitioner.

Different strokes appeal to different folks. I don't think this is any more disrespectful than say, a painting of Dorje Shugden, or the illustrated story of Dorje Shugden's history on youtube (
). It's a different kind of art for today's day and age, appealing and reaching out to a whole new group of people.

Remember that merely seeing the image of a Buddha implants blessings and imprints in a person's mind that could open up to deep practice in the future. I think this would have been the intent behind this video. If that is the case, then it isn't disrespectful. It is bringing Dorje Shugden and his blessings to the masses and perhaps eventually connect to the practice...  isn't this what it's all about anyway? To bring his blessings and practice to as many people as possible, even to people who wouldn't ordinarily be interested in practice?


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2012, 10:21:42 PM »
This Nyan Cat Tibetan Secret Superhero is cute! I love the video when i saw it.  It is not disrespectful in any way but a very skilful way to plant the seeds of Dorje Shugden in the minds of those who see it.  A  great idea to reach out to those who loves animation.  The caption with the video also attracts the attention to who Dorje Shugden really is.


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2012, 11:34:39 PM »
In the past, people draw on cave walls of their gods. Traditionally, there's thangka paintings of Buddhist deities. Then there are modern art representations of religious figures. There are more and more different ways someone can express their god/deities using different platforms and media. It's very much dependent on the tools available during a certain era. Art which used to be drawn on stones, fabric, canvas has evolved to drawing on the iPad. Art evolves so does spiritual art.

This animation is just another method for communications in the modern times. When I see this video and its descriptions, it communicates to me that DS is a protector and ever ready to save the world. I think the message is clearly represented in a manner anyone who is not a deep Buddhist practitioner can understand.


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2012, 06:27:01 AM »
This is ridiculous. What do you hope to achieve from something like this.
If this is the so called buddha that you so deeply respect then why would you degrade him like this? I guess this is why they call it degenerate times. That a Dharma practice is really just some stupid animation.
Like I said before, just because something is mass produced and mass liked with millions of followers, it doesn't mean it's good. It just means the level of our minds out there is getting more and more cheapened and degenerate and simplistic.
No practitioner would take this practice seriously if they saw this.

thats because the target audience for this video are not the people who are already practitioners but people who are not practitioners that are interested in something interesting. This video targets those people and plants Dharmic imprints in them. In order to appeal to those people, the protector or the Dharma must take on forms that appeals to these people. To me, the representation of Dorje Shugden here is quite complete - snow lion, the robes, the domed hat, the wisdom sword - the basic iconographies are there and it is more than enough to bless the mindstream of people.

This reminds me of the story where the Buddha, in one of the previous rebirths was the king of a nation. Unfortunately everyone went insane and did not listen to the king so the king also went insane just to be in tune with them:

There was once a king who was put in a terrible situation.  All of the citizens in his kingdom got their water from a different well than the one from which he drank.  The well of his subjects became tainted and as a result of them drinking from that well, all of his once-loyal followers went mad. Because everyone in the kingdom had gone crazy, they all looked at each other as if they were still normal and that the King was actually the one that had gone crazy.

Even though he tried everything in his power to help his people, his subjects would spend every day attempting to convince the King he was crazy and try different “remedies” to cure his madness.  When the King could not longer face the treatments and couldn’t bear to be so different from everyone else, he decided to give in and drink from their tainted well.  When he did, he became just like them and the country, although all crazy, was happy again.

The moral of the story is that we have to manifest in ways that appeal to the masses in order to bring benefit to them as they will not be able to benefit if we are unable to see things from their point of view. I mean, how can we teach them anything if we cannot bring ourselves down to their level and guide them from there? We cannot teach a kindergarden kid algebra, so in a way we cannot teach Dorje Shugden to people who are not interested so we need to pipe Dorje Shugden through mediums which they will be interested in, as in this case, a cute video of Dorje Shugden.

Even if people view this video as entertainment, it has the potent power to bless and plant imprints and Dharma seeds that will ripen, or trigger something in them to start their Dharma practice. This is the power of the Buddhas.


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2012, 02:12:14 PM »
Hmm... I have fixed feelings about this video too... On one hand, it may be disrespectful to the Buddha, but on the other hand, if many people see it, due to the virality of Nyan Cat on Youtube, it will bless a lot of people..

So, in the end, I would say it is based on motivation.

If the motivation is to make fun of Buddha, then it is 100% NOT OK. But if the motivation is to make it cute, so that it become viral, and more people will have an imprint, then it is OK.

As such, I will heavily promote it on my Facebook and make it viral!! :D :D

P/S: I must say, this is very creative, for example the show lion, the mountain, the flag, etc.. :D :D


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2012, 12:17:38 PM »
instead of criticizing and questioning if this video is disrespectful, let us learn how to improve on the video. Instead of saying it is disrespectful, how about coming up with a viral video for Dorje Shugden that will make him famous and make people demand the Dalai Lama to overturn the ban in a respectful way like the kony 2012 video? I found some tips on making a viral video that we can all give a try at.

Over the past year, I have run clandestine marketing campaigns meant to ensure that promotional videos become truly viral, as these examples have become in the extreme. In this post, I will share some of the techniques I use to do my job: to get at least 100,000 people to watch my clients’ “viral” videos.

Secret #1: Not all viral videos are what they seem

There are tens of thousands of videos uploaded to YouTube each day (I’ve heard estimates between 10-65,000 videos per day). I don’t care how “viral” you think your video is; no one is going to find it and no one is going to watch it.

The members of my startup are hired guns – our clients give us videos and we make them go viral. Our rule of thumb is that if we don’t get a video 100,000 views, we don’t charge.

So far, we’ve worked on 80-90 videos and we’ve seen overwhelming success. In the past 3 months, we’ve achieved over 20 million views for our clients, with videos ranging from 100,000 views to upwards of 1.5 million views each. In other words, not all videos go viral organically – there is a method to the madness.

I can’t reveal our clients’ names and I can’t link to the videos we’ve worked on, because YouTube surely doesn’t like what we’re doing and our clients hate to admit that they need professional help with their “viral” videos. But I can give you a general idea of who we’ve worked with: two top Hollywood movie studios, a major record label, a variety of very well known consumer brands, and a number of different startups, both domestic and international.

This summer, we were approached by a Hollywood movie studio and asked to help market a series of viral clips they had created in advance of a blockbuster. The videos were 10-20 seconds each, were shot from what appeared to be a camera phone, and captured a series of unexpected and shocking events that required professional post-production and CGI. Needless to say, the studio had invested a significant amount of money in creating the videos but every time they put them online, they couldn’t get more than a few thousand views.

We took six videos and achieved:

6 million views on YouTube
~30,000 ratings
~10,000 favorites
200+ blog posts linking back to the videos
All six videos made it into the top 5 Most Viewed of the Day, and the two that went truly viral (1.5 million views each) were #1 and #2 Most Viewed of the Week.
The following principles were the secrets to our success.

2. Content is NOT King

If you want a truly viral video that will get millions of people to watch and share it, then yes, content is key. But good content is not necessary to get 100,000 views if you follow these strategies.

Don’t get me wrong: the content is what will drive visitors back to a site. So a video must have a decent concept, but one shouldn’t agonize over determining the best “viral” video possible. Generally, a concept should not be forced because it fits a brand. Rather, a brand should be fit into a great concept. Here are some guidelines we follow:

Make it short: 15-30 seconds is ideal; break down long stories into bite-sized clips
Design for remixing: create a video that is simple enough to be remixed over and over again by others. Ex: “Dramatic Hamster”
Don’t make an outright ad: if a video feels like an ad, viewers won’t share it unless it’s really amazing. Ex: Sony Bravia
Make it shocking: give a viewer no choice but to investigate further. Ex: “UFO Haiti”
Use fake headlines: make the viewer say, “Holy shit, did that actually happen?!” Ex: “Stolen Nascar”
Appeal to sex: if all else fails, hire the most attractive women available to be in the video. Ex: “Yoga 4 Dudes”
These recent videos would have been perfect had they been viral “ads” pointing people back to websites:

Model Falls in Hole on Runway
Cheerleader Gets Run Over By Football Team
PacMan: The Chase
Dog Drives Car
Snowball – Dancing Cockatoo
3. Core Strategy: Getting onto the “Most Viewed” page

Now that a video is ready to go, how the hell is it going to attract 100,000 viewers?

The core concept of video marketing on YouTube is to harness the power of the site’s traffic. Here’s the idea: something like 80 million videos are watched each day on YouTube, and a significant number of those views come from people clicking the “Videos” tab at the top. The goal is to get a video on that Videos page, which lists the Daily Most Viewed videos.

If we succeed, the video will no longer be a single needle in the haystack of 10,000 new videos per day. It will be one of the twenty videos on the Most Viewed page, which means that we can grab 1/20th of the clicks on that page! And the higher up on the page our video is, the more views we are going to get.

So how do we get the first 50,000 views we need to get our videos onto the Most Viewed list?

Blogs: We reach out to individuals who run relevant blogs and actually pay them to post our embedded videos. Sounds a little bit like cheating/PayPerPost, but it’s effective and it’s not against any rules.
Forums: We start new threads and embed our videos. Sometimes, this means kickstarting the conversations by setting up multiple accounts on each forum and posting back and forth between a few different users. Yes, it’s tedious and time-consuming, but if we get enough people working on it, it can have a tremendous effect.
MySpace: Plenty of users allow you to embed YouTube videos right in the comments section of their MySpace pages. We take advantage of this.
Facebook: Share, share, share. We’ve taken Dave McClure’s advice and built a sizeable presence on Facebook, so sharing a video with our entire friends list can have a real impact. Other ideas include creating an event that announces the video launch and inviting friends, writing a note and tagging friends, or posting the video on Facebook Video with a link back to the original YouTube video.
Email lists: Send the video to an email list. Depending on the size of the list (and the recipients’ willingness to receive links to YouTube videos), this can be a very effective strategy.
Friends: Make sure everyone we know watches the video and try to get them to email it out to their friends, or at least share it on Facebook.
Each video has a shelf life of 48 hours before it’s moved from the Daily Most Viewed list to the Weekly Most Viewed list, so it’s important that this happens quickly. As I mentioned before, when done right, this is a tremendously successful strategy.

4. Title Optimization

Once a video is on the Most Viewed page, what can be done to maximize views?

It seems obvious, but people see hundreds of videos on YouTube, and the title and thumbnail are an easy way for video publishers to actively persuade someone to click on a video. Titles can be changed a limitless number of times, so we sometimes have a catchy (and somewhat misleading) title for the first few days, then later switch to something more relevant to the brand. Recently, I’ve noticed a trend towards titling videos with the phrases “exclusive,” “behind the scenes,” and “leaked video.”

5. Thumbnail Optimization

If a video is sitting on the Most Viewed page with nineteen other videos, a compelling video thumbnail is the single best strategy to maximize the number of clicks the video gets.

YouTube provides three choices for a video’s thumbnail, one of which is grabbed from the exact middle of the video. As we edit our videos, we make sure that the frame at the very middle is interesting. It’s no surprise that videos with thumbnails of half naked women get hundreds of thousands of views. Not to say that this is the best strategy, but you get the idea. Two rules of thumb: the thumbnail should be clear (suggesting high video quality) and ideally it should have a face or at least a person in it.

Also, when we feel particularly creative, we optimize all three thumbnails then change the thumbnail every few hours. This is definitely an underused strategy, but it’s an interesting way to keep a video fresh once it’s on the Most Viewed list.

See the highlighted videos in the screenshot below for a good example of how a compelling title and screenshot can make all the difference once the video is on the Most Viewed page.

6. Commenting: Having a conversation with yourself

Every power user on YouTube has a number of different accounts. So do we. A great way to maximize the number of people who watch our videos is to create some sort of controversy in the comments section below the video. We get a few people in our office to log in throughout the day and post heated comments back and forth (you can definitely have a lot of fun with this). Everyone loves a good, heated discussion in the comments section – especially if the comments are related to a brand/startup.

Also, we aren’t afraid to delete comments – if someone is saying our video (or your startup) sucks, we just delete their comment. We can’t let one user’s negativity taint everyone else’s opinions.

We usually get one comment for every thousand views, since most people watching YouTube videos aren’t logged in. But a heated comment thread (done well) will engage viewers and will drive traffic back to our sites.

7. Releasing all videos simultaneously

Once people are watching a video, how do we keep them engaged and bring them back to a website?

A lot of the time our clients say: “We’ve got 5 videos and we’re going to release one every few days so that viewers look forward to each video.”

This is the wrong way to think about YouTube marketing. If we have multiple videos, we post all of them at once. If someone sees our first video and is so intrigued that they want to watch more, why would we make them wait until we post the next one? We give them everything up front. If a user wants to watch all five of our videos right now, there’s a much better chance that we’ll be able to persuade them to click through to our website. We don’t make them wait after seeing the first video, because they’re never going to see the next four.

Once our first video is done, we delete our second video then re-upload it. Now we have another 48-hour window to push it to the Most Viewed page. Rinse and repeat. Using this strategy, we give our most interested viewers the chance to fully engage with a campaign without compromising the opportunity to individually release and market each consecutive video.

8. Strategic Tagging: Leading viewers down the rabbit hole

This is one of my favorite strategies and one that I think we invented. YouTube allows you to tag your videos with keywords that make your videos show up in relevant searches. For the first week that our video is online, we don’t use keyword tags to optimize the video for searches on YouTube. Instead, we’ve discovered that you can use tags to control the videos that show up in the Related Videos box.

I like to think about it as leading viewers down the rabbit hole. The idea here is to make it as easy as possible for viewers to engage with all your content, rather than jumping away to “related” content that actually has nothing to do with your brand/startup.

So how do we strategically tag? We choose three or four unique tags and use only these tags for all of the videos we post. I’m not talking about obscure tags; I’m talking about unique tags, tags that are not used by any other YouTube videos. Done correctly, this will allow us to have full control over the videos that show up as “Related Videos.”

When views start trailing off after a few days to a week, it’s time to add some more generic tags, tags that draw out the long tail of a video as it starts to appear in search results on YouTube and Google.

9. Metrics/Tracking: How we measure effectiveness

The following is how we measure the success of our viral videos.

For one, we tweak the links put up on YouTube (whether in a YouTube channel or in a video description) by adding “?video=1” to the end of each URL. This makes it much easier to track inbound links using Google Analytics or another metrics tool.

TubeMogul and VidMetrix also track views/comments/ratings on each individual video and draw out nice graphs that can be shared with the team. Additionally, these tools follow the viral spread of a video outside of YouTube and throughout other social media sites and blogs.


The Wild West days of Lonely Girl and Ask A Ninja are over. You simply can’t expect to post great videos on YouTube and have them go viral on their own, even if you think you have the best videos ever. These days, achieving true virality takes serious creativity, some luck, and a lot of hard work. So, my advice: fire your PR firm and do it yourself.


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2012, 06:52:26 PM »

I am going to jump on the motivation bandwagon here. The video is too cute to be taken seriously, and too vague to say anything meaningful. Under normal circumstances, I would condemn it. But in this particular situation, I hesitate to criticise. 

Why you may ask?

Because, like it or not, the people behind this website continuously come up with new and sometimes quirky ideas in the name of promoting Dorje Shugden and the bigger picture. Just to recap some efforts from the past few years, we have the

- comic books -

- illustrated story -

- online store -

- Facebook fan page -

- Promotional brochures -

- a Chinese website -

- a Thai language website (?) -

And now, the nyan cat. Am I surprised? Yes. Am I against it? No. 

At least these guys are doing something for the cause of Dorje Shugden. Its more than I am doing, so who am I to criticise? Their motivation is probably better than mine.


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2012, 07:46:03 AM »
I think this video animation is super duper cute and it is not disrespectful. What is important is that if the motivational is pure and it can create curiosity and cause a stir to spread Dorje Shugden than why not.  This is certainly a brilliant and creative way of making Dorje Shugden go viral and many people will see and it will plant imprints in their mind.

May we help to achieve a few millions hits on this video and contribute towards the lifting of the ban.


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2012, 08:55:29 AM »
Instead of criticizing that the video is disrespectful, why not we talk about more ways on how to promote our protector online? That way the whole thing will be more constructive. Other than comics and the various medias that we have here, what other methods can be used besides viral videos as this is what the people want these days and this is what catches the attention of people of this day and age. We have to bring the Dharma to them in methods that they want and not only by methods that we want alone. If not nyancat, what other kind of video that can have such an impact? Shall we talk about that?

How would you promote Dorje Shugden in a way to others that suits what they want, that suits their delusions and desires while being respectful at the same time? There isnt many ways, but nyancat is a good attempt at making people take a second look and then googling on Dorje Shugden and they come to this site and they learn what is going on. People love cute things and they like things that they can relate to, so what can people relate to with Dorje Shugden that will make them interested? I was thinking perhaps of a testimonial video of how he helped a teen who was going through very hard times and how Dorje Shugden helped him out. Normal videos just cant cut it anymore. You can see from the number of views of the older videos are very little, but for nyancat it was quite high. this means that it is effective and this is the way we should go if we want to promote Dorje Shugden to more people.

It's better to think out of the box at the moment for the sake of spreading the protector out to millions of people who actually need his help rather than wanting things to be our way and our methods even if it does not work. That's my two cents anyway.


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2012, 01:07:37 PM »
Because, like it or not, the people behind this website continuously come up with new and sometimes quirky ideas in the name of promoting Dorje Shugden and the bigger picture. Just to recap some efforts from the past few years, we have the

- comic books -
- illustrated story -
- online store -
- Facebook fan page -
- Promotional brochures -
- a Chinese website -
- a Thai language website (?) -
And now, the nyan cat. Am I surprised? Yes. Am I against it? No.

At least these guys are doing something for the cause of Dorje Shugden. Its more than I am doing, so who am I to criticise? Their motivation is probably better than mine.

It looks like a huge investment in producing all these especially when it's made available for free. There is a lot of work, time and resources involved in creating websites, brochures, posters, maintaining fanpages, server and domain fees, printing, creating videos and animated illustrations and video animation. Even the profits of the eshop goes to the cost of the items, maintaining back the websites and supporting monks and monasteries ... which I think can hardly cover much of these cost seeing the scale of all their projects. What these people are doing are definitely with good motivation as all they want is to bring Dorje Shugden to more people. What is the purpose of bringing Dorje Shugden to more people?

I can only think of 2 reasons.
1. They want DS to harm the practitioners
2. They experience the benefits of Dorje Shugden and in turn want others to get the same benefits.

It is unlikely done to defy the Dalai Lama as these guys speaks highly of Dalai Lama.

Which do you guys think? Or do you have any other thoughts of why some people are all out to create the hype about Dorje Shugden?


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2012, 02:04:37 PM »
In these degenerate times, different methods should be used to spread The King's practice. So long as the motivation is correct, I do not think The King would mind. After all, Dorje Shugden is Manjushri, the Lord of Wisdom and Skilful Means.

Big corporations are spending big bucks to promote their products in all media, be it on TV, videos, jingles, catchy visuals, social media, road shows etc. The people in are always working very hard and coming out with innovative ideas to promote The King.

I think The King would be pleased with the effort, for promoting the practice means promoting the profound teachings of the incomparable Je Rinpoche.


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2012, 03:19:37 PM »

It looks like a huge investment in producing all these especially when it's made available for free. There is a lot of work, time and resources involved in creating websites, brochures, posters, maintaining fanpages, server and domain fees, printing, creating videos and animated illustrations and video animation. Even the profits of the eshop goes to the cost of the items, maintaining back the websites and supporting monks and monasteries ... which I think can hardly cover much of these cost seeing the scale of all their projects. What these people are doing are definitely with good motivation as all they want is to bring Dorje Shugden to more people. What is the purpose of bringing Dorje Shugden to more people?

I can only think of 2 reasons.
1. They want DS to harm the practitioners
2. They experience the benefits of Dorje Shugden and in turn want others to get the same benefits.

It is unlikely done to defy the Dalai Lama as these guys speaks highly of Dalai Lama.

Which do you guys think? Or do you have any other thoughts of why some people are all out to create the hype about Dorje Shugden?

I think it is the latter. Most people, like myself come to Dorje Shugden for help because I do need help in many aspects and not many Dharma protectors can help me with some of the problems I have, which is created mainly by too many years of negative habituation with regards to keeping promises or whatnot. It is difficult as these set of attitudes eat into my Dharma practice and also compromise my relationship with my Guru. it was a really sticky situation and almost immediately after I started relying on Dorje Shugden and requesting him for his help, and almost immediately i got the friends and supports that i needed to help me overcome the negative habituations. It was quite mindblowing considering the speed of when the help arrived. The Dharma protector did not make  my problems go away, but rather, he provided an opportunity for me to practice Dharma and be close to a teacher despite my heavy negative karma. This is something that I will never ever forget, the help and kindness that was shown to me by my protector.

And it is on this basis that I support the protector and I also support this website as it would help more and more learn and benefit from Dorje Shugden and it would change their lives from negative to positive. So far, no other Dharma protector can be as fast and efficient as him when it comes to helping people transform and getting the conducive conditions for Dharma practice. And for the not so Dharmic ones, they can always request for whatever that they want and from there they build up a connection with the Dharma as Dharma imprints can be planted in any way, shape or form. However, due to the ban and ignorance of people, many people do not know the truth about Dorje Shugden and how he can help them. Therefore, it is up to us to get Dorje Shugden out there no matter what methods are used. We could be saving a life or helping people avert untimely deaths as they would have encountered the Dharma first and apply the methods to overturn such predicaments or receive the Dharma protector's help directly, which is why promoting Dorje Shugden is the same as saving the lives of many.

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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2012, 07:57:45 PM »

I am going to jump on the motivation bandwagon here. The video is too cute to be taken seriously, and too vague to say anything meaningful. Under normal circumstances, I would condemn it. But in this particular situation, I hesitate to criticise.

Why you may ask?

Because, like it or not, the people behind this website continuously come up with new and sometimes quirky ideas in the name of promoting Dorje Shugden and the bigger picture. Just to recap some efforts from the past few years, we have the

- comic books -

- illustrated story -

- online store -

- Facebook fan page -

- Promotional brochures -

- a Chinese website -

- a Thai language website (?) -

And now, the nyan cat. Am I surprised? Yes. Am I against it? No.

At least these guys are doing something for the cause of Dorje Shugden. Its more than I am doing, so who am I to criticise? Their motivation is probably better than mine.

Well said... and of course not to mention the many many many interesting and informative articles that provide a wealth of information, healthy discourse, tangible research and a most varied forum. Thank you to the team behind The Website of Our Time... ;)

And yes I agree wholeheartedly with regards to the motivation. It is indeed pure as, why else would this team, tirelessly spread Dorje Shugden in such creative and much needed means. And all this made available for FREE! Not a penny charged to any of us "freeloaders" here. Hence it is important to give back as much as we can through making use of all the available materials for distribution and education.

Through this website alone we have so much... but it can only do so much without the active participants of all of us who value The Protector of Our Time, King Dorje Shugden!


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Re: Nyan Cat - Tibetan Secret Superhero
« Reply #29 on: July 22, 2012, 05:56:03 PM »
I find it very amusing how all of you just jump and are so quick to defend the video. I guess I can see your points but perhaps you should also have an open enough mind to see my points. If you are trying to elevate and promote the status of your protector, why would you cheapen him like this? It's like trying to sell good wine, but you put it into a plastic bottle in a walmart.

I agree with what ensapa and some people have said to think of other ways to promote your protector. Yes, you should do that and be creative but if you really believe in something, then don't demean it and cheapen it. You guys really undermine and contradict yourself. You are promoting something you claim to be so great and powerful, but then you turn it into cheap little throwaway brochures and some silly cartoon.

Yeah, okay so maybe you manage to hit on a few people out there who aren't already Buddhists or whatever. But if these people are attracted by a cartoon, doesn't that say a lot about them? Their attention spans are going to be about as big as a fly so they're not going to do anything with the stuff you're sending out. They're going to just treat it like any other popular culture, cheap and trashy like a spongebob squarepants flick. So that's how you want people to remember your special protector by? Something flash in the pan and not very serious. Aren't you just allowing people to create more bad karma for themselves by treating badly something you claim is holy? weird.