Author Topic: What the first Reting Rinpoche did  (Read 5104 times)


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What the first Reting Rinpoche did
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:50:43 PM »
Previously, some Ganden Throne holders propitiated Dholgyal and inauspicious events took place. Consequently, Trichen Dorje Chang (Trichen Ngawang Chokdhen 1677-1751) (here it very clearly states that the spirit was Dolgyal destroyed the images and so forth of him and banished him from the premises of the monastery. Then, he went to Lambar and Lhasa and repeatedly said, “This time I went to Ganden and was able to do something extraordinary”.
This is what appears in the biography of Changkya Rolpai Dorje, composed by Thukhen Rinpoche.
Trichen Ngawang Chokdhen was the root guru of the 7th Dalai Lama and an extremely great being. He was from Amdo, so we are from the same region of Tibet, and became the first Reting Rinpoche. He was really an incredibly great being. It was he who was responsible for making Gyalchog Kalsang Gyatso what he was. These two, both Lama and disciple, had great devotion for each other. I am moved to tears, particularly when I reach the point in Gyalchog Kalsang (Gyatso’s) biography where Trichen Rinpoche says he doesn’t want anything except Reting. When the time came for him to leave for Reting, Gyalchog Kalsang requested him to stay a little longer. But, Trichen Rinpoche says, “Now, I will go”. Then Trichen Rinpoche mounts his horse and sets off. According to past accounts, there was a place in the Potala called the Wanglatang. That’s where Trichen Rinpoche left from and as he began his descent, Gyalchok Kalsang watched after him from the window of Wanglatang. It is really moving, because they both wept.
Anyway, I have been wondering what we might find in Trichen Ngawang Chokdhen’s biography. There is one by Changkya Rolpai Dorje. At first I thought there must be a biography of Trichen Ngawang Chogdhen by Gyalchog Kalsang as Trichen was his root lama, but there isn’t. He probably didn’t have time to write one. However, he instructed Changkya Rolpai Dorje to write Trichen’s biography instead. So, this is what we find on page 67 of the biography of Trichen Ngawang Chokdhen composed by Changkya:
Previously, a very vicious and evil spirit (it is not specifically stated that the spirit is Dholgyal, but it is clear from Changkya’s biography that the spirit referred to is Dholgyal. It also refers to the time when Trichen Ngawang Chokdhen was the Ganden Throne-holder,) possessed a man at Draksep. Some unstable lamas, former abbots, and monastic hostels (khangtsens) did practice in relation to it simply by invoking and propitiating it. A cairn for invoking spirits had also been erected on top of the Iangtse mountain. Considering how inappropriate was this turn of events he issued an edict to the assembly of monks that as there had been no tradition of propitiating worldly spirits and protectors within the premises of this seat of learning since the time of Je Tsongkhapa, henceforth, nobody would be allowed to engage in such activities. The cairn was demolished (this is very clearly stated in the biography of Changkya) and the stones and earth were returned to the places from which they had been taken. The spirit was invoked through a medium in trance and was then ordered not to come through such trances henceforth. Dolgyal replied, “If this is the order of Tri Rinpoche, I have no choice but to leave.” Then, the ghostly spirit fled to Taktse Shol. Je (Trichen Ngawang Chokdhen) himself went into retreat. He made it a rule that the prayer to Dharmaraja composed by the Omniscient Gedun Gyatso (the second Dalai Lama), should be said in the Main Hall of Ganden. Due to Dharmaraja’s wrath the Lamas and former abbots who had been propitiating the spirit were killed and the monastic hostels also suffered many misfortunes. Consequently, such misdeeds entirely ceased and the action that had been taken became an excellent cause for maintaining the purity of the monastery.”
This account appears in the biography of Trichen (Ngawang Chokdhen) composed by Changkya Rolpai Dorje, which can be found among Changkya’s Collected Works. It is clearly stated below that this account refers to Dolgyal. However, here it just refers to the Gyen gong (ghostly spirit). The text’s reference to the activities of some “unstable lamas, former abbots, and monastic hostels (khangtsens)” prior to Trichen Ngawang Chokdhen’s becoming the Ganden Throne-holder, is confirmed in the works of Purchok Ngawang Jampa.


I find this piece of information very odd. It says here that Trichen Ngawang Chokden, the first Reting Rinpoche banned the practice of Dorje Shugden and even destroyed shrines to it and this was found in Chakya Rolpa Dorje (Pabongkha Rinpoche's incarnation at that time)'s biography. There are 2 questions that arise in my mind that I cannot figure out why when i read this story:

1) How is it possible that Chakya Rolpa Dorje spoke up against Dorje Shugden in his past life and then heavily promoted his practice in his next life? Is it just me or does someone else find this odd?

2)If dolgyal is the contraction of the word dol which is the name of an area and gyalpo, the word for ghost, is there any possibility that dolgyal in this context refers to another spirit that comes from the dol area and not Dorje Shugden? Why is it asserted to be Dorje Shugden?

Hmmm...can anyone shed some light on this?


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Re: What the first Reting Rinpoche did
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 03:19:33 AM »
This should provide some interesting clues to the mystery so that we can learn of the distortions in history that HHDL used just to make Dorje Shugden look wrong or bad. It is important to know and learn of all of these so that we can see what is really going on. I dont think there is nothing wrong for the Dalai Lama to say that he does not allow his followers to practice Dorje Shugden, but to angle it in such a way where it would be tantamount to treason if anyone did, or to use misinformation, that is not exactly a nice thing. It would help if we can find proof that it is wrong and make people aware of it so that they will check twice before believing.

From Helmut Gassner:

"Actually, it is not unusual for great masters to have divergent
opinions of guardian deities.  Thus, early masters like Changchub o,
Gö Lotsawa, and Sakya Pandita considered that certain deities,
revered in the Nyingma tradition, were not authentic.  Even the
Kalachakra tantra was not accepted by certain Sakya masters.
During his tenure as disciplinarian of the Lower Tantric College,
Trichen Ngawang Chogden, one of the most famous eighteenth
century Gelug Lamas, banned the protectress Palden Lhamo totally
from that monastery after an incident in which monks of the
monastery capsized in a ship.  Palden Lhamo is one of the most
important protectors of all Dalai Lamas and by extension of the
Tibetan government, but to this day no prayers to this protector are
recited in the Lower Tantric College.  Since 1996 His Holiness has
cited the names of Trichen Ngawang Chogden and Changya Rölpa'i
Dorje as having proscribed Dorje Shugden.  He cites a passage in
Changya's biography composed by the master Thuken wherein
Trichen Ngawang Chogden supposedly had an image of Dorje
Shugden removed from Ganden Monastery. On closer scrutiny,
however, it appears that in Changya's original rendering of the story
about Trichen Ngawang Chogden, to which Thuken refers, Dorjehugden is not at all mentioned, while reference is made to a local
spirit instead
.  Citing this supposed episode of removing a Dorje
Shugden image is meant to justify his defamation, but the episode
with Palden Lhamo does not even raise the slightest doubt about that
deity.  Thus, yes, there are historical precedents of protective deities
having occasionally been banned from a particular monastery, but
what is unusual in this debate over Dorje Shugden is that the
personal opinion of just one master should become official state
policy, thus splitting an entire society in times of greatest hardship."

There's one piece of evidence debunked.


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Re: What the first Reting Rinpoche did
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2012, 02:42:33 PM »
Jeez High Lamas cannot dispel an angry spirit ? These high lamas of the Gelug traditions have meditated on emptiness and have realisations of it, to say High Lamas cannot simply exorcise a mere spirit is saying that the Trijang Rinpoche and Pabongka Rinpoche of this time do not have any attainments at all. Then maybe the Buddhist should lock them up and throw away the keys. Impossible, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso who wrote such immaculate books is just an ordinary monk!! These are all the heroes who are still flying the flag of Dorje Shugden.

Chenrezig has no power and is threatened by Dorje Shugden a mere spirit what part of that statement makes sense to you?


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Re: What the first Reting Rinpoche did
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2012, 03:32:32 PM »
Y not we look at our "Refuge vows" again and see where the CTA has gotten it all wrong... and although they think Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit... but then again we also must think the opposite, what if He is not, then how? Jeng jeng jeng....

The fourteen vows of taking refuge in the Supreme Three Jewels

    Three vows about what you should do:
        From the moment that you take refuge in the Buddha, you should think of all images of Buddha as the truly enlightened.
        From the moment that you take refuge in the Dharma, you should respect any Dharma text.
        From the moment that you take refuge in the Sangha, you should respect the Dharma clothes dressed for any monk.
    Three vows about what you should not do:
        From the moment that you take refuge in the Buddha, you should not look for refuge in worldly gods, external masters and protectors.
        From the moment that you take refuge in the Dharma, you should not harm any sentient being.[/size]
        From the moment that you take refuge in the Sangha, you should not associate with people of wrong views.
    Three vows group by similarity:
        From the moment that you take refuge in the Buddha, you should respect your Guru as the true Buddha.
        From the moment that you take refuge in the Dharma, you should think of the words of your Guru as the precious Dharma.
        From the moment that you take refuge in the Sangha, you should think of your Guru’s disciples and followers as the true and precious Sangha and respect them with pure vision.
    Five common vows:
        Never slander the Three Jewels at all, even for saving your life or under pressure or seduction.
        Never give up the Three Jewels and look for refuge in another place while you’re in terrible difficulties.

        Offer our food to Three Jewels before eating, especially on Buddhist days.
        Invite those that haven’t found the Three Jewels yet to take refuge and keep our own refuge vows.
        Wherever you go, respect the Three Jewels with sincere devotion.

The benefits of following the vows of taking refuge: We can benefit ourselves if we follow the vows of take refuge.

    Temporary benefits as told in the Sutra Surya Garbha
        We can avoid external obstacles, catastrophes of earth, fire, wind and water nature elements,
and the influence of demons.
        We can avoid internal obstacles and resulting unbalances from earth, fire, wind and water elements in our body and receive the blessings of the Three Jewels.
        We can avoid secret obstacles as our impure thoughts that can prejudice. As opposed to this, we supervise our minds according to the Buddha teachings.
    Definite benefits as told in the Sutra Prajnaparamita If the benefits of taking refuge be measured by the form, they are bigger than the Universe and eventually, you can reach buddhahood.
        Taking refuge in the Buddha, you can reach buddhahood.
        Taking refuge in the Dharma, you can teach “the three turns of the Dharma Wheel”.
        Taking refuge in the Sangha, you will be a possessor of a peaceful mind like the harmonious followers and disciples like Shravakas, Pratyekabuddha and Boddhisattvas.

Soon, we can benefit uncountable sentient beings through the taking and observing the taking refuge vows.

So based on these refuge vows and let us just take one point from this vows and think about... We can avoid external obstacles, catastrophes of earth, fire, wind and water nature elements,
and the influence of demons.

So if His Holiness says that Dorje Shugden can harm him... then it appears He has no refuge, No? No offense to His Holiness, but am merely asking these questions so that we can all learn more. So if HHDL has no "Refuge" then there is no need to talk more... how can He then be qualified to be a Guru?


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Re: What the first Reting Rinpoche did
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2012, 03:39:11 PM »
From the moment that you take refuge in the Dharma, you should not harm any sentient being.

So all sentient being covers even those who practice "demonic spirits" be it Satanic worshipers of Dorje Shugden practitioner... correct? Cos no where does it state that Dorje Shugden practitioners are exceptional in this category according to Buddha!

So those who condemn, throw stone, beat and humiliate and some even want to kill Dorje Shugden practitioners and even sanghas and High Lamas... doesn't that mean they definitely have broken their refuge vows? Doesn't that mean they themselves have probably bought a one way ticket to hell themselves? So why create such negativity and then cry out to the world that you're suffering and your life sucks?


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Re: What the first Reting Rinpoche did
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2012, 03:54:17 PM »
Since 1996 His Holiness has
cited the names of Trichen Ngawang Chogden and Changya Rölpa'i
Dorje as having proscribed Dorje Shugden.  He cites a passage in
Changya's biography composed by the master Thuken wherein
Trichen Ngawang Chogden supposedly had an image of Dorje
Shugden removed from Ganden Monastery. On closer scrutiny,
however, it appears that in Changya's original rendering of the story
about Trichen Ngawang Chogden, to which Thuken refers, Dorjehugden is not at all mentioned, while reference is made to a local
spirit instead.  Citing this supposed episode of removing a Dorje
Shugden image is meant to justify his defamation, but the episode
with Palden Lhamo does not even raise the slightest doubt about that
deity.  Thus, yes, there are historical precedents of protective deities
having occasionally been banned from a particular monastery, but
what is unusual in this debate over Dorje Shugden is that the
personal opinion of just one master should become official state
policy, thus splitting an entire society in times of greatest hardship."

I have also been told of a story about Yamantaka practie... in the beginning Yamantaka practice was not acceptable and was banned! Everyone was terrified of such a ferocious beast being a Buddha, many condemned this practice and did not believe it but soon everything changed as you can see and experience now how powerful and on of the meditation yidam of the highest yoga tantra category... I think this is quite apparent the similarities cited above and what is happening now with Dorje Shugden.

Thus all those who have already broken even their refuge vows due to their wrong views... what is left of them when the time comes and Dorje Shugden becomes a main stream practice in all the different schools?


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Re: What the first Reting Rinpoche did
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2012, 06:31:26 AM »
Thus all those who have already broken even their refuge vows due to their wrong views... what is left of them when the time comes and Dorje Shugden becomes a main stream practice in all the different schools?

I dont think so they will get any attainments and I dont think they will repair their refuge vows even, mainly because they think that what they are doing is right. The strongest proponents of the ban are not really even Gelug, most of them are either Nyingma and Kagyu. It is easy to tell that they are not Gelug because they will keep insisting that Pabongkha Rinpoche is the one who popularised Dorje Shugden and that he is evil and sectarian. Gelug Lamas are silent on this, and even speak highly of Pabongkha Rinpoche when it comes to this angle, and tells everyone that they cannot be wrong. Lama Zopa is a very prominent example of how a Gelug reacts to this scenario with his statements on Dorje Shugden and Pabongkha Rinpoche. These days, like it or not, we have many people who are more interested in Nyingma and Kagyu as they do not need to study much and because they appear to be more mystical. I'm not saying that their tradition is bad or lacking, but the motivation of the people involved in those traditions are not exactly sincere, resulting in the pervasive attitude that we can observe now.

When Dorje Shugden becomes a mainstream practice in all the schools, or perhaps HHDL will actually enforce that, many people who were "against" Dorje Shugden will be perplexed and they will not know what to do. Some will realize what a huge mistake they have made in the past by going against Dorje Shugden blindly, while some will get disillusioned with Buddhism altogether. It would be a very painful lesson for everyone involved to not get too lost in hero worship and to actually investigate and evaluate for themselves on the validity of the ban and of the edicts that are issued, and to take a smarter approach to things in the future. It will also be a very painful lesson to those who are fanatical about the entire ban on what Buddhism is really about to everyone. It wont be easy to reconcile between the ban and its lifting for most of these fanatical people.


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Re: What the first Reting Rinpoche did
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2012, 10:16:07 PM »
These days, like it or not, we have many people who are more interested in Nyingma and Kagyu as they do not need to study much and because they appear to be more mystical. I'm not saying that their tradition is bad or lacking, but the motivation of the people involved in those traditions are not exactly sincere, resulting in the pervasive attitude that we can observe now.

When Dorje Shugden becomes a mainstream practice in all the schools, or perhaps HHDL will actually enforce that, many people who were "against" Dorje Shugden will be perplexed and they will not know what to do. Some will realize what a huge mistake they have made in the past by going against Dorje Shugden blindly, while some will get disillusioned with Buddhism altogether. It would be a very painful lesson for everyone involved to not get too lost in hero worship and to actually investigate and evaluate for themselves on the validity of the ban and of the edicts that are issued, and to take a smarter approach to things in the future. It will also be a very painful lesson to those who are fanatical about the entire ban on what Buddhism is really about to everyone. It wont be easy to reconcile between the ban and its lifting for most of these fanatical people.

Well if they are not Gelugs... then wouldn't the type of motivations...liking the mystical and disliking much effort in study going to create a foundation that is rocky to begin with. Wouldn't this then create the causes for their school to eventually  degenerate as well???

I guess this is samsara and we can only do our best in our part. We can only guide them through re-educating the new generation about Dorje Shugden :) Hence it is so important for us now to start spreading the story of Dorje Shugden. And thanks to the admin of this website here, we have Dorje Shugden's comic book and it is made easily accessible to all of us for FREE and we can even give it to others!!!


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Re: What the first Reting Rinpoche did
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2012, 03:26:10 PM »
Well if they are not Gelugs... then wouldn't the type of motivations...liking the mystical and disliking much effort in study going to create a foundation that is rocky to begin with. Wouldn't this then create the causes for their school to eventually  degenerate as well???
You dont really have to go far to see examples of this going on. The biggest centers in the world actually belong to the Gelug, while the other lineages are quite splintered. Also, the "students" of these traditions tend to be very against Dorje Shugden, but when asked why, they cannot explain. They are unable to explain many Dharma tenets using logic and they need to quote texts which they clearly do not understand. This can be observed in many forums.

I guess this is samsara and we can only do our best in our part. We can only guide them through re-educating the new generation about Dorje Shugden :) Hence it is so important for us now to start spreading the story of Dorje Shugden. And thanks to the admin of this website here, we have Dorje Shugden's comic book and it is made easily accessible to all of us for FREE and we can even give it to others!!!
These people also tend to believe that Dorje Shugden is bad, unfortunately, and they are unable to come up with their own reasonings to why is Dorje Shugden is bad other than "It shortens the Dalai Lama's life" they cannot answer from that point onwards. It shows that they are believing it out of blind faith, with no solid reasoning of their own. So, I dont think the brochure will help much but to plant imprints.

Like it or not, this is the state of affairs these days. In the past, where people did not get involved in much politics, one can hear much stories of various great mahasiddhas from the Nyingma and Kagyu traditions. As time passed and more and more of them got involved in politics, the frequency of attained masters decreased by a lot. It is a sad sight to see for them, but I do hope that they drop the Dorje Shugden issue and focus 100% on their own teachings so that they can gain attainments like the yogis and yoginis of the past :)