Author Topic: Buddhist Meditation Show Real Effectiveness for Certain Health Problems  (Read 4144 times)


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I like this. It is like a modern explanation on what is rehabituation  the mind and what are holding vows for. But in this context, it is used to overcome mental problems and psychosomatic problems. I believe that those mental illnesses are but negative habituations that over time became too strong to overcome and it can be fixed by Buddhist means of training the mind. This is literally, mind training in a samsaric context: to heal the mind of mental diseases.

have a read...does it not remind us of the practice of mind training where the mind is rehabituated?

Practices Derived from Buddhist Meditation Show Real Effectiveness for Certain Health Problems
The Chakra, Jul 15, 2012
New Delhi, India -- According to a report in the July Journal of Psychiatric Practice, mindfulness practices including Zen mediation have helped to resolve mental and physical health problems.
”An extensive review of therapies that include meditation as a key component - referred to as mindfulness-based practices - shows convincing evidence that such interventions are effective in the treatment of psychiatric symptoms and pain, when used in combination with more conventional therapies,” according to Dr William R. Marchand of the George E.

Mindfulness based therapies or exercises show clear results of health benefits. Mindfulness is described as “the practice of learning to focus attention on moment-by-moment experience with an attitude of curiousity, openness, and acceptance. In other words a part of practicing mindfulness is simply experiencing the present as it is rather than trying to change anything.

 Dr. Marchand focused on three techniques: Zen meditation, a Buddhist spiritual practice that involves the practice of developing mindfulness by meditation. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) a combination of Buddhist mindfulness with meditation related to yoga as well as stress coping stretegies. The third type of technique he reviewed is Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which combines MBSR with principles of cognitive therapy.
As a result of Dr. Marchand’s study it has been revealed that MBSR is effective in reducing stress and promoting general psychological health in patients with various medical or psychiatric diseases.

These practices in addition help to affect mental and physical health in that they impact brain function in structure, which they believe is the reason for the practices helping decrease stress levels as well.

The use of such mindfulness practices are promising and overtime should be used consistently in clinical settings.


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I think Buddhist meditation is very effective in dealing with pain and sickness. There is now a lot of research in the field of mind-body medicine which supports the belief that our thoughts affect our bodies as well as our minds. Lama Yeshe used to urge his students, "Think big. We have to be willing to grant some grandeur and magnificence to our life, to affirm that 'I am worthy of healing.'"

In his book entitled "Meditation and Relaxation in Plain English", Bob Sharples, a psychologist and a follower of Lama Yeshe, uses meditation to help his patients. In 1991, he introduced self-help strategies which included emphasis on meditation, attitudinal change, positive thinking and healthful diet. His practice is deeply influenced by Tibetan Buddhism and he uses his knowledge of Buddhist meditation to guide his patients. Among the techniques used are mindfulness meditation and meditations for cultivating a good heart. His mindfulness meditation exercises include the four foundations of mindfulness: the body, the feelings, the emotions and the mind. His meditation exercises on cultivating a good heart include meditations on the Four Immeasurables, and techniques for deepening the cultivation of love and compassion. He has also developed meditations for health, healing and managing pain.


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Buddhist Meditation has always come to show extraordinary results. In this case, meditation is the best medication. I have watched documentaries where Buddhist meditation is the theme and they put monks in very cold freezers and hook up wires to their bodies. When they begin meditating, the change in heat is incredible. I forgot what is the exact name of the documentary but I remember watching it.


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Re: Buddhist Meditation Show Real Effectiveness for Certain Health Problems
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2012, 12:15:57 PM »
Meditation and illness
Meditation also might be useful if you have a medical condition, especially one that may be worsened by stress. While a growing body of scientific research supports the health benefits of meditation, some researchers believe it's not yet possible to draw conclusions about the possible benefits of meditation.

With that in mind, some research suggests that meditation may help such conditions as:

Anxiety disorders
Binge eating
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Sleep problems
Substance abuse
Be sure to talk to your health care provider about the pros and cons of using meditation if you have any of these conditions or other health problems. In some cases, meditation can worsen symptoms associated with certain mental health conditions. Meditation isn't a replacement for traditional medical treatment. But it may be a useful addition to your other treatment.

Tenzin K

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Re: Buddhist Meditation Show Real Effectiveness for Certain Health Problems
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2012, 06:38:43 PM »
Meditation has had a significant impact on many types of topics related to health. Numerous scientific studies and medical records of long-term meditators showed that meditation for healing can be a powerful tool in solving many health problems. This is why many people are now embracing meditation as a means of improving the health and life. Thousands of  patients have overcome their illness through meditation.Here you will discover the first three types of meditations that are used for healing and the five main benefits of meditation in a healing practice.

Top 3 Types of meditation used for healing
There are many different meditations for healing. However, the first three are  Chakras healing meditation,Transcendental meditation and Buddhist meditation.

Chakra Meditation
Many people believe that when the chakras are not aligned properly or are blocked, the blockage is evident in the physical body as disease. The health problem is seen in the area of the body where the chakra is blocked which controls the area. Chakra Meditation is used to align and clean up any chakra is blocked. A chakra meditation can unlock the chakras & start white light flowing through your body. You see into your body, energizing and balancing each chakra and each chakra healing. After chakra meditation, many people find that their symptoms of ill health usually disappears after a time of constant practice.

Transcendental meditation
Transcendental Meditation has been practiced by many people and is said to provide many health benefits according to established practice. People who want to practice transcendental meditation enroll in a seven-step tours. This is basically to sit quietly and bring thoughts that cause stress and anxiety under control. Transcendental meditation can tolerate frustration and have more tolerance for the daily challenges. Some health problems that have been taken care of Transcendental Meditation include high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Buddhist Meditation
Buddhist meditation is also a significant health benefits when used for healing. Sitting quietly in the correct position your body is aligned properly. When you concentrate and stay focused on the breath, a mantra, or light take your mind off the disease and focus in your meditation and positive thinking. When it is done on a regular basis, in practice, will help to heal you from health problems you may have.
Now that you've seen the first three meditation for healing, explore the top five benefits of meditation for healing.

Top 5 benefits of the healing practice of meditation
Healing, meditation has many health benefits to those who practice them. The top five benefits include better overall health, lower medical costs, chakra balancing, longer life and greater success in life. Examine how each of these advantages can help you.

Better overall health
Stress, anxiety and blood pressure are health problems that have been known to lead to many health problems. Meditation and directly influence the sales of these conditions. In a state of deep meditation, your brainwaves are in Alpha. This condition affects the nervous system and other body functions and helps the body system to rejuvenate and reduce the negative effects of your body. Regular meditation will lead to better health because stress, anxiety, panic and high blood pressure is associated with you again.

Chakra balancing
Most experienced meditators know that a balanced chakra system will always affect your overall quality of life. This is because your health, your relationships with others, your feelings and your relationship with God always be at the top when your chakras are in balance. Chakra Healing Meditation will help you achieve a total balance in all aspects of your life.

Reduce medical costs
Everyone knows that when you're sick, you will not pay medical expenses. When you do not pay the medical expenses you save money and use it for something better to help you. This is one reason that meditation healing is very useful.

Longer Life
A disease that is not well maintained in the long term can cause the disease, which may eventually kill anyone. This means that people who should have lived longer to die prematurely if not properly manage their health. Healing, meditation has been known to help people live longer, because meditation helps the body heal faster. When combined with the results of medical care are better and longer.

Better results in life
Most people have dreams for the future, but most people can not achieve their dreams because of a health problem or the other. Once the healing practice meditation regularly, you will be healthier and you will be able to achieve what you want in life.

Meditation can really help to achieve better health. You've seen the first three types of meditation used for healing and the top five benefits of meditation for healing. This knowledge will help you make meditation more seriously from now.