Author Topic: Taiwan to stage first same-sex Buddhist wedding  (Read 6664 times)


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Taiwan to stage first same-sex Buddhist wedding
« on: July 22, 2012, 05:08:01 PM »

by Benjamin Yeh, AFP, Jul 10, 2012

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Two women plan to tie the knot next month in Taiwan's first same-sex Buddhist wedding, as gay and lesbian groups push to make the island the first society in Asia to legalise gay marriage

Fish Huang and her partner You Ya-ting, both 30, will receive their blessings from Master Shih Chao-hui at a Buddhist monastery in north Taiwan's Taoyuan county on August 11.

"We decided to get married last year," Huang told AFP Wednesday. "After being together for six years, we feel we need to make a life-long commitment to each other."

As a group of Buddhist monks and nuns chant sutras, the couple, both wearing white gowns, will declare their love for each other in a ceremony expected to be witnessed by dozens of close friends.

Huang, a social worker at a Buddhist cultural foundation, said her mother had promised to attend the event but her father remained undecided.

"My father likes Ya-ting, and he says the marriage will make him feel like he has one more daughter," Huang said.

"Still, time and again, he has voiced his hope that I marry a man... In fact, my decision to marry Ya-ting is also meant to make him drop the thought."

You's parents are still reluctant to agree to the planned marriage even though it will have no legal force, Huang said.

Taiwan is one of the most culturally liberal societies in East Asia, and gay and lesbian groups have been urging the government for years to make same-sex marriage legal.

In an event aimed at creating awareness about the issue, about 80 lesbian couples tied the knot in August last year in Taiwan's biggest same-sex wedding party, attracting about 1,000 friends, relatives and curious onlookers.

The island's cabinet in 2003 drafted a controversial bill to legalise same-sex marriages and allow homosexual couples to adopt children.

However, President Ma Ying-jeou has said public consensus was needed before the government can move ahead with the law.

Master Shih Chao-hui, who will perform the ceremony and is seen as a liberal on social issues, said her act would reflect the spirit of Buddhism.

"I would like stand up to give blessings to the couple because I hope my step can embody the spirit of Buddhism spreading compassion throughout the world," said Shih, who is also a professor at Buddhist Hsuan Chuang University.

"As a matter of fact, Buddhist teachings do not discriminate against gays and lesbians and do not consider human desires as a sin although they do call for restraint."

However, there is no consensus among Taiwanese Buddhist clerics about the issue, as reflected in the words of Master Huei Kai, a professor at Fo Guang University in the south Taiwan's Kaohsiung city.

"True, no ancient Buddhism scriptures mention gays, but that does not necessarily mean that Buddhism agrees to them," he told the United Daily News, a Taipei-based newspaper.

Given lingering resistance, Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy, a Taipei-based non-government group that is organising the upcoming ceremony, said Master Shih Chao-hui's involvement was significant.

"As a respected Buddhist master, her move may somewhat change the biased attitude of lots of people," Wu Shao-wen of the rights group said.


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Re: Taiwan to stage first same-sex Buddhist wedding
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2012, 09:10:54 AM »
This topics brings to my mind the trend that is happening in the world now especially in the West. Buddhism as a religion that emphasize compassion should accept homosexuality as a reality and support people who are homosexual. By accepting and letting go we make life easier for everyone. Generally, the world is happier.

From the stand point of Buddhism, homosexuality are results of karma manifested as habituation or tendency. This includes many types of habits that humans and animals exhibit including just about any predisposed habits that we can observe. These habits ranges from liking to kill to singing; anythings that we may consider predisposed ie cannot be explained by the conditions of the present live.

Consequentially, science may explain homosexuality (or any other human/animal traits) through genetics. But are these genes or the fact that some are born with "better" genes and some mush worse off coincidences?

Below is an interesting article that tries to explain homosexuality scientifically.


Unfortunately, there is not yet a conclusive study which tell us exactly what causes homosexuality. Many studies show correlations, but there is not an accepted scientific consensus on the cause of homosexuality.

All credible scientific organizations state that sexual orientation is influenced by biological factors and environmental factors (scientifically speaking, the hormonal environment of the womb is considered an "environmental factor'), and that it cannot be changed, as it is innate and set at birth.

In studies with twins, researchers have found that far more of them are likely to share the same sexuality than with siblings that do not share the same DNA; however, the number falls short of 100%. These results show that there is a high correlation with a person's genetic makeup and their sexuality. Neurologically speaking, gay men tend to have brains similar in structure and function to that of straight women, and lesbians tend to have brains similar to straight men. Certain neurological responses, like the startle response, also show this correlation. The same is also present in other species (yes, many animals exhibit bisexual or even primarily homosexual behavior.) There have been other trends documented, such as the fact that the more older brothers a boy has, the more likely he will identify as gay, and this is true even when the boy is not raised with his older brothers. Gay men are also more likely to be left-handed. The ratio of the length of the index finger to the ring finger, which is caused by hormones in utero and does not change as one grows older, also shows correlations between gay men and straight women, and lesbians and straight men. Some theories include that the hormonal balance of the womb, which influences sex development (whether or not the child is a boy or girl or intersex), influences a child's predisposition to a certain sexual orientation.

If a female and a male are twins, sometimes the testosterone from the male affects the female embryo's development. Females thus affected are more likely to develop lesbian tendencies than other females. Considering the 26th pair of chromosomes in humans, due to particular rare genetic factors, some people born with XX chromosomes become males as opposed to females and some people born with XY chromosomes become females as opposed to male. These people are more likely to exhibit homosexual behaviour.

So "nature" determines one's overall predisposition to a certain orientation, but "nurture" (the environment and experiences of one after birth) may influence other aspects of one's sexual preference, like ideal traits in a partner, fetishes, etc. However, this is a highly complex question, and there is still much more research to be done. Scientific studies on different aspects of this question are being released all the time in journals.

As far as why homosexuality is a healthy trait for a species (and is thus encountered in nearly every animal species on our planet), there are several theories, but to make this point one needs to clarify the difference between a survival behavior and a cultural behavior.

For instance, in current United States culture one of the larger causes of teen suicide is the hatred and rejection shown to homosexuals. This is a cultural behavior. The current United States culture chooses to show disdain and pass judgment on people who have a sexuality outside the cultural norm. This results in some teenage homosexuals committing suicide. Homosexual behavior in a society that has not condemned or sanctioned sexual behavior is considered normal and entertaining. This is still true in some modern countries and tribes, but the culture that most people will be familiar with is that of the ancient Romans and Greeks.

The Greeks believed that men who were in love would fight more fiercely for one another and honored their love in poems and theater. The most famous of these pairings was between Patroclus and Achilles in Homer's Illiad. Their culture believed that love was plural and that a man should love his wife and his friends. By their standards, someone who was only interested in women or only interested in men would be strange (though not despised).

So the scientific explanation may simply be as simple as this: Our bodies have evolved to give us pleasurable feelings when we enact the act of reproduction whether it be to reproduce or not. Therefore, the scientific explanation for homosexual behavior is the same reason for heterosexual behavior or masturbation. . . it feels good. That is not a flippant or intentionally funny answer either. Most human behavior can be reduced to two main goals: avoiding pain and seeking pleasure.

As with all aspects of human nature, the origin of homosexual behavior must stem from evolution. Evolution leads to instinct, which in turn leads to the experiences of pleasure (to encourage us to do things) and pain (to ensure we do not harm ourselves). Although homosexual behavior has been observed among many species of animal, it is primarily (if not exclusively) found among social animals. So it fair to assume that being a social animal allows for homosexuality to exist as others within social groups as others can continue the species' survival. Within social groups there can be diversity, and this diversity can boost a species' survival.

Human sexuality differs also from, say, a dog. A male dog would not be aroused by a female bitch unless she is in 'heat'. Humans do not follow this pattern of behavior as straight men may find women attractive even when they are not ovulating at the time. In fact, only three species on Earth have heterosexual sex outside the 'optimum' period for reproduction: chimpanzees, dolphins and humans; these three species are often regarded as the most 'intelligent' species on the planet. This indicates that some time in our evolutionary past a 'break' occurred between sex and reproduction and this proved, from an evolutionary point of view, highly successful.

So it is possible to see that homosexuality was part of a broader evolutionary past and this led to the richness of diversity of human nature today, of which one of the results was homosexuality.


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Re: Taiwan to stage first same-sex Buddhist wedding
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2012, 09:20:37 AM »
The marriage of different sexes were for reproduction purpose (amongst other considerations), it is just another label we inherited from generation to generation !! Just like :

Go to school - get good grades - go to good university - get a good job - make lots of money - get married - buy big house - buy big cars - have half a dozen of kids - sell the big house to finance kids' education - retire - take care of grandchildren - die - the end !!! And people will say this person HAD A GOOD LIFE!!

Buddha taught us every sentient beings is equal, hence there is no reason why anyone should oppose same sex marriage! Other than not able to bear any offsprings, these gay people are just like every 'normal' straight people. Most of them could contribute to society more and better simply because they do not have the burden of raising children !!

I seriously don't understand why should beautiful gay and lesbians be marginalized... They are just another human being. They are entitle to their chosen lifestyle and as long as they are law abiding, they have the right to anything they like.
Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: Taiwan to stage first same-sex Buddhist wedding
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2012, 01:43:13 PM »
Dear Namdrol,

I think you should refer to this post that was done by Big Uncle earlier this month.   ;D

By the way, this is their picture.


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Re: Taiwan to stage first same-sex Buddhist wedding
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2012, 05:07:55 PM »
For me I think love is love, no matter to anyone, any sexes or animals, love should be beyond all borders.

Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, some parts of Mexico and United States have allows same sexes marriage. Congratulation for Taiwan for one step further to be a country which has real freedom.

Buddhism is not openly recognize that same sexes marriage is alright, just recognize LOVE has no border. Marriage is just a commitment between 2 person, it's really a personal thing that we should have freedom to choose.


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Re: Taiwan to stage first same-sex Buddhist wedding
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2012, 09:07:52 PM »
Buddhism is a religion that promotes the virtues of generosity, great love and compassion. It teaches us to treat all sentient beings equally and to be free from all forms of sufferings. It is not to pro or against same sex marriage but Buddhism is treating everyone equally and without discrimination, regardless of he/her sexual preferences.

I fully agree on what Venerable Hsing Yun said about this :
“The same analysis can be applied to homosexuality. People often ask me what I think about homosexuality. They wonder, is it right, is it wrong? The answer is, it is neither right nor wrong. It is just something that people do. If people are not harming each other, their private lives are their own business; we should be tolerant of them and not reject them.

However, it will still take some time for the world to fully accept homosexuality. All of us must learn to tolerate the behavior of others. Just as we hope to expand our minds to include all of the universe, so we should also seek to expand our minds to include all of the many forms of human behavior.

Tolerance is a form of generosity and it is a form of wisdom. There is nothing anywhere in the Dharma that should ever lead anyone to become intolerant. Our goal as Buddhists is to learn to accept all kinds of people and to help all kinds of people discover the wisdom of the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha.
—Hsing Yun, Buddhism Pure and Simple, pp. 137–138”