Author Topic: We Will Continue  (Read 13531 times)


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2012, 09:50:19 PM »
"Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings."

I think this has been a great driving force for the people behind to continue their great service in serving both shugdenites and the anti-shugden people alike. It is essential in modern day and times to take this approach to help people understand the true meaning of Buddhism and the spirit of mutual respect.

I must  applaud the webmasters and all those who are working very hard to make this website available. There has been so much work done which we have seen and not seen put into the upkeep of this website, forum and constant news update.

This website is certainly a labour of love. It makes me think that it is a very sacred form of devotion to the lineage gurus of the Gaden tradition, Je Tsongkhapa's Doctrine and of course our powerful protector, Dorje Shugden. With this approach, conjoined with  constant care and effort, I am sure we will bring Dorje Shugden to the centre stage of Universal Spirituality which brings hope, help and happinesss for people now and the future.
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2012, 01:59:14 PM »
Good subject heading: We will continue.... hmmm, we are unable to satisfy all but some. Like minded people continue to update and speak their views using the forum and discuss about DS and other buddhism topics. Diff minded people will shut down and the neutral group of people will read and gather information before they decided where should they be grouped into.

i personally do not know how much impact has created but am sure it has already attracted attention and more people will know about this site. i think its important to publicise and spread the existence of the site wherever and whenever possible.


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2012, 07:04:58 PM »
This website is perhaps the most complete one I have encountered that talks about Dorje Shugden's benefits, practice, masters, lineage and it is one site that is so proactive! I especially love that it does not just say promote Dorje Shugden, it educates me on so many levels... the forum especially gives so much pros and cons and leaves you pondering positively because like what Mana says on uniting and focusing on the "goal" which is to get the darn ban lifted!!! At least we can perhaps set the right example for the CTA.

2. Another great thing about this site's pro-activeness is that it doesn't just educate, it also provides you with ideas and methods on what you can do to help lift the ban. For example the Free brochure we can download from here

3. There is an online shop practitioners all around the world can get their beautiful Dorje Shugden items from

4. It's constant new updates!

5. The testimonial section of real life experiences

So far I've yet to encounter a Dorje Shugden site that is so complete with everything :)


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2012, 07:29:17 PM » has been a great help for me when I am in doubt, need clarity, knowledge or advice. I remembered how I stumble upon this site was that I googled Dorje Shugden, and alot of the pages it was linking me to was from When I came into the site, immediately, I knew that I have found a portal for a wealth of reliable information, not only on Dorje Shugden, but on Tibetan Buddhism as well. I finally found people who understood my position, the dilemma I'm in, who have been ripped apart by the unjust ban imposed by His Holiness.
We can all agree that this website has helped clear a lot of doubts with Dorje Shugden, and not only that, on the truth on the story behind the stories of many high lamas. The open discussions on this forum make it very conducive for all of us to talk and engage on topics about Dorje Shugden. The information here is reliable because there is a source, there is a date and there are pictures and logical explanations rather than just belief alone.

But I see that just by bantering back and forth about the ban or HHDL is not going to do much, except create war and divisions. That is why war still breaks out in today's society, because people go back and forth seeking to be the "right winner", and putting kindness and forgiveness aside. In any religion, to win, you have to win by virtuous actions and deeds, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, generosity and integrity. To win and bring the ban down, requires unity, help and support from practitioners all over the world, and continued work on this forum to educate everyone on Dorje Shugden, becuase over time, knowledge, logic, sense and kindness wins.
Going back and forth has its plus points as well. It provokes and encourages everyone to think deeper on the meanings and on the reasonings  behind the ban. This forum does not talk much about the Dalai Lama except on the contradictory statements that he makes about Dorje Shugden once in a while, and whether or not he will lift the ban. It  helps add a different perspective of things instead of seeing something from only one dimension and viewpoint.

Mana, thank you for your message, encouragement and support in encouraging all to stand united to make our stance and "fight" (with wisdom) to win and bring the ban down. The webmasters have done a terrific job continuously and consistently over the years, and I can feel the sincerity in just wanting to educate so that in time, logic will win. I will be part of this, and stand united with you,, and practitioners worldwide, for this site and my lord Dorje Shugden gave me the comfort during tough times in my life. I am so happy to read that Dorje Shugden took trance and said that the ban will come down in time to come!! Of course nothing will happen without effort, so if Dorje Shugden can see the result, we have to work together to create that result.
This website gave me strength and it gave me the knowledge and wisdom to see through a lot of things and doubts. Before this site, I was somewhat having confusion over some statements that the Dalai Lama made about Dorje Shugden and after going through the forums and articles, I realize that those were not true and also learn of the real story behind it. It is very valuable indeed.

This site has been of great benefit to many people and will continue to be that way. It has grown so much since its inception, and despite that it still stays through to its purpose. I am really happy that the site has grown so much and I would like to support Dorje Shugden through this website all the way, as I know that this website is following his will and direction.


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2012, 05:41:45 AM »
Thank you, Mana, for this beautiful statement. This website has provided us so much information that is unbiased and educational.  The amazing team behind this website has worked so hard with commitment and devotion to bring so much information to us. It is because of this website that my faith and knowledge increased.

May we all be united and support each other towards the lifting of the ban.



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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2012, 10:35:53 AM »
Differences in our approach is expected. But important to unite to remove the ban at this time. United we have a faster chance to accomplish our goals. Once the unjust/undemocratic/unfair ban is removed, we can again go our happy seperate philosophical diverse ways. Until then, whatever views we have of Dalai Lama does not matter. Work together to remove this ban.


I agree with Mana on this one. It is important for all of us to be united, especially during this time. Why? If we show that we are not united against the ban, it would only "prove" the accusations and the nasty lies that has been said against Dorje Shudgen to be true, lies like Dorje Shugden being a sectarian deity and proof of it is that even their practitioners cannot get along with each other. Why do we need to prove those nasty and false accusations right when we can prove them wrong by working together and holding on to the advice of Trijang Rinpoche with regards to the ban. Why do we want to allow ourselves to be criticized and belittled by others? Being united can help us focus our energy on lifting the ban and this is what this website is about. We should not be wasting time attacking the Dalai Lama, we need to focus on establishing that the ban and the justifications used to support it as being insubstantial.

I believe that if everyone worked hard and and hold the proper motivation to lifting the ban, that is so that more people can benefit from Dorje Shugden as during this time and age, many people would need his assistance in more ways than one. Some people might be able to live a little longer because they met Dorje Shugden, some people might be able to lead a fuller life, some would have their sicknesses cured, some would achieve spiritual salvation...and all these people are denied that for now due to the ban...if only the ban was lifted, these people could benefit from Dorje Shugden immensely.


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2012, 08:58:00 AM »
Lets put our collective energies to overcome the ban. The faster and harder we work the faster the ban will lift. Lets make it well known in the world about this most oppressive ban, the world should know that innocent monks and practitioners are caught in this turmoil. So cannot sit in silent and not do anything we have contribute to doing something not just keep to ourselves.

If we keep trying we will have success. together we can do great things.


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2012, 01:36:43 PM »
Thank you Mana for this wonderful message.

Things which has brought me down previously on this unfairness has made me stayed down. But 2 years ago ever since I saw how Shugden brought so much benefits to the people around. I decided not to stay quiet. People life were save, people got out of depression, miracles happened not once but a quite a number of times to friends who I introduce Shugden to, cancer were cure or untraceable and I have friends who came out of financial problems & court cases. No way, I will just sit down to wait for the CTA government to continue to bully us and especially the Shu lamas.

It is so frustrating and very silly each time when I see how Shugden lamas are treated from Trijang Rinpoche to Kundeling Rinpoche. You do not do that to the great lamas, you are supposed to treat them well and not give them death threats. It pisses me off when I hear how they are treated. However, I have been taught well by my own teacher to use anger to benefit others which I am doing and will continue to do so.

Yes, we have to stay united therefore, any information on the Shugden activities or related to the Tibetans are most appreciated on this website. I have heard so many people changed their point of view on Shugden after reading this website. And they understand and now practices Shugden. Information and knowledge and with that, we can lift the ban.


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2012, 08:55:08 AM »
Differences in our approach is expected. But important to unite to remove the ban at this time. United we have a faster chance to accomplish our goals. Once the unjust/undemocratic/unfair ban is removed, we can again go our happy seperate philosophical diverse ways. Until then, whatever views we have of Dalai Lama does not matter. Work together to remove this ban.


This is so true. We need to unite our fouce and focus to bring down the ban to end all the unnecessary suffering. There are many ways to bring down the ban, but I think the most basic of all is to educate the people around the world about the what is actually happening (the inequality, ill-treatment, etc). Many people only see the peace and compassion side of HH Dalai Lama, but many actually do not know about the issues that is happening now to the Dorje Shugden practitioners.

Though different people may have different opinions and ways, we should put away the differences (at least for now).


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2012, 09:45:13 AM »
Thanks to Mana for the message. together with this forum have done a lot in educating people on the truth behind the illogical ban. It provides information and facts in unbiased manners and let us think and make our own judgment regarding the whole situation. This helps to many to get to learn on Dorje Shugden’s practice and get the blessing and wisdom from practicing Dorje Shugden. Besides, I also learn a lot of Buddhism values and knowledge from this website. Without it, I am sure I’m still in the dark on the ban and will not be progressed spiritually as much as what I was previously before I do the practice of Dorje Shugden that gives me a lot of resources and support for me to learn and do Dharma.

Let’s put our differences aside and work hand-in-hand to bring Dorje Shugden’s lineage global through education, logic, evidence, kindness and forgiveness. When the ban is lifted, more people will get the blessing from Dorje Shugden and Dharma. In addition, Buddhism will spread wide and far too!


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2012, 04:11:18 AM »
This website is definitely the hardwork of many unknown heros behind the scene. i hope that many people and newbies are able to get to know the great protector Dorje Shugden through this site and of course they are able to learn abt the controversy and make judgement by themselves with logic after understanding. This will only be fair for both part of the communities (pro and anti shugden).  It might take more years for the ban to be lifted but meanwhile lets introduce this great protector to more people irregardless of races and cultural background and religions also.


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2012, 06:25:07 AM »
Thank you Mana for sharing the statements/ the purpose of this website. This website has been the one place that I got to learn more about Dorje Shugden and also the discussion space has brought me to think bigger rather then thinking small and gain a little knowledge/dharma.

For the people behind all these. Thank you again for the time and effort that you guys have put in. Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha.


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2012, 10:36:00 AM »
The website being active for so many years will benefit many many people people who are in the dark and who have come across the Dorje Shugden practice. The website uses so many methods and ways to fight the ban and all of them are innovative ways as well. So much work and effort is made to spread the greatness of our protector and the lamas associated with it, this website is the work of much efforts and labour for the spread of Dorje Shugden this website for me it is very holy due to the efforts of all these people. 


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Re: We Will Continue
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2012, 03:31:44 PM »
All I can say is that this website has been doing a very good job in prooting the cause of lifting the ban of Dorje Shuugden. Now is the time of the internet so whatever people do not know, they will search online. Now imagine if the Dalai Lama speaks about Dorje Shugden and people have no idea what is that they google, and they find this website and learn all they can about Dorje Shugden, and then only they make a choice if they want to be for or against Dorje Shugden.