I have a dharma question,not DS related persay.
Little over a year ago I had a dream of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso;in this dream he spoke to a group of people in a small room,with myself,my dog and my fiance.
After his talk(which I don't recall) he said to myself,my fiance and my dog;"we are family,we are of the same lineage"
Now up until last week,this has been the tape holding my faith together,but recently with all the new issues.
My 2nd teacher told me that he believes that it probably came from my gross mind thinking about Geshe-la and so forth (though I don't recall thinking about him then) ,but once I went to sleep it slipt in and I could have manifested this...
Well,with this new knowledge,I felt a huge dip in my heart.
I have always been a skeptical person,but this kept me going,I never told my first teacher because I didn't want to sound conceded or 'special' because of this dream.
Now I heard in a previous teaching from another teacher years ago (on tape it was years old)
that when your guru is in your dreams,that's not just another common dream.
Now,i'm unsure of alot of things,and with a different teacher,and views i'm not aware of,it gets more confusing.
I love GKG and his teachings and believe he is enlightened,but was this dream my own creation from my subtle wish to find a guru or was it the real thing?
I am just curious of others opinions here.please.