Author Topic: An Angry China Over The Dalai Lama's Visit to United Kingdom  (Read 5076 times)


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The BBC news reported:

David Cameron's decision to meet the Dalai Lama has provoked an angry response from the Chinese government.

The prime minister met the Tibetan spiritual leader in London on Monday.
China's foreign ministry said the meeting "seriously interfered with China's internal affairs" and "hurt" Chinese feelings.  Downing Street said the Dalai Lama was "an important religious figure" but the UK did not want to see its relationship with China "disrupted".
Mr Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg met the Dalai Lama privately on Monday at St Paul's Cathedral.

'Moral crisis'
The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader was receiving the £1.1m Templeton Prize for his work affirming the spiritual dimension of life. He donated the bulk of the prize to Save the Children to support its work in India.

He told reporters China was beset by a "moral crisis" with widespread corruption and lawlessness.
Britain's ambassador in Beijing, Sebastian Wood, was summoned to China's foreign ministry by Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao following the meeting.

China's Foreign Ministry said Mr Song told Mr Wood British leaders should consider the "serious consequences" of meeting the Dalai Lama.
The meeting "seriously interfered with China's internal affairs, undermined China's core interests, and hurt the feelings of the Chinese people", said the foreign ministry in a statement.
'Concrete action'
At a news conference in Beijing, foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said: "We ask the British side to take the Chinese side's solemn stance seriously, stop indulging and supporting 'Tibet independence' anti-China forces, immediately take effective measures to undo the adverse effect, and take concrete action to safeguard the overall development of China-UK relations."
Mr Cameron's official spokesman defended his decision to meet the Dalai Lama, saying: "The Dalai Lama travels all over the world and has visited the UK several times in the past, and I believe that former prime ministers also met with him when they were in office."
The Dalai Lama, the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism, fled his homeland in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule.
He now lives in Dharamsala in India, travelling the world to seek support for more rights for Tibetan people.
He is regularly vilified by the Chinese government, which accuses him of trying to split Tibet, with its separate culture and language, from the rest of China.

During the visit, the Dalai Lama has said that he hopes to return to Tibet within his lifetime.
However, speaking to Today presenter Sarah Montague, the Dalai Lama said it was "no use" getting angry with the Chinese government. "If I develop anger, I suffer myself.  No help to our problem," he said. "Everybody wants a happy life.  Me too."

We could learn so much from the Dalai Lama.


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Re: An Angry China Over The Dalai Lama's Visit to United Kingdom
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 09:12:41 AM »
Here is a picture of The Dalai Lama with Ministers of United Kingdom during the visit.  Enjoy!


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Re: An Angry China Over The Dalai Lama's Visit to United Kingdom
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2012, 08:06:44 AM »
Thank you Icy for sharing this news clip.

THANK YOU to China government for 'chasing' Tibetan high lamas out of their homeland because that was THE reason how buddhism is being spread far and wide!! Many Buddhist Lamas had found foothold in the Western countries hence their teachings really benefit countless people.

Many scholars who learned Buddha's teachings from Tibetan Lamas had written numerous books on Buddhism making the sacred teachings more accessible and able to be passed on from generation to generation.

And China government's protests on HHDL's visits to other countries are fueling His Holiness's fame thus helping Buddhism to 'advertise' to the world...
Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: An Angry China Over The Dalai Lama's Visit to United Kingdom
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2012, 09:21:53 AM »
Lately it seems that China is getting angry with everyone who receives and welcomes the Dalai Lama on his spiritual mission to their country, be it receiving a noble prize or an honourary title. China is acting like a spoiled petulant rich child who is used to getting her ways with people who are afraid to rock the boat all the time. But recently they have been ignoring her bratty ways and welcoming HHDL anyway wherever he goes. It is about time China learns that her threats of undermining relations with everyone around the world ain't gonna work. In reality, China needs everyone's support, economically or politically, as much as they need hers. Spirituality is spirituality, politics is politics. There is a clear line between them whenever it involves HHDL visiting to promote peace, harmony and inter-religious tolerance with other countries.
Wake up China and stop continuing to act like a spoiled brat.


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Re: An Angry China Over The Dalai Lama's Visit to United Kingdom
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2016, 02:00:24 PM »
I am just wondering what is the reason that China is threatening every country that welcomes the Dalai Lama.
Even though China is a big and powerful country it can't try and take control of everyone. What will Dalai Lama do that can harm China? He is a figure that represents peace not violence.

I really hope that China will stop trying to control what other countries do.   


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Re: An Angry China Over The Dalai Lama's Visit to United Kingdom
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2016, 05:30:25 PM »
As I read the news piece, the Dalai Lama said "China was beset by a "moral crisis" with widespread corruption and lawlessness". I am like "What?...wait a minute, isn't this exactly what CTA is?" So why is the Dalai Lama pointing fingers when his own government is the same. Look at how CTA instigates harmful and abusive policies in enforcing the ban on Dorje Shugden practice. They segregate, discriminate, threaten and even abuse Shugden practitioners, including monks who hold their vows to their Gurus and the enlightened Protector. All these had been accepted by the Dalai Lama who did not speak a word to stop CTA or his followers from abusing the Shugden practitioners. In fact, he himself had told the monks in monasteries to act harshly in throwing out monks who practice Dorje Shugden.

And here in Britain he is given the accolade of receiving the £1.1m Templeton Prize. Purpose of Templeton Prize : "The Templeton Prize honors a living person who has made an exceptional contribution to affirming life’s spiritual dimension, whether through insight, discovery, or practical works." Does that mean that Britain agreed with the Dalai Lama's abusive political policies towards Shugden practitioners and condoned the sufferings heaped upon them?

Of course, no governments should have the right to dictate to another but the British government should look into the Dalai Lama and CTA's hidden dark side and not the superficial surface of "love & compassion". However, now in year 2016, Britain had recently snubbed the Dalai Lama in favour of ludicrous trade agreements with China. The table has turned and a lesson in impermanence for all to learn.