Author Topic: reply to thomas robert  (Read 4540 times)


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reply to thomas robert
« on: April 20, 2008, 01:11:16 PM »
Dear Robert Thomas,

Let me give you some replies of how flawed is your view and statements above. I also write strongly because I am your friend and I am certain I see more clearly than you, and I am hoping you will avoid more terrible mistakes:

1)   The only one suggessting to have some clarivoyance is you.
2)   You should know that the as the standard of proof of libel is extremely high for public persons.
3)   Your response is much more rude.
4)   Obviously, Dorje Shugden practitioners have many different views regarding many issues.
5)   With these words “This web site therefore seems to be written by a liar”, you are doing exactly the same you are denouncing those people are doing. Isn´t this rude of you? Aren´t you pretending to have clairvoyance?
6)   All these websites on Dorje Shugden are anonymous, including this one. Let´s see the mission statement of this website

This website, an ongoing work in progress, is dedicated to the glorification and deeper appreciation of the name and holy work of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who by peaceful, increasing, subjugating and wrathful means spreads in this world the general and profound teachings of the Buddhadharma that can dispel all suffering and its causes

Does this sound a bit hypocrite? Who is the Admin of this website? Who is behind this and some other websites, Gonsar Tulku?

Since it is anonymous is going to be mistrusted, as you said.

If anyone does read about based on the current material they will assume that is a Chinese propoganda and dismiss it.

With as much respect as yours,

Robert Thomas

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Re: reply to thomas robert
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2008, 01:57:15 PM »
Dear Shamba,

Thankyou for your comments, I will try to take them to heart. However, I should emphasise I was not saying that the author of the web site is a liar, but that, sadly this is a likely conclusion by anyone reading it who is not already sympathetic to the position of Dorje Shugden practitioners. Sadly we must accept that in fact this means most people.

What I wrote is not how I would express my view, but how others, especially the media will express their reaction. I think it is better that you hear from a friend now this reaction than hear it from someone who does not care one way or another for this practice, but will nevertheless write in line with my comments in order to sell thousands of copies of a newspaper. I am sorry if I caused any offence, and deeply regret that fact.

You point out that this site, for example is also anonymous, nevertheless the articles and comments posted on this web site all have authors or referenced sources. The article 21st Century Dictator has neither of these qualifications.

Do not misunderstand, my intention is only to benefit the practitioners of this lineage, and sadly I know full well that if I were to give this web site with statements like "the Dalai Lama is a muslim in saffron robes", "Dalai lama you are a professional liar" and "Your real nature is evil" - it would most certainly convince them that actually the Dalai Lama is probably correct to try to eradicate Dorje Shugden practice.

Instead I think we should try to follow venerable Geshe Kelsang's advice which Empty Mountains quoted earlier: "Sometimes we may speak hurtfully out of ignorance, not considering that others could be hurt by what we say. We may even be deliberately offensive in the belief that it benefits others to receive harsh words... We check inwardly ‘Could these words be disturbing? Could they create unhappiness?’ Atisha said that when we are on our own we should be especially watchful of our mind, and when we are with others we should be especially watchful of our speech.” (Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Joyful Path of Good Fortune, p. 243)"

If we do this and speak truthfully using the abundant valid references which illustrate the religious and social discrimination that the Dalai Lama is initiating then I am certain many people will be sympathetic and support the rights of Dorje Shugden practitioners.

If you like, we can do a test, you can send the article to my mum and dad - they are very happy that I practice Dharma with the NKT, so they should be quite supportive. Lets see what their reaction is? Please email me and I will be happy to arrange it.

I am delighted that you have responded to my post, maybe this also means that you would also be willing to have a dialogue so that an agreement can be made from amongst a range of different practitioners of Dorje Shugden as to what words will be used to represent them to the worlds media.

With very best wishes



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Re: reply to thomas robert
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2008, 07:50:36 PM »
Hey guys, we have enough enemies so there's not need to fight among ourselves.


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Re: reply to thomas robert
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2013, 03:49:18 AM »
This website, an ongoing work in progress, is dedicated to the glorification and deeper appreciation of the name and holy work of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who by peaceful, increasing, subjugating and wrathful means spreads in this world the general and profound teachings of the Buddhadharma that can dispel all suffering and its causes

Does this sound a bit hypocrite? Who is the Admin of this website? Who is behind this and some other websites, Gonsar Tulku?

Since it is anonymous is going to be mistrusted, as you said.

If anyone does read about based on the current material they will assume that is a Chinese propoganda and dismiss it.

With as much respect as yours,

It dosent matter who is behind this website, what is important is that this website is promoting Dorje Shugden and it provides a place for Dorje Shugden practitioners to congregate, learn, exchange ideas and a "place" on the internet. You will quickly notice that discussions on Dorje Shugden are not allowed in Buddhist forums due to the fear mongering and propaganda of certain people. It does not matter if people assume that this is chinese propaganda, because it's just their own wrong view talking. Eventually they will lose out when the Dalai Lama lifts the ban.

One thing I can never understand is how people, especially westerners automatically become Tibetans and assume Tibetan culture when they become Tibetan Buddhists, and all of a sudden they want independence for Tibet too, and seem to lump being tibetan buddhist the same as being Tibetan together. My Guru never demanded us to do that, neither did he talk about politics regarding this. It is sad that it is happening amongst many Tibetan Buddhists where they miss the Dharma and go right into the politics.