Author Topic: Amazing street art  (Read 12159 times)


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Amazing street art
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:45:55 PM »
Hey not sure if you lot have seen this, but an Italian street artist (never2501) painted a MASSIVE Dorje Shugden in Richmond, Virginia as part of the G40 Art Summit...this was back in April of this year.

Some samples below...


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2012, 05:06:14 PM »
I haven’t seen this before, DharmaD, but completely awesome for sharing it!!! Is it still up? I.e. was it removed after the art summit? I really hope not as it would be spectacular to be preserved for posterity!

More info on this here:
[a translation of the Italian]
The review of the G40 Summit Art is giving us the work really interesting, after having shown the pieces of the young Aryz back to talk about an Italian artist, Never2501.

The street artist had to have three walls, the first was fun to draw a huge Dorje Shugden, a Buddhist deity, in the second and third two keys. The hallmark of the artist is seen in all 3 walls, the wavy lines that form the accompanying drawing and the eye to detail and to discover hidden wonders, we were really impressed by this work and by that artist, we invite you to explore in the large gallery.

I also found this which the mural artist probably used as a reference:
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2012, 05:26:41 PM »
This is certainly amazing art.  I love it! This is cool, this is modern and creating positive imprints to many people on the streets.


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2012, 08:22:47 PM »
Love his work! He is a great artist and a student of the wonderful His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche if I'm not mistake.

You know this is truly inspiring.. wish we can do more of this every where haha... especially in Dharamsala!!! That would so awesome to see the faces of those antishugdenpas... they would probably think their whole township is cursed.

This kind of art is so appreciated in Europe


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2012, 11:36:57 AM »
you know what is the best thing about this? it is that the CTA cannot do anything about the art installation or say that it is bad or whatever. They are unable to bring down the artist or demonize the artist in any way. It is out of their reach. They cannot say that it is bad Buddhism or a cult because it is not done for the sake of business but in the name of art. It would be interesting at this juncture to see who would actually speak up against the huge murals and graffiti of Dorje Shugden now. Those people that loudly declare that he is evil online are unable to say a thing about the art installation. It is not as if they can request the local municipal council to take it down or anything, because if they did so it would look as if they were fanatics of some sort as the belief that Dorje Shugden is a demon only applies to Tibetan Buddhists and those who are not do not even understand what is it about. It is said that a true work of art is what provokes people. This is a true work of art because it not only challenges public perception, it also plants seeds of a Buddha in the minds of the people who come across it.

Perhaps, in the near future, there will be more Dorje Shugden art installations worldwide and that will plant the seeds of Dorje Shugden in the minds and hearts of people. And when that happens, the energy generated from this movement would probably blow the ban off as the Dalai Lama will have to keep explaining and covering more as more and more of his reasonings get exposed as insubstantial and eventually, he is forced to lift the ban. 


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2012, 07:39:08 PM »
Thank you DharmaD. What an amazing piece of art work from an incredible artist.  I can never get tired of the sight of Dorje Shugden and the more I look at the image of the Protector, the more I feel it blesses my mind. I like the modern treatment of the image of Dorje Shugden but really, any artistic interpretation will still speak of the Protector's greatness and compassion.

I also like what Ensapa said, which in essence, is how the CTA and the anti-Shugden camp have totally underestimated not only the Guru devotion of Dorje Shugden practitioners, but also how those who are more new to Dorje Shugden are more educated people who are unwilling to inhale the toxic fumes billowing out of the camp of false accusers and will instead investigate for themselves who this Protector is. And when they do, they strike gold and find the absolute truth about an enlightened being whose unbroken lineage goes all the way back to Manjushri himself.

Indeed what can the CTA say about Dorje Shugden that is new and may carry even an iota of logic or truth. After decades they are still beating the same old boring drum of baseless lies which have all but caused true Buddhist practitioners to check the facts for themselves, as Buddha Shakyamuni advised everyone to do. Against the CTA's very tired old news, we see more and more expressions of devotion to Dorje Shugden like this artwork and scholarly articles to confirm why Dorje Shugden is not what the CTA claimed he is, but in fact the opposite.

The CTA and anti-Shugden people are just like the old bunch of scared and closed minded people who insisted that the earth was flat and would crucify anyone who stated otherwise. Those who refused to believe sailed into the horizon and did not fall off but instead found a new world. Just like those who refused to abide by the ban found true religion and wisdom of the Buddhas thereon.

The only fresh news that the CTA can come up with which would instantly raise the world's respect for it, would be to announce that the ban has been lifted because they were wrong about Dorje Shugden. That would make the entire Buddhist and secular world sit and take notice, and perhaps that is when the Tibetan cause will start to gain results.


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2012, 06:38:24 AM »
Thank you DharmaD. What an amazing piece of art work from an incredible artist.  I can never get tired of the sight of Dorje Shugden and the more I look at the image of the Protector, the more I feel it blesses my mind. I like the modern treatment of the image of Dorje Shugden but really, any artistic interpretation will still speak of the Protector's greatness and compassion.

I also like what Ensapa said, which in essence, is how the CTA and the anti-Shugden camp have totally underestimated not only the Guru devotion of Dorje Shugden practitioners, but also how those who are more new to Dorje Shugden are more educated people who are unwilling to inhale the toxic fumes billowing out of the camp of false accusers and will instead investigate for themselves who this Protector is. And when they do, they strike gold and find the absolute truth about an enlightened being whose unbroken lineage goes all the way back to Manjushri himself.
Well, at the end of the day people can tell what is true and what is not and they will react accordingly. Nobody likes to be lied to and when the whole myth that Dorje Shugden is a spirit falls apart, so will people's respect for the CTA. Lies can never be covered forever,  it will eventually fall out one day and people hate being lied to.

Indeed what can the CTA say about Dorje Shugden that is new and may carry even an iota of logic or truth. After decades they are still beating the same old boring drum of baseless lies which have all but caused true Buddhist practitioners to check the facts for themselves, as Buddha Shakyamuni advised everyone to do. Against the CTA's very tired old news, we see more and more expressions of devotion to Dorje Shugden like this artwork and scholarly articles to confirm why Dorje Shugden is not what the CTA claimed he is, but in fact the opposite.
they just come up with new lies and distort even more history. there's nothing new about these tactics, as it has been employed before according to the book Buddha's not smiling, about the Karmapa controversy that Tai Situpa recognized Orgyen Trinley as the 17th Karmapa based on a poem written by the 16th, but when asked to examine that piece of paper, he refused to allow it to be examined. In this way, things without evidence can be passed on as true...and accepted by people who are too lazy to find out.

The CTA and anti-Shugden people are just like the old bunch of scared and closed minded people who insisted that the earth was flat and would crucify anyone who stated otherwise. Those who refused to believe sailed into the horizon and did not fall off but instead found a new world. Just like those who refused to abide by the ban found true religion and wisdom of the Buddhas thereon.
It's not that bad if its just CTA alone, but the anti-shugden people are sowing fear and lies to people who do not know any better actively is just something that is sad as it creates more and more negative karma for everyone. Anyway, how is the ban any different from the crusades during the middle ages?

The only fresh news that the CTA can come up with which would instantly raise the world's respect for it, would be to announce that the ban has been lifted because they were wrong about Dorje Shugden. That would make the entire Buddhist and secular world sit and take notice, and perhaps that is when the Tibetan cause will start to gain results.
But so far, the only 'fresh news' that CTA are self dosent help anyone one bit sadly. If they lift the ban, China will soften up to them for sure. But that wont be happening anytime soon.

The most important message from this art exhibition, especially to the ant Shugden camp and to the CTA is that their powers are very limited and they cannot control the entire world like they did with Tibet. Lies and oppression may work in Dharamsala but not elsewhere. This underscores again, that freedom of speech does exist and nobody can pin it down, not even some religious authority.


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2012, 08:14:48 AM »
This is totally awesome! The drawing is so eye-catching and artistic, people who pass by will definitely be attracted to it, and this is such a brilliant idea to spread Dorje shugden's practice far and wide.  And , yes, CTA, much as they would like to, cannot do anything to stop this !!

With the advancement of technology, images of the drawing, I am very sure, is being shared, emailed, tweet... By countless people who are actively engage in social media.. Let it spread like wild fire to benefit all - and let this be one of many causes to bring down CTA and lift the ban!
Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2012, 10:39:21 AM »
you know what is the best thing about this? it is that the CTA cannot do anything about the art installation or say that it is bad or whatever. They are unable to bring down the artist or demonize the artist in any way. It is out of their reach. They cannot say that it is bad Buddhism or a cult because it is not done for the sake of business but in the name of art. It would be interesting at this juncture to see who would actually speak up against the huge murals and graffiti of Dorje Shugden now. Those people that loudly declare that he is evil online are unable to say a thing about the art installation.

well, they say that the best revenge is to be successful! This is a fantastic idea to counter the ban because, like you've said, the perpetrators of the ban can do absolutely nothing about this.

We can stand in the streets and shout at the very few people who are upholding the ban. Or we could bring Dorje Shugden to the rest of the world, which outnumber supporters of the ban by MILLIONS. This has always made more sense to me. Bringing Dorje Shugden to the world and releasing the ban doesn't just have to be by a few people declaring that "it is now legal" to practice. It could well become widespread, and legalise itself just by the sheer force of numbers of people in the world practicing and knowing about Shugden. This way seems more logical and far more beneficial, I think. At the very least, even if people are not going to practice, they still receive the blessings of seeing the image and are given imprints.

This art is wonderful. It's expressive and creative and people would appreciate it just for its beauty and its contribution to the arts. I think if we can bring Dorje Shugden out to people in these other ways, you reach far more people, incite their interest and bring a positive vibe out about his practice. This would be far more beneficial and effective than merely badmouthing the Dalai Lama (or any Lamas). Get Shugden out to the world in ways the CTA have absolutely no say about!


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2012, 03:55:49 PM »
This is extremely beautiful and a great way to promote Dorje Shugden.  Imagine all the people, animals or beings that passing through the place and they will be all blessed by Lord Shugden. How wonderful it would be if it is all over the neighborhood especially at Dharamsala. 

I agreed with Beggar that we should always find new and creative way to promote Lord Shugden. When more people know about Lord Shugden and accept him, and we have out number the anti-shugden, then CTA can hardly do any more harm to us.

I believe this forum has also played an important role to lift the ban. Let's promote this forum too!


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2012, 05:44:41 PM »
What an awesome piece of work!  It is creative, breathtaking and beautiful.  Even if the viewers do not know or recognize what this artwork represents, they would certainly enjoy and appreciate the effort that the artist had put into his creation.  This artwork had easily implanted seeds of enlightenment into many people’s mind without them knowing it!  How skillful!  I like the person Gaz Patmore though he didn’t like the artwork, he had helped many to check out and hence benefited many people!


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2012, 06:11:09 PM »
This what we call freedom!!! Freedom to express oneself, freedom to making a choice, freedom to well... practice art then why not a religion?  In the West, no one gives a damn about the ban and yet expresses their devotion and faith freely.  It made CTA looked so narrow minded and small vision.  How to even promote dharma if the vision is so narrow.  It is no surprise that CTA is what they are today.  Well, as long as we are real practitioners of Shugden, we are free to express our love for protector in any way we like.  Thumbs up for the freedom!


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2012, 07:59:52 PM »
you know what is the best thing about this? it is that the CTA cannot do anything about the art installation or say that it is bad or whatever. They are unable to bring down the artist or demonize the artist in any way. It is out of their reach. They cannot say that it is bad Buddhism or a cult because it is not done for the sake of business but in the name of art.

Actually I totally agree with what you say, but coming from a different POV. How I see it is this - the USA practise true freedom of religion and expression. So someone doesnt like Dorje Shugden mural? Tough shit. Suck it up. Its the artists right to a freedom of expression that allows him to put it there.

This is unlike the CTA who say their people have a freedom of religion and expression, but when people do attempt to practise what they want, they clamp down, make their already-difficult lives more difficult, harass them, discriminate against them, etc.

Contrast that to the USA, where you have all kinds of religious movements but the government only really clamping down when theres money laundering, child molestation, etc. Other than that, in terms of their religious ideologies, the American government doesnt clamp down on those groups for that particular reason...unlike the CTA.


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2012, 07:45:06 AM »
well, they say that the best revenge is to be successful! This is a fantastic idea to counter the ban because, like you've said, the perpetrators of the ban can do absolutely nothing about this.

We can stand in the streets and shout at the very few people who are upholding the ban. Or we could bring Dorje Shugden to the rest of the world, which outnumber supporters of the ban by MILLIONS. This has always made more sense to me. Bringing Dorje Shugden to the world and releasing the ban doesn't just have to be by a few people declaring that "it is now legal" to practice. It could well become widespread, and legalise itself just by the sheer force of numbers of people in the world practicing and knowing about Shugden. This way seems more logical and far more beneficial, I think. At the very least, even if people are not going to practice, they still receive the blessings of seeing the image and are given imprints.

This art is wonderful. It's expressive and creative and people would appreciate it just for its beauty and its contribution to the arts. I think if we can bring Dorje Shugden out to people in these other ways, you reach far more people, incite their interest and bring a positive vibe out about his practice. This would be far more beneficial and effective than merely badmouthing the Dalai Lama (or any Lamas). Get Shugden out to the world in ways the CTA have absolutely no say about!

I like what you have said here because it does make more sense than trying to argue about the ban. By spreading Dorje Shugden to more and more people and having more and more people who are out of CTA's reach practice Dorje Shugden, it would basically render the ban as just mere talk as nobody upholds the ban at all. If that happens, and for every anti Dorje Shugden crusader there are 10 Dorje Shugden practitioners, the ban would be overturned because the Dalai Lama cannot say that 90% of the world is wrong. The power of today lies within the power of the majority and not just with one government or one person. In fact, the Dalai Lama himself appears to be happy when he said that more and more people from Hong Kong and Singapore are practicing Dorje Shugden. This means that the Dalai Lama might lift the ban if too many people are practicing it as he will always give in to the majority since he is a Bodhisattva. However, along with spreading Dorje Shugden to people who need it, we should also be prepared to answer the questions that people pose about Dorje Shugden, and if we can answer them, then we will be able to plant seeds in their mind more effectively.

There are so many countries that has nothing to do with the CTA around, and that CTA cannot reach them at all, neither can the anti Shugden crusaders be of any use in these places, such as Italy, Ireland, Norway, Japan for example. If more and more such artworks appear in such countries, it wont be long before more and more people practice Dorje Shugden and overwhelm the CTA and those anti Dorje Shugden crusaders as people will get results when they practice Dorje Shugden and it is from the results that they will get from the practice, they will not listen to anyone else saying that Dorje Shugden is bad. This is a very good way to promote Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Amazing street art
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2012, 05:43:19 AM »
I like this mural, DS features are not painted but from one look you know its Him. whoever sees his image or remembers him for one instant gains much merits.....i rejoice.