Author Topic: See what Gyatzo says  (Read 10121 times)


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See what Gyatzo says
« on: August 20, 2012, 09:18:20 AM »
Posted by Gyatzo (homepage)

(Monday, Aug 20. 2012 02:15 AM)

Dear Webmaster and team, this is a clear and comprehensive website on Dorje Shugden. When my friend told me about the ban against Dorjs Shugden practice, it sounded odd. I googled and found the explanation of why people shouldn’t practice on the Tibetan Govt’s (CTA) website. What they wrote sounded illogical and also one-sided. And then it dawned on me why should any Govt ban any religious worship? Doesn’t make sense. Undemocratic in every sense of the word.

Then I came to this website and it made things clear. I still don’t practice Shugden but I definitely do not think he is negative. I think whoever wishes to practice Shugden, should do so without any practice. Websites should open our minds and not make us one sided and biased.


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2012, 11:24:42 AM »
Thank you mana for this beautiful feedback to our site. This is what this website aims to do and this post shows that we have achieved that purpose. Educating people about Dorje Shugden and then letting them decide who he really is, and allowing to decide what they want to do and where they want to go from here is more important than getting people to be on our side. It is better for them to know what is going on and that the Dalai Lama's camp is not telling the full story and is not being honest with what is going on. The Dalai Lama did leave a very big hint every time he talks about Dorje Shugden, for people to investigate and decide themselves what is correct and what is not and what side they should take. But sadly the Dalai Lama's followers only want people to be on one side, which is the Dalai Lama's side and they dont really care if doing so will hurt others in the process.

There will be more and more people like gyatzo in the future, and when there is enough of these people, the ban will have to be lifted because now people can see through CTA like glass and they know what is really going on and how much damage that they have done unto Buddhism with their political games. The ban cannot be lifted by mere Dorje Shugden believers alone, it can only be lifted when people examine Dorje Shugden and realize that Dorje Shugden is not what the Dalai Lama describes him to be, and this pool of people grows. The faith of these people will be stable and firm as it is based on logic and experience and not just on faith alone.


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2012, 02:35:47 PM »
Reading the post by Gyatzo, it reminds me on how I started to know Dorje Shugden. A friend of mine shared with me what her senior told her about a Dharma Protector that is banned by HHDL. She also sent me a copy of document that is about 33 pages long. I found it very weird and googled it.

Then I found this website and see truth behind as this website and forum shows a lot of info and fact and let me understand that things is not as per what my friend told me.  The whole ban is simply ridiculous and illogical. Although I do not practice DS at that time, I am glad that this website and forum has been providing a lot of un-bias information that opens up my mind.

From the information, I also learned the benefits of practicing DS. There was once I started to practice DS and since then, my spiritual journey has progress tremendously.  DS has been supporting me a lot in my daily life as well as my spiritual pursue.

I thank you the admin and all that have worked so hard on this website to help creating the awareness on DS> I sincerely hope the ban will be lifted soonest and more people can be blessed and benefited.


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2012, 05:15:45 PM »
This is inspiring to know that this motivation of this website has been achieved through Gyatzo's comment! Thanks for highlighting this because the whole intention is to educate and shed light in to this confusing illogical matter.

Some even said that there is no Ban and that well Dalai Lama is saying everyone's can practice what they want but just don't come to him for teachings. Well if you ask me... this statement seems pretty biased still because isn't Buddha's teachings meant for all. And I suppose it is alright for Satanic worshippers to attend His Holiness teachings... because the only people not allowed to receive any teachings from HHDL is the Shugdenpas. So this is still kinda biased to me though I am glad the tone and messages being sent out these days is such. Having said all that... the prejudice towards Shugdenpas are still very much felt by those practicing in the exile Tibetan community. I wonder if HHDL would take another step soon and make this announcement of "freedom of religious beliefs even for Shugdenpas" as he has advocated throughout his world tour. Now that will definitely be a refreshing sight and sound!


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2012, 06:47:51 PM »
If I am allow to say something stupid, it would be "don't tell me everyone who attends a dharma teaching is a Bodhisattva that need no help and fully dharmic?"  If His Holiness do not allow evil Shugden practitioners, then he should too ban those who have ill and evil nature?  Afterall they don't need help... ...  This just doesn't make sense to me... Then the Lamas would just be living teachings and blessings to only Bodhisattvas.  Only Bodhisattvas allowed, how hilarious!

Bottom line, in dharma.. everyone needs help.  Therefore, why ban only this group of people?

Big Uncle

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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2012, 10:27:03 PM »
I think it is pretty neat that an ordinary person who knows nothing much about Dorje Shugden but have found enough information on this website to make him think more about the ban.

I think it is fine that he doesn't practice Dorje Shugden but what's interesting is that he came to a conclusion that the ban doesn't make sense in today's democratic world. I would like to stress that he came to that conclusion after reading a little bit about Dorje Shugden on this website.

Now, that's just one person, there are hundreds of thousands of people who come to this website and they have gleaned information to varying degrees and many have learnt much from this website and forum. This is not to mention how much have gained faith in Dorje Shugden and are quietly practicing Dorje Shugden by themselves.

This is just incredible feedback and news for all of us.


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2012, 03:05:00 AM »
Haha. Even though personally, I do not need any vindication but this is great. For someone neutral to opine that it is undemocratic to ban any spiritual practice certainly is comforting for anyone who still has doubt. For me, it is just a knowledge that the world should operate in the way this website has been advocating all along. I thank the administrators of this website for it great work. For without them, I will have been another lost soul.

May all Shugden practitioners have courage and come out of the closet. Tell the world you are practicing for you have the right. Stand up and be counted. This is the way to go for the ban to be lifted.


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 06:05:50 PM »
Wonderful news!

Yes I am in line with the webmasters of this WONDERFUL and AMAZING webpage that education is the right way to go! More news, articles and facts on this unfortunate ban must be published on the website and any other forms of media in order to create awareness. Whether or not people accept is secondary but we must put in our bit to make ourselves felt.

This is the real way of making sure that the lineage stays intact and goes on. We don't stuff what we believe in into the mouth of others but make it accessible so that people are in the know.  Knowledge overcomes fear and eventually will lift the ban one fine day. I am anticipating!
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2012, 03:54:08 PM »
This is such marvelous news. I am introduced to this website by an anti-shugden too! I have learnt so much from this informative website. The best news is there is no lama bashing at all. I pray more people would also be able to get more information and news from this very website. We should read with an open mind and think for ourselves what to believe and not to follow blindly. Thank you so much for all the dedication and hardwork put in by the team behind this website. I agree with harry that education,news and facts is the way to make more people aware of this whole situation and eventually get the ban lifted. Looking forward to the day when all Shugden-pas can do their practice openly.


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2012, 03:22:59 AM »
All the Gelugpa lineage masters have been practising Dorje Shugden for a long time until HH Dalai Lama initiated the ban.  The basis of the ban is unfounded and illogical.  In this time and age, people (like Gyatzo) are getting more and more intelligent and definitely cannot accept the basis of the ban as given by HH Dalai Lama and CTA. has provided comprehensive facts and evidences about Dorje Shugden to prove HH Dalai Lama and CTA wrong.  And Gyatzo had concluded that CTA website is biased.
I concur with dsiluvu and Barzin.  HH Dalai Lama’s stance on Shugdenpas and His non-acceptance of them at His teachings is totally against the principles of Buddhism.  Isn’t Buddhism open to all sentient beings?

Why ban people from practising Dorje Shugden just because HH Dalai Lama personally thinks that Dorje Shugden is harmful?  It is HH Dalai Lama’s words against all the Gelugpa lineage masters words!


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2012, 04:05:03 AM »
All the Gelugpa lineage masters have been practising Dorje Shugden for a long time until HH Dalai Lama initiated the ban.  The basis of the ban is unfounded and illogical.  In this time and age, people (like Gyatzo) are getting more and more intelligent and definitely cannot accept the basis of the ban as given by HH Dalai Lama and CTA. has provided comprehensive facts and evidences about Dorje Shugden to prove HH Dalai Lama and CTA wrong.  And Gyatzo had concluded that CTA website is biased.
 As Buddhism matures in the west (LOL and so many westerners still say that Buddhism is still at its infancy in the west...its not that it is still in its infancy, it's just that there is a severe lack of people and resources and also people who can explain the Dharma clearly. In the end, they become like a whole wad of confusion. But amongst these people there are people who like Buddhism for what it is and study and practice it accordingly.

I concur with dsiluvu and Barzin.  HH Dalai Lama’s stance on Shugdenpas and His non-acceptance of them at His teachings is totally against the principles of Buddhism.  Isn’t Buddhism open to all sentient beings?

Why ban people from practising Dorje Shugden just because HH Dalai Lama personally thinks that Dorje Shugden is harmful?  It is HH Dalai Lama’s words against all the Gelugpa lineage masters words!
He's probably using it as a litmus test to see who is really loyal to him. I guess these days it is hard to tell who is loyal as he does seriously plan to unite all the schools of Buddhism into one.

People should really think about things before the accept something and that they should at least, listen to both sides of the story before deciding. Reading one side of the story and then saying that it is negative influence to read the other side is nothing short of blind faith and superstition. In these state, how can the Dharma grow at all?


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2012, 04:36:36 PM »
The ban acually leads people to the king of protectors dorjenshugen instaed of rejecting them. Those who care about the facts will go and find out more and eventually found the tuth. Creating the presence and awareness online and make ds public in the media.


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2012, 08:06:28 AM »
I think one of the main job of this website it to educate the people about the illogical of the ban and how undemocratic it has been all these years towards the Dorje Shugden practitioners. To me and many (as posted by Gyatzo), whatever written on CTA website makes no sense.

I sincerely hope that Gyatzo, who does not practice Dorje Shugden, will share with his friends on what is happening in the monastery, the inequality, the undemocratic, etc. With pressures from around the world, CTA will backed down and lift the ban very soon!!


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2012, 12:26:52 PM »
I remember one of my teacher has told me before, do not go for blind faith as it is weak, faith based on knowledge is the strongest. This website has provided a great knowledge platform for shugden practitioners, both current and future for them to have strong faith based on knowledge and not wither over time or obstacles one goes through.

I am sure the CTA goes onto here to check the information out also. I will not be surprised at all as this website has tremendous information sometimes more then the monastery or even CTA   ;)


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Re: See what Gyatzo says
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2012, 03:30:05 PM »
This platform is great! It provides bountiful info for visitors to learn, contemplate and decide for themselves. It does not allow bashing of HHDL and other dharma centers but allows visitors to give their views. Educated and intelligent people do not simply follow the herd. I have directed people who asked about the controversy to this site and they in turn have also shared it with other people.

The Online Shop is neat! Everything in here is fantastic thanks to the much effort of the team behind the scene. Thank you all.