Author Topic: Steve Jobs' Reincarnated As 'Divine Being' According To Thai Buddhist Sect  (Read 5997 times)


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I found this article interesting about Steve Job's reincarnation according to Thai Buddhist.

A Thai Buddhist movement answered the question“Where is Steve Jobs?” with their take on the Apple founder's journey in the afterlife.

The Bangkok Post reports that Phra Thepyanmahamuni, the abbot of the Wat Phra Dhammakaya, released and aired a sermon in response to an inquiry by Tony Tseung, a senior engineer at Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, California and follower of the order.

Tseung supposedly asked the abbot if he knew where Jobs' was and how he was doing in the afterlife. According to Asian Correspondent, Thepyanmahamuni responded:

"After Mr. Steve Jobs has passed away, he reincarnated as a divine being...His reincarnation is a “Thepphabhut Phumadeva [divinity] of middle rank – half a Witthayathorn, half yak” that lives in a parallel universe not very far away from where he was as a human."

I wonder how true is this? What do you all think?


Jessie Fong

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I do not have the clairvoyance to see if Steve Jobs has indeed reincarnated and if so, what as.

Ven. Phra Thepyanmahamuni is the abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya and if he says that Jobs has reincarneted, well maybe he has the ways and means to check it out. 

Who am I to say that this is true or not?  For those of us who do not have the facility to check out the authenticity of the statement, let's just accept it as it is.


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hehehe this is very interesting, Jessie is right we have no way to check, perhaps it is true, I didn't hear Steve Jobs commiting any heinous crime during his lifetime, and he is even a Zen Buddhist, so he should have collected some good karma to be reincarnated as a divine being, anyways, it is just a fun talk.


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Sorry for the pun , but what is a half yak ? I am having visions of Steve Jobs in a Minortaur form like in the movie Narnia or like the Greek mythology Titan kind of Minortaur.

Wow , i was not aware that his American counter parts could be so " ASIAN" . Mr. Tony definitely has not forgotten his roots ! Normally , the chinese people of taoist faith tend practice this kind of custom.

It is customary for the dependants of the deceased person to ask for the divination of the taoist priest to determine the the next rebirth or reincarnation of their loved ones. How accurate this can be no one knows. May you be well and happy , wherever you are Steve.


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Wow, this news is rather interesting.  People actually looking for the reincarnation of Steve Jobs?  Steve Jobs has been an inspirations and a spiritual person.  I suppose he is a good person and deserves to be reincarnated into a good life.  Imagine his work has "benefit" many, imagine if most of the "Macs" are use to do dharma work to benefit many?  haha, just a thought.  It would be cool if he is sneaky enough to insert a chakra into the hardisk while making the machine, so many will get blessed.. Okay, i am thinking a little bit too far here. 

Anyway, if this news is true.  I am looking forward for Steve Jobs to achieve something noble to benefit many just like what he did before.


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Re: Steve Jobs' Reincarnated As 'Divine Being' According To Thai Buddhist Sect
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2012, 04:17:57 PM »
There is always very interesting to know a person’s next life, where are they, what are they and how are they doing in their next life.

As for now, none of us can really tell whether Steve has reincarnated as a Divine being or not, or whether we can prove it, but from what he has done in his lifetime, when he create Mac, he does not think of how this product can bring him BIG money, but he was thinking how to bring best benefit to the public, he never bother about taking the risk of no one buying it due to the price, and he never change his motivation by reducing the price so that he can earn more, his only motivation is he want to make the best for the people.

Being one of the most successful person and yet spiritually. He does inspire many people, a great leader that sees everyone’s potential and bring out their best talent, motivate the staff that led them to perform better, without Steve, I’m sure the world today will never be the same again. It is correct that what he earned this life cannot bring to his next life, but by the legacy that he left behind, where it can still continue to inspire people even after his death, I feel that this is very great.

And among the quotes from him, this is the one that I love the most

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.
source from:

Being someone so rich and so wise, I will be glad if he really does go to a better place.


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Re: Steve Jobs' Reincarnated As 'Divine Being' According To Thai Buddhist Sect
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2012, 05:13:54 PM »
I think what we want to know the most when we are alive is who was us in the previous life and what is going to happen with us in the future?  And after people pass on, the love one who stay behind are keen to know where are they going to born and as what or who?? 
Don't you think human are amazing, as we want to know only the past and future but we are not really care about it because we won't do something with present even though knowing that the past create present and present create future.. everything are in our hands but again we still find the short cut and wanting to know them from the magic or miracle..

I do not have opinion about steve job reincarnation as i did not attain the practice and able to know this..
but it very interesting to know where is him and who is him now..


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Re: Steve Jobs' Reincarnated As 'Divine Being' According To Thai Buddhist Sect
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2012, 05:31:13 PM »
If this article become a topic of discussion it may pique some to the idea of reincarnation into the realm of their thoughts and consciousness. Due to the fame of Steve Jobs and Apple, people can be quite curious to the way how Steve Jobs think, their mind will open and receptive to new ideas as Steve Jobs is famous for his unconventional thinking. If this bring some people to Dharma then Steve Jobs would have generated merits even while he is not alive anymore.

Wow, this news is rather interesting.  People actually looking for the reincarnation of Steve Jobs?  Steve Jobs has been an inspirations and a spiritual person.  I suppose he is a good person and deserves to be reincarnated into a good life.  Imagine his work has "benefit" many, imagine if most of the "Macs" are use to do dharma work to benefit many?  haha, just a thought.  It would be cool if he is sneaky enough to insert a chakra into the hardisk while making the machine, so many will get blessed.. Okay, i am thinking a little bit too far here. 

Anyway, if this news is true.  I am looking forward for Steve Jobs to achieve something noble to benefit many just like what he did before.

If this quote has brought some to spirituality, to look and examine their current everyday life, to start living, Steve Jobs have done something very wonderful with his death  :'(, that is to leave a legacy for others to remember, and a very high bar for others to aim.

There is always very interesting to know a person’s next life, where are they, what are they and how are they doing in their next life.

As for now, none of us can really tell whether Steve has reincarnated as a Divine being or not, or whether we can prove it, but from what he has done in his lifetime, when he create Mac, he does not think of how this product can bring him BIG money, but he was thinking how to bring best benefit to the public, he never bother about taking the risk of no one buying it due to the price, and he never change his motivation by reducing the price so that he can earn more, his only motivation is he want to make the best for the people.

Being one of the most successful person and yet spiritually. He does inspire many people, a great leader that sees everyone’s potential and bring out their best talent, motivate the staff that led them to perform better, without Steve, I’m sure the world today will never be the same again. It is correct that what he earned this life cannot bring to his next life, but by the legacy that he left behind, where it can still continue to inspire people even after his death, I feel that this is very great.

And among the quotes from him, this is the one that I love the most

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.
source from:

Being someone so rich and so wise, I will be glad if he really does go to a better place.

hope rainbow

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Re: Steve Jobs' Reincarnated As 'Divine Being' According To Thai Buddhist Sect
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2012, 09:13:19 AM »
I found this article interesting about Steve Job's reincarnation according to Thai Buddhist.

A Thai Buddhist movement answered the question“Where is Steve Jobs?” with their take on the Apple founder's journey in the afterlife.

The Bangkok Post reports that Phra Thepyanmahamuni, the abbot of the Wat Phra Dhammakaya, released and aired a sermon in response to an inquiry by Tony Tseung, a senior engineer at Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, California and follower of the order.

Tseung supposedly asked the abbot if he knew where Jobs' was and how he was doing in the afterlife. According to Asian Correspondent, Thepyanmahamuni responded:

"After Mr. Steve Jobs has passed away, he reincarnated as a divine being...His reincarnation is a “Thepphabhut Phumadeva [divinity] of middle rank – half a Witthayathorn, half yak” that lives in a parallel universe not very far away from where he was as a human."

I wonder how true is this? What do you all think?




Is this another Apple PR campaign?
Because it sounds like it to me... (with no disrespect meant)


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Re: Steve Jobs' Reincarnated As 'Divine Being' According To Thai Buddhist Sect
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2012, 12:26:27 PM »
I think millions of iPhone, MacBook and iPad supporters would pray that the late father of Apple would take rebirth as another human in this planet, like a Boddhasattva, they would wish him to come back to continue his legacy of smart communication devices, to save us from the suffering of Andoid.. LOL just joking!

On a more serious note, there is no way anyone would be able to verify the Thai monk's announcement of Mr Job's wherebabout after he had passed on. We can only send him our well wishes each a post had been written on this forum using a MacBook or iPad..


Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: Steve Jobs' Reincarnated As 'Divine Being' According To Thai Buddhist Sect
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2012, 12:44:56 PM »
Hehehe! This is very funny. Steve Jobs, half yak? I laughed at that  :) But not as an insult but I just found it funny. I am not sure whether Steve Jobs has really reincarnated as a divine being but if the abbot has a reason to believe so, then I would not mind believing :) Maybe Old Stevie is now making Macs for people wherever he is :P