Author Topic: Vows of the Medicine Buddha  (Read 11971 times)


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Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:58:17 PM »
There are 8 buddhas if one has attended a menlha puja or medicine buddha puja. I heard they are called the 8 brothers  :D

Interested to know who are they? And what they have promised before they become enlightened? Read on!

The Eight Medicine Buddhas

The eight Medicine Buddhas are among many buddhas who have attained the state of perfect enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. The enlightened mind has eliminated all negativity and perfected all positive qualities. Many eons ago, seven bodhisattvas strongly prayed for the temporal and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings, and that their names would have the power to heal both the mental and physical illness of sentient beings. They vowed that their prayers would be actualized during these times when the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha are in decline. How do these prayers work? One of the ten powers of a buddha is the power of prayer, which means that all the prayers that they make are fulfilled. These seven bodhisattvas attained full enlightenment, and along with Shakyamuni Buddha, became known as the eight Medicine Buddhas.

Vows of the Medicine Buddha

1. Medicine Buddha Renowned Glorious King of Excellent Signs (Supari Kirti Tanama Sri Raja)
Of glorious renown; of glorious features; gold in colour, in the mudra of giving protection.
  • For the benefit of those tormented by disease, epidemics, pressured by killers, by the living dead and by fears of all kinds
  • For those struck by blindness, deafness, madness, skin disease and all vicious illnesses
  • For the deluded by desire, hatred and ignorance, who have committed the five heinous acts, those who have abandoned dharma.
  • For those fallen into poverty, without food, drink, cloths, money, grain, bedding, incense, garlands, and all necessities of life
  • For those beaten, bound, cast into prison, tormented by an array of weapons
  • For those tormented by heat, cast among lions, tigers, bears and snakes in fear of their lives
  • For those involved in the terrors of war, fights and conflicts
  • For those lost at sea, thrown into the waves of the ocean, uttering cries of despair

2. Medicine Buddha King of Melodious Sound, Brilliant Radiance of Skill, Adorned with Jewels, Moon and Lotus (Sva Ragosa Raja)
Master of melodious sound; yellow in colour, in the mudra of granting the supreme
  • For the benefit of those whose love of business and commerce has led them to distraction, away from the Bodhi mind
  • For those tormented by cold, heat, hunger and thirst
  • For women whose bodies are tormented by pain and for those who suffer at birth
  • For those tormented by death, enemies and isolation
  • For parents, families and friends lost in grief
  • For those wandering in the darkness, persecuted by demons
  • For those of little intelligence, confused and attracted to base things
  • For those who, at the end of the aeon, when the world burns, suffer alone without protection

3. Medicine Buddha Stainless Excellent Gold, Great Jewel Who Accomplishes All Vows (Suvarna Bhadra Vimala)
Of the best and purest of gold; of the colour of the golden waters of the Jambu; in the mudra of teaching Dharma
  • For the benefit of those who have killed and are destined to suffer much illness, a short life, to be killed by water, poisons, weapons, fire and disease
  • For those who have stolen and are destined to live in poverty, plagued by hunger, thirst and lack of clothes
  • For those who fight and kill each other with minds of hatred
  • For those blinded by desire, hatred and ignorance, who are devoid of morality and live evil lives

4. Medicine Buddha Supreme Glory Free from Sorrow (Asokot Tamas Sri Raja)
Of the glory that is freedom from pain. Pale red in colour; in the mudra of meditative equipoise
  • For the benefit of those in grief, suffering, sad and troubled
  • For those reborn or to be reborn in the blackness of the great hells
  • For those who stole and were reborn in poor families, devoid of clothing, food, drink, bedding and ornaments, tormented by heat, cold, hunger and thirst
  • For those persecuted by demons, spirits and ghosts that rob them of their health

5. Medicine Buddha Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma (Dharma Kirti Sagara)
Proclaimer of Dharma, ocean of melodious sound. Pink in colour; in the mudra of teaching Dharma
  • For those born into families of wrong views, with no faith in the three Jewels
  • For those who have not heard the sounds of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; born in distant lands under the influence of  wrong teachings
  • For those bereft of clothing, ornaments, incense, garlands, ointments, bedding and medicine, and who live lives ofnon virtue
  • For those who, by the force of ripening karma, argue, fight and harm each other with weapons

6. Medicine Buddha Delightful King of Clear Knowing, Supreme Wisdom of an Ocean of Dharma (Abkijya Raja)
Supreme in knowledge; of the colour of coral; in the mudra of granting the supreme
  • For those working in the fields and in business who argue and fight
  • For those who have taken the path of the ten non virtues and are to be reborn in hell
  • For those under the oppression of others, punished, bound and beaten, thrown into prisons and condemned to death
  • For those of a short life who commit many wrongs

7. Medicine Buddha Guru King of Lapis Light (Bhaisjya Guru)
The light of Lapiz the guru of medicine. Blue in colour, in the mudra of granting the supreme
To be adorned by the 112 signs and marks of an enlightened being
  • For those on wrong paths and on lesser paths
  • For those with deformed bodies, senses impaired, of mottled and bad skin, crippled limbs, hunchbacked, blind, deaf, dumb, insane and struck by illness
  • For those tormented by illness, without refuge or guide, lacking the necessities of life, medicine and the support of friends
  • For those who, condemned by the fires of hunger and thirst, commit many wrongs in their pursuit of sustenance
  • For those without clothes, living in poverty, persecuted day and night by the heat, flies and wasps

8. Shakyamuni Buddha
The mighty prince of the Sakya clan: of the colour gold; in the mudra of pressing the earth who gave the Medicine Buddha mantra and promised that those who supplicated the seven tathagata Medicine Buddhas and recited the mantra 8?000 times would be freed from all obscurations formed by past deeds, would not be struck down by illness, would enjoy a long life with no untimely death, free from the harms of death, enemies, arguments, fighting and separation; and would not fall into the hands of oppressors and that all wishes would come true.

Jessie Fong

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Re: Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2012, 03:26:23 PM »
Extract from :

The Twelve Vows

The Twelve Vows of the Medicine Buddha upon attaining Enlightenment, according to the Medicine Buddha Sutra[6] are:
To illuminate countless realms with his radiance, enabling anyone to become a Buddha just like him.
To awaken the minds of sentient beings through his light of lapis lazuli.
To provide the sentient beings with whatever material needs they require.
To correct heretical views and inspire beings toward the path of the Bodhisattva.
To help beings follow the Moral Precepts, even if they failed before.
To heal beings born with deformities, illness or other physical sufferings.
To help relieve the destitute and the sick.
To help women who wish to be reborn as men achieve their desired rebirth.
To help heal mental afflictions and delusions.
To help the oppressed be free from suffering.
To relieve those who suffer from terrible hunger and thirst.
To help clothe those who are destitute and suffering from cold and mosquitoes.

Role in Tibetan Buddhism

The practice of Medicine Buddha, the Supreme Healer (or Sangay Menla in Tibetan) is not only a very powerful method for healing and increasing healing powers both for oneself and others, but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, and ignorance, thus to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.

The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be extremely powerful for healing of physical illnesses and purification of negative karma. One form of practice based on the Medicine Buddha is done when one is stricken by disease. The patient is to recite the long Medicine Buddha mantra 108 times over a glass of water. The water is now believed to be blessed by the power of the mantra and the blessing of the Medicine Buddha himself, and the patient is to drink the water. This practice is then repeated each day until the illness is cured.

And here is the long Medicine Buddha mantra :

Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaishaja Guru

Vaiduria Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya

Arahate’ Samyaksham Buddhaya


Om Bekajye Bekajye Maha Bekajye

Bekajye Radzaya Samudgate’ Svaha


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Re: Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2012, 07:14:13 PM »
The full name of the Medicine Buddha is Bhaishajyaguru Vaiduryaprabha, the Healing Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance. He wears robes of a monk and is seated in full vajra posture. His left hand is in the meditation mudra, holding a begging bowl filled with medicinal nectar and fruit. His right hand rests upon his knee with palm facing outward in the mudra of granting blessings and holds a stem of the myrobalan plant. The myrobalan plant is well-known for its power to cure both mental and physical illnesses. Thus it is known as the king of medicines. The most distinctive feature of the Medicine Buddha is his colour, which is the deep blue of lapis lazuli.


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Re: Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2012, 07:39:58 PM »
According to Buddha Shakyamuni, there are four categories of illnesses (Sutra on Entering the Womb):

1. illnesses from which one will recover whether or not one takes medicine
2. illnesses which are more serious but if one takes the appropriate medicines, one will recover from them
3. illnesses for which medicines are of no use, illnesses from which one cannot recover simply through the use of medicines or other medical procedures. These illnesses, however, can be cured through the practice of appropriate spiritual techniques taught in the buddhadharma
4. illnesses which have a karmicly determined irreversibly terminal nature. When one's body manifests such an illness, death is inevitable and no amount of medicine or medical procedures can prevent it. In fact, the use of medicines in such cases - with the exception of narcotics for pain - only serves to increase one's suffering

The teachings and practice of the Medicine Buddha are intended for those who are suffering from the third category of illness, i.e. illnesses for which no successful medical treatment has been found, but which are still curable through the practice of profound spiritual techniques. In the Buddhist tradition the most notable of these techniques are the spiritual practices associated with the Medicine Buddha. Through such practices, the innate healing powers inherent in the basic nature of all sentient beings can be uncovered and accessed. In this way sick persons can cure themselves of the illnesses that medicines and medical procedures are unable to cure.  (Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, "Medicine Buddha Teachings", pp. vii-viii)


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Re: Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2012, 07:57:34 PM »
In Tibet the Medicine Buddha is the source of the art of healing embodied in the Four Medical Tantras. Once, the Healing Master was in meditation, surrounded by four circles of disciples (divine physicians, great sages, non-buddhist gods and bodhisattvas), all of whom wished to learn the art of healing. Dazzled by his radiance, they were unable to request teachings. The Medicine Buddha then manifested two emanations, one to request the desired teachings and the other to deliver them.

According to the Four Tantras, the fundamental cause of every disease is to be found in the three poisons - ignorance, attachment and hatred. These root delusions lead to imbalances in the so-called humours (phlegm, wind and bile), the various bodily constituents (blood, flesh, bone etc) and waste products or impurities, ... all of which are analyzed in twenty-five divisions. ...Thus if all these twenty-five are in balance and the three factors of the (1) tastes and (2) inherent qualities of one's food and (3) one's behaviour are wholesome, one's health and life will flourish. If they are not, one's health and life will be harmed." (Jonathan Landaw and Andy Weber, "Images of Enlightenment", pp. 100-101)


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Re: Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2012, 08:26:43 PM »
I would like to share the benefit of practice Medicine buddha which is very interesting
and this is one way that we can generate bodhicitta mind to other beings especial for
us who has harm many beings since we was young till now.

Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche regarding Medicine Buddha

If you can recite Medicine Buddha mantra as much as you can every day (good to do at
least 5 malas), this will purify negative karma and will help you never to be reborn in the
lower realms. 


Medicine Buddha said that even if an animal hears the Medicine Buddha mantra it will
never be reborn in the lower realms.

If you don’t purify negative karma, even dying, having cancer, still you have to die because
of negative karma, because it is not purified, so you will be reborn in the lower realms as a
hell being, hungry ghost or animal, and again and again without end have to suffer.
Therefore, you need to purify the negative karma now. If you cannot bear the sickness now
how can you bear the suffering of the lower realms? Especially because of the incredible
length of time that beings have to suffer in the lower realms. It is a billion times more
suffering than all the human problems put together.

Medicine Buddha mantra prevents you from experiencing all these things. So it is much
more precious than skies of gold, diamonds and wish-fulfilling jewels—all this wealth
means nothing because it can’t purify all the negative karma. Even if you own that much
wealth, this one Medicine Buddha mantra is much more precious because it leaves imprints
of the whole path to enlightenment in your mind; it helps you to have realizations of the
whole path to enlightenment. It ceases all the gross and subtle defilements and makes you
achieve enlightenment.

Besides the benefits you receive from reciting Medicine Buddha mantra, also these are the
benefits just from hearing the mantra. So therefore this mantra is much more precious than
the whole sky full of diamonds and infinite jewels. With the Medicine Buddha mantra you
can liberate numberless sentient beings from oceans of suffering and bring them to
enlightenment. Therefore, again, reciting even one mantra or hearing just once the
Medicine Buddha mantra is much more precious than the sky filled with gold, diamonds,
wish-fulfilling jewels and zillions and zillions of dollars. 

So with full trust in Medicine Buddha you recite the mantra, knowing that Medicine
Buddha will completely take care of your life, heal you. With full trust know how Medicine
Buddha is always with you, in your heart, on your crown, in front of you. There is not one
second that Medicine Buddha does not see you or have compassion towards you.

One student in Hong Kong does Medicine Buddha practice daily and she had a very heavy
brain operation. During the operation she actually saw Medicine Buddha. She had a miracle
recovery, as it was a very risky operation, but she surprised all and was able to recover and
is still alive. So Medicine Buddha looked after her.

Also one person in Taiwan, he is not Buddhist, he could not move his body, could not get
up and he didn’t have any helpers around him. He very badly needed to take his medicine
and the medicine was far away in the bathroom. Next to him was a Medicine Buddha statue
and when he turned his head he saw that the Medicine Buddha statue was holding his
medicine. So he was able to take his medicine. Later he passed away and when he passed
away he was able to put his hands in the mudra of prostration at his heart to show that he
remembered Medicine Buddha; he passed away peacefully.
So, if you can, do the Medicine Buddha practice. 

Also a short way to practice is by reciting the refuge and bodhicitta prayer: “The purpose of
my life is to free all beings from suffering and lead them to enlightenment, therefore, I am
going to do the Medicine Buddha practice, especially to purify the negative karma,
defilements, disease and spirit harm, as well as to do healing, so that I can have a healthy
and long life to offer service and actualize the path.”

Visualize Medicine Buddha on the crown of your head or in front of you [at the level of
your forehead.] Nectar beams emit from Medicine Buddha and enter your own body and
mind like water. It pushes away all the dirty things, like pouring water into a glass pipe; all
the dirty water flows out the top. All the disease, spirit harm, negative karma and obstacles
are completely purified.

Also think that all sentient beings are in your heart on a moon disc, especially people who
have cancer. Think that the nectar is purifying the four things (disease, spirit harm, negative
karma and obstacles). All are purified, including your sickness.
If you are doing the practice for someone else, visualize is the same except that you
visualize Medicine Buddha above their heads.

At the end dedicate the merits:
“Due to all the merits I have collected in the past and present and that I will collect in the
future, may the wish-fulfilling, most precious, ultimate good heart bodhicitta, cherishing
other sentient beings and letting go of the I, be generated in my heart and within the hearts
of all living beings without delay of even a second. May the bodhicitta that is already
generated be increased forever more.

“Due to all the merits of the past, present and future that I have collected and that others
have collected, however many sick sentient beings there are may they be instantly liberated
from their sicknesses and may sentient beings never get sick.

“Due to the merits of the three times, which exist but are empty from their own side,
collected by me and all others, may I, who exists but is empty from my own side, achieve
enlightenment, which exists but is empty from its own side, and lead sentient beings, who
exist but are empty from their own side, to that enlightenment, which exists but is empty
from its own side, by myself alone, who exists but is empty from my own side. “I dedicate
all the merits as the bodhisattvas Samantabhadra and Manjughosha realized and
in the way that the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the three times dedicate and admire the

“Due to all these merits, may I actualize completely the stainless teachings of Lama Tsong
Khapa, which unify sutra and tantra in this life, and may those teachings flourish and
spread in all directions.”


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Re: Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2012, 02:49:10 AM »
1. I vow that my body shall shine as beams of brilliant light on this infinite and boundless world, showering on all beings, getting rid of their ignorance and worries with my teachings. May all beings be like me, with a perfect status and character, upright mind and soul, and finally attaining enlightenment like the Buddha.

2. I vow that my body be like crystal, pure and flawless, radiating rays of splendid light to every corner, brightening up and enlightening all beings with wisdom. With the blessings of compassion, may all beings strengthen their spiritual power and physical energy, so that they could fulfil their dreams in the right track.

3. I vow that I shall grant by means of boundless wisdom, all beings with the inexhaustible things that they require, and relieving them from all pains and guilt resulting from materialistic desires. Although clothing, food, accommodation and transport are essentials, it should be utilised wisely as well. Besides self-consumption, the remaining should be generously shared with the community so that all could live harmoniously together.

4. I vow to lead those who have gone astray back to the path of righteousness. Let them be corrected and returned to the Buddha way for enlightenment.

5. I vow that I shall enable all sentient beings to observe precepts for spiritual purity and moral conduct. Should there be any relapse or violation, they shall be guided for repentance. Provided they truly regret their wrong-doings, and vow for a change with constant prayers and strong faith in the Buddha, they could receive the rays of forgiveness, recover their lost moral and purity.

6. I vow that all beings who are physically disabled or sick in all aspects be blessed with good health, both physically and mentally. All who pays homage to Buddha faithfully will be blessed.

7. I vow to relieve all pain and poverty of the very sick and poor. The sick be cured, the helpless be helped, the poor be assisted.

8. I vow to help women who are undergoing sufferings and tortures and seeking for transformation into men. By hearing my name, paying homage and praying, their wishes would be granted and ultimately attain Buddhahood.

9. I vow to free all beings from evil thoughts and its control. I shall lead them onto the path of light through inculcating them with righteousness and honour so that they will walk the Buddha way.

10. I vow to save prisoners who have genuinely repented and victims of natural disasters. Those who are sincere will be blessed by my supreme powers and be freed from sufferings.

11. I vow to save those who suffer from starvation and those who committed crime to obtain food. If they hear my name and faithfully cherish it, I shall lead them to the advantages of Dharma and favour them with best food and eventually lead a tranquil and happy life.

12. I vow to save those who suffer from poverty, tormented by mosquitoes and wasps day and night. If they come across my name, cherish it with sincerity and practise dharma to strengthen their merits, they will be able to achieve their wishes.


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Re: Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2012, 08:11:05 AM »
It is interesting to note that in the "Concise Essence Sutra Ritual of Bhagavan Medicine Buddha called 'The
Wish-fulfilling Jewel' " composed by Panchen Losang Chokyi Gyeltsen, the benefits of praying to each Medicine Buddha Brother are recited as part of the prayer to and propitiation of that Medicine Buddha Brother(eg Glorious King of Excellent Signs). Furthermore,  the prayer to each Medicine Buddha Brother concludes with these few lines:

"And when we pass away from this life,
May we be born from a lotus in that buddha-field, qualities complete,
Become a vessel for transmitting the teachings of conquerors such as (Medicine Guru, King of Doctors),
And cause them delight".

The prayer and aspiration to be born in the Pure Land of the Medicine Buddha Brothers are repeated for each of the seven Medicine Buddha Brothers. Hence, if we perform The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel prayer and ritual daily, we are making daily prayers and aspirations to the Medicine Buddha Brothers to be born in their pure land when we die. When we create a cause to be born in a Pure Land, won't we be born there eventually?     


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Re: Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2012, 10:08:38 AM »
Medicine Buddha, Healer of Outer and Inner Sickness - the manifestation of the healing energy of all enlightened beings. He wears monastic robes and sits on a lion throne.  The color of his body is dark blue and he holds a bowl in his left hand having a medicinal plant called arura.  He holds a stem of the arura plant in his right hand.

Below is an excerpt from A short Teaching on the Medicine Buddha  by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Medicine Buddha, Healer of Outer and Inner Sickness

Medicine Buddha is a fully enlightened being. To understand who he is, what his nature is, what his function is, and so on, we first need to understand what an enlightened being is. Generally, 'being' means any being who experiences feelings – pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral. Thus we are beings, and animals are beings; but houses and plants are not beings because they do not experience any feelings. There are two types of being: sentient beings and enlightened beings. A sentient being, or living being, is a being whose mind is afflicted by the darkness of ignorance. An enlightened being is a being who is completely free from the darkness of ignorance.

Just as sentient beings have many different aspects, so do enlightened beings. Enlightened beings emanate countless different forms for the benefit of living beings. Sometimes they appear as Deities, sometimes as humans, sometimes as non-humans. Sometimes they appear as Buddhist Teachers, sometimes non-Buddhist Teachers, sometimes as crazy people or evil people, and sometimes even as inanimate objects. Emanations of enlightened beings pervade the whole world, but because our mind is covered by ignorance we do not recognize them. We cannot say who or what is an emanation of a Buddha.

Medicine Buddha is an enlightened being who has unbiased compassion for all living beings. He protects living beings from physical and mental sickness and other dangers and obstacles, and helps them to eradicate the three poisons – attachment, hatred, and ignorance – which are the source of all sickness and danger. He is a Buddha Doctor.

At one time Buddha Shakyamuni was staying at a place called Vaishali with thirty-six thousand Bodhisattva disciples. At that time, Manjushri was appearing as a Bodhisattva disciple. Through his compassion, Manjushri realized that in the future the Buddhadharma would degenerate, and the beings of this world would find it very difficult to practise pure Dharma and gain pure realizations. He understood that it would be very difficult for those beings to control their minds, and so they would naturally engage in negative actions such as killing, stealing, and holding wrong views. As a result they would experience horrific illnesses and unbearable mental pain. The world would be full of problems, dangers, and adversity. Finding the thought of all this suffering impossible to bear, Manjushri asked Buddha:

In the future when your Dharma and general spiritual practice are in decline, when the human beings in this world are spiritually impoverished, when their attachment, anger, and ignorance are so strong and difficult to control that they experience continual physical suffering, mental pain, fears, and dangers, and especially many incurable diseases, who will release them from this suffering and protect them from danger? Who will help them to overcome the three mental poisons?

In response to Bodhisattva Manjushri's question, Buddha expounded the Sutra of Eight Thousand Verses Principally Revealing the Instructions on Medicine Buddha. Many beings heard this teaching. In addition to the thirty-six thousand human Bodhisattva disciples, millions of other Bodhisattva disciples came from many Pure Lands, together with beings from other realms such as nagas and givers-of-harm, or yakshas. To this vast assembly of disciples Buddha explained all about Medicine Buddha - his special qualities, his Pure Land, and how in the future by relying upon this Buddha and just hearing his name, living beings could be cured of heavy mental and physical sickness, especially the sickness of delusions. He also explained how to make a connection with this Buddha, the benefits of relying upon him, and how to practise the Medicine Buddha instructions.

While Buddha was giving this teaching, Manjushri realized with his clairvoyance of knowing others' minds that some of the humans and gods in the audience were developing doubts, finding it difficult to believe the Buddha's explanation about the existence of Medicine Buddha. Therefore, again he rose from his seat, respectfully circumambulated Buddha three times, made three prostrations, and then with his left knee on the ground according to tradition, requested Buddha:

To remove doubts from the minds of disciples, please show clearly how this Buddha exists, where he exists, and what his good qualities are.

Buddha immediately entered into an absorption of concentration, and from his heart emanated light rays inviting the seven Medicine Buddhas to Vaishali so that everyone could see them. Medicine Buddha came with his two main disciples, Radiance of the Sun and Radiance of the Moon, as well as a vast retinue of thousands of other disciples. The other six Medicine Buddhas also came with their retinues. Everyone could see the seven Medicine Buddhas with their retinues directly, and their doubts were immediately dispelled. Buddha introduced each of the Buddhas, saying for example "This Buddha is Medicine Buddha. He comes from the eastern Pure Land called Lapis Jewel Land. This Buddha Land is the nature of wisdom with the aspect of lapis lazuli. The entire ground of that Pure Land is illuminated by this Buddha's light," and so on.

Buddha then gave instructions on how to recite the mantra for oneself and for others, for sick and dying people, and so forth, and how to perform many different healing rituals. Everyone rejoiced and developed deep, unchangeable faith. It is said that through hearing these instructions seven million non-human givers of harm gained a direct realization of ultimate truth and promised to help future followers who sincerely relied upon the practice of Medicine Buddha. Twelve chief givers-of-harm who were present later attained enlightenment, and are included within the fifty-one Deities of Medicine Buddha’s mandala.


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Re: Vows of the Medicine Buddha
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2012, 02:58:29 PM »
This is an interesting power of Medicine Buddha Guru King of Lapis Light.

Based on his vow do it mean he can correct those who are on wrong paths and move those on lesser paths to higher path (small scope or medium scope to great scope)? No scope to small scope, and then from small to medium and to great scope the bodhisattva path?  ;D

7. Medicine Buddha Guru King of Lapis Light (Bhaisjya Guru)
The light of Lapiz the guru of medicine. Blue in colour, in the mudra of granting the supreme
To be adorned by the 112 signs and marks of an enlightened being
  • For those on wrong paths and on lesser paths
  • For those with deformed bodies, senses impaired, of mottled and bad skin, crippled limbs, hunchbacked, blind, deaf, dumb, insane and struck by illness
  • For those tormented by illness, without refuge or guide, lacking the necessities of life, medicine and the support of friends
  • For those who, condemned by the fires of hunger and thirst, commit many wrongs in their pursuit of sustenance
  • For those without clothes, living in poverty, persecuted day and night by the heat, flies and wasps