Author Topic: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!  (Read 16522 times)


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Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« on: August 29, 2012, 09:55:42 AM »
I can't believe Lobsang Sangay!! I thought he was supposed to be smart. He apparently "expressed his disappointment that the self-immolations by Tibetans have not received the same international attention as the similar suicide of a Tunisian man that sparked the Arab Spring."

Are you mad?! This is people's lives we are talking about. You are the secular head of Tibet. Two teenagers died... how many more must die before you realise that YOU have to stop the self-immolations.

Do you know how futile this cause is? Why do you think the immolations are not getting the ‘same international attention’??? Look after your people. Look after Tibetans – wherever they are. Make sure all Tibetans everywhere can live in peace, with food on their tables, and with freedom of religion. Stop Tibetans from suffering! Lift the ban on Dorje Shugden! If you can't do it, go back to being a fellow at Harvard and leave the politics to someone who has the balls as well as the passion for Tibet!

When there is faith and peace in the hearts of Tibetans, they ARE home.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

2 Tibetan teens die after self-immolating in China

BEIJING, AP:Two Tibetan teenagers died after setting themselves on fire outside a monastery in southwest China in the latest such protests against Chinese rule, an overseas rights group said Tuesday.

The incidents pushed the number of confirmed self-immolations to 51 since 2009, London-based Free Tibet said in a statement.

The group said 18-year-old monk Lobsang Kalsang and 17-year-old former monk Damchoek set themselves on fire Monday outside Kirti Monastery in Sichuan province's Aba county. They died later in the day after they were taken to a hospital by Chinese authorities, Free Tibet said.

Citing eyewitnesses, Free Radio Asia said the two teenagers shouted slogans condemning Chinese policies in Tibet.

Police in Aba county said Tuesday that they had no information on the self-immolations, which are rarely reported by Chinese state media.

Aba, home to the restive Tibetan Kirti Monastery, has witnessed at least 27 self-immolations, according to an earlier tally by the International Campaign for Tibet.

Supporters say the self-immolators are protesting Beijing's heavy-handed rule in Tibetan regions and calling for the return of the Dalai Lama. China has blamed the Tibetans' exiled spiritual leader for inciting the immolations, but the Dalai Lama denies the claim.

The spiritual leader has never publicly supported or denounced the acts.

Lobsang Sangay, the political leader of Tibetan exiles, said earlier this month that the incidents were
against the movement's commitment to nonviolence but that it was his duty to highlight why the protesters were dying.

He expressed his disappointment that the self-immolations by Tibetans have not received the same international attention as the similar suicide of a Tunisian man that sparked the Arab Spring.

In Washington, State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Monday that the United States had called on Beijing to "meet the legitimate grievances of the Tibetan people within China to protect their human rights, to protect their way of life, and to work on these issues through dialogue."
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2012, 12:28:35 PM »
from his comments, it is very clear that he is leaving a huge hint on what everyone has suspected all along: that the CTA is behind the self immolations. Why? He sounds like someone who has lost a bet. It sounded like he had put in a lot of effort to make the self immolations happen, and that he has lost his investment. Wrong move, LS. People around have been wondering how come the self immolations increased after LS took office, and it seems that many Tibetans are speculating that LS is behind the self immolations and that he has been inciting the people to self immolate so that they will get media coverage. This is by now, an open secret in the CTA community in Dharamsala and most Tibetans are aware that the self immolations originate from CTA. It will be a matter of time before people find out since we are already in the information age where information is freely available. LS is shooting himself in his foot by making comments like this and reinforcing the 'rumor' that he is indeed behind the self immolations.

Sometimes, I really find it funny on how such a Harvard graduate shoots himself in the foot in this way. is he not supposed to be intelligent since he is a Harvard graduate? He should have been a lot more careful than this, in more ways than one. Sometimes words can leak out subtle intentions...but in this case, this is a very obvious leak.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2012, 02:22:01 PM »
No, its not enough that the katri makes a condescending statement about the self immolations, they have to celebrate the self immolations with a nice vigil to show the people in tibet that self immolation is the way to go. I dont think that it is difficult for the Tibetans in Tibet to find out and then more self immolations will follow shortly why are they encouraging them...? When it s it that there will be mass self immolations where hundreds of people die...until there is no Tibet left for the CTA? Please, wake up...self destruction is not the way to go..

Dharamshala pays tribute to Lobsang Kalsang and Dhamchoe
Phayul[Wednesday, August 29, 2012 16:13]

Exiled Tibetans and supporters at the main square, Mcleod Ganj, Dharamshala during the candle light vigil in solidarity with Lobsang Kalsang and Damchoe, August 29, 2012. (Phayul photo/Norbu Wangyal)
DHARAMSHALA, August 29: Hundreds of Tibetans and supporters in the exile Tibetan headquarters of Dharamshala yesterday evening carried out a candle light vigil in honour of the two young Tibetans who set themselves on fire Monday morning in eastern Tibet.

Lobsang Kalsang, 18, a monk at the Kirti Monastery in Ngaba and Dhamchoe, 17, a former monk of Kirti Monastery self-immolated near the eastern gate of their besieged Monastery in an apparent protest against China’s continued occupation of Tibet.

According to eyewitnesses, the two engulfed in flames, walked around 20 steps before falling down on the ground. They raised slogans against the Chinese government’s policies of annihilating the Tibetan race.

Lobsang Kalsang and Dhamchoe succumbed to their severe burn injuries later in the day at a Chinese hospital in Barkham.

Damchoe was the younger brother of Tenzin Choedron, a nun at the Mamae nunnery, the largest nunnery in the Ngaba region, who passed away in her self-immolation protest earlier this year on February 11.

With candles, Tibetan national flags, and pictures of Tibetan self-immolators, the marchers walked down from the Mcloed Ganj Square to the Martyr’s Pillar near the Tsug-la Khang, the main temple, saying prayers for those who have sacrificed their lives Tibet.

Thupten Jigme, the recently elected president of the Dharamshala chapter of the Tibetan Youth Congress blamed China’s “brutal suppression” for the growing numbers of self-immolations.

“China must immediately withdraw its police and military from Tibet which has turned our country into a militarized zone. It is this brutal suppression of Tibetans by Chinese occupation forces that is driving Tibetans to take their own lives this way,” Thupten said.

Kalsang Youdon, president of the regional women’s association said Tibetans are proud of the “heroic non-violent acts” of Tibetans inside Tibet.

“Most of the 51 self-immolators have demanded freedom of Tibet and called on the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet. We are sad that our martyrs died, but we are also proud that we have such heroes who give their lives in the most exemplary heroic nonviolent act” said Youdon.

Tibet’s elected leader, Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay recently expressed disappointment at the global response to the ongoing crisis inside Tibet.

Speaking to reporters, Dr Sangay said the wave of fiery protests inside Tibet were a reflection of Chinese government policies.

“The fact that these Tibetans are going to such lengths of protest means the [promised Chinese] ‘socialist paradise’ never touched the land of Tibet – the welfare and education policies they always write on paper were never realised,” the de facto Tibetan prime minister said.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2012, 08:30:34 AM »
Smacks of whinging to me. Like a little child who cries foul on the playground, its not faaaaaaair. He needs to get over himself. I think intellectually, hes got politics down pat but practically, he needs a bit of work. He can talk a good game to the Tibetans who dont know any better and yeah, he went to Harvard, but what experience does he have? Its too bad Tibetans left democracy until such a late stage, when thats how the rest of the world operates because now, their totally bereft of anyone capable of leading them. Im always surprised how Tibet failed so badly with what they do, when Bhutan has succeeded. Because if you compare them on paper, both are Himalayan kingdoms with Buddhism as an intrinsic part of their national consciousness. So how is it that the Bhutanese have dealt so well with democracy, and the Tibetans have not been able to?

WisdomBeing, the point Im trying to make is that Lobsang Sangays inexperience isnt allowing him to tackle the issue of Tibetan independence effectively, so we might as well give up on the fact hell ever be effective or interested in releasing the Dorje Shugden ban. Watching his one year in office, all Ive seen is someone who consistently stumbles his way through every decision-making opportunity, and make one ridiculous public statement after another.

Ive given up on this does it go...another one bites the dust!


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2012, 11:07:44 AM »
Smacks of whinging to me. Like a little child who cries foul on the playground, its not faaaaaaair. He needs to get over himself. I think intellectually, hes got politics down pat but practically, he needs a bit of work. He can talk a good game to the Tibetans who dont know any better and yeah, he went to Harvard, but what experience does he have? Its too bad Tibetans left democracy until such a late stage, when thats how the rest of the world operates because now, their totally bereft of anyone capable of leading them. Im always surprised how Tibet failed so badly with what they do, when Bhutan has succeeded. Because if you compare them on paper, both are Himalayan kingdoms with Buddhism as an intrinsic part of their national consciousness. So how is it that the Bhutanese have dealt so well with democracy, and the Tibetans have not been able to?
It seems to me that all you need to do to lead the Tibetans is use the Dalai Lama's name and they will not question. According to ATG, our most interesting window to Tibetan culture:
The quickest way to kill a heated debate in the #Tibetan community?…invoke & claim to be speaking FOR the Dalai Lama & the other person as going against…& the discussion will be done within seconds.
— It does not matter if the discussion had nothing to do with HH in the first place. Besides, everyone who is important claims to know and have HH’s best interest at heart. Since, you know, they can read HH’s mind.
Basically LS can do whatever he wants and direct the Tibetans to do whatever he wants them to do, as long as he claims that they were done with the Dalai Lama's interest at heart, including asking them to burn themselves, because it was in the best of interests of the CTA and Dalai Lama.

WisdomBeing, the point Im trying to make is that Lobsang Sangays inexperience isnt allowing him to tackle the issue of Tibetan independence effectively, so we might as well give up on the fact hell ever be effective or interested in releasing the Dorje Shugden ban. Watching his one year in office, all Ive seen is someone who consistently stumbles his way through every decision-making opportunity, and make one ridiculous public statement after another.
It is only a matter of time before the shit hits the fan and the international community will find proof of him abetting the self immolations in Tibet and when that happens, whatever credibility they would have will be gone totally. All those westerners that supported Tibet's independence will get very disillusioned and will dump the Tibetans immediately.

Ive given up on this does it go...another one bites the dust!

There isnt much to talk about CTA and LS these days, except for their not so smart statements on the self immolations and their results. they would always want to tie the whole thing to be China's fault and also keep trying to gain sympathy of the international community which will not work in the long run.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2012, 02:56:04 AM »
You are very disappointing Lobsang Sangay!  Human can harness their energy in this live for enlightenment if not creating causes for enlightenment.  Your people must never sacrifice their lives simply for politics.  What a sacrilege! 

You should lift the ban to promote world peace and stop further self immolation instantly.

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2012, 07:49:02 AM »
Funny he should say that the news of self immolations have not received the same international attention as the similar suicide of a Tunisian man that sparked the Arab Spring. What was he thinking? No doubt that these self immolations was an exhibit of patriotism to free Tibet. But this courageous but futile act should be discouraged strongly because it is really a great waste of the precious human life! How long had this self immolations thing been going on? How long more must it continue before more and more lives are lost without much contributions to the cause of freeing Tibet?

This is not a new story... The CTA must really find a way to resolve this problem ASAP and motivate the exiled Tibetan Government and it's people to embrace modernity and truly move forward. Embracing modernity doesn't mean to give up on religious practice. It just means to move on and catch up with the modern world and catch up with other nations so the government will have power of speech in the world stage. And while doing all that, maintaining the sacred religious practice.

I personally think that is the way to move forward and not being concerned whether or not the world is giving attention to how many of the Tibetan people have died from self immolations because of the word PATRIOTISM. The younger generations should be educated to evolve not hanging on to the past which only fuels anger, hatred and frustrations. When the CTA has truly evolved into a modern government which can cater, take care of the well being of their own people, and the people are all successful and  strong, then the results will speak for itself.

Big Uncle

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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2012, 09:33:55 AM »
I don't think CTA planned the self-immolations but I do think that the CTA could have been more sensitive about the suicides. I consider self-immolation a form of suicide and it just reflects how desperate the Tibetans have become because of the mishandling of the situation by the CTA officials at their failed attempts to negotiate with the Chinese  government.

I see the rise in the self-immolation as a failure of the CTA to start fresh talks with the Chinese. I think they failed big time because they have many opportunities and after years of dealing with the Chinese, they should be an expert of the Chinese culture, policies and ways of engagement. The stalemate they had experience reflect their stubborn nature and refusal to learn and move with the times.

Finally, I have recently read that there IS actually 'results'  from the string of self-immolations. Lobsang Sangay should be more aware of what's happening. Although retired, the Dalai Lama looks to be more in tune with things than he is. This reflects very badly on the leadership of Lobsang Sangay. Read more of the recent sentiments in China in this thread -


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2012, 10:54:45 AM »
I don't think CTA planned the self-immolations but I do think that the CTA could have been more sensitive about the suicides. I consider self-immolation a form of suicide and it just reflects how desperate the Tibetans have become because of the mishandling of the situation by the CTA officials at their failed attempts to negotiate with the Chinese  government.
But clues and Lobsang Sanggay's reaction to the self immolations have proven otherwise. The self immolations dramatically increased after he took office and even the Tibetans themselves are suspecting him of abetting them. As Angry Tibetan Girl has pointed out:
What do the self-immolations & Kalon Tripa have in common? ?
He made it happen! Well, sort of, according to him at least.

The following section is from the Tibetan Political Review editorial on the KTs recent statements in Australia:

Surprise One: The Kalon Tripa’s Link to the Self-Immolations? The Kalon Tripa made a notable comment that indicates a certain inward-focus as he approaches his one-year mark in office.  According to a reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald, Sangay made a “surprising” statement: “Sangay’s surprising admission comes when he volunteers this fact: The intensifying outbreak of self-immolations ‘coincides with my election. The final round of voting for my election was March 16. Ninety per cent have coincided with my taking over the leadership.’” This was the same reporter who cited Sangay’s “movie-star looks” so clearly he was not hostile to the Kalon Tripa.  It is likely that the reporter found this assertion “surprising” because it implies a direct and causal link between the self-immolation crisis in Tibet and Sangay’s own tenure in office.That is one possibility.  But it is also possible to cite the statistics that 100% of the self-immolations inside Tibet have been after the 2008 uprising, 95% have been after the immolations first spread beyond Ngaba, and 98% have been after His Holiness’s announcement that he would devolve his political powers. In short, the reporter was probably surprised because it is far from clear that the self-immolations have much at all to do with the Kalon Tripa’s “taking over the leadership”.”   

Correction: he admitted to making it happen.

I see the rise in the self-immolation as a failure of the CTA to start fresh talks with the Chinese. I think they failed big time because they have many opportunities and after years of dealing with the Chinese, they should be an expert of the Chinese culture, policies and ways of engagement. The stalemate they had experience reflect their stubborn nature and refusal to learn and move with the times.
The self immolations are now used as a tool by the CTA to pressure China to give them independence or autonomy, or to pressure China to engage in talks with them on a solution to the problem. Sadly for them, the best way to engaging China for talks is to gain their trust and that is what CTA has not been doing all this while. They have been 'doing everything for tibetan independence' but gaining's China's trust. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Finally, I have recently read that there IS actually 'results'  from the string of self-immolations. Lobsang Sangay should be more aware of what's happening. Although retired, the Dalai Lama looks to be more in tune with things than he is. This reflects very badly on the leadership of Lobsang Sangay. Read more of the recent sentiments in China in this thread -
He should really know what to talk about and how to respond. Tibetans may have a very weak spot for the self immolators, but not the rest of the world and for sure, not other Buddhists. Other Buddhists may find it weird that monks immolate themselves and make a mockery of the Buddha's teachings by doing so and they will lose their respect for Tibetan Buddhism. Katri needs to wisen up if he wants Tibet to be recognized as a country.

I can see that you are kinda siding with the CTA there, Big Uncle, but to me, sadly, facts will still be facts and I dont think so it can be denied that the self immolations increased after LS took office. Nobody can deny that something is fishy there.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2012, 05:38:17 PM »
It is truly amazing that Lobsang Sangay could express such a statement!  We are talking about unnecessary human sacrifices here.  How can self-immolations of the Tibetans be used as part of his political tools?  Lobsang Sangay could have shown compassion and sadness for the loss of his fellow countrymen instead.  How many more self-immolation before it ever ends?  A total of 51 deaths to-date! Why is CTA not seriously doing something about it?  Why aren’t the Tibetan put a halt to this self-immolation?  If we check carefully, would China ever give independence to Tibet even if all the Tibetan were to self-immolate themselves? The answer is an obvious no.  If that is the answer, why continue to sacrifice more lives? 


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2012, 03:02:15 AM »
It is truly amazing that Lobsang Sangay could express such a statement!  We are talking about unnecessary human sacrifices here.  How can self-immolations of the Tibetans be used as part of his political tools?  Lobsang Sangay could have shown compassion and sadness for the loss of his fellow countrymen instead.  How many more self-immolation before it ever ends?  A total of 51 deaths to-date! Why is CTA not seriously doing something about it?  Why aren’t the Tibetan put a halt to this self-immolation?  If we check carefully, would China ever give independence to Tibet even if all the Tibetan were to self-immolate themselves? The answer is an obvious no.  If that is the answer, why continue to sacrifice more lives?

I wouldnt find it amazing. Lobsang Sanggay has been making statements like these for so long now and he is not at all apologetic about it. He acts and walks about as if he should have been talking like this all along and he has all the right to do so. What do I think? I think he planned all the self immolations in order to pressure China into giving CTA their independence. It is very obvious from the way he reacts to the whole thing. he is upset, and he has said that he is upset, and then he blames china for it when he and CTA could have done more to at least decrease the self immolations by not encouraging and celebrating the self immolators with huge grand scale pujas. Even though everyone knows that self immolations are not the answer, the Katri thinks otherwise and so the self immolations continue with impunity. I am not surprised at all if the 'monks' in kirti monastery arrested happen to be CTA's agents planted in the monastery somehow, and they are the ones who incited the self immolations and China is aware of that fact and therefore clamps down very heavily on them.

It is really about putting the Dharma into application and doing what everyone knows is right instead of being self contained. Just because HHDL refuses to comment on it does not make it the right thing to do. CTA must learn what is right and what is wrong and do what is right, and stop what is wrong.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2012, 06:09:08 AM »
Another article on the consequences of the self-immolations which the CTA are not discouraging! So it this what the CTA wants? More clampdowns on the monks in the monastery? To have permanent posts of armed police at four gates of Kirti monastery? That sounds like the monastery has turned into a prison. Of course nobody is happy that this is happening to the monastery but we have to acknowledge who started it and why the Chinese authorities are clamping down.

The Chinese authorities cannot give in to any kind of emotional blackmail even if they wanted to. The immolations make them look bad, that they are not in control of their people. As such, China has to come down harder to ensure order is maintained. If the CTA cared about their people, they would advise them to stop the self-immolations and see how else they can help their people on a more practical and dharmic level.

Security at Kirti Tightened
Chinese police set up permanent armed posts around the troubled Tibetan monastery.

Chinese authorities have tightened security around a Tibetan monastery in Sichuan province's Ngaba (in Chinese, Aba) prefecture which has become the epicenter of self-immolation protests against Beijing's rule in Tibetan-populated areas, according to sources.

They have also detained a monk from the Kirti monastery and another Tibetan possibly in connection with the deadly self-immolation protests last week that brought to 51 the total number of burnings highlighting opposition to Chinese rule and calling for the return of the exiled Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, the sources said.

“Now the Chinese authorities have raised permanent posts of armed police at four gates of Kirti monastery and watching on the monastery,” said monks Lobsang Yeshi and Kanyak Tsering at Kirti's sister monastery in India's hill town Dharamsala, where the Dalai Lama lives.

No immediate details are available about the security buildup around the Kirti monastery, which has been under siege for more than a year after Tibetans stepped up self-immolation protests mostly in the Tibetan-populated Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Qinghai, and Gansu.

More detentions?

It is also not known whether more detentions will be carried out at the monastery, from which hundreds of monks were taken away by security forces mostly last year.

“On August 28, two Tibetans were detained by the Chinese authorities in Ngaba. Those are Jamyang Khyenko, 60, of Kanyak village, Toe Tsik subdivision of Ngaba county, and Lobsang Sangay of Kirti monastery," according to Lobsang Yeshi and Kanyak Tsering.

The detentions came a day after the self-immolation deaths of Lobsang Kalsang, 18, and a monk at Kirti monastery, and Damchoe, 17, and an ex-monk, at a site near the eastern gate of Kirti monastery and close to "Heroes’ Street" in Ngaba.

Heroes Street is a main road in Ngaba town which has become the epicenter of burning protests challenging Chinese rule.

"It is reported that he [Jamyang Khyenko] was detained on suspicion of making contacts with his outside sources but details are not known," the two exiled months said.

“On the same day, Lobsang Sangay, 22, of Kirti monastery was detained and taken away from his room in the premises of the monastery," they said.

Lobsang Sangay is a relative of Lobsang Kalsang, whose roommate Lobsang Palden at Kirti monastery was detained on the same day of his self-immolation death, they said.

“At this point of time, there is no information about their current place of detention and condition,” the exiled monks said.

Clinton visit

Human rights groups have expressed concern over the increasing number of Tibetan detentions.

The London-based Free Tibet said it "has grave concerns for the well being of the hundreds of Tibetans who we know are in detention following protests, often in locations unknown to their families, without any legal rights and at very serious risk of being tortured."

“Tibetans’ fundamental human rights are being ignored by international leaders who are afraid of risking their relationships with China. The time has come for each one of us to speak up and demand Tibetan freedom,” Free Tibet Director Stephanie Brigden said.

Separately, the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT), the U.S. based advocacy group, has asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who begins a two-day Beijing on Tuesday, to “continue to insist on demonstrable improvements in the human rights situation [in Tibet].”

In a letter dated Aug. 28 and signed on behalf of the ICT Board by Chairman Richard Gere, a popular Holywood actor,  and Vice Chairman Gare Smith, the group called on Clinton to take a "stern positioning in response to the deteriorating situation in Tibet that includes a continuing spate of Tibetan self-immolations, mostly by young people."

“We ask you to engage your Chinese interlocutors in a manner that conveys urgent concern that the security crackdowns and re-education campaigns aimed at managing their Tibetan problem are, in fact, accelerating the deterioration of the Tibetan culture, steepening the decline in religious freedom, and contributing to a tragedy increasingly seen by the international community—as well as many Chinese in and out of China—as a potentially destabilizing failure in governance,” the letter to Clinton says.

Reported by RFA's Tibetan service. Translated by Karma Dorjee. Written in English by Parameswaran Ponnudurai.
Copyright © 1998-2011 Radio Free Asia. All rights reserved.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2012, 02:44:41 PM »
I don't think CTA planned the self-immolations but I do think that the CTA could have been more sensitive about the suicides. I consider self-immolation a form of suicide and it just reflects how desperate the Tibetans have become because of the mishandling of the situation by the CTA officials at their failed attempts to negotiate with the Chinese  government.
But clues and Lobsang Sanggay's reaction to the self immolations have proven otherwise. The self immolations dramatically increased after he took office and even the Tibetans themselves are suspecting him of abetting them. As Angry Tibetan Girl has pointed out:
What do the self-immolations & Kalon Tripa have in common? ?
He made it happen! Well, sort of, according to him at least.

The following section is from the Tibetan Political Review editorial on the KTs recent statements in Australia:

Surprise One: The Kalon Tripa’s Link to the Self-Immolations? The Kalon Tripa made a notable comment that indicates a certain inward-focus as he approaches his one-year mark in office.  According to a reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald, Sangay made a “surprising” statement: “Sangay’s surprising admission comes when he volunteers this fact: The intensifying outbreak of self-immolations ‘coincides with my election. The final round of voting for my election was March 16. Ninety per cent have coincided with my taking over the leadership.’” This was the same reporter who cited Sangay’s “movie-star looks” so clearly he was not hostile to the Kalon Tripa.  It is likely that the reporter found this assertion “surprising” because it implies a direct and causal link between the self-immolation crisis in Tibet and Sangay’s own tenure in office.That is one possibility.  But it is also possible to cite the statistics that 100% of the self-immolations inside Tibet have been after the 2008 uprising, 95% have been after the immolations first spread beyond Ngaba, and 98% have been after His Holiness’s announcement that he would devolve his political powers. In short, the reporter was probably surprised because it is far from clear that the self-immolations have much at all to do with the Kalon Tripa’s “taking over the leadership”.”   

Correction: he admitted to making it happen.

I see the rise in the self-immolation as a failure of the CTA to start fresh talks with the Chinese. I think they failed big time because they have many opportunities and after years of dealing with the Chinese, they should be an expert of the Chinese culture, policies and ways of engagement. The stalemate they had experience reflect their stubborn nature and refusal to learn and move with the times.
The self immolations are now used as a tool by the CTA to pressure China to give them independence or autonomy, or to pressure China to engage in talks with them on a solution to the problem. Sadly for them, the best way to engaging China for talks is to gain their trust and that is what CTA has not been doing all this while. They have been 'doing everything for tibetan independence' but gaining's China's trust. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Finally, I have recently read that there IS actually 'results'  from the string of self-immolations. Lobsang Sangay should be more aware of what's happening. Although retired, the Dalai Lama looks to be more in tune with things than he is. This reflects very badly on the leadership of Lobsang Sangay. Read more of the recent sentiments in China in this thread -
He should really know what to talk about and how to respond. Tibetans may have a very weak spot for the self immolators, but not the rest of the world and for sure, not other Buddhists. Other Buddhists may find it weird that monks immolate themselves and make a mockery of the Buddha's teachings by doing so and they will lose their respect for Tibetan Buddhism. Katri needs to wisen up if he wants Tibet to be recognized as a country.

I can see that you are kinda siding with the CTA there, Big Uncle, but to me, sadly, facts will still be facts and I dont think so it can be denied that the self immolations increased after LS took office. Nobody can deny that something is fishy there.

Well thats an odd statement...they planned the self-immolations? Doesnt surprise me... and it doesnt sound very non-violent to me! I dunno, have you lot watched a person burn? I can only imagine the smell... how can you sleep at night knowing you sent someone to your death? Interesting how Dorje Shugden practitioners have been likened to the Taliban, when the CTA here are resorting to their tactics of suicide burnings.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2012, 03:33:10 AM »
Well thats an odd statement...they planned the self-immolations? Doesnt surprise me... and it doesnt sound very non-violent to me! I dunno, have you lot watched a person burn? I can only imagine the smell... how can you sleep at night knowing you sent someone to your death? Interesting how Dorje Shugden practitioners have been likened to the Taliban, when the CTA here are resorting to their tactics of suicide burnings.

No matter how you want to see it, it all points to the fact that the CTA is the one who started the self immolations or incited them.

1) Kalon tripa making indirect statements that he started the self immolations in more interviews than one: "Since I took office, the self immolations have increased" and I think it is very clear what is going on here when he said this statement. Many tibetans immediately picked it up and understood it was started by the CTA.
2) HHDL taking a neutral position to not hurt the families of the self immolators: If they self immolated on their own accord, it would not hurt the families very much if HHDL spoke up against it. However, if it was done and encouraged under HHDL's name with CTA's persuasions, and the family is aware of this, then if HHDL speaks out against it, it would hurt the families a lot.
2)Katri expressing disappointment that the self immolations did not do much, much like the way how a businessman comments and regrets about a failed investment. There was no genuine sympathy to the self immolators, just why their deaths do not make an impact on the global level.

All these point out to one thing: Katri has been orchestrating the self immolations via agents planted in Tibet. And China is aware and is flushing them out by raiding monasteries and interviewing family members. China has caught up with CTA on this and that is why China does not see the need to talk with the CTA because they know CTA is not sincere.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay, please wake up!
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2013, 04:52:26 AM »
Lobsang Sangay has been the Prime Minister for more than a year and he has not spoken at all about the internal issue of Dorje Shugden.

He is clearly avoiding this topic altogether. For a Harvard graduate this is unprecedented and is not at all representative of what Harvard stands for.  If CTA can continue to create no freedom for its own people, how does it expect to gain freedom or autonomy from China. The results we want must commensurate to the causes we create. CTA has lost the momentum to represent Tibetan people and the model of a Buddhist nation. If you can't even grasp karma, cause and effect what are you talking about? 

This is the PM's blog
On one hand there CTA seeks dialogue with China, on the other they do not want to talk to its own people, what kind of government is that? It is the kind that bullies the weak and tries to parley with the strong.