Author Topic: The Buzz in Dharamsala  (Read 9005 times)

Tenzin Gyatso

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The Buzz in Dharamsala
« on: September 02, 2012, 01:27:50 AM »
The buzz in Dharamsala is HHDL will be travelling down to South India to Ganden Monastery to present a series of empowerments and teachings this October. Many from around the world will be attending. I have never visited the Southern Monasteries. I am heavily considering to visit and attend the teachings.
I will have to pull away from some classes in order to attend, but I think quite a few are going to the South anyways for this.  ;)

I have not found out what the teachings are going to be? Does anyone here know? Anyone fortunate enough to attend?

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 01:40:24 AM »
It will be interesting to see what happens to Shar Ganden Monastery during the visit of HHDL to the South. Surely they will be extremely uncomfortable with thousands converging to attend teachings and they still defiantly hold onto their wrong views and clash with the compassion of HHDL's advice against Shugden.
How can they miss the opportunity to not attend teachings from the greatest Buddhist master alive right at their front doorstep. It baffles me how they can choose a so-called 'deity' over a living qualified master such as HHDL. I guess even during Shakyamuni Buddha's time, he had his 'enemies' and anti-believers.


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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2012, 06:46:47 PM »
It is indeed sad that many great Geshes-to-be and old Geshe and masters from Shar Gaden, Serpom or any Shugden practitioner from any part of the world cannot attend the teachings by His Holiness merely because they practise Dorje Shugden. Truly ironic that the real upholders of the precious lineage of Je Rinpoche in the face of adversity and accusations, those who risk their lives to continue their lineage practice are being discriminated against those who 'gave up'. Not only will they miss out on the great lineage teachings by His Holiness, they will also miss the chance to interact with and study together with all other monks and lay Sangha attending the event who are their Dharma brothers/ sisters.

However, I am sure these monks will not be 'extremely uncomfortable'  as they have faced worse situation before. I have known of monks in Shar Gaden who have faced death threats and separation from their own family and Sangha family (their monastic counterparts, some even include being separate from their teachers!). As far as I know, they will definitely not be discouraged and will continue to uphold their commitment and words of honour to their teachers, although that means they may not attend His Holiness' teachings. They earn my respect for their 'sacrifice', more than those who travel to attend His Holiness' teachings just because he is a celebrity Lama. These monks taught me that you only need your Lama and that is more than enough.

His Holiness will be giving 14 days of teachings on 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries, including Atisha’s Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (jangchup lamdron), Tsongkhapa’s Great, Middling, and Concise Treatises on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lamrim chenmo, lamrim dringpo and lamrim dudon), and 14 other classic Lam Rim texts at Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery at the request of H.E. Ling Choktrul Rinpoche and Gaden Shartse Monastery.

These teachings to be held in Mundgod, Karnataka, India will be from November 30 to December 13.
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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2012, 08:10:33 PM »
Mind you tenzin gyatso, dalai lama is a qualified master, but he is not THE ONLY qualified master. he is famous mainly because of his historical and political status, and being the most famous does not mean he is the most attained. being famous is just a wordly phenomenon.

there are many equally attained masters in shar gaden - trijang rinpoche, domo geshe rinpoche, gaden trisur lungrik namgyal rinpoche etc. these masters are not as famous as the dalai lama, but their level of attainments are the same.

so for the monks in shar gaden, why should they feel uncomfortable if they are really practising dharma? they are not after name and fame, they are not going to be jealous just because the dalai lama is giving teachings to thousands next door at gaden monatery, they have their equally attained gurus in shar gaden who can equally bring them to enlightenment.

so what 'enemies', what 'anti-believers' are you talking about? dalai lama is a qualified master but not THE ONLY master which can bring people to enlightenment, if u r so after fame, why dont u go and follow obama? he is more famous than the dalai lama, so according to your logic, he is more attained and will bring you to faster enlightenment, so why dont you go follow him?


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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2012, 10:05:54 PM »

His Holiness will be giving 14 days of teachings on 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries, including Atisha’s Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (jangchup lamdron), Tsongkhapa’s Great, Middling, and Concise Treatises on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lamrim chenmo, lamrim dringpo and lamrim dudon), and 14 other classic Lam Rim texts at Gaden Monastery and Drepung Monastery at the request of H.E. Ling Choktrul Rinpoche and Gaden Shartse Monastery.

It is a pity that not all the monks will be able to attend HHDL's teachings on such an auspicious teaching. Ironically, the Shar Ganden monks will be prohibited from attending because they practice the Dharma of a Protector who is Uncommon because He swore an oath to protect the teachings of Tsongkhapa, whose Treatises will be taught by HHDL who imposed the ban. Quite strange but I note that Dorje Shugden has done his job exceptionally well so much so that Tsongkhapa's Teachings are well and alive and being taught by the Dalai Lama himself.

I cannot presume to know how the Shar Ganden monks might feel, not to be able to attend.  If I were one of them, I may for a split second wish I could attend HHDL's lesson (but that would probably be out of reverence for the Teaching more than anything else) but almost immediately, I would remind myself of the choice I have made not to abandon a precious Protector, not to break my Samaya with my Guru and I will most certainly be fine not being able to attend HHDL's teachings.

As for Tenzin Gyatso's statement about "enemies" I am actually quite surprised that he has not realized that in Buddhism the only enemy we have is none other than ourselves...our mind. And by far the greatest impostor and the most lethal enemy is the mind that tells us to betray an oath we made to our Guru, and to betray our devotion to our Guru. Dorje Shugden practitioners will not be familiar with such an "enemy".


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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2012, 06:55:30 PM »
What wonderful news that the Dalai Lama is going to be giving teachings in South India! The monasteries there must be excited. I do think that the Shar Ganden monks would be sad that they cannot attend the Dalai Lama’s teachings. Why they would be sad is not because the Dalai Lama is the only teacher but that they love the Dalai Lama, despite the ban on their precious Dorje Shugden practice and the subsequent sufferings they have endured. However, I do believe that the dignity and integrity of these monks would lead them to rejoice in the Dalai Lama’s teachings to those who are fortunate enough to hear it.

I just hope that with the convergence of the Dalai Lama’s followers into Karnataka, there will not be any overzealous anti-Shugden actions against Shar Ganden monastery. The Dalai Lama would probably make his usual statement condemning Dorje Shugden and stating that no Dorje Shugden practitioner be allowed to attend his teachings (as if nobody knew that). I recall the last time the Dalai Lama was in Karnataka, Shar Gaden requested police protection. I hope the police will make its presence felt – prevention is far better than cure, especially after the fact.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2012, 07:48:00 AM »
It is indeed sad to hear the monks who practices Dorje Shugden are not allowed to attend HH Dalai Lama's teaching.

I have met some very old monks who accompanied and helped HH Daial Lama escaped from China, and until today, the monks still feel very much connected to HHDL, but because of the ban, they cannot see HHDL and that created a lot of pain and confusions in the old monks. Why can't HHDL have compassion to them?

Also, shouldn't a monk be compassion to all sentient beings, even if they are on the so called "wrong" path? Shouldn't HHDL give them more love and care to get them back to the so called "correct" path?


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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2012, 12:24:56 PM »
Good to know that HHTDL will give a teaching in Ganden Monastery in India. It'll bring tremendous benefit for thousands. Rejoice to those who can attend His teachings. I am not sure if Lord Buddha will a have similar rule in terms of who's attending His teachings.


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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2012, 08:13:24 PM »
It is good to hear that HHDL will be giving a teaching to Gaden. However, it is sad to know that the monks from Shar Gaden are not allowed to attend. I just could not imagine that there is such discrimination in Buddhism, especially by such a high lama that is the emanation of Chenrezig with the compassion qualities. I am sure during Buddha time, Buddha would also not imposed such a rule to anyone who does not agreed to his teaching or do not follow his teaching as he treated all sentient beings the same with his great compassion. I can only comfort myself that HHDL has bigger reason behind in his ban as I respect him very much.

However, I do hope that his entourage, followers and CTA would not do harm any of the monks in Shar Gaden and create more negative karma. In fact, they should see how the monks there do their practice sincerely in accordance to Dharma & Buddha's teaching and devotedly to their Guru. Then, they reflect  on whether the ban is logical or not and lift the ban soonest!  We want to see an united Buddhist community!

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2012, 05:21:16 AM »
It is wonderful news that HHDL will be going to give a teaching in Dharamsala HP, India from the 1st to 4th of October 2012. HHDL will give a four days teaching on Athisha’s Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (jangchup lamdron) at the request of a group of Taiwanese at the Main Tibetan Temple. I feel very happy for the people who will able to attend and benefit greatly from this wonderful teaching by HHLD. Those who want to be there at the teaching can log on to for more information.

It is truly a blessing for one to be able to attend teachings given by HHDL. I am sure the monks in Shar Ganden Monastery are quietly happy and praying for the teachings of HHDL to continuously flourish for the lessening of Ignorance and Sufferings of many. I do not think they will even feel the least bit of “discomfort”.
Athishas’s – Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment is the teaching that inspired Lama Tsongkhapa’s Lamrim Chenmo which is currently the main text for the Gelug school of Buddhism. Since these teachings were passed down and taught by the second Buddha Lama Tsongkapha, which is then continued to be passed down by great lineage holders and erudite masters such as Trijang Rinpoche to HHDL, then I do not think the monks in Shar Ganden Monastery are missing out much, given that many of the holy teachings are passed down by highly incarnated lamas, lineage holders and scholars.
Je Tsongkhapa founded Gaden Monastery, as Buddha Shakyamuñi had prophesied, in 1409 A.D., so that his disciples could gather, live and study near him at one place. They came to be called Gaden-pas—’those of Gaden Monastery’. In time this evolved into Geden-pas—’the virtuous ones; and then into Gelug-pas—’holders of the virtuous tradition’.
After a seamless life of study, practice, propagation and rejuvenation of Buddhist studies and practice and values, and of almost universal renown in Tibet, Mongolia and China, Je Tsongkhapa passed away at the age of sixty on the 25th, of the 10th of Tibetan month. Some time earlier, he had entrusted the future of his legacy to Gyaltsab Je (b. 1364), one of his foremost disciples. So began the line of Gaden Tripas—Successors to Je Tsongkhapa’s Golden Throne at Gaden Monastery. The line continues to this day.

It is truly sad that those who chose to hold on to their monk vows, lineage and with deep Guru devotion be viewed as the enemies and anti-believers. If practicing the Uncommon Protector who had been protecting the holy teachings of Je Tsongkhapa is wrong. Then what is right anymore?  ???


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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2012, 03:14:50 PM »
It will be interesting to see what happens to Shar Ganden Monastery during the visit of HHDL to the South. Surely they will be extremely uncomfortable with thousands converging to attend teachings and they still defiantly hold onto their wrong views and clash with the compassion of HHDL's advice against Shugden.
How can they miss the opportunity to not attend teachings from the greatest Buddhist master alive right at their front doorstep. It baffles me how they can choose a so-called 'deity' over a living qualified master such as HHDL. I guess even during Shakyamuni Buddha's time, he had his 'enemies' and anti-believers.

This is very presumptuous, to claim that the monks of Shar Gaden are anti-believers and enemies of the Dalai Lama. Many people are quick to blame the Shar Gaden and Serpom monks as not following a pure and true tradition, but they forget that these monks are studying all the exact same texts as the rest of the monks in gelug monasteries. Yes, there is one difference - that their protector is Shugden - but in any case that is not the main focus of Dharma practice. All of them also focus their studies on the lojong teachings, the lamrim, Mahamudra, and all the very same topics studied and mastered by Gelug masters the world over, across all major monasteries.

Does one single practice nullify all these other teachings? And how so? In this case, the Dalai Lama's own learnings and study would also be nullified since he also practiced DS in the earlier part of his life. If this was truly the case, then you need to please read that article "Has the Gelug Lineage lost its effectiveness?" Here:

 If you are claiming that Dorje Shugden practitioners are anti-believers and enemies of the dharma (ie. not real practitioners) because of their practice of Shugden, then it should naturally follow that all the lineage lamas in the gelug school are also not qualified anti-believers. This includes Trijang Rinpoche and Pabongka Rinpoche, from whom almost every Gelugpa is connected with in the lineage of teachings being practices and upheld today. So the lineage lamas were wrong, then all the things they are passing down are also wrong - which means are also now the recipients of teachings from WRONG TEACHERS. Please read this article again and think, and don't use words like "anti-believers" and "enemies" quite so lightly. You could well be shooting yourself in the foot.

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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2012, 07:05:40 PM »
Well, I think that the Dalai Lama's presence will have no effect on the Shar Gaden monks. The Dalai Lama will give teachings and the monks will attend although no Shar Gaden monks will present for obvious reasons.

Now, the speculation is one whether the Dalai Lama will abolish the ban when he's alive or wait till he's not around and let the ban be dissolved eventually as there would be no one who would enforce the ban. Or it could be the sucessor, tis highly likely to be the Karmapa. We can only keep our eyes and ears peeled.                                                                                                 


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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2012, 07:06:50 PM »
Many people are quick to blame the Shar Gaden and Serpom monks as not following a pure and true tradition, but they forget that these monks are studying all the exact same texts as the rest of the monks in gelug monasteries. Yes, there is one difference - that their protector is Shugden - but in any case that is not the main focus of Dharma practice. All of them also focus their studies on the lojong teachings, the lamrim, Mahamudra, and all the very same topics studied and mastered by Gelug masters the world over, across all major monasteries.

Very true!!

I would say that maybe 95% of the pujas, studies, festivals, holidays, etc. are exactly the same. It sounds strange when I hear people refer to these great monasteries as 'Shugden Monasteries', as though that were the sole focus of the monks who live there. Yes, these monasteries hold Dorje Shugden as the Great Dharma Protector of our lineage, but that is only a part of what these monasteries are about.



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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2012, 08:35:55 AM »
It will be interesting to see what happens to Shar Ganden Monastery during the visit of HHDL to the South. Surely they will be extremely uncomfortable with thousands converging to attend teachings and they still defiantly hold onto their wrong views and clash with the compassion of HHDL's advice against Shugden.
How can they miss the opportunity to not attend teachings from the greatest Buddhist master alive right at their front doorstep. It baffles me how they can choose a so-called 'deity' over a living qualified master such as HHDL. I guess even during Shakyamuni Buddha's time, he had his 'enemies' and anti-believers.

You clearly do not understand that the monks in Shar Gaden chosed their Guru over the Dalai Lama. So simple. Which part of you is missing this? Guru Devotion is the root of all foundations of our practice. Without Guru Devotion, there can be no attainment.


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Re: The Buzz in Dharamsala
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2012, 02:01:08 PM »
HHDL is definitely a great dharma teacher and I have no doubt about it. I had the merit to have attended one of the teachings in Dharamsala when I happened to visit. But I do not consider HHDL my teacher as I already have my root teacher. My root teacher may not have the rank or fame as HHDL but my root teacher always teaches me never to:

01. Disparage another teacher or dharma center.
02. Talk bad of other people's religious beliefs and spiritual practices.
03. Respect all yanas and all Buddhist sects.

My root teacher always teaches me to:

01. Be harmonious with people.
02. Practice kindness and compassion.
03. Show respect to all religious and spiritual teachers.
04. Read and learn Lamrim and practice.

And many more wise advises.

My root teacher always says Lord Shugden is Lord Manjushri. I believe. The end.

May my root teacher live a very long life and may the obstacles be removed for the practice of Lord Shugden to proliferate.