I'm not sure if people have seen this video on Zasep Rinpoche, a Dorje Shugden practitioner.
I didn't see images of Dorje Shugden (though I looked!) so if you see one, do let me know!
Of note, I saw a photo of the legendary Master, HH Zong Rinpoche, above Zasep Rinpoche's throne.
I thought it was interesting that this documentary featured Zasep Rinpoche even though as a DS practitioner, I would imagine that he is
persona non grata with the Tibetan government.
The documentary features the Nechung oracle - i wish they had featured the DS oracle!
I noticed that Zasep Rinpoche was holding a text by the Dalai Lama, and they had featured the Dalai Lama as an example of a tulku in the documentary. For those who don't know the DS controversy, one would assume that the Dalai Lama and Zasep Rinpoche are pals. Perhaps they are!
i liked this quote from the documentary:
If you want to know your past life, look at your present condition. If you want to know your future life, look at your present actions. – Padmasambhava 8th century CE