Author Topic: Namdroling hospital in trouble  (Read 6821 times)


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Namdroling hospital in trouble
« on: September 03, 2012, 08:25:02 AM »
I came across this article that says that the hospital opened by Penor Rinpoche is in trouble and is in risk of closing down. Penor Rinpoche has helped the Shar Ganden monks in the past and now due to insufficient funding and upgrades, the Namdroling Hospital is in risk of closing down. I really sincerely do hope that the hospital does not because many people will suffer if it does...


Pitch in to help save Namdroling Hospital

An IndieGogo fundraising campaign has been created to benefit Namdroling Hospital, located in Bylakuppe, India. The hospital was established in 2003 by His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, and is the only hospital in a 50-mile radius that serves the nearly 5,000 monks and nuns of the Namdroling monastery, the local villagers, and over 10,000 Tibetan refugees.

Is in now in imminent danger of being closed by the Indian government unless it gets the funding for serious upgrades to meet registration standards.

After a seven-year effort and $184,000 in donations, the hospital achieved registered status.

Now, in 2012, the Indian government is requiring further upgrades be made in order to maintain Namdroling Hospital’s registered status. The cost of these upgrades is $380,000, and the Indian government has given the hospital until October 2012 to raise the money. If the hospital is unable to raise the money, it will be fined $15,000 and forced to close. To date, $80,000 has been raised and another $40,000 has been pledged. The hospital still needs to raise $260,000 in additional funds to meet its goal, plus $20,000 to cover the IndieGoGo and PayPal fees.


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Re: Namdroling hospital in trouble
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2012, 12:12:36 PM »
I was once treated at this hospital, along with a friend from Serpom. This is a very valuable resource for the whole community. I pray they are able to stay open.


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Re: Namdroling hospital in trouble
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2012, 04:00:39 PM »
i have never went to this hospital for a visit or help in any case, any hospital should not be closed down especially for financial reasons. I wonder what had happened to the sponsors (or if there are any) of this hospital. I pray hard for this hospital to continue to operate and get in as much money they needed to continue benefiting the people in the area. it is very disheartening to find out such news really. Lets help spread the news around to the people who have the capacity to sponsor this hospital for a good cause. Without this hospital, the monks and people around will surely suffer further when they have illness.

Jessie Fong

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Re: Namdroling hospital in trouble
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2012, 03:51:48 PM »
An institution that helps people should not close down because if it does, where would the sickly go to for medical aid?  And especially Namdroling hospital that not only aids the sangha but the refugess and villagers from the surrounding area.

Any health care facility should be funded by the government to ensure that continuous proper health care and aid is made available to all who need it.  Should any occasion arises where funding is required, the public can always come forward to lend a hand.  A dollar a person should be enough to fill up the kitty to keep the place doing while other plans take shape to ensure conitnuous flow of financial aid.


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Re: Namdroling hospital in trouble
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2012, 05:31:08 AM »
Oh dear. How sad to know this. I personally have not heard of this hospital but to hear the Sangha and lay community getting treatment and the care they need is truly amazing. The Indian government should lend a helping a hand, either through raising funds or creating awareness. Don't forget that the hospital is also helping the locals and not just the Tibetans. Come to think of it, isn't it the government's responsibility to ensure their people are taken care of? May Namdroling hospital continue to get funds and get the support they need.


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Re: Namdroling hospital in trouble
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2012, 06:00:12 AM »
Very disheartening to know that. If Namdroling hospital really closed down it definitely have an impact to the community and monks who has been going to Namdroling hospital for treatment. Just wondering why is the Indian Government did not lay a helping hand. In the first place the existence of hospitals is to help and give treatments to those who are in need.