Author Topic: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?  (Read 19583 times)


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2012, 10:22:29 AM »
The “Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?” article on is a very sophisticated article written in an authoritative style by a well focused and informed writer. Syntax, word choice, and flow of ideas are generally outstanding. Development of the article is very good, with sufficient ideas, facts and examples to support what the author wishes to get across to the readers, all points are largely supported by undeniable truth and facts that is well documented in various scholastic sources. It is clear that the author wishes to put his point across without swaying the readers to his viewpoint, instead it is composed in such a way to encourage the readers to think deeper and examine the truth behind the issue that was discussed. This can be seen as the author leaves an open conclusion for the readers to decide, through linking in with a recent article of the same nature.

The ban on Dorje Shugden practice has been one of the most talked about and debated topic, regardless of the school of Buddhism, this is a well known issue within the Buddhist world. Despite the ban, many people continue to be faithful to Dorje Shugden practice, keeping the lineage that was passed down from their Gurus although they face the dangers of being ostracized and even death threats. This is a very admirable quality in a Buddhist practitioner, having unconditioned guru devotion is one of the pinnacle in Tibetan Buddhist practice; however these faithful practitioners, instead of being respected for their firmness in upholding the traditions passed down by their root Guru, to the contrary, they were beaten down physically, mentally and spiritually by many pro-Dalai Lamaists and even the CTA.

Dorje Shugden was widely practiced in the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and even practiced (if not respected) by other traditions such as the Sakyas, Nyigmas and Kagyus. Being the most effective protector of our time, it is not strange that many high reincarnated lamas practices and have unmovable faith in Dorje Shugden as the protector of the Gelug tradition. Dorje Shugden was so revered and well loved by holy masters such as H.H. Ling Rinpoche, H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, H.H. Kyabje Dragri Dorje Chang and many more; that they composed beautiful poems in praise of Dorje Shugden, perpetuating His holy blessings for the flourish of Je Tsongkhapa’s lineage to the world.

Although the freedom of practicing Dorje Shugden can be fought through human rights activities, in this article, the focus is purely directed to Buddhist practitioners to show them that with debate and proof; denying the supremacy of Dorje Shugden as an enlightened Dharma protector directly jeopardize the standing of the Gelug tradition in infinite ways. The effects of banning Dorje Shugden practice although it has a severe impact on lay practitioners such as denying them the rights of religious freedom and their tradition of revering the King of Protectors; however it is a much different story for ordained monks and those with Tantric practices of the Gelug lineage, for proclaiming Dorje Shugden as an unenlightened being would cut the very root of the lineage blessings and wither all Dharma practice that came 350 years ago when Dorje Shugden was first practiced.

The truth is, prohibiting or downgrading Dorje Shugden and His holy practice does not only affect Dorje Shugden practitioners. In reality, those who have given up his practice do not live a happy spiritual life either. Their constant deep seated fear and anger towards DS practitioners has led them to conduct many misdeeds, including laying hands on ordained monks and destroying the lives of families who practices Dorje Shugden; these deeds were well documented and the oppression has gained international attention.
Putting aside the morale downfall of pro-dalai lamaist and the CTA; the sanctity of their spiritual practice is not preserved either due to this ban. Proclaiming Dorje Shugden practice as invalid is similar to destroying the very core of Gelug practice as it would mean that all the lineage masters from 350 years ago, which we pay homage to (including the Dalai Lama and other great masters of our time) is at fault.

The Dalai Lama and the CTA has announced publicly, that those who practice Dorje Shugden have lost their refuge vows, which is the very foundation of receiving all higher practices. If one has lost the very basic vows they made, the 3 higher set of vows will also automatically be nullified. In Tibetan Buddhism, taking the set of vows is the most important aspect to gain the blessings of the lineage and for learned monks to pass down the tradition to the newer generation. The lineage system in Tibetan Buddhism tells us where the teaching comes from and approves the authenticity of the teaching, in fact it is so important that before any Dharma teaching can commence, the Dharma teacher have to mention from where and when he or she has received this teaching, and then explain the lineage of which how that particular teaching has been passed down all the way back to Shakyamuni’s time.

Since all who practices Dorje Shugden have lost their refuge vows, that would make all the great masters of the Gelug tradition from 350 years ago has lost their refuge vows too, leaving a huge void within the lineage system. However, that seems to be not the case as in the supplication prayers recited daily by all Buddhists contains the names of Trijang Rinpoche and Pabongka Rinpoche, both whom are well known to be strong Dorje Shugden practitioners. The question here is based on the selectiveness of the application of this ban, that the double standards and hypocrisy towards Dorje Shugden practice is illogical. If Dorje Shugden followers lose their refuge vows just like how the Dalai Lama and CTA claims, then such claims should apply even to the great masters that once practiced it in the past. The laws of the universe is after similar to karma, no one is spared from the truth, if it is the real truth.

If great masters like Trijang Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche, Ling Rinpoche and many others, have lost their refuge; then they are no longer qualified to teach the Dharma, because refuge vows is the very basis of all vows, therefore they would have lost their monk vows too. If they are no longer able to teach the Dharma then all of their commentaries, compositions, and Khamtsens should be removed from the monasteries. Their holy stupa which contains these great master’s relics too must be removed from Gaden Shartse Monastery. But this is not the case; in fact their holy stupas are constantly being restored, and Buddhists still strongly believe them to be enlightened masters. The contradictory actions towards this claim is just too immense, no wonder there is constant unrest among the Tibetan community, since their leaders passes comments about this sensitive issue in such flippant ways.

Even the Dalai Lama will not be spared from this broken lineage as both of his root Gurus are strong Dorje Shugden practitioners. Therefore, if the Gelugpa lineage is broken and void of blessings, then all its practitioners should show lack of transformation, and in fact show signs of degeneration. However, that is not the case, for the Dalai Lama has reached millions of people across the globe and changed their lives for the better. That must mean that the lineage is unbroken and, the effectiveness and blessings of these great past Dorje Shugden masters is still intact.

The ban on Dorje Shugden is not just a matter of whether one chooses the Dalai Lama over Dorje Shugden or vice versa. It has a deeper meaning to it and it is one that affects us as Gelugpas no matter which side we take.



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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2012, 03:47:03 PM »
This article is shocking but not entirely surprising. I can actually imagine the entire Gelug lineage disappearing from our landscape at the rate Dorje Shugden is being 'punished'. Those with dharma knowledge will know the Buddhas can choose to go to a place where they can bring more benefits to, the Buddhas can exist anywhere in this universe.

Point being, if we do not appreciate the Buddhas being here guiding and protecting us then we risk them 'leaving'. When that happens, whatever practices we do will no longer have effect as we no longer have the blessings of the Buddhas, in this case, Dorje Shugden. Which will lead to the death of the Gelug lineage eventually. I don't even want to imagine how tragic it will be! All the prayers, practices, works we have been doing will vanish into thin air!

Another point to behold is how all the great Lamas we have been receiving teachings from are actually with no attainments! This is incredibly horrifying for me because I learn the Dharma to get out of this cyclic existence but if this is the case with the High Lamas then I have wasted lots of precious time just as many of the other practitioners. Not only I wasted time but also accumulated a huge amount of negative karma. This will create the causes for me not to receive the correct and pure teachings!!

This is precisely why all Dorje Shugden practitioners should be united to fight off this unreasonable ban HH Dalai Lama has put upon the practice. I believe His Holiness has a reason to do so but if we all do not gather up to support the cause, the entire Gelug lineage will fall which includes all our Lamas and HH Dalai Lama. That is why if we look at the larger picture, HH is putting his reputation and 'life' in risk as well.


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2012, 05:07:43 PM »
What a brilliant article. I cannot think of any basis to refute it from!

The fruits born by the tree and its health are determined largely by its roots. If the roots are weak, and 'infected', the fruits that are born by the tree will not grow as well or not at all. And the tree will not survive.

Applying the same theory across here, since worshipping a "spirit" has been practised all this whilst by the root lamas of the lineage, the entire lineage up till today should then therefore be "stained" and "wrong"; the foundation and basis to the Gelug lineage has been wrong all this while. But if this was so, why do Gelug lamas reincarnate back and carry on the lineage? Since this bears fruits, then the root and lineage is not stained as so evidently proven by the reincarnate high lamas such as Trijang Rinpoche.


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2012, 02:38:27 PM »
Thought I'd pen my thoughts using, you know, proper grammer, punctuation and all. Felt this article was deserving of it!

When I first read this article, thoughts arose in my mind that centred around two emotions: hope and pain. Hope because there is no way something this...stupid can last for so long, and pain because I realised just how much the ban has taken away from every single Gelugpa, whether or not they practise Dorje Shugden.

The article posits that the ban nullifies a 600-year old lineage by invalidating every single monk's refuge, Pratimoksha, bodhisattva and tantric vows. In one fell swoop, the rug has been pulled from under the Gelug lineage's feet and just like that, thousands of monks are no longer Buddhist. In fact, prayer halls are now just empty spaces, with hollow statues, filled with powerless individuals endlessly reciting liturgies that have no results.

No results just because the Dalai Lama banned the worship of Dorje Shugden.

Just because the Dalai Lama banned the worship of Dorje Shugden, suddenly 600 years' worth of great masters have no results? No results? Can that really be it? Pabongka Rinpoche, Trjang Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe, Zong Rinpoche, Dromo Geshe Rinpoche, Denma Gonsar Rinpoche, Gangchen Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche are all without results? Are all without attainments and achievements?

Are all just like every single one of us laypeople who have spent lifetime after lifetime indulging in the illusionary pleasures of samsara?

But just look at what they have accomplished, with their huge monasteries (which are still active!) and their immense social work. On face value, ignoring the supramundane stuff that not everyone can accept, can we HONESTLY believe that these lamas are just like us, without any results in their practice just because they practise Dorje Shugden?

No, we can't believe that they have no results, it is just not logical. Such accomplishments cannot be considered 'no results', especially when compared against the 'achievements' of laypeople like us. Even neuropsychology (an immature science next to Buddhism) dictates that our actions are a reflection of internal workings; what we think on the inside, and how our physiology behaves, is reflected in our external actions and speech. So if these lamas are accomplishing such great external achievements, surely that must mean their internal workings are accomplished too.

So how can the Dalai Lama invalidate 600 years of logic, faith and belief, with the ban? Can he do it on the basis of his enlightenment? But if he's enlightened, how can he cause such pain to so many practitioners, as the result of such a hypocritical ban?

Okay, so let's ignore the fact that the Dalai Lama is Chenrezig, and look at him from the perspective that he always tells us to - that is, he is just a simple monk. Because, let's face it, not everyone believes that the Dalai Lama is perfect and enlightened. But everyone CAN believe that he has devoted his whole life to the study of Dharma, and is therefore extremely learned.

So how can someone so learned not see the hypocrisy behind his actions? After all, if simpletons like US can figure out that the ban debases 600 years' worth of practice, teachings and lineage, how come HE can't see it? How come no one has told him?

And if he can see it, how come he's allowing it to happen?

So when I read this article, I am also amazed and contemplative. Amazed because everything fits together SO well, and each time the ban is viewed from a different perspective, it still fits into the perspective that I started out with - that is, the Dalai Lama banned Dorje Shugden for a reason. And therefore I am also contemplative - what IS the reason for the Dalai Lama's ban? Why ban something when nothing obviously positive can come from it, and you yourself stand to gain nothing personally, especially in the light of arguments such as the invalidation of the Gelugpa lineage?

I simply cannot believe that the Dalai Lama does not know what he is doing, and I simply cannot believe that there is no purpose behind the ban. To me, it would be too simplistic to dismiss the Dalai Lama's actions as those of an evil person, because evil stems from the wish for solitary personal gain and in this case, I can see no way how the Dalai Lama stands to gain personally from this.

Has his image suffered since the ban? Yes because now people doubt the Dalai Lama, where they once gave him unquestioning support.

Has he received more donations since the ban? No and in fact, the monasteries are suffering because many of the lamas capable of major fundraising chose to stick with Dorje Shugden.

Has the cause for a Free Tibet suffered since the ban? Yes because now everyone knows the Tibetans aren't as hunky dory about human rights as they claim to be. Their cause for an independent Tibet has been overshadowed by the gross human rights violations from the Tibetans.

So the ban damages the cause for a Free Tibet, damages the credibility of the Gelugpa lineage and sets millions of people against the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration. Is that what the Dalai Lama really wants? Is that what he hoped to achieve when he banned Dorje Shugden?

If banning Dorje Shugden really means throwing Lama Tsongkhapa's teachings out the window then I'm sorry Your Holiness, but it's just something I cannot do and strangely enough, the more I think about it, I have come to realise that it also something you just cannot and have not done either.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2012, 04:07:42 PM »
This is such a shocking revelation. I can't imagine how it would be if it all claims that Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit is accurate and real. Then all the hard work and effort of thousands of High Lamas and erudite Buddhist monks would have been wasted and pointless. The Gelugpa lineage would only be history. But I am so glad this is only a false claim and the reasons given for putting a ban on DS practice is absurd. I have faith in my teacher who have given me his blessings to do this sacred practice. May the ban be lifted very soon.


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2012, 04:24:06 PM »
Gelug is famous for its logic and debate, and I must say the logic in this article is of its own class. I wonder how the CTA camp is going to counter the logic set out in this article.

It would be really sad that, if this logic is true, all the 600 years of teachings are invalidated. However, I personally don't believe they are wrong. The ban itself has many flaws and most if not all of the reasons for the ban do not make sense and violate the thousand year old teachings.

I sincerely hope that this letter can be seen by the world and pressure the CTA to lift the ban NOW.


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2012, 10:32:19 PM »
This article is so true and logical. If we ban Dorje Shugden, it means all the high masters who have prayed to Dorje Shugden before in Tantra and Sutra are contaminated. They have broken refuge and broken samaya. This includes HHDL himself as he has also practice it before the ban. If this is the case, all the teachings, blessing from the high lamas of Gelugpa lineage including HHDL are all have no base and should be nullified.

It brings out such an important conclusion that the ban is indeed illogical at all! 

Wake up CTA! Do not let your ego and ignorance blind you! If you believe what your practices now are ‘authentic’, then you better lift the ban soonest to make sure that it is truly pure and has an authentic lineage!


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2012, 06:59:27 AM »
Thank you Mana for posting this article that makes us seriously consider the 'price' that may have to be paid for imposing the ban on Shugden practice..

 If the reason for the Dalai Lama imposing a ban on Shugden practice - that is, Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit- were valid, then the very same reason would spell the death knell of the Gelug Lineage. Why so? This article succinctly shows why.

If Dorje Shugden were an evil spirit, then praying to him would be praying to a spirit and this would destroy the  basis of Shugden practitioners' Refuge vows and the other two sets of Vows- the Bodhisattva Vow and the Tantric Vows as well. The whole Gelug lineage, with its great Masters who were and are devoted to Shugden practice - like Kyabje Pabongka   Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche - would be tainted and would not carry the blessings of a pure lineage. Then the practices and teachings of Dalai Lama himself would be invalid because they came from his teachers, like Trijang Rinpoche and Ling Rinpoche, who were strong practitioners of Shugden or had the deepest respect for Shugden. Also, the Dalai Lama would have no attainments as attainments come through a pure lineage of teachers.All in all, the lineages of Sutra and Tantra in the Gelug school would be completely tainted and devoid of blessings as many of the great masters of both were devoted Shugden practitioners. They would no longer be considered true objects of refuge or true Buddhists.

But is Shugden an evil spirit? If he were, then the ban on Shugden practice would have yielded the results that CTA and supporters of the ban had wanted. For one thing,Tibet would be well on the way to getting its independence form the Chinese.

If Dorje Shugden were an evil spirit, then practicing him would have sent all the  great masters, like Trijang Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche and Zong Rinpoche,  to the Lower Realms at death. This has not happened. Instead, out of great compassion to benefit others through the spread of Dharma, their emanations have come back as Tulkus and are carrying on the work of their previous incarnations.

Hence, the basis for banning Shugden practice is not only unjustified, but has serious negative  consequences(by implication) on the effectiveness and continuity of the Gelug Lineage. This leads me to believe that the ban was imposed ,by highly realized and compassionate beings,for the  realization of a bigger vision and purpose.

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2012, 10:48:47 AM »
After reading this article, I find that the author have written something that cannot be denied. Simply because the TRUTH cannot be DENIED. It is a well researched article that bring readers on a journey tracing back to the very root of Gelug Lineage and it's practice. This article is written in a very neutral stand that is not hitting out at anybody but prompting the readers to think, and check the logic of the ban of Dorje Shugden's practice.

Is it even logical to say that all the Lineage Guru of the Gelug School was wrong about this practice? If yes, then what happened? Have the entire Gelug Lineage been wrong all this while? And if so, then there shouldn't be any results no matter how well or diligent they practice!

As what Q have said ealier,

"If great masters like Trijang Rinpoche, Pabongka Rinpoche, Ling Rinpoche and many others, have lost their refuge; then they are no longer qualified to teach the Dharma, because refuge vows is the very basis of all vows, therefore they would have lost their monk vows too. If they are no longer able to teach the Dharma then all of their commentaries, compositions, and Khamtsens should be removed from the monasteries. Their holy stupa which contains these great master’s relics too must be removed from Gaden Shartse Monastery. But this is not the case; in fact their holy stupas are constantly being restored, and Buddhists still strongly believe them to be enlightened masters. The contradictory actions towards this claim is just too immense, no wonder there is constant unrest among the Tibetan community, since their leaders passes comments about this sensitive issue in such flippant ways.

Even the Dalai Lama will not be spared from this broken lineage as both of his root Gurus are strong Dorje Shugden practitioners. Therefore, if the Gelugpa lineage is broken and void of blessings, then all its practitioners should show lack of transformation, and in fact show signs of degeneration. However, that is not the case, for the Dalai Lama has reached millions of people across the globe and changed their lives for the better. That must mean that the lineage is unbroken and, the effectiveness and blessings of these great past Dorje Shugden masters is still intact."

It's a very good article for people that do not understand fully the severeness of blindly supporting the ban.


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2012, 04:06:20 PM »
If Dorje Shugden is an “evil spirit”, then the entire lineage Masters who practiced Dorje Shugden are wrong.  So does it mean that Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, the Panchen Lamas, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and other highly attained masters who practiced Dorje Shugden, are all wrong, they are not qualified and impure thus we should discredit all of them? By putting a ban on this practice, does it mean that the lineage lamas made a mistake and if they can make a mistake such as this, could they have made mistakes about all other important lineage teachings as well? Also wouldn’t all these highly attained Masters took rebirth in the three lower realms instead of coming back to teach and spread the dharma. Huge DS monasteries are flourishing everywhere!

This ban is so wrong. I hope with this article many people doubts will be cleared.  Wake up CTA and it’s time to lift the silly ban!


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2012, 07:08:34 AM »
This is so true, banning the practice of Dorje Shugden, saying Dorje Shugden is a spirit, is like saying since 350 years ago, the lamas, high lamas are all practicing spirits, so if they are really practicing spirits, then how can they reincarnate back to human again as a high lama? How possible is this? So since practicing spirit can come back as human, then does it mean what Buddhism taught in the past 2500 years are wrong? If in this case, then what are we doing now, being Buddhism and praying to a spirit, this is a bit hilarious isn’t it?

When Dalai Lama bans Dorje Shugden, he also calls off the 2500 years of Buddhism practice already. By rationally and logically thinking, the 2500 years of Buddha’s teaching cannot be wrong right, so what is wrong now?


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2012, 04:04:55 PM »
Looks like this letter has become quite a hit online. Some stats to share with everyone here! The letter/article has also been shared on Facebook, on the DS fanpage (here: and so far, has garnered well over 1600 likes, 68 comments and a whopping 92 shares. Looks like people are liking the strong message that this sends out to the perpetrators of the ban, who are claiming that the very reasons of the ban are to protect the sanctity of the practices and lineage. Looks like this logic (as crazy as it sounds!) far outdoes theirs, and many people around the world are concurring.

Please continue to share the message among your own Dharma communities, sangha and friends. It's important not just that people understand the issues behind their sacred practice, but also that the CTA know that the world knows just how ridiculous and illogical their policies really are.


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2012, 05:29:08 PM »
I shudder to think of His Holiness Dalai lama’s claim that praying to Dorje Shugden is equal to praying to a spirit.  If Dorje Shugden is truly a spirit, then that destroys the basis of all Dorje Shugden practitoners’ Buddhist Refuge Vows and Commtments!  As a consequence, the entire Gelugpa Lineage must be totally abandoned because every single Gelugpa has in one way or another, directly or indirectly had established a connection with Dorje Shugden as discussed by Mana extensively in this thread! 

A single claim by His Holiness Dalai Lama could just destroy the 600-year old Tsongkhapa lineage! 

His Holiness Dalai Lama had also made himself a victim – he has to abandon his Buddhist practice too!  Can anyone with common sense and logical mind accept His Holiness Dalai Lama's claim that comes with so severe consequences? 

Does His Holiness Dalai Lama not know the heavy negative consequences of his claim? 


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2012, 05:11:45 PM »
I read this letter again recently, and i was reminded of the political situations in Tibet where all the other traditions did not like Gelugpa. They were basically throwing a lot of accusations against Trijang Rinpoche and Pabongkha Rinpoche during that time and things were ugly. There was also adherents to Gorampa and his works (who was very against Lama Tsongkhapa during Tsongkhapa's time) but they never made it big, nor did their fame grew in any way, nor did they branch out to be a new tradition on its own (unlike Tsongkhapa) (not a mystery why not) and there was a lot of tension in Tibet during that time. The other 3 traditions were united with Rime, while Gelugpa was more or less, a huge school of its own with no need of support from the other schools and they were the ruling party. A lot of jealousy was simmering amongst other schools against Gelugpa. It would look bad to attack Gelugpa directly, so they started to attack Pabongkha Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche and accused them of putting down the other traditions and being sectarian. That did not work for long, so they decide to attack the uncommon protector of the Gelugs: Dorje Shugden, since Dorje Shugden represents Gelugpa anyways.

HHDL had to declare the ban to unite the Tibetans, at least for now. But as the other traditions get stronger, the ban will be gone.


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Re: Has the Gelug lineage lost its effectiveness?
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2012, 03:43:57 PM »
Hi, just wanted to call everyones attention to this...the post has got 1620 likes, and 92 shares so clearly some people are interested in what the article has to say!

Well why wouldnt they when it points out very logically how the ban has spelt the end of Vajrayana Buddhism! You notice how people who dont want to accept its true, try and avoid the subject by name-calling and referring to other things? They dont debate on the actual point itself, which is that the ban is debasing Buddhism!