Author Topic: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'  (Read 11409 times)


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Dear folks,

It's an interesting news posted lately on HHDL's FB account and reported by huffington post. Do take a read and tell me what is HHDL's new direction when it comes to the view of spiritualism?

On Monday, His Holiness the Dalai Lama took to Facebook to tell his four million friends that "religion is no longer adequate."

The Tibetan religious leader was quoting from a book he published last year, entitled "Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World," in which he argues that religion by itself may no longer provide a satisfactory solution to the ills of the world.

"Any religion-based answer to the problem of our neglect of inner values can never be universal, and so will be inadequate. What we need today is an approach to ethics which makes no recourse to religion and can be equally acceptable to those with faith and those without: a secular ethics," he wrote.

In a review of the Dalai Lama's work, however, the Los Angeles Times notes the 77-year-old Buddhist monk was by no means "denouncing faith," but rather highlighting the need for a universally shared ethos that is rooted in compassion and is relevant in this modern age:

A metaphor the Dalai Lama likes to use goes like this: The difference between ethics and religion is like the difference between water and tea. Ethics without religious content is water, a critical requirement for health and survival. Ethics grounded in religion is tea, a nutritious and aromatic blend of water, tea leaves, spices, sugar and, in Tibet, a pinch of salt.

"But however the tea is prepared, the primary ingredient is always water," he says. "While we can live without tea, we can't live without water. Likewise, we are born free of religion, but we are not born free of the need for compassion."
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, the Dalai Lama has long been a vocal advocate for compassion, religious tolerance and the need to bring together science and spirituality in the face of modern suffering.

In his 2005 book, "The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality," he wrote:
Harry Nephew

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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2012, 01:21:12 PM »
Forgot to add the screenshot earlier. Here it is for u guys to read.
Harry Nephew

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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2012, 01:58:47 PM »
I find it pretty true.

Promoting compassion is more important than promoting religion if we have to choose one. I like the metaphor about water and tea, it makes so much sense.

But I still believe in the power of religions, which for some people, they are born with it. Although I do agree with HHDL on these, I believe to respect others' religion is also an action of compassion.


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2012, 02:21:28 PM »
Well it makes sense. What is the point of being religious when some people abused religion for personal gain. Like for example some religious people use religion to declare war and use religion to instill fear in others. Like what HHDL said the problem is our neglect to inner values. Compasion should be across the board and should be instilled in others be it religious or not religious to cultivate good ethics, moralty, peace and harmony.


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2012, 03:19:23 PM »
His Holiness Dalai Lama is propagating ethics rooted in compassion.  It is His Holiness' skilful means to tell the World that compassion will solve the ills of the world.

What this means is that practices that are applicable to all.  Religious practices are just labels.  It doesn’t matter if it is a Christian’s or Muslim’s or Hindu’s ways of compassion.  Compassion is naturally a quality of the mind that is not differentiated by the different religious practices. Compassion is the mother of all the Buddhas.  It is necessary to develop compassion in order to reach enlightenment - the ultimate state of happiness.


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2012, 03:19:58 PM »
I understand what the Dalai Lama is saying and yes, it is true that in this day and age, many people would instantly turn away from the teachings and philosophies if there is even a slight association with any form of established religion. So I understand and agree that in some cases, the teachings on compassion, kindness, wisdom etc can be conveyed without the jargon or technicalities used in traditional religious methods. There are pros and cons for following either established religions or a more free-flowing style.

However, what I DON'T understand or agree with is how the Dalai Lama speaks in such a new-age way, but this is not being applied within his very own spiritual community. It is widely known - and he personally announced it, that the Dalai Lama would be stepping down from the secular affairs of his exiled state. But this hardly seems to be the case - the government, CTA, are still maintaining the ban on Dorje Shugden and getting their hands well dirtied in religious issues when they are supposed to be a purely secular body.

So you want to promote the teachings of religion in a non-religious way? But even the basic welfare and human rights of their own people are being determined by and muddled in with religion. How is this fair or unbiased? So yes, the Dalai Lama does speak with much sense and wisdom - of course - but there seems to be quite a different story being practiced and promoted among his own people. How can he not know that he would be judged not just by his words but more so by his actions and the repercussions of these actions around him?


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2012, 12:02:27 PM »
That is a very good point Beggar. I agree with much of what the Dalai Lama has said over the years but I find it extremely difficult to reconcile His Holiness's statements with what is going on with the Dorje Shugden ban.

His Holiness said that: "religion by itself may no longer provide a satisfactory solution to the ills of the world" and I agree. And yet, it is precisely His Holiness's own personal interpretation of what is good and acceptable religion, and His wielding of religious power that has created so much suffering for His own people who have quietly practiced Dorje Shugden for so long.

If indeed The Dalai Lama truly believes that there should be a shift away from religious-based solutions, then His Holiness's religious-based opinion of Dorje Shugden should no longer hold, and therefore His Holiness should immediately remove the ban.

Until such time, I would take His Holiness The Dalai Lama's advice to heart, and take anything that comes out of The Dalai Lama's Office...with a pinch of salt.


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2012, 05:31:54 PM »
"But however the tea is prepared, the primary ingredient is always water," he says. "While we can live without tea, we can't live without water. Likewise, we are born free of religion, but we are not born free of the need for compassion."

I like the analogy of the tea and water and I do agree on the fact that basis of compassion is important and applies across board to whatever countries or cultures irrespective of religions.  This in fact is the basis of our human nature yet many are not practising nor emulate the kindness and compassion.   This would only happens if everyone assume the universal responsibility focusing out towards others.  If this happens universally, there would be no war and fighting

However, still why the ban continues if he preached that religion no longer adequate and compassion should prevails?  Totally contradicts.  Why not then lift the ban? 

Quote.."We have the capability and the responsibility. We must act before it is too late."  (


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2012, 08:15:14 AM »
Dalai Lama advice is similar to this and if DL version is not being understood on its inner value of all, please refer to the version below :
A Brahman saw the Buddha meditating by the River. He engaged the Buddha in conversation.

"What caste are you? Asked the Brahman.

"Caste is irrelevant." Said the Buddha.

"How so," said the Brahman, "surely you would agree that Brahman and royalty are of considerable worth whereas peasants and commoners are not?"

"Caste and riches matter not," replied the Buddha, "it is one's conduct that matters."

"How so," said the Brahman.

"In that fire comes from any type of wood so can a wise person come from any caste. It is through the knowing of truth that one becomes noble not through caste. The noble one is the one that doesn't cling to unworthy attachments. The noble one realizes the true way that things are, he no longer thinks of himself as a self and thus has gained clarity."

"You are truly wise," said the Brahman.


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2012, 04:13:44 PM »
I understand what the Dalai Lama is saying and yes, it is true that in this day and age, many people would instantly turn away from the teachings and philosophies if there is even a slight association with any form of established religion. So I understand and agree that in some cases, the teachings on compassion, kindness, wisdom etc can be conveyed without the jargon or technicalities used in traditional religious methods. There are pros and cons for following either established religions or a more free-flowing style.
Those are called the rebels and they feel that organized religion has done more harm than good over the years. Many people think that religion are a fashion statement and is a club of sorts for some people who see it as a way to associate with others or to hide their insecurities. Thus in that way, religion has lost its purpose and original reason for it to exist has been lost.

However, what I DON'T understand or agree with is how the Dalai Lama speaks in such a new-age way, but this is not being applied within his very own spiritual community. It is widely known - and he personally announced it, that the Dalai Lama would be stepping down from the secular affairs of his exiled state. But this hardly seems to be the case - the government, CTA, are still maintaining the ban on Dorje Shugden and getting their hands well dirtied in religious issues when they are supposed to be a purely secular body.
Perhaps in a way, HHDL is trying to benefit them in the way that they expect him to and on the Tibetan side he has other plans for them thus the difference. He has to manifest in different ways that will benefit different groups of people. That is how I would see it. but the ban is literally off HHDL's hands now, and the Katri can decide but he is not deciding.

So you want to promote the teachings of religion in a non-religious way? But even the basic welfare and human rights of their own people are being determined by and muddled in with religion. How is this fair or unbiased? So yes, the Dalai Lama does speak with much sense and wisdom - of course - but there seems to be quite a different story being practiced and promoted among his own people. How can he not know that he would be judged not just by his words but more so by his actions and the repercussions of these actions around him?
What is interesting is, Tibetan politics are tied in with religion as well. And here, the Dalai Lama says that religion is not adequate. So in another way, he is also hinting to CTA to separate Buddhism from them. Perhaps they would not listen to HHDL directly so HHDL has no choice but to hint here...? Could be.

Yes I have thought of your POV as well but then I also recall that HHDL is chenrenzig as well so the polarity is only meant to teach a lesson in some way. Now i see how hard is it to maintain respect to the Dalai Lama and to Dorje Shugden at the same time and why so many people decide to go one direction. I'm following my Guru's direction.


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2012, 12:10:46 AM »
WHEN the sentiment and wisdom are developing to the highest degree, will be melted together and become the whole (complete combination, the absolute in the relative and vice versa) in Buddhist’s eyes.

FROM the “Chain of cause and effect” point of view, the ideas for all practitioners doing their best to practice the merciful mind in worldly business is automatically to get the wisdom of very truth emptiness eventually. Then the limitless merciful actions will be brought about automatically also after getting the great wisdom.  8)


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2012, 08:03:12 AM »
That is a very good point Beggar. I agree with much of what the Dalai Lama has said over the years but I find it extremely difficult to reconcile His Holiness's statements with what is going on with the Dorje Shugden ban.
You're not really the only one but it does raise more questions than answers in more ways than one with regards to the ban. Perhaps this ban is not really a ban but something meant for us to think and to provoke us to think deeper about our faith in the Dalai Lama and examine it more clearly.

His Holiness said that: "religion by itself may no longer provide a satisfactory solution to the ills of the world" and I agree. And yet, it is precisely His Holiness's own personal interpretation of what is good and acceptable religion, and His wielding of religious power that has created so much suffering for His own people who have quietly practiced Dorje Shugden for so long.
If it was not for the ban, the religion called Buddhism would have been sufficient as a solution to the ills of the world. Why? because it was not tainted by politics. Now that it is, it is no longer a solution that people can use to solve their problems so when HHDL says this it does make a lot of sense.

If indeed The Dalai Lama truly believes that there should be a shift away from religious-based solutions, then His Holiness's religious-based opinion of Dorje Shugden should no longer hold, and therefore His Holiness should immediately remove the ban.
Correction: If indeed The Dalai Lama truly believes that there should be a shift away from religious-based solutions, then His Holiness's religious-based opinion of Dorje Shugden should no longer hold, and therefore, invalid by all accounts and his students who uphold the ban in the name of Buddhism should stop forcing people to conform to the ban. If his students are his students and not students of their image of the Dalai Lama in their minds, that is.

Until such time, I would take His Holiness The Dalai Lama's advice to heart, and take anything that comes out of The Dalai Lama's Office...with a pinch of salt.
If it was from the office or from CTA, i'd take it with an entire cup of salt, or rather, a barrel. Too many lies and too many discrepancies to deal with.

Nice observation there, Vajratruth. I like how you point out that the Dalai Lama himself does not really want to make use of religion anymore and has therefore debased religion in his latest book...and that should be followed by the CTA. Perhaps this will get some brains to start thinking :)


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2012, 07:44:51 AM »
I am glad to see the Dalai lama saying something that makes total sense for a change. However, I wonder about his motivations for saying so. I don't think he is trying to discount religion or even Buddhism for that matter. In fact, it sounds like he is talking about inter religious harmony and interfaith similarities. Obviously, compassion in its many shapes or forms can be found in varying degrees across all religions. Perhaps he is referring to that, and rightly so, seeing as he is a Nobel peace prize winner.

Now, I wonder if this also applies to practitioners of Dorje Shugden? As we know, some of the fundamental requirements of dorje shugden's practice are practicing the lam rim, having guru devotion, and the accomplishment of Bodhicitta.

So, can dorje shugden be a different flavour of tea? It still contains water...


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2012, 09:18:36 PM »
The Dalai Lama’s statement makes me think that he is simply tailoring his message for these degenerate times. More and more people are shying away from institutionalized religion and from conversations with my peers, I surmise that people are not interested in religion, having becoming jaded or more skeptical about religion in general.

When the Dalai Lama talks about ethics sans religion, it is quite skillful that he is actually teaching the Dharma without couching it in religious terms, and while the speaker himself wears Buddhist monk robes, no less!

Since the Dalai Lama is so skillful, I hope he will apply his skillful means to lift the ban sooner than later… it’s time!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Dalai Lama Tells His Facebook Friends That 'Religion Is No Longer Adequate'
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2012, 06:47:17 AM »
In a world that is fast becoming disenchanted with institutionalized religions, 'religion' has become a word or label with very negative connotations. People today are beginning to shun institutionalized religions. Thus, the Dalai Lama, by promoting the core values of Buddhism - compassion, peace and harmony - as the ethics of the 21st century, is being very skillful indeed.

At the same time, many of us do not understand and cannot accept the fact that HH Dalai Lama does not practice what he preaches here, when it comes to His people who are Shugden practitioners. Because of his unjustifiable labeling of Dorje Shugden as a spirit and his equally unreasonable imposition of the ban on Shugden practice, many Shugden practitioners in exile in India are viciously discriminated against and have to suffer great atrocities in the hands of anti-Shugdenists and the CTA.

As HH Dalai Lama is Chenrezig and as Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche has advised us to not do anything negative,since we only possess an ordinary view of Enlightened Beings' activities, we can only proceed, by using peaceful means and by creating positive causes for the ban to be lifted soon.