Author Topic: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?  (Read 11363 times)

DS Star

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Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« on: September 17, 2012, 07:14:37 AM »
This is an old news in 2011 but I thought the topic is still relevant.

I am not sure if we can classify it as a case of mental disorder... but a 19-year old young mother in China kills her 10-month old baby son online as a revenge on her boyfriend (the baby's father) and his mother (the "mother-in-law").

A news report said:

"Police sources confirmed Zou did announce on the Internet that she would kill her son and broadcast it live on"

I wonder how a mother can kills her innocence baby and even broadcast it online... what is the state of her mind at that time and how is she going to live her life after the incident?

Momentary insanity? For sure it is but... it is motivated by a selfish mind fueled by anger and the thought of revenge... how scary the potentiality of our human minds can be!

Below are the links to the story with the photo of the young mother and her baby son.

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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 05:11:35 PM »
What a terrible story!
Motherly love it certainly isn't!

How can a human mind revert to such a crime?
How can a mother kill her son?
In this case, I think we must look at a psychiatric environment, it is otherwise unconceivable...
Can hate only explain it? I don't know but it would seem to me that the love for one's child exceed way more whatever hate.

One thing is sure, I would not want to be that woman having murdered her son and live with this on my conscience!


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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 07:15:56 AM »
Ought to read and understand this awesomic sutra..

The Sutra about the Deep Kindness of Parents and the Difficulty of Repaying It

Ananda said to the Buddha, "Blessed One, when men are alive in the world they adorn their bodies with robes, belts, shoes, hats and other fine attire to appear OK. When women are alive, they put on cosmetics, perfumes, powders, and elegant fragrances in order to appear better."

Buddha commented further, "Most women also give birth to and raise children, quite as an inborn duty. Each child relies on its mother's milk for life and nourishment. Each child drinks a lot of its mother's milk. It may deplete the mother unless she gets good nourishment."

When Ananda heard these words, he felt a pain inside and said to the Blessed One, "How can one repay one's mother's kindness and virtue?"

Buddha answered, "By the ninth month the foetus is ready to assimilate the different nutrients of the foods - child's food. There is more into it too. And during the tenth month the foetus is ready to be born.

Now, to explain more clearly, there are ten types of kindness bestowed by the mother on the child:

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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2012, 09:21:32 AM »
Dear Amitabha, thanks for the post.

I wonder, with such a beautiful teaching on the greatness of mother and mother's love by Lord Buddha himself, how this particular mother Zou can killed her baby and even broadcast it?

That is why I really cannot understand state of the mind of this mother...

It just showed that how much damage "Anger" can cause if we do not control it. I am sure Zou will regret her own action once she comes to her sense.

Then again, not that I want to discredit a mother's love and sacrifice but in real life I have learnt of cases of mothers who abandoned and even killed their own children... some are due to wrong perception of 'ending sufferings' e.g. during whole family suicide attempts when parents cannot afford to pay their huge debts or in family feuds like in this case; others are due to uncontrollable anger, revenge and selfishness.

Selfishness? Shocking isn't it? Unfortunately, it happens...

I have a friend whose mother, right after the father passed away in accident, ran away leaving three of them (aged 10, 8 and 4 at that time) and took away their father's insurance money. The children went through many hardship subject to humiliations, bullies and being pushed away by one relative after another and finally were split to be raised by 3 different older cousins separately. What even more shocking is that, this mother never attempt to contact the children until they are grown ups and started to work. The mother even unashamedly ask for money...

I'm sure there are other cases like this but my intention to start this thread is not to bring out stories of 'bad' mothers. My aim is to discuss how a mother, praised for the greatness of her love, can do such a gravely negative act of killing her own child.

I concur, tragedies like these happened mainly due to their state of mind at the moment; and not to forget their ignorance, especially on the Law of Karma.

I am amazed at the 'power' of our minds that can command us to do actions with great impact, with either positive or negative results.

That is why Dharma knowledge is very important especially in this degenerate age, people too busy chasing material and worldly happiness thus, neglecting their health - physical and mental health...


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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2012, 02:22:21 PM »
This is absolutely crazy and the 19-year old is overcome by anger. The baby was so cubby and cute, how could she ever take a life so innocent?

This cruel act of killing has nothing to do with whether the killer-mother has dharma knowledge or weather she has or has no merits to enjoy the gory of dharma.. It is pure cruelty that is happen in china when countless baby girls were murdered to give way to their unborn male sibling, as the direct result of one-child policy. Killings of baby girls are happening everyday, perhaps this is the environment that the woman was brought up..

One of the comments to thisnews was : who, in the right frame of mind, would Watch the video  and see a bay being killed ??? What happen to humanity ??

Down with the BAN!!!


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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2012, 03:12:43 PM »
 As China develops and with its huge population, there will be some kind of pressure and bizarre acts put upon individuals due to stress or peer pressures. Infanticide is very common in China but this is insane as the child is already 10 months old! And to kill her own child she raised out of spite!

People are becoming increasing unhappy, society is getting worse and their lives are so mundane that watching others suffer relieves them of their own suffering. Why was no action taken of those who watched the killing and enjoying every moment of it?



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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2012, 06:05:02 AM »
Oh my Buddha! May Buddha bless the baby.  :'(

How cruel can one be when it comes to hatred and vengeance! How to blame the mother? Don't forget the family karma that is involved that caused the killing of the baby.

In China, millions of people are pressured with too many things. The only thing on their mind is how to get money. When they are weighed down because of this, it can cause severe selfishness and cruelty. I have been to China twice, trust me, its not easy for them.

With the troubles and pain, may China continue to promote Dorje Shugden continuously so that He can benefit their lives and become better.

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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2012, 12:53:59 PM »
The mother must have been deranged to be able to kill her own baby.  Which mother on earth canbring herself to do that?  I think she must have been overwhelmed by anger and her deluded mind was only focussing on one thing - Revenge.

What is the world coming to?  The article highlighted the incident in China but that does not mean it is strictly an isolated case; there could have been many other cases in other countires that were  never brought up.  In this case, it became more "interesting" as she took her baby's life on-line.


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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2012, 03:31:28 PM »
Well i wouldn't speculate if she is a case of a mental disorder, however humans has the capability to be the most compassionate and also the most evil. She is so young she was probably overwhelmed with some situation and fell into emotional turmoil and acted in such a way. Killing her own baby in the name of revenge is uncalled for. The society in developing countires are breaking down and many social ills are plaguing thier nations. To vent her anger for the world to see, she strangled her baby online just to let world see and that is really disturbing.

Dharma is so important especially these degenerate times. Dharma can prevent people from acting in such a manner.


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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2012, 03:54:18 PM »
This is absolutely horrendous act onto a baby!! And especially when the baby was strangled by the own mother (!!) I am still finding it hard to come to terms with such news. I believe this is an act of anger and hatred which clouded the mother (who is still young by the way) to have done such act! What has the world turned into anyways. It does not take anyone to be in Dharma to learn about "never kill your own child" sense.

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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2012, 11:46:33 PM »
This is absolutely horrendous act onto a baby!! And especially when the baby was strangled by the own mother (!!) I am still finding it hard to come to terms with such news. I believe this is an act of anger and hatred which clouded the mother (who is still young by the way) to have done such act! What has the world turned into anyways. It does not take anyone to be in Dharma to learn about "never kill your own child" sense.

Yes it does NOT mean that ONLY through Dharma one learns about "never kill your own child"; the point is, everyone knows THIS ACT is not acceptable but with Dharma, one will learn to control anger and hatred through understanding of Dharma teachings and through practice.

Buddha Dharma is known to be effective in helping people to overcome depression. So it is very important that we learn Dharma well and help to share it with our circle of friends and family. The chances are, they will then share it with their own circles...

We never know, perhaps one day someone really needs it and someone in our circle happens share it with this person... and so managed to save him/her...


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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2012, 01:13:42 PM »
Well.. Now a day people mind are so selfish only think about themself such as this mother kills baby case, how can the mother can  kill their own child who stayed in their womb for 9 months.

The sad thing is, she can do anything to herself but she choose to do with her baby. I'm speechless.

May Dorje Shudgen practice spread all over the world so that people who have problems can have hope and such as incident not happen again in the future.

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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2012, 04:09:34 PM »
Oh MY! This goes beyond reason already. And I reckon it is strongly karma at play here. How can one be so desensitized to a point of killing but not ONLY that but with the motivation to create angst and hurt on others through the act. It is truly unbelievable in the ugliest possible way.

I wonder what karma was created by all parties involved to culminate in such a heinous act! I wonder which is worse, the mother killing or the father and grandmother watching the killing! It is truly beyond me. And imagine the negative karma created by the mother for her next lives... wow. I also cannot help but think what the baby's karma was too... it is a magnitude of overlapping karma involved here that is far beyond my own comprehension.

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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2012, 08:31:19 PM »
I am not surprise that such a thing occurred as there's even worser things that are happening in the world today. I just wonder what drove the mother to perform such a heinous crime? What could have happened to the mother that she would actually consider killing her own flesh and blood. Her suffering must be so great that she would sacrifice her only child. Sometimes, one's attachment and anger is so great that it surpasses everything else.


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Re: Mother kills baby online - a case of mental disorder?
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2012, 05:06:22 PM »
Hate, anger, and selfishness can lead one to such a brutal revenge. I'm not sure if it is mental disorder or karma but to me they are inter-related as the mum's karma created the cause for her instability of mind and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

If the mum is able to kill the baby like that, it goes to show that the life of her kid has no worth to her and her want in gaining revenge is so much stronger than the life her own flesh and blood which she bore for 9 months. I wonder how her life will turn out from that point onwards.. losing everything; not only her child but her husband and her own life. I think her guilt and lonliness will be the one that will haunt her for the rest of her life. That karma is worst, and would develop into an even worst mental disorder even if her initial actions were fuelled by selfishness in wanting her husband's attention back.