Author Topic: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)  (Read 9438 times)

hope rainbow

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No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« on: September 30, 2012, 09:34:39 AM »
I came across this very disturbing video of a man that falls on the subway tracks in Stockholm, followed by another man who takes his wallet and leaves him there to be run over by the subway car.
One needs not to be spiritual to be chilled to the bones at this barbarian act showing absolutely no concern over someone else's life, especially when one has the opportunity to help and is the only one available to do so.
The karma of such a mindset and of such an action must be though to bear eventually...

Here we go:
Man robbed and left to die in Sweden


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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2012, 10:49:17 AM »
An act of pure selfishness and greed that leads that man to commit such act. This man could have helped the injured man to get off the track instead of helping, he robbed instead and left him to die. Such mindset is really disturbing i wonder how would a person can be so heartless. Does he feel anything? Really horrible!

DS Star

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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2012, 11:08:19 AM »
This is totally unacceptable! How can one just robbed the victim and left him to be ran over by the train?  >:(

Even if the victim passed out, he could have call for help. This is one of the highest selfish act I ever seen.

In term of karma, the robber had actually creating negative karma equivalent to killing the man himself. The heaviness of this karma can lead the robber to be reborn in a hell, or if he has enough good karma to be reborn as a human being, he will have shorter life and will experience unnatural death.

As Buddhist, the 1st vow of the layman vows i.e. the 5 Precepts, we are to avoid from taking lives (avoid killings); this vow also including saving life when the situation call for it, just like in this case.

hope rainbow

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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2012, 12:37:15 PM »
This is totally unacceptable! How can one just robbed the victim and left him to be ran over by the train?  >:(

Even if the victim passed out, he could have call for help. This is one of the highest selfish act I ever seen.

In term of karma, the robber had actually creating negative karma equivalent to killing the man himself. The heaviness of this karma can lead the robber to be reborn in a hell, or if he has enough good karma to be reborn as a human being, he will have shorter life and will experience unnatural death.

As Buddhist, the 1st vow of the layman vows i.e. the 5 Precepts, we are to avoid from taking lives (avoid killings); this vow also including saving life when the situation call for it, just like in this case.

I agree with you DS Star, the mindset is so strongly careless about another man's life that it may very well be leading to stronger negative karma than even the karma created by someone who kills by accident or someone who has regrets afterwards.
This guy really has ticked all the boxes for a swift visa to hell.


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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2012, 03:09:19 PM »
This is absolutely unacceptable and i reckon this is the one of the worst things that one person can do, daylight robbery! Am so sick even to know about this happening let alone watching it. Moral value down to the lowest level! How can one see this and not helping, to add salt to the wound, the man capped it up by robbing the poor fella off his belongings! What has happened to our human race? One would ask if there are more sickening wrongdoings than this?


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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2012, 04:04:15 PM »
This is an act of incredible cruelty! Instead of helping the victim,this ruthless robber,robbed him and left him to be run over by a train.He should have moved the victim to safety or alerted the station agent to stop the oncoming train,but he did neither of those things.He should be punished accordingly.


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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2012, 06:39:25 PM »
Dear Red Lantern

The thing we can absolutely be sure of is that he WILL be punished accordingly. Otherwise Karma does not exist. As we believe that karma exists, the thief will definitely get his retribution so we need not feel indignant about it.

When i first read this, i thought that the man who fell into the subway must have created the cause for him to be robbed and left to die on the subway tracks also. I then felt less sorry for him and began to contemplate if i was becoming too unfeeling and unsympathetic. If we think that every negative thing which befalls others was caused by their previous actions, do we begin to feel a lack of need to help them? I personally would still help, i guess because it's programmed into me that way.. but i may feel less empathetic to stories i read about in the news for example. What do you think? and this is not just directed at Red lantern but everyone.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2012, 08:09:47 PM »
It is indeed very sad but that's the reality of today's world of materialistic society. People are just thinking of increasing their own wealth. That's why people need Dorje Shugden very much. Dorje Shugden can help people achieve their wishes and to avert accidents. With the new-found faith in him, they might go onto the Dharma and be interested in the teachings.


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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2012, 08:26:51 PM »
Yes, it could be the direct result of something that the victim did in his previous lives or even his current life to have to undergo what he went through. The victim could be well deserving of it but we would't know as we do not know his background.

At first my feeling after watching the clip was that "How on Earth could someone in their sane mind rob someone and leave them there to die!..Does the guy not have brains or moral values at all?" - But then I read WisdomBeing's comment and thought otherwise. Maybe the theft could not fathom the seriousness of the situation or maybe he thought all trains are stopped.Maybe he just saw it as an opportunity to take without realising that a train might come and run over the victim. Maybe he's not as bright. Maybe the karma of the victim led him to that vulnerable situation and the lack of merits blocked the ability of the theft to comprehend what would happen to the victim if left there. Afterall, if we didn't create the causes to receive what we get, we wouldn't get it. I'm totally for the rule of cause and effect  - what goes around comes around. But still, I do sympatise for the victim nevertheless. It's not a pleasant thing to watch.


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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2012, 11:39:42 AM »
This is such a selfish act! It is so unacceptable. Not only did he leave the man to die but he is so heartless to rob someone who is in great risk of dying.  Is the victim’s life worth only a few dollars that was in the wallet? He could move the victim away from the tracks after taken his wallet instead of letting the train runs down the victim. This man had created a heavy negative karma equivalent to killing. He is such a heartless person!  Well, then again it could be their karma to encounter each other in this place and time for this tragic incident to occur.

Jessie Fong

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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2012, 01:37:30 PM »
Well everybody agrees that this is such a selfish act.  How in the world could a person rob another who has literally fallen down and then leave him to be killed in the subway.  Yes, he could have saved the poor victim but he did not care - if he had cared enough in the first place, he would not have robbed him.  He would have just tried to save him instead of robbing him and leaving him to to be run over.

Everyday we hear of ruthless acts and we wonder what is this world coming to?  We really must have dharma in our life and we need Dorje Shugden.

DS Star

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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2012, 03:25:28 AM »
Well-said Jessie, if he cares enough, he wouldn't have robbed the poor victim that fallen down on the track. He has no remorse at all, we can see his 'relax' face very clearly from CCTV when he walked out.

In such cases, we wonder where is the humanity? Where is his 'Buddha's nature'? It is too clouded by his greed? Or is there other 'poisons' covering it too like jealousy, hatred?

Degenerate age so it is... Our world is getting scarier, I am sad to see how 'human beings' can be so blinded. This just show that we cannot rely on conventional method of imparting Dharma anymore, we need new methods that is powerful enough to counter such a 'strong' negative 'field'. Seems Dorje Shugden practice needs to be spread far and wide, as fast as possible...

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2012, 01:59:07 PM »
This is so disturbing. To the robber, the wallet and its contents are more precious and valuable than the life of the man he just robbed. I just can't imagine what was on his mind when he just left a human being to be killed on a subway track. This is an act of an ignorant and heartless person. I am sure he had created a cause for himself to die like his victim did. I feel so sad for the victim and also for the robber too for I know there is no way one can escape from law of cause and effect. :(


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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2012, 07:48:36 AM »
Oh my goodness... this is insane! If I didn't watched the video myself... I probably wouldn't believe that there would be someone, purposely robbing a man and left him on the train tracks to die.

It really is 'amazing' how shallow some people's mind has fallen that they cannot even think for a moment to save someone's life when the need is staring right at his nose... This is just unbelievable.


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Re: No car for someone's life, whatsoever... (Stockholm subway)
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2012, 09:20:33 AM »
Well everybody agrees that this is such a selfish act.  How in the world could a person rob another who has literally fallen down and then leave him to be killed in the subway.  Yes, he could have saved the poor victim but he did not care - if he had cared enough in the first place, he would not have robbed him.  He would have just tried to save him instead of robbing him and leaving him to to be run over.

Everyday we hear of ruthless acts and we wonder what is this world coming to?  We really must have dharma in our life and we need Dorje Shugden.

Yes, I agree, selfishness can lead one to digusting acts, and as we grow our selfishness within us, in time, we can literally get to a point to murder someone, due to selfish reasons.

This scene actually reminded me of something that I physcially experienced and saw once. I was at the immigration, I think, and someone suffered an epileptic fit. So in the midst of the havoc, his wallet got knicked from him because when he got a little better, he was looking for his Identity Card to give to the medics but couldn't find his wallet. The poor old man was in disbelieve, and so was I.

I guess the opportuntiy to take during other's mishaps is easier. People who take are usually opportunistics. How can I take without being caught, what situation would it benefit ME the most, How much can I get from this person. Selfishness is really the root to many of our negative actions these days