Author Topic: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza  (Read 16989 times)


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Re: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2012, 10:33:01 AM »
Though it is a clear sign that Lama Osel is the reincarnation of Lama Yeshe, it may not be seems to be his time yet to return to FPMT nor to appear as a Lama due to the broken samaya of FPMT students.  Since there's no cause for him to continue with FPMT for now even he may wants to (may be...), I would look at he may be spreading dharma in his own creative and unconventional ways in Ibiza where it is the land of parties, fun, beaches and clubs for many! Why not?  That's where most people there need help too.

It is not the end for FPMT students yet, if they could only see the other side of what their Lama is doing now and it is the reflection of their mind too.  Let's all hope...


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Re: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2012, 02:07:55 PM »
Personally, it is indisputable that Lama Osel is the reincarnation of Lama Yeshe. For those of us who believe this to be true, Lama Osel must have a reason for manifesting in this way, even though it is difficult to understand for most of us. Lama Yeshe was controversial in his time, so it does not surprise me at all that he is manifesting in this way. His dharma heart is always there though as can be seen in his care for Lama Zopa when Lama Zopa was ill and the photographs I have seen of Lama Osel in the monastery.

I can’t wait for this new generation of Shugden Lamas like Lama Osel, HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche and HH Zong Rinpoche to come into their own. I think it is just a matter of time.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being

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Re: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2012, 04:14:19 PM »
You know what? On a deeper level, I dont think the headline is so far from the truth. Who is to say Lama Osel isnt teaching people Dharma when hes chilling on the beach? If he were in robes, could he reach out to and help the people who are out on the beach getting pissed every night? No, theyd never accept him.

So perhaps its time for us to stop thinking of everything from FPMTs perspective, and start thinking about the people Lama Osel is helping. It may have been FPMTs loss for giving up Dorje Shugden, and therefore breaking samaya with their teacher and losing Lama Osel, but for those people on Ibiza, its their gain.

This is true... In his infinite wisdom, Lama Osel is perhaps using our degenerate times to spread the Dharma. He certainly has not denounced Buddhism. In fact he is most likely using skillful means to impart the Dharma. Even if his students action has caused him to be distant from them, it does not mean he still cannot turn the wheel of Dharma. In fact, the very fact that he is still continuing in this life means there has to be a point to his being in this physical form in this life... and from this very logic, I reckon Lama Osel is certainly a revolutionary teacher to keep an eye on.

I would also like to share this beautiful picture of Lama Osel and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. If a picture were to paint a thousand words, surely this one speaks volumns!:

A shorter article on the same interview by Fiona Govan, Madrid (The Daily Telegraph)

Tibetan lama 'reincarnation' rediscovers himself in Ibiza
As a toddler he was identified as a reincarnation of a Tibetan lama, sent to a monastery in India where he was locked away from the outside world and worshipped as a god.

Now, aged 27-years-old the Spaniard who was recognised by the Dalai Lama as Lama Tenzin Osel Rinpoche, has swapped his monastic robes for a life on the party island of Ibiza where he plays bongo drums, chills out to trance music and dreams of becoming a documentary film maker.

Osel Hita Torres has spoken out about his extraordinary childhood and his decision to abandon life as a spiritual leader, thwarting the dreams of his parents and the Tibetan monks who guided him until he left the monastery shortly after his 18th birthday.

Interviewed for a BBC Radio Four documentary entitled "The Reluctant Lama" he described how he was taken away from his parents and sent to a Tibetan monastery in southern India.

A search for the reincarnation of Lama Thebden Yeshe, who died in 1984, led his devotees to Spain and to baby Osel, the fifth child of two of his Spanish followers in whom they detected "a certain meditative self-containment".

He was taken to Sera monastery in India where aged only 14 months he picked out former possessions belonging to Lama Yeshe, including his sunglasses, thereby confirming the reincarnation, which was then endorsed by the Dalai Lama.

His parents, Maria and Paco were thrilled at the idea that their son had been chosen as the vessel for Lama Yeshe's spirit.

"For them it wasn't something negative," Mr Torres told the BBC. "It was a huge opportunity – like sending their kid to Yale or Oxford."

But over the years he started to wonder whether he was a true Buddhist at all, a feeling that culminated when he read Herman Hesse's Siddhartha.

When he turned 18 he asked if he could leave the monastery and return to his family in Spain.
"I got a huge amount of letters and phone calls and people coming to visit me, just telling me that I made a huge mistake, that I lost a huge opportunity, that was my destiny, my purpose, blah-blah-blah, whatever." said Mr Torres, who after years of a shaved head, now sports a mop of hair, bushy sideburns and a goatee beard. A large tattoo decorates his left shoulder.

But he admitted that he still feels a closeness to the Lama he is worshipped as a reincarnation of.
"Sometimes I ask Lama Yeshe to give me a message or a sign or something. And many times he does.
"So I don't know if he's outside or if he's inside. I don't know, but he's one of my best friends."

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Re: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2012, 04:24:33 PM »
I just came across this picture on facebook... look at the background!!! Osel Hita... aka Lama Osel in front of the camera... doing what he wants to be doing now.. in film and production. Notice what is in the background! Imagine thousands if not millions getting the blessings of the Buddha images... if this is not a skillful way, I dont know what is!


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Re: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2012, 04:34:03 PM »
Though it is a clear sign that Lama Osel is the reincarnation of Lama Yeshe, it may not be seems to be his time yet to return to FPMT nor to appear as a Lama due to the broken samaya of FPMT students.  Since there's no cause for him to continue with FPMT for now even he may wants to (may be...), I would look at he may be spreading dharma in his own creative and unconventional ways in Ibiza where it is the land of parties, fun, beaches and clubs for many! Why not?  That's where most people there need help too.

It is not the end for FPMT students yet, if they could only see the other side of what their Lama is doing now and it is the reflection of their mind too.  Let's all hope...

To me, it is more than clear to me that Lama Osel is Lama Yeshe's reincarnation and they are one and the same. Lama Osel may not be wearing robes, but he is certainly doing the work of his predecessor without a doubt. He is still doing Dharma even though its not in a form that his ex students might like or is comfortable with. I dont think there is a contradiction with that because no matter what it is still Dharma. Dosent really matter what form he is doing but if he is doing something that is to benefit the Dharma centers, then it is Dharma. I really hope that his students are more appreciative of him making the effort to help finance FPMT, instead of lamenting on how he's not around for them anymore, although it does seem that Lama Osel want to see how they would react if he said what he did in some recent interviews such as this one.


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Re: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2012, 05:16:07 PM »
If we look at the new wave of tulkus.. They appear to be rebel, samsaric, uncoorperative and so on... Just to name a few Kalu Rinpoche, Gomo Tulku, Lama Osel are the few who truly represent what the youth are these days.  It might seemed like they abandoned their duties as a spiritual figure but nevertheless, no matter how rebel they are, most of them were "recognised" and completed the monastery study to the age of 18yo.  If they are any ordinary lay person, they would have run away!

Now, the manifestation is a clear sign that this is the time that the dharma is degenerating.  Even the high lamas had to manifest this way to clear obstacles for the people to receive dharma.  On the other hand, each of them played a significant role to attract youth of that kind so they can be near them and learn the dharma someday.  This is definitely the compassionate actions of such highly lama to benefit people of today who only interest in music, party and material things.  There will come a day when dharma is so widely spread and the lucky ones would still get benefited by pure dharma because we are still very lucky to have such noble lamas return and living among us.

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2012, 06:19:01 PM »
If we look at the new wave of tulkus.. They appear to be rebel, samsaric, uncoorperative and so on... Just to name a few Kalu Rinpoche, Gomo Tulku, Lama Osel are the few who truly represent what the youth are these days.  It might seemed like they abandoned their duties as a spiritual figure but nevertheless, no matter how rebel they are, most of them were "recognised" and completed the monastery study to the age of 18yo.  If they are any ordinary lay person, they would have run away!

Now, the manifestation is a clear sign that this is the time that the dharma is degenerating.  Even the high lamas had to manifest this way to clear obstacles for the people to receive dharma.  On the other hand, each of them played a significant role to attract youth of that kind so they can be near them and learn the dharma someday.  This is definitely the compassionate actions of such highly lama to benefit people of today who only interest in music, party and material things.  There will come a day when dharma is so widely spread and the lucky ones would still get benefited by pure dharma because we are still very lucky to have such noble lamas return and living among us.

I do share the same sentiment with DharmaDefender and Barzin. Whatever Lama Osel is doing now may seem to be so "wrong" in the eyes of many. But how can anyone normal, know the real intention and motivation behind the action of a highly attained Lama?

In this degenerate era, there are just too much distractions going on. I think if we were to ask someone to just unplug themselves from all the "fun and action", they're currently having and start praying and chanting, it will be a shock to them. Well, there's nothing wrong with having fun and action, because that's the way it is these days. The world we live in today teaches people that success = rich and rich =  success. Therefore people chase after money thinking that they can only be happy if they have lotsa money, and that money can bring much enjoyments and pleasures.

Hence, the true motivation behind what Lama Osel is doing remains to be seen. I am quite sure such a learned Lama like Lama Osel knows what he is doing. He may not be wearing his robes anymore but that doesn't mean he has joined the world to "enjoy". Maybe it's just his way of bringing Dharma into the lives of many who are just too "busy" to be bothered about being spiritual. Instead of waiting for them to come, he joined them to give them the Dharma in a very skilful way.


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Re: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2012, 09:55:23 PM »
There are many many many other young Tulkus in the Monasteries that the Western and more or less the Eastern worlds do not know about. They are quiet, study, fulfill their duties, hold their vows very well and are humble. They do their practice, serve the monasteries and their gurus. There are perhaps nearly over a hundred of these.

Why focus on a few that always wish to manifest themselves 'differently' and you have doubts in them.



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Re: Lama Osel rediscovers himself in Ibiza
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2012, 12:50:32 PM »
There are many many many other young Tulkus in the Monasteries that the Western and more or less the Eastern worlds do not know about. They are quiet, study, fulfill their duties, hold their vows very well and are humble. They do their practice, serve the monasteries and their gurus. There are perhaps nearly over a hundred of these.

Why focus on a few that always wish to manifest themselves 'differently' and you have doubts in them.
Thaimonk has a point here. If it is a generation thing then all tulkus of this generation would manifest in the same way and be modern and all. But why only them? Lama Osel and Kalu Rinpoche both share the same problem: their ex students broke samaya and engaged in activities that contradict the teachings of the previous Kalu Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe. So from there we can see a pattern. Not much can be gained from Gomo Tulku, but from the other two tulkus, what is happening is very clear: the tulkus cannot manifest the way that they did in their past life solely due top broken samaya that their previous students put them through and to me, it is not something bad or good, its just how they choose to present themselves. If some people feel that their Lama has disappointed them, they should really think and focus and regret that they have disappointed their lama by turning the gompa into a political batteground or simply just disregarding the lama's practices and advice. But of course, who wants to admit that they are wrong? In holding on to be right, they lose Lama Yeshe. At least Kalu Rinpoche still teaches in robes.

FPMT better wake up before it is too late.