Author Topic: Tibet's Freedom is Near  (Read 13806 times)


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Tibet's Freedom is Near
« on: October 10, 2012, 06:07:02 AM »
.... Or is it?....

A new article up on the website that's sure to shake the Tibetan community to its core. Indeed, where IS Tibet's freedom? Here's the link to the article, or read it right below. It's important to watch the video first before you read on. The kind folks here have even clipped out essential parts of the videos for easy viewing.

Do take note of the inconsistencies of the Tibetan government, especially this question: why pray and rely on beings that aren't enlightened, but reject a Protector who is an emanation of the enlightened Buddha Manjushri? Not logical???


First, watch the video:
Where is Tibet's freedom?

Indeed, where IS Tibet’s freedom? It’s been 53 years since the Dalai Lama fled Tibet, along with hundreds of monks, nuns and laypeople to try to find a new life in the neighbouring countries of India, Nepal and Bhutan. There has been no progress in the fight for freedom throughout the 53 years and it does not look like the Tibetans are any closer to getting freedom or autonomy.

This video report by France 24, created in 2009 brings another perspective. It reveals the prophecies given by an Indian Hindu ‘goddess’ and a Buddhist oracle about the future of the Tibetan people. The first is called Sambhavi, the reincarnation of a Hindu goddess in the form of a little girl, who states that the Tibetans will return in 2012. The second, the state oracle of Tibet, named Nechung, reveals that the Dalai Lama will go to China, teach there and everyone will be happy. (By stating that he will go to China, this indicates that Tibet is free and the Dalai Lama is allowed to return to what is currently Chinese soil).

(1) It has been 3 years since the video was made and the Tibetans are no closer to getting their country back or returning to their homeland. Why is this happening? Why isn’t the Dalai Lama any closer to returning to Tibet? Are all the prophecies wrong?

If the prophecies really are wrong and not coming true, then we are forced to ask the question: Why does the Dalai Lama and his government, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) continue to rely on such inaccurate oracles and Hindu ‘goddesses’ for guidance and counsel?

(2) It is very important to note that these two beings featured in the news report are NOT enlightened beings. In a Buddhist sense, it is safe only to rely completely on fully enlightened beings – i.e. Buddhas – for the most accurate prophecies and guidance as they have full omniscience, wisdom and compassion. Any lesser beings who are not enlightened have only limited wisdom and clairvoyance and therefore are often unable to give the most accurate advice. Nechung is commonly known for not being an enlightened being but a spirit who was tamed and subdued; Sambhavi, the Hindu ’goddess’, is also not enlightened (we do not mean any disrespect in saying this, but it is the truth).

There are huge contradictions in the way the Dalai Lama and his government conduct such matters. They will seek the guidance of unenlightened deity oracles, but at the same time ban the practice of enlightened deities such as the Buddha Dorje Shugden. They encourage and openly publicize Sambhavi and Nechung, but persecute, attack and discriminate against Dorje Shugden devotees, claiming that Dorje Shugden is not a correct practice. If relying on Dorje Shugden, a fully enlightened Buddha, is not correct, then what is? And why is it more acceptable and correct to rely on unenlightened beings? This goes against the most basic principles and teachings of Buddhism.

(3) This also begs the question: why are the Tibetans placing so much emphasis and focus on the advice of oracles instead of assuming a level of responsibility and being answerable to their own failures? A few years ago, it was declared that the practice of the deity Dorje Shugden would harm the cause for the freedom of Tibet; that if people prayed to him, it would jeopardize their chances of returning to their homeland. Instead of assuming responsibility, they blamed their failure on a deity. History repeats itself now, as they pin all their hopes of freedom on the forecast of other deities. Why do they lay the entire future of their own people in religion, instead of doing something tangible on a secular level to improve the life of Tibetans right now?

Moreover, the devoted Tibetans have ardently listened to the advice of the Dalai Lama and have abandoned the practice of Dorje Shugden for well over a decade… So where is Tibet’s freedom? They still seem no closer to obtaining freedom in any way. So is the failure to achieve freedom really Dorje Shugden’s fault?

(4) As you will see in the third video, members of the Tibetan authority are very evasive when asked what they think about the Nechung oracle’s prophecies. They clearly do not wish to comment on the subject and those who do, speak quite reluctantly. This shows that even those in higher positions of secular authority are not eager to say that they agree with the oracles. Nor are they allowed to openly disagree with the oracles and what they say. While some are afraid to take responsibility for the actions of the secular government, others are simply not allowed to. To disagree with the Nechung oracle and his advice would be likened to a sort of betrayal against the Dalai Lama and the state.

If we are to speak about freedom, it is obvious that even within the Tibetan exiled community, there is no freedom among themselves. The Tibetans are not given any room to truly speak up, to speak against these old religious traditions or to lobby for more progressive secular governing methods and initiatives.  Spiritual authority is not allowed to be questioned.

(5) On a spiritual level, it also does not make sense for the Dalai Lama to be consulting unenlightened deity oracles like this. Buddhists believe him to be the emanation of the Buddha of Compassion, Chenrezig. As a fully enlightened being with full clairvoyance, why would he need to consult the advice and guidance of lesser beings, at a lower level of attainment?

Furthermore, among the most basic commitments of any religious practitioner who has embraced the Buddhist path is not to rely or pray to unenlightened beings. Both Sambhavi and Nechung are very clearly unenlightened beings. (Please see here for further information about the true nature of Nechung: For the Dalai Lama and his people to rely on them in this way sends an incorrect message to all Buddhists as it obviously and directly contravenes the most basic promises we take as we enter the path.

(6) It is also widely known throughout history that Nechung, the state oracle, has made countless mistakes in his prophecies and advice. This has been clearly documented and some mistakes have been extremely serious, contributing to the loss of their country. Why then do the CTA, their Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay and the Dalai Lama continue to seek and heed the advice of this deity? At the same time, they reject the advice and practice of a highly accurate and enlightened Buddha like Dorje Shugden. This is not logical, nor fair to the devotees of Dorje Shugden, who are constantly berated, belittled and attacked for their belief and practice.

The greater irony in all of this is that it was Nechung who had ‘advised’ the Dalai Lama and his government to stop praying to Dorje Shugden. It was Nechung who stated that the practice of Dorje Shugden would hurt the cause for Tibet’s independence and cause the Dalai Lama’s life to shorten. It seems almost farcical that an unenlightened being would be denigrating and giving advice against an enlightened being, and that the Dalai Lama would choose to follow this advice instead.

Also, if he is so commonly known to have made many mistakes in his prophecies and advice, isn’t it therefore also possible that his advice about Dorje Shugden is also wrong? In other words, it is very likely that Tibet’s independence does not hinge in any way on Dorje Shugden; nor is it Dorje Shugden’s fault in any way if Tibet does not obtain its freedom.

In this day and age, the sole reliance on the gods for the future of a secular society is not feasible; nor will it be taken seriously by the rest of the modern world. In particular, the further contradictions, inconsistencies and inaccuracies of these oracles make it even more difficult for a secular community to accept what they are saying. To depend so heavily on the advice of gods instead of assuming responsibility for their own people seems a highly unreliable and unstable way of governing a country. Furthermore, to use the gods against each other – where some are so strongly relied upon and others are grossly banned and disparaged – turns the leaders into even more of a farce.

At the end of the day, after cutting through all the politics, prophecies and contradictions, the few burning questions still remain: Where is Tibet’s freedom or autonomy? And why haven’t any of the prophecies (see the videos above) come true? Why is a modern government and leadership still laying the entire future of their people and ‘country’ on the unstable words of unenlightened gods? Is this method really working?

Big Uncle

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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2012, 06:58:23 PM »

(1) It has been 3 years since the video was made and the Tibetans are no closer to getting their country back or returning to their homeland. Why is this happening? Why isn’t the Dalai Lama any closer to returning to Tibet? Are all the prophecies wrong?

Why does Nechung keep giving false prophecies and the consistency in which they are false seem to be becoming the norm? Why does CTA and the Dalai Lama still consult this protector and allow people false hope. However, there is  a prophecy that Nechung will eventually become enlightened and vacate his office as the main Dharma Protector and that a new successor is awaiting his turn just outside of the Southern Gate. With that in mind, don't you think that Nechung is deliberately planning his grand exit by appearing to be ineffective.

diamond girl

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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2012, 11:08:58 AM »

(1) It has been 3 years since the video was made and the Tibetans are no closer to getting their country back or returning to their homeland. Why is this happening? Why isn’t the Dalai Lama any closer to returning to Tibet? Are all the prophecies wrong?

Why does Nechung keep giving false prophecies and the consistency in which they are false seem to be becoming the norm? Why does CTA and the Dalai Lama still consult this protector and allow people false hope. However, there is  a prophecy that Nechung will eventually become enlightened and vacate his office as the main Dharma Protector and that a new successor is awaiting his turn just outside of the Southern Gate. With that in mind, don't you think that Nechung is deliberately planning his grand exit by appearing to be ineffective.

Big Uncle,
You have raised a very good question. I was just thinking the same thing. From the best of my knowledge, Nechung was the State's oracle, therefore I would think to consult him is "correct". However, even when Nechung was State oracle, the consultation of Dorje Shugden oracle was also practised. Therefore, they both existed together. 

If Protectors can co-exist, why is it that it is like they are in competition? Is this conflict a man-made situation? Are we supposed to think deeper? Could this be made so that faith in Dorje Shugden continues to grow? Compassion in a much deeper level perhaps....


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2012, 11:51:27 AM »
Its scary to know how Nechung has been giving wrong prophecies for so many years now. When Nechung was consulted in Tibet on whether or not Dalai Lama should flee the country, Nechung said the Dalai Lama should stay. It was Dorje Shugden who told the Dalai Lama to leave. And true enough, the very next day His Holiness left his residence, the chinese army invaded the Potala Palace. So Nechung was wrong to in his prophecy.

Now it is happening again. And I wonder how many more wrong prophecies have been given by Nechung over these years. Don't you guys think its scary? all the things the Dalai Lama has been doing all these years, were they all WRONG because of Nechung?

If Nechung is right, then where's the FREEDOM?


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2012, 06:00:44 PM »
So worshiping and relying on a spirit is wrong. So why rely on Nechung??? Isn't He a spirit?

How many predictions have been given by Nechung that has came out untrue? One of it was that His Holiness will return to China - Tibet so where and when is this happening. Oh the other was that His Holiness will definitely have a his life sorten if people still continued with Dorje Shugden... well many huge monasteries have been mushrooming out... and we do not see His Holiness health falter in any huge sense.

In so many aspects there is NO LOGIC to this BAN.

One thing's for sure despite the Ban, Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world are growing tremendously more and stronger... no sign of slowing down here :)


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2012, 06:22:43 PM »
The more I look at it; this whole ban is just illogical. To me, whether Tibet is free or not, it is not the real issue. Do we see the life of Tibetans in Tibet worsening with China Govenment? I only see the life of the Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden are threaten, discriminated and harm by Tibetans (CTA) just because of the different view in religion practices. So, my point is, whether Tibet is free or not is not the actual issue. If we want to see peace and harmony in Tibetan community, CTA should not discriminate their own nations just for the different view in religion!   

The ban should be lifted, then, Tibet will have true “freedom” –– peace and harmony!


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2012, 07:50:17 PM »
I think there is more freedom when people are allowed to do what they want as long as it is not harmful.  I don't understand why the Tibetans are creating more obstacles for themselves.  What is the point keep fighting to earn their country back when the welfare of the people are not taken care of?  This also goes hand in hand when a silly ban on a practice is even a major national issue.  It must be all the negative karma that created by the people that stops from getting the country back.  Has Nechung look into it?


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2012, 08:14:28 PM »
@Beggar This article provided a very good and thought-provoking read.

It is hard to digest that His Holiness the Dalai Lama would support prophecies coming from a spirit, a god and not an attained being.

Even if we were to come from the perspective that Dorje Shugden is not an enlightened being - why support prophecies of Shambhavi (wife of Shiva, and the mother of all Lord Shiva's devotees) and Nechung (a subdued spirit)?

It is a fact that Nechung is a spirit. It is a fact that Shabhavi is a god. Neither are enlightened beings and neither are enlightened protectors.

Is there no one else to rely on? What about Mahakala, Setrap and Palden Lhamo?

Looking at this situation from the perspective of a Tibetan Buddhist follower of HHDL - I do not see anything wrong that they blindly believe in Nechung's or Shambhavi's prophecies. When you've lost your country and a little "divine" girl (who is supported by HHDL) tells you that you'll be able to return to your stolen land in a few years - I may just give her offerings, cry like a mad woman and thank her. To the typical Tibetan Buddhist follower, who gives two cents whether she's telling the truth? After all, false hope sells. Look at the Christian faith, "Accept God and you are saved from your sins".

But, why is His Holiness the Dalai Lama supporting her?

Regardless of the (unnecessary) smack that Shugdenpas throw at HHDL, I don't view HHDL as another ordinary human being. He is the emanation of Chenrezig, if not a highly attained being. 

So, again, why did HHDL support this little girl so strongly? Why does HHDL consult Nechung instead of say, Palden Lhamo?

These contradictory actions can't possibly be coincidental. Even if we do not believe that the Dalai Lama is one of any attainments, having teachers such as Trijang Rinpoche and Ling Rinpoche who believed that the Dalai Lama is the real McCoy, and imparted their vast knowledge onto Him, that in itself should be sufficient for us to believe that the Dalai Lama is who he is: the emanation of Chenrezig. If not, we then doubt some of the greatest masters of our time.

I believe that the Dalai Lama's seemingly contradictory actions is something that we all should examine, and not for us to just mindlessly spew hate towards the Dalai Lama himself. Otherwise, we are no better than the typical Tibetan Buddhist.

My examination leads me to believe that perhaps when the day comes that His Holiness the Dalai Lama does pass away, all these accumulated confusion kindly created by the Dalai Lama will leave people in a limbo - who do they now rely on?

Dorje Shugden is already in many, many people's mindstreams - both Eastern and Western - thanks to the ban, thanks to the Dalai Lama.

After the Dalai Lama enters clear light, the ban will die down (I mean, it already is), and the prophecy of the 16th Karmapa will take effect, “You will have no choice in the future but to practice this protector; there will come a time when you need him".

Hey, everything is possible. For me, my money is on the 16th Karmapa's prophecy, and not the little Indian girl.


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2012, 11:06:25 AM »
The question of freedom is an unusual conundrum within the Tibetan exiled community. I don't know if they realise it but "freedom" shouldn't just be about them getting their country back and being "free" from the Chinese. It should also be about freedom within their community, which there hasn't been. I don't know if they realize the great irony that while they're fighting for some grand cause of "freedom", the tibetan leaders are oppressing their very own people, so that they can't even be free among themselves.

We have had the expression that Shugden practitioners are "twice exiled" - first from their homeland of Tibet, and secondly from within their exiled Tibetan community within India / Nepal (Shugden practitioners are excluded from all mainstream secular affairs and religions affairs; denied government welfare, education, healthcare and job opportunities; and even brutally attacked just because of their religious choices).  Let's not talk in such big terms of securing autonomy and freedom for the Tibetan people / Tibetan state. Let's talk first about how there is a desperate lack of equal opportunities among Tibetans living in India alone. Let's talk about how important it is to establish a true sense of human rights and freedom of religion among one very small community that have already gone through so much as a displaced group of people.  How does one fight for freedom of an entire nation, when the nation itself (if you can even call it a nation), is imploding within itself? How does anyone on a global stage take the exiled Tibetans and their leadership seriously when they can't even grant their own people the basic human rights enjoyed by any modern nation. By such behavior, a more serious issue like their appeal for autonomy seems almost comical, not at all to be taken seriously.

I wonder - does Lobsang Sangay and his people even realise how much they are all cutting off their noses to spite their own faces?


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2012, 06:45:30 AM »
So an unenlightened Hindu goddess and an unenlightened Protector predicted three years ago, that this year (year 2012)Tibet would get its freedom , Tibetans would return home and the HH Dalai Lama would be teaching in China. None of this has come to pass. So what's going to happen next. Will the Dalai Lama consult the State oracle (Nechung ) again as to what's gone wrong with the prophecy?

Yes, we must put our heads together and try to cipher what 'message' the Dalai Lama is sending through his persistent consultation of an unenlightened Protector who has been consistently giving him wrong advice and wrong prophecies. First Nechung advises HH Dalai Lama that the practice of Dorje Shugden, an enlightened Protector, would hurt Tibet's struggle for freedom and shorten His life. So the Dalai Lama chooses to listen to the advice of an unenlightened protector and puts a ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden, an Enlightened Protector, whom he had practiced with great devotion as shown in his written prayer and praise to Shugden,' Melody of the Unceasing Vajra'.

Then Nechung gives him all kinds of wrong advice about Tibet before its fall to China and this has contributed vastly to the loss of Tibet to the Chinese. But ,surprisingly, after Nechung advises HH Dalai Lama not to leave Tibet in 1959, the Dalai Lama then chooses to listen to Dorje Shugden who advises Him to leave immediately and escorts Him to safety in India. However, later, CTA or the Dalai Lama gives out the story that it was Nechung who had asked Him to leave immediately!

And now this wrong prophecy of three years ago by Nechung. Amidst this string of confusing wrong prophecies and advice and the Dalai Lama's persistent faith in Nechung, can His Holiness be sending a message that we shouldn't be relying on Him(and indirectly, Nechung) now? That it' more logical now to rely on an Enlightened Protector whose time is NOW? After all, as Nechung gets ready to vacate his post in the South Gate, isn't he waiting for Dorje Shugden to fill that post? There is a bigger picture after all. Over and above all this, we must remember that His Holiness is the most compassionate Chenrezig. 



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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2012, 10:46:05 AM »
China will never let Tibet out of their grasp, The only way an Independent Tibet would arise would be if China where to somehow become politically unstable and their central government crumble, Even then Tibet would need a large conventional army to guard against a future Chinese threat. Maybe in the next 400 years things will change but the way things are now I don't see Tibet gaining any sort of Independence soon the only way the Dalai lama and the exile community could return to Tibet would be if HH ceased being a separatist in the eyes of the Chinese and I very much doubt that this impression will leave the Chinese while this Dalai lama is still living.

But there will definitely be a 15th Dalai lama of Tibet just as there is a 11th Panchen Lama now.

christine V

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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2012, 03:51:22 PM »
Tibet's freedom is near, i would like to question on freedom in what's sense? Tibet is going to be a country by itself? Looking at current situation, is almost impossible that the Chinese Government will ever let go of this "fat sheep" . Recently, in youtube there was a documentary about Tibet, in the documentary you can see how much "hardwork" that the China's Government have put in to get Tibet.
Tibet - Cry of the Snow Lion -
Tibet - Cry of the Snow Lion Small | Large

The state Oracle, Nechung - was the one who requested Dorje Shugden to protect the Nagarjuna views. If Nechung have requested this, it is not possible for him to go against Dorje Shugden. But, why did Nechung do this, advise not to practice on Dorje Shugden ? And, giving false advise again and again, whereby the advises some are very obvious and fatal? It doesn't make sense.   Maybe Nechung is preparing to give way to Dorje Shugden. Well , let's see the progress.


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2012, 07:01:30 PM »
Personally I find it a little odd that if Nechung is going to gain enlightenment, surely he would not be making so many mistakes. How can a being who is about to gain enlightenment exhibit so much incompetence. Perhaps it is a method which is beyond me but I just do not find it logical. If Nechung is about to become enlightened, I would have thought that he would show signs of tremendous accuracy in his predictions and complete infallibility. While I of course believe that Dorje Shugden will be the Protector of Tibet and replace Nechung, what I cannot see right now is how.

Anyway, back to the topic of freedom of Tibet, I do not think freedom is in geography. Countries have been swallowed up and borders and boundaries have changed over time. Look at Prussia!

For centuries, the House of Hohenzollern ruled Prussia, successfully expanding its size by way of an unusually well-organized and effective army. Prussia shaped the history of Germany, with its capital in Berlin after 1451. By 1871, the smaller German city states were merged with Prussia, resulting in the creation of the German Empire. In November 1918 the royalty abdicated and the nobility lost most of its political power. Prussia was effectively abolished in 1932, and officially abolished in 1947. – from

If that can happen to such a powerful country like Prussia, what more Tibet. Prussia has become Germany, and I believe Tibet has become China. The sooner we accept it and see how we can work within these parameters, the easier it will be assimilate into something that is not only inevitable but already is.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2012, 08:33:03 PM »

(1) It has been 3 years since the video was made and the Tibetans are no closer to getting their country back or returning to their homeland. Why is this happening? Why isn’t the Dalai Lama any closer to returning to Tibet? Are all the prophecies wrong?

Why does Nechung keep giving false prophecies and the consistency in which they are false seem to be becoming the norm? Why does CTA and the Dalai Lama still consult this protector and allow people false hope. However, there is  a prophecy that Nechung will eventually become enlightened and vacate his office as the main Dharma Protector and that a new successor is awaiting his turn just outside of the Southern Gate. With that in mind, don't you think that Nechung is deliberately planning his grand exit by appearing to be ineffective.

It was Nechung who committed Duldzin Drakpa to the promise to rise as the Uncommon Protector of Tsongkhapa's teachings and then reminded Tulku Drakpa of the same promise. Such was Nechung's strength of purpose and yet later on Nechung began to advise against the practice of Dorje Shugden. Nechung's inconsistency is far too blatant for a being that is about to be enlightened to make and therefore the question is why? And as if to drive home the point that Nechung should not be relied upon anymore, Nechung  began to give inaccurate prophecies and  even advice which are clearly wrong. 

The actions of His Holiness The Dalai Lama follow the same pattern as Nechung or should I say, Nechung's actions mirror that of the Dalai Lama's.  And given the closeness between Nechung and HHDL, the only logical conclusion for 2 highly attained beings to be making such similar "mistakes" is that they are in collusion for a bigger purpose.

For some time now, I could not figure out why HHDL being such a deft statesman as He is, who has been so competent at sweeping the world off its feet, could not find a way to win over China. China after all has also more to gain in finding peaceful compromise with the CTA than continue being seen as the aggressive bully who destroyed Shangri-la. Therefore, surely China would welcome overtures by the Dalai Lama but His Holiness has not made any serious and realistic ones. Again, the question is why?

Perhaps the return of Tibet to Tibetan rule has never been His Holiness's main objective.  If the Dalai Lama is Avalokiteshvara, then surely the question of who governs a country cannot be as important as how effectively the Dharma spreads and for Dharma to spread in an age when its practice is degenerating the Dalai Lama had to engineer a dynamic growth.

Here, an old proverb comes into play that is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and so the Dalai Lama "created" two enemies - China and Dorje Shugden. Combining the two could achieve a dynamic growth of the Dharma. And so the Dalai Lama keeps winding up China and at the same time, openly present the practice of Dorje Shugden as a potent means by which China could be rid of a thorn on its side.

The Dalai Lama's "failure" to find a solution to the Tibet crisis and His Holiness's ban of Dorje Shugden is all the time a two-prong strategy to in fact spread the Protector practice, with Nechung as an important ally. Nothing else makes much sense.


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Re: Tibet's Freedom is Near
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2012, 03:40:11 AM »

(1) It has been 3 years since the video was made and the Tibetans are no closer to getting their country back or returning to their homeland. Why is this happening? Why isn’t the Dalai Lama any closer to returning to Tibet? Are all the prophecies wrong?

Why does Nechung keep giving false prophecies and the consistency in which they are false seem to be becoming the norm? Why does CTA and the Dalai Lama still consult this protector and allow people false hope. However, there is  a prophecy that Nechung will eventually become enlightened and vacate his office as the main Dharma Protector and that a new successor is awaiting his turn just outside of the Southern Gate. With that in mind, don't you think that Nechung is deliberately planning his grand exit by appearing to be ineffective.

this is not the first time Nechung has been doing so really. During the time of the great 13th Dalai Lama, at the most crucial time, the 13th Dalai Lama was down with a bad fever and sickness on which he summoned Nechung through the oracle and the doctor to his private room. It was noted that Nechung gave the 13th Dalai Lama the wrong medicine which caused the Dalai Lama to absorb his winds and leave his body.

One too many mention on the mistakes and wrong prophecies of Nechung but he is not publicly demoted or noted to be an evil spirit? I mean, a spirit who gave the wrong medicine to a holy leader of Tibet when times were not good for the nation? Of course such news were swept under the carpet by the Tibetan Govt. But what makes more sense than never is the ill treatment of something good and the good treatment of something which consistently screws up.

Is the Tibetan govt or CTA upholding their religion correctly or using supernatural forces to explain what they have been unable to deliver?

Tibet is further from independance as time and people are not on their side. CTA please give your own people religious freedom to practice their sacred protector before asking for spiritual and secular freedom from the Chinese, lead by example please
Harry Nephew

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