Author Topic: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector  (Read 9621 times)


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The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« on: October 14, 2012, 11:54:15 AM »
Beautiful story of a very kind person.

Lou Xiaoying, now 88 and suffering from kidney failure, found and raised more than 30 abandoned Chinese babies from the streets of Jinhua, in the eastern Zhejiang province where she managed to make a living by recycling rubbish.

'The whole thing started when I found the first baby, a little girl back in 1972 when I was out collecting rubbish. She was just lying amongst the junk on the street, abandoned. She would have died had we not rescued her and taken her in.
'Watching her grow and become stronger gave us such happiness and I realised I had a real love of caring for children.
'I realised if we had strength enough to collect garbage how could we not recycle something as important as human lives,' she explained.
'These children need love and care. They are all precious human lives. I do not understand how people can leave such a vulnerable baby on the streets.

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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2012, 12:44:02 PM »
I am sure a lot of people will feel inspiring to do the same after reading the story, but if we were put into that situation, be honest how many of us will really do it? We might feel it is so easy to be compassionate but after all that emotional feeling goes away will you really go out and help those unfortunate ones. Lou Xiaoying by her profession might not earning lots of money and yet no matter how the situation is she ready to help. The point is, she really wants to do so, there's the difference here i guess. Not doing it because of hidden agenda but with pure motivation and care. May Lou Xiaoying have swift recovery and always be protect by her kindness.


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2012, 01:23:00 PM »
A truly true and wonderful lady.I am in awe of her true love and compassion .She lived in poverty with her husband and had little in life yet,she gave 'life' to these abandon children.Clearly a strong and kind lady,an example for others to follow.May their next life be as worthy as they have made this one.May the people and parents who do the best they can to preserve the lives of their children and the children who never grew inside their tummy but in their hearts be blessed always!


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2012, 03:48:22 PM »
Inspiring story from an ordinary man.. I admire those people who quietly put in continuous effort to help others without expecting anything in return. Especially ordinary Jo just like this uncle, he does not earn a lot of money but he is willing to to share his limited resources.

A true Buddha it he making.
Down with the BAN!!!

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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2012, 05:04:19 PM »
It is really sad to come across stories of babies abandoned by the parents, I never think, not for one minute, that it can be easy for the parents to do such a thing...
China has lots of baby girls being abandoned, as the child that is considered the best one, the one that will bring in money and reputation is always a BOY. To be born a GIRL in some circumstances in China is the result of a pretty bad karma...


As the world’s largest national congress meets in Beijing to prepare for new leadership, likely successor Xi Jinping will inherit a roadblock to growth dating back almost to the era of Mao Zedong: the one-child policy.

Implemented in 1979 to alleviate poverty, the restriction on family size will cut the number of 15- to 24-year-olds, the mainstay of factories that drove growth for two decades, by 27 percent to 164 million by 2025, the United Nations estimates.
In the same time, investment that fueled more than half of last year’s 9.2 percent expansion will be constrained by soaring pension and health-care costs as those over the age of 65 surge 78 percent to 195 million.

Failure to scrap the law risks accelerating a demographic change that the Beijing-based Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy estimates could combine with a falling rate of labor productivity growth, declining returns on investment and rising social costs to eventually cut China’s growth in half.
With China accounting for about 30 percent of global expansion, the restraint would affect companies such as automaker General Motors Co. and Yum! Brands Inc. (YUM), operator of KFC restaurants.
“This is one of the last chances to change the policy before things get much worse,” said Helen Qiao, chief Greater China economist with Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong. “If they start to lift the one-child restriction on urban dwellers now, the economy can get a boost from people still willing to have more than one kid.”

Increasing the fertility rate to 2.3 children per woman, from about 1.6, would cut the decline in the workforce in half by 2050 to 8.8 percent, from 17.3 percent, according to the UN.
That would reduce China’s reliance on exports as an increase in births stokes demand for consumer products such as Danone SA’s baby formula and Hengan International Group Co.’s diapers.

Relaxing the one-child policy is “urgent” to help shift the economy toward greater consumption, Qiao said. “Increases to the labor force will take 16 years but people will have babies now and the boost for consumption will come right away.”
Khiem Do, Hong Kong-based head of multiasset strategy at Baring Asset Management Ltd., which oversees about $46 billion, said an easing of the policy would help “consumer, housing, consumer durables and construction” industries. He declined to name specific stocks, citing company policy.

Jessie Fong

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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2012, 12:12:52 PM »
The report went on to say ...
One fan explained: 'She is shaming to governments, schools and people who stand by and do nothing. She has no money or power but she saved children from death or worse.'
'In the local community she is well known and well respected for her work with the abandoned babies. She does her best. She is a local hero. But unfortunately there are far too many abandoned babies in China who have no hope of survival.
Only last week there was news of a baby lucky to be alive after having its throat cut and then put in a plastic bag and thrown in a dustbin at Anshan city, in northeast China’s Liaoning province.
The baby – a girl – was thought to be a victim of the country's one child policy where parents restricted to only having a single child prefer boys and girls are unwanted and often discarded.

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The report in DailyMail was a few months ago.  Does anyone know if this lady is still alive?


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2012, 12:23:07 PM »
The “One child” policy in China is well known. Forced abortion and even infanticide are among the brutal measures empoyed to enforce this policy. An additional side effect of the “one child” policy is infanticide, often practiced as a form of sex selection, employed most frequently when a couple prefers a boy.

Less known is the fact that many “excess” children are abandoned. The London Daily Mail tells the compelling story of a poor woman named Lou Xiaoying, now 88, who worked her entire life collecting and reselling garbage. In the past 30 years, she has found and rescued 30 children who were thrown in the garbage by parents who either did not want them or feared punishment from the government.

Lou Xiaoying and her husband, who is now deceased quickly decided back in 1972 that they would make their home a place of refuge. Lou described the mission she and her husband undertook with earnest simplicity.

‘I realised if we had strength enough to collect garbage how could we not recycle something as important as human lives. She said.

Lou Xiaoying has become a hero in her village and across China. The loving care she gives abandoned children stands in stark contrast to China’s unfeeling bureaucracy. Through quiet example, Lou Xiaoying  highlights the terrible human costs of China’s “one child” policy.

Today, Lou Xiaoying is in a Chinese hospital with kidney failure. The four throwayay children, her biological daughter and the children she placed with other families remember her fondly and attend to her in her time of infirmity.


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2012, 02:27:22 PM »
'I realised if we had strength enough to collect garbage how we could not recycle something as important as human lives,' she explained.

What she said is so true. We are now trying to save our environment by going green and recycling used items but we forgot that we should save human beings too.

Lou Xiaoying is such an amazing and compassionate woman.  It’s not a surprise that she has been hailed as a hero and has been praised for saving so many lives over the years. Now as she lay old and weak in bed due to kidney failure, she will have no regrets with her life  as she has led a life that is beneficial to others. Because of her kindness, so many children were saved from death.


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2012, 09:45:38 PM »
Madam Lou and her late husband is one of the most obvious case of selflessness in action -  a pure flower of compassion rising literally out of the dumps. She certainly isn't rich and so each child she rescues would exert an additional burden on her and yet she rescued more than 30 recognizing the preciousness of a human life above anything else. She may be poor and yet her actions do not reflect a mind that is limited by her external conditions. Clearly she does not perceive herself as being so poor that she is unable to care for others. The way she views things would have opened up so many opportunities for her and her husband to collect tremendous merits from each child she finds and raises.

Many people might find her pitiful but perhaps her poverty is her good karma and I actually rejoice for her. To have that kind of beautiful mind and to have so many occasions to use it makes her very rich in her karmic bank-account.

So many of us spend our lives accumulating "wealth" that is useless when we lie on our deathbeds. This wonderful human being will die an extremely wealthy person who not only earned great merits in rescuing those children but also additional merits for preventing even worse karma to fall upon the birth-parents of those abandoned children had the children died.

And what a mind-blowing statement: "...if we had strength enough to collect garbage how could we not recycle something as important as human lives". Similarly if we have the strength to carry the baggage of our samsaric lives, we should realize that we have strength enough to bear our dharmic purpose that we are in fact born to accomplish"

Thank you for this story!


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2012, 06:20:18 AM »
Oh my! What a true and inspiring story. Its really sad to know that people would abandon their baby and worse still at the garbage dump. Can you imagine what will happen if the lady did not find them? They'd be eaten alive by insects and animals. They are already so poor yet they did it selflessly and out of pure love. If I were to come across a baby dumped by the road side, I would definitely bring the baby home and care as if my own. All the people who can't have kids and longing for one, sigh... I have a colleague who 'bought' a baby because their own were grown up and they wanted someone to accompany them as they grow old. Better than having the baby in the garbage dump.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2012, 04:20:29 PM »
Madam Lou Xiaoying is such a compassionate lady. Even though she make her living out of collecting recycleable from the garbage dumps, she would not hesitate to rescue the babies that some people have disposed of in the dumps. It is so amazing she have rescued and brought up more than 30 unwanted children. It is really putting to shame the people who threw away their own flesh and blood, just because they wanted a male offspring. May Madam Lou not go through so much suffering now that she is old and weak and bedridden with a kidney failure.


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2012, 04:47:25 PM »
There are many cases like these in China, because of the birth control policy. This is very sad, but it has been part of China's life for many years. I'm sure there are many more babies who died without being noticed.

However, it is inspiring to hear such stories. This is an act of selfless and cherishing  life. What Lou Xiaoying said:
'I realised if we had strength enough to collect garbage how could we not recycle something as important as human lives,' she explained.
is so simple yet makes so much sense!

I hope there is more education on birth control in China to curb such problems.


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2012, 02:51:56 PM »
Lou Xiaoying and her late husband had shown us what compassion really is!  Their deeds are truly commendable!  No babies want to be abandoned after they are born into this World!  These abandoned babies are very fortunate indeed considering there are many others in China that could not be rescued.  Madam Lou and her husband, though they are not financially well off, proceeded to take care of the babies without hesitation or discrimination.  They treated these babies as if they were their own.  May Madam Lou and her late husband continue their bodhisattva ways to benefit many others in this and future lives. Let’s pray for Madam Lou’s well-being and may she be free from the sufferings of kidney failure.


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2012, 11:44:17 PM »
This is a very touching story. We don't need to be in famous or in a highly regarded job to practice compassion towards others. What is worthy is this woman is doing a job which we regards as people who didn't make it in the society. She has wisdom of realization of human life is precious and real compassion which manifested as the courage to raise 30 babies considering some of us wouldn't even have thought of adopting baby. We would rather have our own kids.


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Re: The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2012, 02:57:03 AM »
She and her husband are true heroes! She has such  a beautiful heart, what an awesome act of selflessness.

They are example of what humanity and mankind should be like. The treatment of baby girls is horrifying in China. The fact that females are still second class is sickening. The baby girl must be a victim of the country's one child policy where parents are restricted to only having a single child. And the preference of boys over girls hence baby girls are unwanted and often discarded. Unfortunately there are far too many abandoned babies in China who have no hope of survival.

Extraordinary and heroic people. Thank you for sharing.