Author Topic: China Blames HHDL for Self-Immolations  (Read 16890 times)


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Re: China Blames HHDL for Self-Immolations
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2016, 06:25:42 PM »
In Pictures: The five Tibetan art exhibits China censored at a Bangladesh art show
8 February 2016 21:47 Tom Grundy4 min read
Dhaka Art Summit – one of the biggest art shows in Bangladesh – covered up an exhibit by Tibetan artists on Monday after the Chinese embassy said it was “offended” by the exhibition. “Last Words” is a photographic piece featuring letters from five Tibetans who self-immolated in protest of China’s rule.

Bangladeshi activist Wasfia Nazreen wrote on Facebook that the Chinese Ambassador in ??Bangladesh? had personally demanded the art pieces were removed, threatening “dire consequences”.

“This placed the organizers in a difficult position and, in consultation with the artists, they decided to cover the work for the rest of the summit… Not surprised at the arrogance and bullying tactics of the Chinese government in shutting down any voice that disagrees with its official version of what is happening in ?Tibet,” she wrote.?

The art pieces are called 'Last Words' I really do not see the art value in such pieces of art. When will the CTA and Dalai lama once and for all ask their people to stop immolating, as there is no benefit at all. 


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Re: China Blames HHDL for Self-Immolations
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2016, 03:10:26 PM »
Self immolation is like killing except that this is the killing of one self as in suicide. Taking a life is taking a life even if it one's own. The CTA or the Dalai Lama should tell the Tibetans to stop that. By not saying anything to that effect implies that they condone these acts of violence. Very sad to see Buddhist keeping quiet and encouraging killing like this.


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Re: China Blames HHDL for Self-Immolations
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2016, 07:56:48 AM »
The Dalai Lama should say something to stop this self-immolation. Killing is a heinous crime and against the Refuge vows. By keeping silent and doing nothing to stop it mean complicity.

Please, your Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama be the true embodiment of compassion and stop this.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: China Blames HHDL for Self-Immolations
« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2016, 02:34:41 PM »
I am not surprised the Chinese government is blaming HHDL for the self-immolations. There never seems to have a single mention by HHDL to the Tibetans to stop future incidents of self immolation. Instead, Tibetans are encouraged to continue with their fight for the Tibetan cause. How else would any loyal Tibetans to pursue their fight for freedom if their own government are not leading them well. I am sorry to note that I figured the CTA is using these self immolation incidents to their benefit to portray to the world that they are the victims of China.