Author Topic: China opposes Japan's support for Dalai Lama  (Read 4241 times)

hope rainbow

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China opposes Japan's support for Dalai Lama
« on: November 18, 2012, 08:22:15 AM »


"China opposes support for Dalai Lama"


China has lodged protests against the Japanese government for its tolerance of the Dalai Lamas anti-China separatist activities in Japan.
Analysts say the collusion of the Dalai Lama and the growing number of Japanese right- wing forces will add tension to already strained China-Japan relations.
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei condemned the Japanese right-wing forces' "blatant support of the Dalai Lama's anti-China separatist activities", which have "infringed upon China's internal affairs".
"The Japanese government's laissez-faire attitude toward the Dalai Lama and right-wing forces is against the principle and spirit of China-Japan strategic relations of mutual benefit," Hong told a daily news briefing.
Hong was responding to a speech that the Dalai Lama delivered to about 140 members of the Japanese Parliament at the Upper House members' office building in Tokyo on Tuesday morning. Participants of the gathering also announced plans to establish a so-called coalition among Japanese lawmakers to "support" Tibet separatists.
Analysts said the Dalai Lama is courting Tokyo's support for his secessionist activities by meddling in the territorial row between the two countries over the Diaoyu Islands, while many political factions in Japan now are trying to establish a hawkish image over the issue to arouse increasing nationalism at home.
Hong reiterated that Tibet is an inalienable part of China, and "the Dalai Lama is a political exile who has long engaged in anti-China separatist activities under the cloak of religion".
"We firmly oppose the provision of support by any country or any person to the Dalai Lama's anti-China separatist activities," he said.
The Dalai Lama, in his 10-day trip to Japan that began on Nov 4, launched a salvo of inflammatory remarks at China's ethnic policies and territorial sovereignty amid simmering tension between China and Japan.
Tokyo's "nationalization" of the islands has triggered protests across China, but during a Nov 5 news conference in Yokohama, Japan, the Dalai Lama referred to the Diaoyu Islands as "Senkaku", the Japanese name of the islands that have belonged to China since ancient times.
The visit, coinciding with the chill of China-Japan ties in recent years, obviously has been carefully orchestrated, said Feng Zhaokui, a Japanese studies researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
"The Dalai Lama clearly knows right-wing forces in Japan, like former Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara, want to split China with the islands dispute, so the Dalai Lama takes advantage of his schemes, struggling to secure foreign backing for his separatist activities," Feng said.
Shen Shishun, an expert on Japanese studies at Haikou College of Economics in Hainan province, said Tokyo plans to table its illegal claim over the Diaoyu Islands to the international community, while it resorts to a person like the Dalai Lama to play up the tension and accuse China. This scenario just reveals Japan's shortage of legitimate ways to prove its territorial claim, he said.
Liu Yedan contributed to this story.

When politics and religion get together...
China is using the relationship between Japan and the Dalai Lama as a proof of Japan's un-supportive dispositions towards China, well at least this is how China wants to display the reality.
This reminds me of a powerful American politician which came up with a rather un-conventional diplomatic dynamic, or at least a barbaric one: "you are either with us or against us!".
Besides, the Dalai Lama is not supporting an independant Tibet anymore, and for a long time now.
His views are far from being "black or white", in fact, for China, He is probably Tibet's best party to discuss with in the exiled Tibetan community, because He probably is one the only few that are not involved in this situation for the sake of politics, but for the sake of the spread of peace and happiness.


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Re: China opposes Japan's support for Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 12:52:14 PM »
China has been very firm in their policies and position on Tibet.  His Holiness Dalai Lama (HHDL) has always met with strong resistance from China.  It can be said whatever HHDL had been striving over the years to regain more autonomy for Tibet (and including this trip to Japan) had been unfruitful! 

On the other hand, HHDL’s presence anywhere in the World especially in giving teachings had benefitted many.  HHDL has the power to attract millions of people to come to listen to Him.  HHDL’s contribution to the spread of Dharma is beyond words. HHDL has made popular Lord Buddha’s teachings around the World in the last few decades. 

Rather than spending time in politics since HHDL's retirement, HHDL should focus on spreading Buddha's teachings.  Because HHDL is associated with peace and compassion, HHDL can do a great deal more to bring about peace and harmony to the World for example HHDL could help to address the conflicts in the Middle East and other parts of the World.  Last but not the least, it is high time for HHDL to lift the ban on Dorje Shugden.  Why continue to hold onto this ban when it does not benefit Tibet, HHDL or Dorje Shugden practitioners around the World today?


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Re: China opposes Japan's support for Dalai Lama
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2012, 06:53:15 AM »
China will always oppose whatever the Dalai Lama does because to them, the Dalai Lama is working against their wish to have Tibet part of china so that they can have more resources. As we all know, China is insecure about them ruling the non-chinese minorities and they do know that if they do not keep them well, and it takes just a small riot to make the minorities demand independence and that will be the end of China as we know it.


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Re: China opposes Japan's support for Dalai Lama
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2012, 04:42:13 PM »
China will always oppose whatever the Dalai Lama does because to them, the Dalai Lama is working against their wish to have Tibet part of china so that they can have more resources. As we all know, China is insecure about them ruling the non-chinese minorities and they do know that if they do not keep them well, and it takes just a small riot to make the minorities demand independence and that will be the end of China as we know it.

I totally agree with Ensapa on his view that it only takes a small group of people to start a riot and then hell will break loose. China has always guarded they peaceful and harmonious citizens closely so that no unruly incidences will happen. They do not want a repeat of the Tian An Men Massacre!

China has the power to influence nations to not have any association with the Dalai Lama because China is the economic superpower now. No other nations would want to offend them. And I opine that the Dalai Lama should not make any political speeches since he is already retired from politics. Promoting peace and harmony through religion should be what the Dalai Lama  be teaching.


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Re: China opposes Japan's support for Dalai Lama
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2012, 01:06:30 PM »
I totally agree with Ensapa on his view that it only takes a small group of people to start a riot and then hell will break loose. China has always guarded they peaceful and harmonious citizens closely so that no unruly incidences will happen. They do not want a repeat of the Tian An Men Massacre!

China has the power to influence nations to not have any association with the Dalai Lama because China is the economic superpower now. No other nations would want to offend them. And I opine that the Dalai Lama should not make any political speeches since he is already retired from politics. Promoting peace and harmony through religion should be what the Dalai Lama  be teaching.

Sometimes, I wonder why are the tibetans and those who support them so self centered. It is as if they do not care if their independence will bring harm to other countries although in a way they see it as demanding back what they have, but still should they still pursue if it will obviously bring down another country? Is it something worth it, to take something back at the cost of another country's stability? Is that justified? I dont really think so but it seems that the Tibetans do not mind if they bring China down with the sake of getting Tibet back...hmmm not very compassionate.


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Re: China opposes Japan's support for Dalai Lama
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2012, 07:25:25 PM »

China has the power to influence nations to not have any association with the Dalai Lama because China is the economic superpower now. No other nations would want to offend them. And I opine that the Dalai Lama should not make any political speeches since he is already retired from politics. Promoting peace and harmony through religion should be what the Dalai Lama  be teaching.

Actually I am quite baffled by the Dalai Lama's strategy. The Dalai Lama himself has given up Tibet's independence opting instead for autonomy in governing Tibet. That is probably a wise move because I don't see how China can ever agree to Tibet's independence. China's stance on sovereignty issues is not exclusive to Tibet and how it deals with Tibet will influence China's political dynamics with Taiwan, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.

One of the core issues that keeps China from having reconciliation talks with Tibet is China's view of the Dalai Lama as a dangerous "splittist" and looking at the way the Dalai Lama willingly wades into sensitive territorial issues that has nothing to do with Tibet, I can understand why. Over the years the Dalai Lama has courted foreign powers that China sees as imperialist in nature and seeking to curb China's economic influence and His Holiness's political activities and seeming alliance with these powers has created a deep gulf between Tibet  and a political giant it has to negotiate with.

If the Dalai Lama is truly seeking Tibet's autonomy, there is in fact an autonomous Tibet already, that is the Tibet Autonomous Region under the sovereignty of China (precisely what the Dalai Lama claims is his wish) that the Dalai Lama and CTA can work on and progressively engage the Chinese to secure greater political self determination over time as fences are mended and trusts rebuilt. Is the Dalai Lama not taking this opportunity because he is not sincere about his compromise of independence for autonomy, or is he unable to take the route because a nation is still demanding for independence that the Dalai Lama away a long time ago in Strasbourg.

If an autonomous Tibet is what the Dalai Lama is truly seeking then from a logical point of view, clearly what the Dalai Lama needs to do is shed his "splittist" image and take a moderate stance focussing on reconciliation through mutual spiritual interest instead of politics. After all China has long dropped its stance against religion and in fact have taken steps towards embracing Buddhism in a significant way. The Dalai Lama's resignation from the role of Tibet's secular/political role was a move in the right direction but as Galen highlighted, why is the Dalai Lama now making inflammatory political speeches to infuriate the Chinese and deepen their fears? This is the complete opposite of what the Dalai Lama must realistically do that is to distance himself from overtly pro-independence elements of the Chinese diaspora and the western powers that China is suspicious of.

When the Dalai Lama relinquished political power to Dr Lobsang Sangay, I for one was filled with optimism and thought that His Holiness would leave it to the CTA to work on moderating the expectations of the Tibetan independence movement as the Dalai Lama leverage on his image as the embodiment of peace, love, harmony and tolerance and work on improving relations with the Chinese Government. This has not happened and today Tibetans are setting themselves on fire in desperation as the Dalai Lama continues to provoke a waking giant, even as world powers change their stance to accomodate better relationships with a rising global power.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 07:32:53 PM by vajratruth »