Author Topic: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods  (Read 10846 times)


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Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« on: November 18, 2012, 11:26:13 AM »
I found this article intereting that an artist made fibreglass Buddha statues to represent peace. It is is also unconventional way to create Buddha images to bless and promote peace. This is something we can learn from to spread Buddhism in a modern artistic way :)

The Ten Thousand Ripples Project (TRP), a collaborative public art initiative, is now showing a collection of fiberglass Buddha statues made by artist Indira Johnson in ten Chicago-area neighborhoods, with community members choosing the locations for the statues. The idea behind the project is that, as Indira Johnson puts it, “art can stimulate a discussion about peace, about violence, race, poverty, and social justice.”



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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 12:02:19 PM »
What a creative way to use art to promote peace and Buddhism!  The fibreglass Buddha’s head will become conversational topic wherever it is placed as it is attractive!  It is skilful of Indira Johnson to equate a representation of Buddha’s head with peace because Buddha is universally known as the founder of Buddhism and who had shown the path to the peace of nirvana or ultimate happiness.  TRP will plant seeds of enlightenment in those who came into contact with the fibre-glass Buddha heads. 


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 12:08:24 PM »
Not only that: Read more here:

Watch out for the traveling Buddha in South Chicago! South Chicago’s Master Gardener, Gregory Bratton, brought the sculpture to his annual birthday “Feed the Homeless” event. He also stopped by South Chicago Neighborhood House "Playstreets" event, a community "Get Fit and Active" event in under served areas. Keep an eye out because he might just drive by YOU next.

The Buddha image sculpture was brought a long to an annual "feed the Homelss" event. Which is a good to repsensent Buddhism compassion, that cared for the homeless.


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2012, 09:06:58 AM »
I like how they relate peace with Buddha... and how they truly believe that just by seeing the Buddha heads around will remind people that we are all seeking for one similar thing, which is peace. This have a huge meaning... it means that innately, we are all the same.

This idea however, is not very foreign. There are many art pieces with the Buddha's image, whether in abstract or just a part of the Buddha's holy body being painted (mainly the face, and gesture of Buddha's hands) are used to make a particular space feel more peaceful and calm. I see these paintings many times, and many ID professionals like to use this images if the clients are not objective towards Buddhism.

What a wonderful project this is. Not only they are planting Dharmic seeds into people's mindstream, they are also promoting peace effectively by carrying out this project. Great that they took the initiative to remind people that peace is just around the corner.

Tenzin K

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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2012, 06:41:10 PM »
Using Buddha image to represent peace and self-realization. Wonderful! and this is from the west!
People felt the calm and peacefulness when seeing it and I love this part where "The image of the Buddha growing out of the earth represents for me the spiritual growth that we all struggle to achieve as we travel life’s path". This is how much the people of the west acknowledge and agree with Buddhism which being used to impact the public.

Like all of the major world religions, at its core, Buddhism is a religion of peace. An early Buddhist collection of verses on practice in everyday life, the Pali (Theravadin) Dhammapada, makes this abundantly clear. Verse five of the text (of 423 verses) states:

"Hatred is never appeased by hatred.
Hatred is only appeased by Love (or, non-enmity).
This is an eternal law."

The Pali term for "eternal law" here is dhamma, or the Buddhist teachings. So, this verse on non-enmity has to do with a tenet of the Buddhist faith that is fundamental, namely, peace and non-harm. (Moreover, though not often cited, the very last verses of the Dhammapada condemn the class (varna) and other prejudicial distinctions that would divide people.)

As we move ahead several centuries, we find the famed 8th century Mahayana poet, Santideva, saying pretty much the same thing. For example one finds in Santideva's great work, the Bodhicaryavatara, these verses regarding the dangers of hatred:

"There is no evil equal to hatred, and no spiritual practice equal to forbearance. Therefore, one ought to develop forbearance, by various means, with great effort." --(Ch. 6, verse 2).

And again:

"One's mind finds no peace, neither enjoys pleasure or delight, nor goes to sleep, nor feels secure while the dart of hatred is stuck in the heart" -- (Ch.6, verse3)

Buddhist teachings tell us that hatred and aversion, like their opposites desire and greed, all spring from a fundamental ignorance. That ignorance is our mistaken notion of our own permanent, independent existence. In ignorance, we see ourselves as separate beings, unconnected with others. Blinded to our true state of interdependence and interconnectedness, it is this basic ignorance that keeps us divided. Only practice that leads to overcoming such ignorance will help to free us from the prisons we make for ourselves and for others.


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2012, 07:15:38 AM »
What an exciting and truly inspiring project. I do hope this will create the sparks whereby Ten Thousand Ripples becomes Ten Million Ripples and creates a phenomenon worldwide. I love that the Buddha heads are partially "covered" giving the illusion of the Buddha head emerging from whence it is placed! How artistic.

All it takes is a spark to create a blazing fire... I hope this will ignite the flames of Dharma through a platform of Art promoting peace, interfaith discourse and interaction... something our world so desperately needs!

A powerful and profound need exists within each of us to know that peace is possible in spite of the violence that surrounds us,” said Johnson. “Ten Thousand Ripples is a reminder of that need. It invokes the image of an emerging Buddha as a widely held symbol of peace, inviting people to think about how they can find peace in their own lives and in their communities.” Ten Thousand Ripples uses art as a catalyst to foster dialog about peace and non-violence and create innovative solutions to address contemporary social issues.
- From 6th Nov 2012

Big Uncle

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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2012, 04:57:52 AM »
That's really neat! I love the image of an emerging Buddha. I think it is something different and I think it will plant seeds of the Buddha although we only get to see his ushnisha and eyes. I think that the awareness and reminder of peaceful compassionate ways of living towards all. It would be nice if we could do the same for Dorje Shugden. Any artists out there in cyberspace would like to promote Dorje Shugden like that through their street art?


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2012, 12:22:47 PM »
This is such a creative and inspiring project that can be duplicated elsewhere to create more awareness about peace and eventually Buddhism. Buddha definitely equates peace. This project will definitely create ripples in the community and people in the community will find out more about Buddha through books and other sources. This will raise the awareness of what Buddha represents and his teachings.

In Dharmic sense, finding the Buddha statues will plant seed in the mindstream of the people and when the time is right, their karma will ripen and for them to receive the Dharma. These Buddha heads are also not intrusive or obstructive that will cause friction amongst other religious groups. Bravo to Indira Johnson for coming up with such a good idea!

Jessie Fong

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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2012, 01:30:32 PM »
We see images of Buddha in various forms; usually Buddha's head appear in sculptures and paintings as decorative art pieces.  With creativity and imagination, Indira has placed these images in strategic locations blending into the environment.

Making these images out of fibreglass ensure easy transportation as they are light and also durable.  I like the idea where the head is partially covered, giving the illusion of rising from the earth.


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2012, 02:56:51 PM »
It is a wonderful concept, and so beautifully made. Buddha images have been created and re created in many forms and mediums, and this is yet another unique creation by another creative artist promoting the image of Buddha. I can see this new creation becoming another urban icon and appearing more and more in the homes of people as part of their home decor. I myself would love to invite of one of these fibreglass Buddha heads into my home or in my garden.


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2012, 03:00:21 PM »
To even be able to spot and identify the Buddha statue requires fortune. What a great project, that unknowingly, this group involved in the project are planting imprints and seeds into the mindstream of the community just by having them lay eyes upon Buddha's holy form. What merits they create for themselves too!

A creative and modern project to spread the timeless message of love, peace and kindness taught by the Buddha can have such a rippling effect. It is great that the message of peace can be conveyed through a visual representation of the Buddha, and that people recognize this. The wisdom of Buddha will never falter, just the presentation of it advances and moulds along with developing society. 

To gaze upon the statue of Buddha brings clamness, and suppresses anger within one's mindstream. 


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2012, 12:18:27 PM »
Buddha's teaching is follow by millions of people around the world. Buddha taught us is to have peace and respect among us. In order to create an awareness of PEACE this group of artistic and compassionate people had came out with this amazingly interesting art peace. What a creative way to have the PEACE message delivered. To me it is a very powerful way to instill PEACE into our heads. For a spiritual person the installation will be a reminder for us that we should always be kind and respect others and as for the other group, Buddha simply represents pure, serenity and peace.

Thank you to all who are involve in this Ten Thousand Ripples project.


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2012, 02:49:01 PM »
Traditionally,Buddhism didn't make distinctions along racial lines-2,600 years ago,the Buddha traveled across ancient India to share his teachings with everyone from the nobility to the lowest classes.
The ten thousand Ripples Project way to promote peace,violence,race,poverty and social justice in a noble way
using a collection of fiberglass Buddha statues made by artist Indira Johnson.Very creative, looks as if Buddha's head emerging from the ground blessing the surrounding.Rejoice!


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2012, 05:18:46 PM »
Buddha images have always represent peace, harmony and unity.  It is very creative way and very interesting project.  I remembered once people telling me upon seeing an image of Buddha, not only it planted seeds into your mind stream and will bless the people and environment.  Imagine how many people will be blessed by this project?  and the credit goes to The Ten Thousand Ripples Project!


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Re: Buddha statues appearing in Chicago neighborhoods
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2012, 06:24:47 PM »
Oh my Buddha! This project is so wonderful and artistic. When I watched the video, I felt so happy and amazed that I had tears. Its true, 1 may not make a difference but if people come together and convince others for something better than this is so worth it. The peace and calmness that it brings to the neighborhood is going to benefit them so much. All the imprints planted on everyone's mind whenever they see the image.

Good idea Big Uncle! Can we have sculptures of Dorje Shugden? It would be great!