Author Topic: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread  (Read 9135 times)


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Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« on: November 18, 2012, 12:40:32 PM »
Bangkok, Thailand -- Photos of lingerie models cavorting with Buddha statues published on the Internet by a men's magazine have caused an outcry among Thai Buddhists.

Posted on Maxim magazine's Facebook page, one picture shows a lingerie-clad model posed with her hand on a statue's head and on the statue's arm. Another photo shows the topless model with her hands covering her breasts and wearing only underpants posing among dozens of statues. A third photo shows the blonde "Hometown Hotties" model seated among the statues with her legs spread.

In response to complaints, Culture Ministry permanent secretary Apinan Poshyananda said yesterday he would contact the National Office of Buddhism (NOB), and, because the photos were published on the Internet, the Information Communication and Technology Ministry. He said he would also contact the Foreign Ministry because the photos were from another country.

Do you think it is inappropriate?



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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 01:29:06 PM »
We need to check the Maxim magazine publisher’s motivation for using models to pose in the manner as described.  It is definitely not appropriate, not skillful and not respectful to the Buddhists around the World!  It is apparent Maxim magazine is irresponsible and ignorant about this!  Is it not clear enough that Buddha statues are sacred and holy to the Buddhists?  Damage had already been done as it had received a public outcry and protests from the Thai Buddhists. 


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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 01:59:03 PM »
I personally think it's inappropriate because of what the Buddha statues represents self perfection, peace, a reminder of the good qualities we try to attain and purity. What Maxim magazine has done is to pollute the images of the Buddha statues with sex. Although there is nothing wrong with a woman's body but when a woman's body is used to increase more desire, it becomes negative.

I would think that the magazine did not intentionally aim to mock Buddhism but rather to attract their audience visually. In many western culture, the Buddha statues are seen as an art piece.

After checking out their fanpage, I think maybe it's good for the fans to have some imprints from the Buddha image.  :-\ They are oozing and deepening their sexual desire so immensely, it will be difficult to detach themselves from samsara.

Tenzin K

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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2012, 05:59:18 PM »
Using Buddha statue to get attention for samsaric reasoning personally I disagree especially to encourage us to be more attach to the poison that causes us unhappiness and destroy our life presently and future.

People should have known how to show respect to holy and blessed items. It’s totally so wrong in promoting sexual desire with the Buddha statues which giving such wrong impression. 

Never the less for those people who are in great desire when looking at these pictures may the Buddha statues bless and plant some seed for their future to meet the dharma.


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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2012, 04:57:35 AM »
In my opinion, the magazine wanted to be provocative, imagine a beautiful lady in skimpy clothing with Buddha statues, will definitely attracting a lot of potential purchaser. I think it is very disrespectful for Buddhist, they may or might not know this but it is so hard to measure whether if it is appropriate? I believed they know but simply do not care. In another way of looking at it is, Buddha statue has evolve to become one of the must have piece of art of sculpture which we can't see it almost every where, be it in restaurants, resorts etc. We can be creative and contemporary but just be appropriate.


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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2012, 07:24:04 AM »
In any actions what really matters is the motivation and the results. If the motivation is to plant seeds of Buddha images on to others, it certainly did its job.

However, to many people the result will certainly result in downgrading the Buddhas in general and Buddhism in particular. So no matter what, I think the cons overwhelm what little pros this has. This is like "forcing the king off the throne to sweep the floors" as mentioned in the Lamrim. It constitute in downgrading the Buddhas. It is an act of ignorance and will have the associated karma for the perpetrators.

On the other hand, from the observer side, I think we do not need to over react beyond making a complain as the act has already been committed and I suppose by non buddhist. So we should just move on. Worst has been done before like blowing up Buddha statues. Lets not stir things up and cause more negative karma.

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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2012, 09:39:30 AM »
I believe it is inappropriate only if we view it as such. Provocation is precisely that. It is to entice the reader into focusing onto the subject matter through sensationalism. I do not believe it was meant to provoke Buddhism or elements of Buddhism per se.

Sure the shock value is there because we see the disparity between the two very stark imagery. However if we dwell deeper into our own perceptions, this duality is part and parcel of life. We live with this! It could go either way... whether we choose to see it as an insult or we see it as a blessing. It is after all a Buddha image/images and I am sure the Buddhas do not mind. If they did, none of us would qualify to have our picture taken with the Buddha/Buddhas... See my point?


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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2012, 10:05:32 AM »
In today's age, to catch an audience's attention, media and company are marketing sex and toying with human desire to generate sales.  However, it doesn't take away the fundamental representation of what the holy items stand for.  As a Buddhist, we learn that if a person's motivation and intention is good even though the action is thought provoking, it is just another to break our perception.  If a person's motivation is not pure, it is heavier karma by his intention and actions eventhough the placement of the statues or holy items are in the appropriate place.  But in my opinion, in a generic point of view, even basic manners or common sense should be practice, we should not disrespect other religions in anyways.  Of course enlightened beings will not get offended by these actions but most likely it will pollute people's minds thinking it is okay to do so.  But with proper eduction, all these misconception can be avoided.

How do we explain when Lady Gaga having a cross sign upside down on her crouch and Madonna having sex with a priest but their message is all positive and all?  I think the biggest lesson is to have an open mind, understanding more dharma to educate people in the right way and not promote anger, bias and having a closed mind.


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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2012, 02:34:02 PM »
"No tantra, no mantra, no reflection or recollection - Hey, fool! All this is the cause of error.
Mind is unstained - don't taint it with meditation; you're living in bliss: don't torment yourself."

Saraha in Tantric Treasures: Three Collections of Mystical Verse from Buddhist India

"Death is always lurking nearby, an ever-present menace. ... Every night, go to sleep thinking, "In the morning, will they find a corpse in my bed?"
Dilgo Khyentse in The Hundred Verses of Advice by Padampa Sangye


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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2012, 03:55:02 PM »
In Thailand there are certain customs that are regarded as offensive and the Thais show their greatest respect to Buddha images but in Western countries, Buddha images are regarded as art piece. However, I think it is inappropriate and is wrong to promote scantily clad models amongst hold images even though the Buddhas will not be offended by these actions.  I feel that Maxim magazine should be more aware of others feelings and showed some respect to others religion.


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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2012, 05:27:30 AM »
First of all, the magazine should be more sensitive to religious groups, be it Buddhist,Christians, Hindu etc. Definitely Christian groups will be outraged also if those models were posing with Jesus or Mother Mary. Holy images like buddha statues are sacred and should not be degraded with nude or semi nude people. What are they trying to achieve when Buddha images have no relations to what the models are wearing? So, no doubt it will offend the Buddhist community. Also not a good move from the magazine as it may cause their sales to decline because Buddhist may boycott their magazine!

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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2012, 06:05:37 AM »
I think that the images are a little racy and disrespectful to the feelings of Buddhists. The image of the Buddha is a religious icon and it shouldn't be used to be a prop for a sexy photo shoot. However, I think that there can be a compromise to have the Buddha as a decoration piece but with less racy models and for interior design shoots.

I think with more people viewing the Buddha's face and form would plant seeds  of enlightenment in many people's minds. It's amazing how the Buddha's meditating form and serene face gives a calm and a feeling of serenity to a room. Hence, designers would often use statues of the Buddha statues to adorn a room and to give that feeling to the room.

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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2012, 04:21:20 PM »
As Buddhists, we regard the images as representations of actual Buddhas; as such we should always respect them. 

To have scantily clad models parading amongst Buddha images is not respectful. I agree with what Big Uncle suggested of just having the Buddha images as decorative pieces.


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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2012, 11:26:33 AM »
By right, whatever Maxim has done is not correct by the Buddhist tradition as it is not respectful towards on of the Three Jewels. However, I dont think that Maxim meant anything by it, as Buddha images are considered works of art and nothing more. I dont even think they meant it to be controversial at all.

Looking at it from a different perspective, the photos by Maxim also have benefit, as everyone who sees the Buddha images will have seeds planted in their mindstream. Of course, using desire as a motivator is not the best way to plant the seeds of Buddhas body, but it is just an example of skilful means I suppose. Many modern lamas like Singa Rinpoche, Gomo Rinpoche and Kalu Rinpoche are using elements of music, rap, fashion etc to plant seeds too. So its not the method, as much as the motivation.

On an aside, I'd like to share some photos that utilize religious controversy to promote a message, cause or simply just for fun. Maxim is not the first.

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Re: Buddhists offended by sexy magazine spread
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2012, 11:34:59 AM »
I personally think it's inappropriate because of what the Buddha statues represents self perfection, peace, a reminder of the good qualities we try to attain and purity. What Maxim magazine has done is to pollute the images of the Buddha statues with sex. Although there is nothing wrong with a woman's body but when a woman's body is used to increase more desire, it becomes negative.

I would think that the magazine did not intentionally aim to mock Buddhism but rather to attract their audience visually. In many western culture, the Buddha statues are seen as an art piece.

After checking out their fanpage, I think maybe it's good for the fans to have some imprints from the Buddha image.  :-\ They are oozing and deepening their sexual desire so immensely, it will be difficult to detach themselves from samsara.

I could not agree more. This method is most inappropriate. Samsara already dwells in our lives. Such visuals are pollution and further enhancing the sufferings and deluded minds about sex, women and Buddhas. There are other more effective ways to provide imprints of Buddhas.