The story of the butcher's son really made me think of many aspects of life and the path we choose to travel on.
Taking another life is a sin and so is taking one's own life.
The butcher's son had the positive karma to be born as a human being, and being born as a sottapana - had the many virtues in him especially Compassion. He knew that once he killed the sheep, he would be expected to continue killing and taking many more lives. At that point of time, he would probably think it would be better to sacrifice his own life (which is one life ) than to take the lives of many.
However , if he could show his parents that he would rather die (as in starving himself), in time, the parents might relent and understand the son's motivation. And perhaps , hopefully, understand that being a butcher is the wrong livelihood.
No parent would want to cause their child any suffering. With determination, reasoning and compassion on the son's part, he could change his parent's threats to supporting him in his belief. He did not have to take his own life to make a point - poignant as it is. And it makes me wonder what sort of karma his parents now have accumulated - carrying the guilt and grief for their rest of their lives.
I do not know if there is a 'heaven or a hell'. But in my simplistic mind , i believe that it depends on the moment of death in that person's mind. If he passes on with peace in his mind, having attained and accumulated good merits and karma in his lifetime - then he 'goes to heaven'. If he has inner turmoil , bringing with him all the negative thoughts and karma that he had committed - then he 'goes to hell '.