Author Topic: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom  (Read 26850 times)


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Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« on: December 11, 2012, 06:00:55 AM »
We wanted to share this bit of good news with everyone. Seems our posts are doing quite well on the Dorje Shugden Facebook Fanpage! We will be tracking the likes, shares and comments of that Facebook post on this thread here, so keep checking back!

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« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 06:49:26 AM by Admin »


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2012, 06:56:16 AM »
I will never understand this. How is self-immolation non-violent? The Dalai Lama has never approved it so why do they think its the right thing to do? The fewer the Tibetans there are, the easier the Chinese have it...fewer Tibetans they have to govern.

Self-immolation is also taking a life, whatever your motivation is. Their breaking their refuge come to think about it, the only people who are still keeping their vows are Dorje Shugden practitioners. We dont take our own lives, we dont take other peoples lives, we still have our samaya with our teachers... were not doing half bad, are we? :)


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2012, 04:51:47 PM »
"During this wave of immolations, the Dalai Lama has remained mostly silent, except to say that he must remain "neutral" on the protests. "If I say something negative, then the family members of those people feel very sad," he told a reporter for The Hindu newspaper in July. "They sacrificed their own life. It is not easy. So I do not want to create some kind of impression that this is wrong.""

The above article which I have read earlier struck me quite deeply. Why has HH remained silent? I mean to me self immolation is violent and as we can see many people have follow suit. More people will follow and will kill themselves.

Isn't this suicidal which is against Buddhism?

Also Why is HH is so quiet? I am sure if HH has a press conference and told the Tibetans to stop. They will stop as he is their leader and they will view HH as their GOD.



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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2012, 11:33:42 AM »
I never condone the act of self immolation. I feel there are better ways to make our presence felt rather than killing our own life so that our voices can be heard in a bit to free our country. Killing oneself is totally against Buddhism but having said that I really feel for the people who have sacrificed themselves for this and am totally baffled by how Dalai Lama or CTA even do not make any public announcement to prevent more of this happens. While many would treat self immolation to be very noble but i found there could be better ways to deal with this long standing issue rather than setting fire on oneself and sent out the wrong message to the rest of the world that Tibetans are extremists.


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2012, 09:59:55 AM »
Shugdenpromoter and Brian,

I think this is the very point of the article - that the Dalai Lama and the CTA have remained so quiet on the issue, when other Buddhist leaders, such as both the Karmapas, have stated their disapproval of these acts very clearly (see the articles here: In keeping quiet about self-immolations and not putting a firm stance AGAINST it, it does appear very much like the Dalai Lama and his government are in support of it or perhaps even the ones behind the acts. It might be controversial to say this, but for a country looking after its own self interests, like China, it could certainly seem like the Dalai Lama's people are behind these acts as a means of creating unrest. This isn't necessarily true, but it could very much look like that.

You see, the CTA and the Dalai Lama have LONG spoken very clearly about their stance on Dorje Shugden. It is very clear what the Tibetans are expected to do: give up their practice IF NOT, they suffer ostracism, are denied welfare and under threat of being expelled from their monasteries, jobs and communities. The DL and his people could also very easily issue a similar statement about self-immolations, to show that they do NOT support such atrocious acts of violence, self-inflicted or otherwise.

The fact that there is so much said about Dorje Shugden - a comparatively very peaceful practice - and so little said about something as destructive as the self-immolations is suspicious enough.

Jessie Fong

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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2012, 01:47:12 PM »
By The Associated Press 12/27/12

BEIJING -- Chinese authorities are tightening controls in an ethnic Tibetan region where at least 10 people set themselves on fire and hundreds demonstrated last month to protest Chinese rule, a news report said Thursday.

Huangnan prefecture in western China's Qinghai province is beefing up security and taking steps to shield the area from outside influence to deter self-immolations, the state-run, web-based Qinghai News reported. The local government will also use economic rewards and punishments to crack down on the practice.

China has blamed exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and his associates for the self-immolations in Qinghai and other Tibetan regions, but supporters of Tibetan rights say the fault lies with Beijing's oppressive rule of the Himalayan region.

The number of incidents spiked in November when the ruling Chinese Communist Party held a national congress to install its new leaders for the next five years.

In Huangnan, local authorities are stepping up police and military patrol of public areas and setting up checkpoints to keep foreigners out of the Tongren area, home to the restive Rongwo monastery, Qinghai News said.

The 600-year-old monastery has been the scene of several self-immolations. In the town of Rongwo, hundreds of Tibetans staged a demonstration in November, shouting for independence and for the return of the Dalai Lama, according to witnesses.

To discourage self-immolations, the prefecture will thoroughly account for inflammables, monitor residents and organize propaganda teams to condemn self-immolations. Authorities will confiscate illegal satellite dishes that allow local residents to receive anti-China programs from abroad, register every business that sells satellite signal receiving devices, and replace 3,000 television sets in monastery dormitories.

The government will "handsomely" award those who offer tips on premeditated acts of self-immolation, report any instigators, dissuade self-immolations or put out fires on the scene. It will also use economic tools – such as canceling social security and postponing projects – to punish the villages where self-immolations occur and the people who visit family members of self-immolators, Qinghai News said.


How would these steps help to deter self-immolation?  Like the saying goes : If there's a will, there's a way.  Offering of handsome awards does not guarantee that the people will stop altogether.


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2013, 08:18:24 AM »
Self immolations will never lead to anything for the Tibetans. It will only create more and more distrust and unhappiness with the Chinese and it will eventually make the world numb to their self immolations, and the loss of human lives based on that will no longer  be felt by anyone. The Tibetans can gain real independence if they actually realize that real independence is really to safeguard their culture and religion as opposed to holding meaningless bans like the one against Dorje Shugden.


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2013, 12:38:12 PM »
Tuesday, September 24, 2013 17:09]
Karma Nyedon Gyatso/file/Tibettimes
Karma Nyedon Gyatso/file/Tibettimes
DHARAMSHALA, September 24: Tibetans exiles today protested against Nepal government’s secret cremation of Karma Nyedon Gyatso, a differently abled monk who set himself on fire near Boudhanath stupa in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu on August 6.

The protestors put up an empty white cloth and a clay pot at the protest site to represent the Nepalese government’s failure to release the body of Gyatso and return his ashes to the Tibetan community.

The protest action was jointly organized by Dharamshala regional chapters of Tibetan Women’s Association, Tibetan Youth Congress and Students for a Free Tibet, India.

The organizers also offered prayers and butter lamp to mark the 49th day of his demise.

“Nepal cannot forget the civilizational relations with Tibet coming under the Chinese government's political pressure today. Our gratitude for asylum cannot condone Nepal's ongoing repression of Tibetan refugees living there” said Tenzin Tsundue of Regional Tibetan Youth Congress.

Earlier in March, the Nepalese authorities secretly cremated Drupchen Tsering despite repeated appeals from Tibetans and their supporters to release his body.

“This is the second time that the Nepalese government has committed such a heinous and cowardly act. Denying Karma Nyedon Gyatso his final Buddhist cremation rites is utterly saddening and outrageous,” said Tenzin Jigdal, Program Director of Students for a Free Tibet, India. “Nepal still has an opportunity to show the world that it respects human rights and religious freedom thereby upholding its moral and principal values. The Nepalese government should stop kowtowing to China.”

Although no official confirmation was made on Gyatso's secret cremation Radio Free Asia earlier reported that Gyatso was secretly cremated on September 2 at Pyre No. 5 at Pashupatinath Aryaghat crematorium in Kathmandu.

In 2010, Nepal disrupted Tibetan elections by confiscating ballot boxes containing thousands of ballots just an hour before the polls were due to be closed.

Nepal, which is home to some 20,000 Tibetans, has accommodated Tibetan exiles for decades, but has come under increasing pressure from China, a major donor for the impoverished country, to crack down on the political protests.


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2013, 12:39:51 PM »
A Delhi based rock band has dedicated a music video to Tibet paying tribute to the Tibetans who have sacrificed their lives through self immolations.

Titled ‘Freedom’, the music video calls the world to unite for Tibet. “There is a lack of unification among the rest of the world that is helping China to continue its repression in Tibet. We fail to understand that why the world is not standing up together,” the band’s frontman Arjun Singh Rawal said.

Arjun said the series of self-immolation protests in Tibet has inspired him to write the song. Chill Om Records, India's leading Independent Record Label has teamed up with Arjun to support the Tibet cause.

Arjun's Debut album 'Beer Pong' released by Times Music
Varun Arora, the band manager, said they had no clue initially how they could help Tibet. All they had in mind was to help Tibet's struggle get noticed. “All we could do for it was through our music. Because we believe Music has the power to change people.”

“This music video is a gift to the Dalai Lama and we live by the Dalai Lama’s thoughts, and believe that Tibet would be free one day”, said Arjun.

“Freedom” was released last month and was recorded by Chill Om Records, India’s leading independent record label.

A part of lyrics reads, “Everything you made, And everything you took away for good, I fought for the love and for the peace in you, I crossed the line for you, I sacrificed for you, I crossed the line for you and, Broke away...”

The band wants all the Tibetan patriots to know that they support them. The song is made available for free download here

The band's debut album, ‘Beer Pong’ was released on Times Music. The band takes you back to the hard-rock scene, combines several contemporary elements of alternative rock and remains very open to experimenting with variety of other genres, said Varun.


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2013, 12:42:22 PM »
 September 28: A Tibetan man died after setting himself on fire today around 4.30 PM(local time) in Gomang Thawa township in Ngaba County, reported the Tibet Times.

Engulfed in flames, Shichung, 41, ran from his house towards the main road before collapsing, a Tibetan monk from south India told the the Tibet Times. He succumbed to his burns and passed away at the site of his protest.

Following his self-immolation protest, local Tibetans tried to take the body to his home but were stopped by Chinese security personnel numbering over 150. The authorities eventually confiscated Shichung’s body.

Every year, the local Tibetans of Gomang Thawa township gather for an entertainment program which follows the collection of lists of prayers they have said at home. Shichung had just returned to his home after the program today. He had lit a butter lamp in front of a portrait of the exile Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama before setting himself on fire.

Shichung is survived by his wife and two children.

Since 2009, as many as 121 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in Tibet calling for freedom in Tibet and return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile.


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2013, 12:46:12 PM »
DHARAMSHALA, September 23: Kirti Rinpoche, the exiled head of the Kirti monasteries in Tibetan area of Ngaba, which has seen much of the self immolation protests by Tibetans since 2009, on Saturday condemned the death sentence of Lobsang Konchok and Dolma Kyab terming the Chinese legal system “unfair”.

“Chinese government earlier sentenced Lobsang Konchok and Dolma Kyab to death for their connection with self-immolation protests without any concrete evidences, which clearly shows China's violation of the international law and disregard to basic human rights,” said Kirti Rinpoche, who was speaking at an event ‘Petition to the United Nations’ organized by National Democratic Party of Tibet.

In January this year, a Chinese court sentenced Lobsang Konchok, 40, a monk of Ngaba Kirti Monastery, to death with a two-year reprieve, and Dolma Kyab, the husband of Tibetan self-immolator Kunchok Wangmo, in August.

Rinpoche also appealed the United Nations and international community to release all the Tibetan political prisoners including the young Panchen Rinpoche.

“This is not only an utter disregard of International laws and basic Human Rights, but also a clear proof of a nation’s systematic violation of civilian rights,” said Gelek Jamyang, President of National Democratic Party of Tibet. “The dictatorial excesses of the Communist regime of China are a crime against humanity and it is a blot on peace at large in the world.”

The campaign was aimed to bring the situation in Tibet to the notice of the United Nations and to solve the crisis inside Tibet. Also present at the event were Dharamshala settlement officer Sonam Dorjee, Tsering Tsomo, Director of Tibetan Centre for Human Rights, and Democracy and leaders of Tibetan NGOs.

As a part of the campaign, songs were performed in honor of Tibetan self-immolators.

Since 2009, 121 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in Tibet calling for freedom in Tibet and return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile. A number of Tibetans were also persecuted for their alleged involvement in the self-immolation protests in various regions of Tibet.


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2013, 12:51:32 PM »
DHARAMSHALA, September 26: Days ahead of China’s second Universal Periodic Review, Tibetans and supporters in Geneva are lobbying at the ongoing session of United Nations Human Rights Council to press the UN member states to raise Tibet issue during China’s UPR on October 22.

In 2009 report of China’s UPR, China accepted some recommendations on the promotion of human rights in general but played down recommendations including measures to provide freedom of information and expression; ensure the independence of the judiciary and lawyers; safeguard detainees’ access to counsel; protect lawyers from attacks and harassment; and grant freedom of religion and movement to ethnic minorities such as Tibetans and Uyghurs.

“Since China’s last Review in 2009, the situation in Tibet has deteriorated significantly and looks set to continue on a downward spiral,” said Migmar Dhakyel of Tibetan Youth Association Europe. “Governments cannot let this opportunity pass to put China’s human rights practices under the microscope on an international stage. They must Stand Up for Tibet and ensure that China’s disastrous policies are thoroughly scrutinized.”

The deepening crisis in Tibet has witnessed large scale anti-China protests and 120 self-immolation protest since 2009, 103 has died in their fiery protest calling for freedom in Tibet and the return of the Dalai Lama from exile.

“The current human rights crisis in Tibet is a result of 60 years of China’s failed Tibet policies,” said Tenzin Jigme of International Tibet Network. “The international community has so far failed in its responsibility to protect the people of Tibet. Now is the time to unite for Tibet and press China to forge real, lasting solutions to the Tibet situation which respect the human rights of the Tibetan people.”

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism of the Human Rights Council that provides an opportunity for all States to declare what actions they have taken to improve the human rights situations in their countries and to overcome challenges to the enjoyment of human rights. The UPR also includes a sharing of best human rights practices around the globe.

A lobby team comprises of Migmar Dolma, Tibetan Youth Association Europe; Dorjee Tsetan, Asia Director of Students for a Free Tibet; Padma Dolma, Europe Director of Students for a Free Tibet; Iona Lidell, Tibet Justice Center; Zopa Samten and Gyamtso of Students for a Free Tibet, France.

The lobby team also noted that a global advocacy push by Tibetans and Tibet supporters is currently underway with activists raising Tibet on Foreign Ministries’ agendas around the world, urging them to take multilateral action for Tibet, including using the Universal Periodic Review to demand that China address Tibetans’ legitimate grievances.


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2013, 04:33:20 PM »
Thank you Icy for the updates.

It is just wrong for these Tibetans to self-immolate. By choosing the path to self-immolate, it will not do them any good at all. It will not help the other Tibetans or even the CTA to bring Dalai Lama back to Tibet or have the China government return Tibet to them. By self-immolating, it only shows how selfish these people are, they do not think about what happens to those around them, and they do not know how to treasure the human life. When they failed in self-immolation, how are they going to face those around them? They did not help in any percentage towards the goal, instead they have made the situation worst. They did not treasure their life, how would they even get people to respect them after this has happened?

The CTA is just like a wolf in a sheep's skin, using the Tibetans life to get sympathy from the rest of the world. They do not even deserve to be the government for the Tibetans at all. At this rate, I believe that the CTA has only done more harm towards the Tibetans as compared to the good things that they have done for their own people.


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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2013, 09:07:59 PM »
Thank you Icy for the updates.

It is just wrong for these Tibetans to self-immolate. By choosing the path to self-immolate, it will not do them any good at all. It will not help the other Tibetans or even the CTA to bring Dalai Lama back to Tibet or have the China government return Tibet to them. By self-immolating, it only shows how selfish these people are, they do not think about what happens to those around them, and they do not know how to treasure the human life. When they failed in self-immolation, how are they going to face those around them? They did not help in any percentage towards the goal, instead they have made the situation worst. They did not treasure their life, how would they even get people to respect them after this has happened?

The CTA is just like a wolf in a sheep's skin, using the Tibetans life to get sympathy from the rest of the world. They do not even deserve to be the government for the Tibetans at all. At this rate, I believe that the CTA has only done more harm towards the Tibetans as compared to the good things that they have done for their own people.

Dear Rinchen

There is confidential news recently that Dalai Lama and some top Chinese officials have met in a neutral country in Europe informally under closed doors to talk about the main issues of Tibet and self-immolation of Tibetans which is one of the growing concern of both parties.  We hope to hear some positive news arising from the meeting and pray that both parties are able to come to a happy conclusion of long outstanding issues faced by Tibet and China.



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Re: Self-immolations and the fight for true freedom
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2013, 09:11:21 PM »
True Freedom Fighters:
His Holiness the Dalai Lama and fellow Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi during their meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, September 15, 2013.