Author Topic: Buddha Relics Exhibition in Singapore Expo at Hall 5A from 14 to 16 Dec 2013  (Read 13577 times)


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Hi All,

Just a good news to all, Dromtug Rinpoche will be holding a Buddha Relics Exhibition in Singapore Expo at Hall 5A from 14 to 16 Dec. There will be a very Big and Magnificent Mandala and Empowerment session(Obstacle clearing- Vajra Krodha Mahabala Ucchusma on 14 Dec & Long Life- Amitayus Buddha on 15 Dec) will be held there. At the end of the event (16 Dec), it will round up with the world Biggest Fire Puja (Yamantaka). All are welcome to join these event and listen to Dromtug Rinpoche preach Dharma and visualisation in Chinese.


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Thank you for this info lightning. Despite the many who do not like Dromtug Rinpoche and sometimes in certain countries He is touring, different Vajrayana centres will criticize and try to put His Eminence and His organisation's projects down just because He is a Dorje Shugden practitioner... yet Dromtug Rinpoche's work continues to grow and it is great to see He and his organization is very much active, despite the challenges they face.

May we rejoice in this and Master like Dromtug Rinpoche's work continue to flourish and grow swiftly...

For newbies who may not know much on Dromtug Rinpoche.... here is a simple bio on him from this website...
His Holiness the 18th Dromtug Rinpoche (formerly known as Jamseng Rinpoche) is one of the highest-ranking Lamas and is recognized by Serkong Tritul Rinpoche, a great Lineage holder of the Kadampa School of Tibetan Buddhism. His Holiness is an emanation of Avalokiteshvara (“Kuan Yin”) and is also the reincarnation of Dromtonpa, the great Kadampa master.

In his past life, Dromtug Rinpoche vowed to reincarnate as a Chinese so that he could promote Buddhism in the Chinese-speaking world. Due to his vow, Rinpoche reincarnated as a Chinese in this present life and is using Mandarin to teach the perfect and pure Sutra and Tantra teachings of Lord Shakyamuni across the world.

His Holiness the 18th Dromtug Rinpoche Losang Choekye Pelden is also the emanation of Mahasiddha Mahipa (one of the 84 Mahasiddhas of India), Dromtonpa (Founder of Kadampa Lineage), Phagpa the Imperial Preceptor to the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and Jamyang Choje Tashi Palden (Founder of Drepung Monastery). His Holiness the 18th Dromtug Rinpoche is a Geshe in both Sutra and Tantra Buddhism, which is equivalent to a double Degree in Sutra and Tantra Buddhism. His Holiness is a lineage holder of many rare uncommon lineages. Rinpoche has perfect Dharma lineages that stem from Je Tsongkhapa, such as the lineages of the Lamrim, the four classes of Tantra, the four empowerments of the maha-yoga practice, and Rinpoche has attained perfect practices and realizations through these Tantric practices.

His Holiness the 18th Dromtug Rinpoche has compassion and mercy for all sentient beings so they could attain perfect happiness. Therefore, Rinpoche has always been dedicated to promoting the perfect Dharma teachings from Lord Buddha and many people have benefited from it. His Holiness the 18th Dromtug Rinpoche is the first Abbot of the Mahayana Monastery, the largest monastery in Nepal, and is currently the advisor to the International Kadampa Monasteries and Associations around the world.

Over the years, Rinpoche has been actively promoting Buddhism in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, United States, Nepal, Outer Mongolia, New Zealand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and China’s greater areas such as Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan and other places. Rinpoche currently has over five thousand monastic disciples and countless number of lay disciples. His Holiness Dromtug Rinpoche has been teaching and guiding his disciples to incorporate Buddhist practices into their daily life. So, one not only achieves tangible results in this life but more importantly to eventually attain enlightenment.

His Holiness the 18th Dromtug Rinpoche has great compassion for all beings and has great wisdom and great virtues. He provides people with solutions to worldly problems and worries, but also dispenses perfect guidance to practice the Dharma. Unlike many Lamas who keep a distance from people, Dromtug Rinpoche is easily approachable and is willing to provide constant guidance as needed. The instructions given by Dromtug Rinpoche are always proven to be of great benefit no matter which level of practice the person is at. Many people from different Buddhist sects and other religions were all able to gain a better understanding of the Dharma through coming into contact with Dromtug Rinpoche. Some were even able to grasp the essence of the Dharma and integrate it into their lives.


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Hi dsiluvu,
Thank you so much!!!  ;)


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Dromtug Rinpoche conduct teaching and conferring Vajra Krodha Mahabala Ucchusma empowerment in Mandala.


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I find that Dromtung Rinpoche's influence with the Chinese world quite overwhelming and incredible. He really knows how to teach the Dharma to the Chinese and he is really good at doing so. He has a wide outreach within the Chinese communities worldwide and what is more interesting is that most Chinese I know of does see the Dalai Lama as a separatist and they are wondering why is the Dalai Lama trying to disturb the peace and tranquility and stability of China and it Dromtung Rinpoche gives them a different angle of Tibetan Buddhism: something that they can actually understand and practice, free from politics.


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I am glad to see Dromtung Rinpoche so active in bringing Dharma to the people. I heard his exhibitions usually draw quite a large crowd and found a couple of videos (in Chinese) regarding similar exhibitions by this Master. In the past Dromtung's relic exhibitions have been targeted for criticisms with some questioning the authenticity of the relics. It could be out of jealousy or perhaps because Dromtung is a Dorje Shugden practitioner.To me, it does not quite matter if the authenticity of the relics have been verified or not and what is important is that they draw people to believe in the "miracle" of the Buddha and to listen to the Buddha's holy Dharma.

Here is another interesting thread ( discussing the benefits of seeing Buddha relics. In particular, the post by a forum participant, lighting :

"Have anyone wondered why displaying Buddha Relics and what are the benefits:
1) Buddha relics are from Pureland and they are here for sentient beings to enjoy, whereas 1st ground Bodhisattvas can enjoy seeing Enjoyment Body of Buddhas.
2)  Buddha relics inspire faith in Buddha Teachings and make them pursue Buddhism.
3) Seeing Buddha relics can accumulate massive merits, get rid of negative karma and most importantly plant positive karma imprint in sentient beings mind so as to propel them towards Enlightenment, making them easier to meet good Spiritual Guides in future and making them easier to meet Buddhas in future.
4) In Maha Paramita Sutra stated by seeing Buddha relics is equivalent to seeing Thatagatha and in this lifetime, they will not befall into Hell realm.
5) By approaching Buddha Relics, they have huge amount of positive blessing energy bestowed. You can hold them or place it on top of your head.
6) By making offering to the Buddha relics such as offering flowers, is equivalent to offering to Buddha Himself. The merit accumulated is much stronger than Buddha statue, as most of us do not know how to visualize the 3 body of Buddha when they are doing offerings.

An Actual Buddha relics can reproduced itself with smaller relics and if measured by energy detector have strong positive energy measured or captured under aura photograph, these relics have strong purple lights which consist of magical qualities. If a small amount can be remove for DNA test, the history of relics will be around the Buddha's time around 2500 yrs ago, no matter if the small relics are reproduced recently.
The Buddha tooth relics could have grown over ages and it may not be of the actual human size, hence the dentist maybe inaccurate in this sense".

Small | Large

????? ??? Part 2 Small | Large


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I've heard that many of Dromtung Rinpoche's centre and organisations had to keep and lock away their Dorje Shugden statues and put away their practices because many anti-shugden freaks are causing problems for their Dharma work.

It is such a pity that even though many centres and Lamas that are not connected with Dharamsala/CTA/HHDL are also affected and are also being discriminated outside, making this issue not just an issue for Tibetan in Dharamsala/India/Nepal any more but more a world wide issue because this is pure religious discrimination and if it is happening on democratic soil in India and in other parts of the world... this calls for a huge law suit. Why isn't the UN questioning this to the CTA??? Wanna talk about Freedom and Tibetan Independence? Let's start with this first!

Here are some very useful address we can start writing to... so the world knows what's really happening...

How can we allow a non-existing Govt bully us like this, causing so many people to have wrong views, causing schism amongst sangha and causing religious discrimination and encouraging others to do so? Simply not right!!!


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Dromtung Rinpoche's work in the recent time is growing rapidly.  His exhibition of Buddha has travelled to many countries and also confer initiations to many as well as his dharma teachings.  It is important to the Chinese as it is easier for the Chinese as not many lamas speak chinese.  Many will at least get the basic understanding about Tibetan Buddhism from his work.  I am just thinking since Dromtung Rinpoche is a Dorje Shugden practitioner and able to converse in chinese, his work will be very beneficial in China.  Isn't the controversial a good idea to promote Shugden lamas?


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Dromtung Rinpoche's work in the recent time is growing rapidly.  His exhibition of Buddha has travelled to many countries and also confer initiations to many as well as his dharma teachings.  It is important to the Chinese as it is easier for the Chinese as not many lamas speak chinese.  Many will at least get the basic understanding about Tibetan Buddhism from his work.  I am just thinking since Dromtung Rinpoche is a Dorje Shugden practitioner and able to converse in chinese, his work will be very beneficial in China.  Isn't the controversial a good idea to promote Shugden lamas?

Dromtrung Rinpoche has always been big in the Chinese speaking crowd and he has always been popular with the crowd in Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. It's not really hard for him to get into mainland China's market at this current rate and he can and he will. When he does it will explode in popularity and then they would not have to be afraid of the CTA making things difficult for them to practice Dorje Shugden anymore, simply because there isnt a reason for them to do so. A lot of Dorje Shugden masters are on the rise now, and they cannot just be hushed into one small corner and hushed anymore.


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His Eminence Dromtug Rinpoche is Gelug master of the highest caliber and a Dorje Shugden practitioner also. I rejoice in his work. Being the reincarnation of Dromtonpa, his lineage goes all the way back to Atisha and Buddha Shakyamuni. It is without doubt his teachings are in the purest form. Hence being a DS practitioner himself, we cannot doubt the purity of DS practice.

The fact that he speaks mandarin is interesting. It means that his teachings are going to be big in China and other Chinese speaking countries in South East Asia. Along with it the protector practice will be big.

Suddenly I have a strong feeling that the time is near for DS to go bigger and bigger. I am so happy.


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Another thing to add is, from my own observations is that whatever that Dromtung Rinpoche has manifested in Taiwan and elsewhere seems to fit the Chinese crowd exactly. It is exactly what they need and how they perceive Buddhism should be like. It is not easy for a Tibetan to teach the Chinese because the Tibetan would have to not only learn the Chinese language, he would have to learn the Chinese culture as well to be able to know how to teach in a way that they can understand. Dromtrung Rinpoche reincarnating right into the Chinese culture enables hi to cut through all those and immediately start his Dharma work.


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There's so much which Dromtug Rinpoche and his organization is doing in order to bring benefit to the people. I find this approach extremely beneficial for the grass roots group of people whom are not so deeply interested in the deeper teachings of Buddhism. This approach I feel invites more people to come into contact with the Dharma though in a superficial way to have an opportunity to create a karmic connection with the Buddhas.

Though everyone is not inclined to the Buddhist practice, creating causes to be able to learn and listen to the Dharma in the future. There's different levels of practice and different levels in which different people take their approach into spirituality. We should all respect that but at the same time show them that there's more to spirituality than that level.
Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!

Big Uncle

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Dromtug Rinpoche conduct teaching and conferring Vajra Krodha Mahabala Ucchusma empowerment in Mandala.

This is an interesting deity. Is that Mahakala or Mahabala? Anyway, initiations of strange deities are exotic and wonderful but I really wonder, what does granting such initiations do for the masses except plant seeds. It would be better to give lots of teachings and give simple and beautiful practices that will help the masses even more. Then when you give the initiation, they will cherish the practice they receive via the initiation and they will really hold their commitments and vows.

I am sorry, I am not trying to criticize, I wouldn't dare as they are Sangha but that's what I have noticed many Tibetan centers do, they invite High Lamas and advertise the pujas and practices that are given. I very seldom hear that they advertise talks and Lamrim teachings. I guess they are catering to an Asian audience but I think Buddhism is a faith that is grounded on logic and teachings. Hence, teachings are even more important than the practices. This is just my 5 cents regarding this matter.


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There's so much which Dromtug Rinpoche and his organization is doing in order to bring benefit to the people. I find this approach extremely beneficial for the grass roots group of people whom are not so deeply interested in the deeper teachings of Buddhism. This approach I feel invites more people to come into contact with the Dharma though in a superficial way to have an opportunity to create a karmic connection with the Buddhas.

Though everyone is not inclined to the Buddhist practice, creating causes to be able to learn and listen to the Dharma in the future. There's different levels of practice and different levels in which different people take their approach into spirituality. We should all respect that but at the same time show them that there's more to spirituality than that level.

I do agree that this exhibition will attract many, whether they are staunch Buddhist or those who are curious about Buddhism. Whoever who visits the exhibition will definitely get blessings from Buddha's relic and other high Lama's relics. Also, it will also plant Dharma seeds in the minds of those who comes across it. This is the best way to attract new people into Buddhism.

Dromtug Rinpoche is so kind to have this exhibition all around the world and promote Buddhism. He is really persistent even  though he faces some opposition on his exhibition as some claim that the relics are not genuine. Whatever it may be, this exhibition does connect a lot of people to Buddhism. The Fire puja at the end of the exhibition will clear obstacles for the whole region.


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I've heard that many of Dromtung Rinpoche's centre and organisations had to keep and lock away their Dorje Shugden statues and put away their practices because many anti-shugden freaks are causing problems for their Dharma work.

It is such a pity that even though many centres and Lamas that are not connected with Dharamsala/CTA/HHDL are also affected and are also being discriminated outside, making this issue not just an issue for Tibetan in Dharamsala/India/Nepal any more but more a world wide issue because this is pure religious discrimination and if it is happening on democratic soil in India and in other parts of the world... this calls for a huge law suit. Why isn't the UN questioning this to the CTA??? Wanna talk about Freedom and Tibetan Independence? Let's start with this first!

Here are some very useful address we can start writing to... so the world knows what's really happening...

How can we allow a non-existing Govt bully us like this, causing so many people to have wrong views, causing schism amongst sangha and causing religious discrimination and encouraging others to do so? Simply not right!!!

It is out of respect to HHDL that many lamas and dharma centers are keeping a low profile and even to the extent of doing their Shugden practice quietly. The CTA would not have the power to continue with the ban after HHDL decided to take rebirth, no intended wish here with deep respect to HHDL.