Author Topic: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’  (Read 17416 times)


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2012, 04:31:52 PM »
The articles been posted here:

So because Ling Rinpoche was in an accident, he couldnt make it to the Jangchub Lamrim teachings. Okay so that accounts for one of the Dalai Lamas teachers. What happened to his other guru Trijang Rinpoche? How come he wasnt there?

Weird how the Dalai Lamas teachers dont really show up at his teachings (or not that Ive heard of anyway, I have a tendency not to notice these things). And I wouldve guessed that these set of teachings came from them since their like the foundation of the monastic curriculum. Hmmm not very auspcious eh that the one who gave the Dalai Lama these teachings couldnt make it himself.

(Edit: just found this. I was right, Ling Rinpoche did give the teachings to His Holiness, and he couldnt make hmmm

From that angle, perhaps it is a sign to HHDL that the ban does have karmic repercussions. Ling Rinpoche is forced to comply with the ban even though in his previous life he was a very strong proponent of Dorje Shugden as he perhaps, would want to remain in the monastery to benefit more people. perhaps the car accident is a wake up call for HHDL and his camp that the whole ban against Dorje Shugden is creating negative karma, and those negative karma are slowly surfacing and causing more and more obstacles for lamas to manifest teachings and the like. HHDL not having Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche around must be quite lonely in some way, or perhaps, it is how he deals with what happened to Reting Rinpoche?

I dont know about this loneliness thing. I know sometimes our lamas talk about loneliness but its different from when a layperson talks about loneliness. When we talk about loneliness, we are referring to a loneliness that arises from selfishness - *I* have no one with me so *I* am unhappy.

But when lamas talk about it, I think its from the perspective of being in a barbaric environment. Why should the Dalai Lama feel lonely? He lives in Dharamsala, the current epicentre of Tibetan Buddhism. If everyone in Dharamsala is supposedly practising the Dharma and following the Dalai Lamas instructions to not practise Dorje Shugden, then it can hardly be considered a barbaric environment. So why should the Dalai Lama feel lonely?

Then theres the other matter of the Dalai Lama engineering this whole situation. I dont think its correct to say that the Dalai Lama is lonely without Trijang Rinpoche or Ling Rinpoche. Why should he? He planned the whole thing. He planned the ban. He planned it so that he couldnt see his teachers. And even if he is manifesting loneliness and its sad for him that he cant be with his teachers, hes "suffering" this for us. I mean, this IS the Dalai Lama, Im quite sure His Holiness knows how to practise tonglen...!


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2012, 11:12:37 AM »

I dont know about this loneliness thing. I know sometimes our lamas talk about loneliness but its different from when a layperson talks about loneliness. When we talk about loneliness, we are referring to a loneliness that arises from selfishness - *I* have no one with me so *I* am unhappy.

But when lamas talk about it, I think its from the perspective of being in a barbaric environment. Why should the Dalai Lama feel lonely? He lives in Dharamsala, the current epicentre of Tibetan Buddhism. If everyone in Dharamsala is supposedly practising the Dharma and following the Dalai Lamas instructions to not practise Dorje Shugden, then it can hardly be considered a barbaric environment. So why should the Dalai Lama feel lonely?

Then theres the other matter of the Dalai Lama engineering this whole situation. I dont think its correct to say that the Dalai Lama is lonely without Trijang Rinpoche or Ling Rinpoche. Why should he? He planned the whole thing. He planned the ban. He planned it so that he couldnt see his teachers. And even if he is manifesting loneliness and its sad for him that he cant be with his teachers, hes "suffering" this for us. I mean, this IS the Dalai Lama, Im quite sure His Holiness knows how to practise tonglen...!

it's more of a rhetorical theory that the Dalai Lama without his Lamas is 'lonely'. It's not to say that he is really lonely in any way, but just as a theory of sorts of how someone deals with not having their Lamas around. Obviously the Dalai Lama would miss his Gurus in some way or form, especially Reting Rinpoche where he said was like a father to him. To have his own government drive away his own Gurus must be quite a saddening experience...and also to have his very first Guru killed and imprisoned right below his living quarters is not exactly an experience id consider good.

Big Uncle

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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2012, 05:13:46 PM »
From that angle, perhaps it is a sign to HHDL that the ban does have karmic repercussions. Ling Rinpoche is forced to comply with the ban even though in his previous life he was a very strong proponent of Dorje Shugden as he perhaps, would want to remain in the monastery to benefit more people. perhaps the car accident is a wake up call for HHDL and his camp that the whole ban against Dorje Shugden is creating negative karma, and those negative karma are slowly surfacing and causing more and more obstacles for lamas to manifest teachings and the like. HHDL not having Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche around must be quite lonely in some way, or perhaps, it is how he deals with what happened to Reting Rinpoche?

How do you make the connection from the accident to the ban on HHDL? I don't quite follow your train of thought. How does Ling Rinpoche getting into accident has got anything to do by being a wake up call for the Dalai Lama? I agree that there's a lot negativities generated but I really don't see the connection. I am sure the Dalai Lama is aware of the karmic repercussions and he is willing to face it since he has a particular purpose behind enforcing it. However, I do not understand what you meant when you said towards the end about "what happened to Reting Rinpoche?"


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2012, 05:38:36 PM »
The articles been posted here:

So because Ling Rinpoche was in an accident, he couldnt make it to the Jangchub Lamrim teachings. Okay so that accounts for one of the Dalai Lamas teachers. What happened to his other guru Trijang Rinpoche? How come he wasnt there?

Weird how the Dalai Lamas teachers dont really show up at his teachings (or not that Ive heard of anyway, I have a tendency not to notice these things). And I wouldve guessed that these set of teachings came from them since their like the foundation of the monastic curriculum. Hmmm not very auspcious eh that the one who gave the Dalai Lama these teachings couldnt make it himself.

(Edit: just found this. I was right, Ling Rinpoche did give the teachings to His Holiness, and he couldnt make hmmm

Interestin observation DD... Now that you said... it's frightening to think that the reasons for Ling's Rinpoche's accident could be due to "broken samaya" by HHDL??? Could it be so... no... it couldn't (not for Bodhisattva Chenrezig). So why couldn't Ling Rinpoche attend the teachings and had to experience this tragic accident.... the curious mind questions.

If I understand karma correctly, this would be the consequence result of all the disharmony, schism, seperation caused by the Ban. Now perhaps HHDL imposed the Ban but I am most certain He did not instruct His fanatical followers to attack Gurus, High Lama's home, throw rocks and fire to burn them and such violent aggression. So the act of HHDL's followers surely must have huge negative karma returning back like the wheel of sharp weapons.. no one can escape this. And I believe HHDL prbably knows that He implemented this for a bigger scheme of things, and would accept His own consequence for the sake of all sentient beings... would this be logical, I wonder???

Just like the story of Buddha on a ship who thru his clairvoyant ability could see a murderer was on board to kill and rob when all is asleep. Hence he killed the murderer on the ship to save many lives as well as the murderer's negative karma from doing such an act. However, Buddha still has to face his consequence to be born in hell for a short period of time.... that was the risk and selfless sacrifice he made. Could this be similar with HHDL and the Ban...hmmmm.. certainly food for thought!


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2012, 07:08:54 AM »
How do you make the connection from the accident to the ban on HHDL? I don't quite follow your train of thought. How does Ling Rinpoche getting into accident has got anything to do by being a wake up call for the Dalai Lama? I agree that there's a lot negativities generated but I really don't see the connection. I am sure the Dalai Lama is aware of the karmic repercussions and he is willing to face it since he has a particular purpose behind enforcing it. However, I do not understand what you meant when you said towards the end about "what happened to Reting Rinpoche?"

Lets look at all of the Dalai Lama's teachers: Ling Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche and Reting Rinpoche. There is a common thread in all 3 of them: The CTA does not like the at all. Reting Rinpoche was killed, Trijang Rinpoche was threatened and Ling Rinpoche has to be very careful about his actions to not attract any unwanted attention. Why is the CTA attacking all of the Dalai Lama's Gurus? Reting Rinpoche is MIA, Trijang Rinpoche is far, far away from the Dalai Lama and look what almost happened to Ling Rinpoche. Do you see a pattern now with this? This is what I kind of mean.

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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2012, 03:10:05 PM »
How do you make the connection from the accident to the ban on HHDL? I don't quite follow your train of thought. How does Ling Rinpoche getting into accident has got anything to do by being a wake up call for the Dalai Lama? I agree that there's a lot negativities generated but I really don't see the connection. I am sure the Dalai Lama is aware of the karmic repercussions and he is willing to face it since he has a particular purpose behind enforcing it. However, I do not understand what you meant when you said towards the end about "what happened to Reting Rinpoche?"

Lets look at all of the Dalai Lama's teachers: Ling Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche and Reting Rinpoche. There is a common thread in all 3 of them: The CTA does not like the at all. Reting Rinpoche was killed, Trijang Rinpoche was threatened and Ling Rinpoche has to be very careful about his actions to not attract any unwanted attention. Why is the CTA attacking all of the Dalai Lama's Gurus? Reting Rinpoche is MIA, Trijang Rinpoche is far, far away from the Dalai Lama and look what almost happened to Ling Rinpoche. Do you see a pattern now with this? This is what I kind of mean.

Sorry? What's the connection again? By the way, Ling Rinpoche has no problems with CTA because he doesn't practice Dorje Shugden. At least that's what he openly says that is. So, I still don't get what you are talking about. Reting Rinpoche passed away a long time ago and if you are talking about this life, CTA is not recognizing him because of the suppose crimes he committed in his previous life. It would be easier if you make a clearer connection or are you talking about something mystical because I am really not getting it. Sorry, I am not trying to find fault but I really don't get it. If anybody reading this gets what the connection Ensapa is talking about, please do help to explain because it sounds pretty intriguing.


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2012, 09:17:12 AM »
I heard the latest news that although Ling Rinpoche is 'Out of Danger' the accident which he had had was really bad and he was seriously injured.  Ling Rinpoche is seriously injured from the hip to both of his legs.  He is now in Goa recuperating but really not well.  Please send your prayers to Ling Rinpoche so he may recover swiftly and once again be able to benefit many beings.  May Ling Rinpoche live long.

Big Uncle

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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2012, 09:30:56 AM »

A month after a near fatal accident Ling Rinpoche is now out of bed in a wheelchair. He broke his right leg, and dislocated and broke his left hip one month ago. Rinpoche is making wonderful progress.

His Holiness reminds us, "When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us. When our community is in a state of peace, it can share that peace with neighboring communities and so on. When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace." His Holiness' cold has now resolved. Emaho!
from Facebook

I saw this on one of my Facebook friends' page and I though I share this hear to let everybody know the good news that Kyabje Ling Rinpoche is way on his road to recovery. I am not sure if the injuries to his leg and hips is reversible or not. Anyway, it is all kind of strange that Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, who was sponsoring the teachings could not make it. I wonder if Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was also asked to sponsor the Dalai Lama's teachings. From the news, it is obvious that he didn't but I am just wondering if they asked him. Perhaps, the stipulations was that they give up Dorje Shugden practice. Anyway, I am sorry but it is rather ill omen and perhaps Kyabje Ling Rinpoche was absorbing something more than just the obstacle of the participants of the teachings.


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2013, 06:40:16 AM »
I saw this on one of my Facebook friends' page and I though I share this hear to let everybody know the good news that Kyabje Ling Rinpoche is way on his road to recovery. I am not sure if the injuries to his leg and hips is reversible or not. Anyway, it is all kind of strange that Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, who was sponsoring the teachings could not make it. I wonder if Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was also asked to sponsor the Dalai Lama's teachings. From the news, it is obvious that he didn't but I am just wondering if they asked him. Perhaps, the stipulations was that they give up Dorje Shugden practice. Anyway, I am sorry but it is rather ill omen and perhaps Kyabje Ling Rinpoche was absorbing something more than just the obstacle of the participants of the teachings.

I am not sure if it can be considered as in inauspicious sign at the same time as well, because i have not heard of something of this nature to have happened before. Yeah, perhaps Ling Rinpoche is absorbing the obstacles and negative karma of the people who will be receiving those teachings so that the Dharma will go into them is really noble of Ling Rinpoche to do so as a broken leg will heal but it would still affect his mobility even after the healing. I really do hope that Ling Rinpoche's actions would bear fruit and that the people attending the teachings actually transform. I am really happy to see Ling Rinpoche recovering so fast as well :) may his Dharma works grow much more


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2013, 02:42:30 AM »
I saw this on one of my Facebook friends' page and I though I share this hear to let everybody know the good news that Kyabje Ling Rinpoche is way on his road to recovery. I am not sure if the injuries to his leg and hips is reversible or not. Anyway, it is all kind of strange that Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, who was sponsoring the teachings could not make it. I wonder if Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was also asked to sponsor the Dalai Lama's teachings. From the news, it is obvious that he didn't but I am just wondering if they asked him. Perhaps, the stipulations was that they give up Dorje Shugden practice. Anyway, I am sorry but it is rather ill omen and perhaps Kyabje Ling Rinpoche was absorbing something more than just the obstacle of the participants of the teachings.

I am not sure if it can be considered as in inauspicious sign at the same time as well, because i have not heard of something of this nature to have happened before. Yeah, perhaps Ling Rinpoche is absorbing the obstacles and negative karma of the people who will be receiving those teachings so that the Dharma will go into them is really noble of Ling Rinpoche to do so as a broken leg will heal but it would still affect his mobility even after the healing. I really do hope that Ling Rinpoche's actions would bear fruit and that the people attending the teachings actually transform. I am really happy to see Ling Rinpoche recovering so fast as well :) may his Dharma works grow much more

Yeah isn't it strange that the Gurus of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche) both could not attend the Dalai Lama's teachings. And Ling Rinpoche had to go through such a horrific accident? I am sure these "Enlightened minds knows what's going on and what will be happening before it even happens. So it is kind of an ill omen i reckon.

I hope from this accident, His Holiness will do something in regards to His relationships with His Gurus. I am sure His Holiness is not unreasonable, so hopefully ties between His Gurus especially Trijang Rinpoche becomes better, and discrimination towards Dorje Shugden practitioners, the BAN be stopped. It seems pretty disrespectful, disgusting, unheard off and totally wrong to be threatening one's Guru's life, livelihood and activities like CTA have been threatening Trijang Rinpoche and many other high Lama's lives directly or indirectly and chasing them out of their own Labrang and giving them conditions. WHO on earth do they think they are???   


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2013, 09:23:28 AM »
Yeah isn't it strange that the Gurus of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche) both could not attend the Dalai Lama's teachings. And Ling Rinpoche had to go through such a horrific accident? I am sure these "Enlightened minds knows what's going on and what will be happening before it even happens. So it is kind of an ill omen i reckon.

I hope from this accident, His Holiness will do something in regards to His relationships with His Gurus. I am sure His Holiness is not unreasonable, so hopefully ties between His Gurus especially Trijang Rinpoche becomes better, and discrimination towards Dorje Shugden practitioners, the BAN be stopped. It seems pretty disrespectful, disgusting, unheard off and totally wrong to be threatening one's Guru's life, livelihood and activities like CTA have been threatening Trijang Rinpoche and many other high Lama's lives directly or indirectly and chasing them out of their own Labrang and giving them conditions. WHO on earth do they think they are???

To me, could it be a small crack in HHDL's samaya? But if that was true then his teachings and his pujas will have no effect at all. But having Trijang Rinpoche distance himself from CTA and the Dalai Lama, and disrobing and taking up a wife to me shows that he is extremely unhappy with the Dalai Lama's actions of the Dorje Shugden ban because Trijang Rinpoche could always have left Dharamsala, and resume being a monk in Geshe Rabten's center in Switzerland or go to Serkong Tritul's center in taiwan and still be a monk. That is what it shows to me. On another parallel, Lama Osel manifesting as a regular spanish teenager instead of a Lama also shows his disapproval on the state of affairs in FPMT...

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2013, 01:43:44 PM »
From the photograph in the newspaper clipping, it certainly looks like a very serious accident. It is so sad to know the driver of the car was killed in the accident. However, I am also very relieved to read Ling Rinpoche was rescued out of the wreck together with two other monks and given medical attention. It is just too bad that Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche could not be present at the Jangchup Lamrim teachings. I am of the opinion that these are the signs that Ling Rinpoche is absorbing the negative karma of people attending such a great dharma teaching.

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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2013, 06:38:35 PM »
Yeah isn't it strange that the Gurus of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche) both could not attend the Dalai Lama's teachings. And Ling Rinpoche had to go through such a horrific accident? I am sure these "Enlightened minds knows what's going on and what will be happening before it even happens. So it is kind of an ill omen i reckon.

I hope from this accident, His Holiness will do something in regards to His relationships with His Gurus. I am sure His Holiness is not unreasonable, so hopefully ties between His Gurus especially Trijang Rinpoche becomes better, and discrimination towards Dorje Shugden practitioners, the BAN be stopped. It seems pretty disrespectful, disgusting, unheard off and totally wrong to be threatening one's Guru's life, livelihood and activities like CTA have been threatening Trijang Rinpoche and many other high Lama's lives directly or indirectly and chasing them out of their own Labrang and giving them conditions. WHO on earth do they think they are???

To me, could it be a small crack in HHDL's samaya? But if that was true then his teachings and his pujas will have no effect at all. But having Trijang Rinpoche distance himself from CTA and the Dalai Lama, and disrobing and taking up a wife to me shows that he is extremely unhappy with the Dalai Lama's actions of the Dorje Shugden ban because Trijang Rinpoche could always have left Dharamsala, and resume being a monk in Geshe Rabten's center in Switzerland or go to Serkong Tritul's center in taiwan and still be a monk. That is what it shows to me. On another parallel, Lama Osel manifesting as a regular spanish teenager instead of a Lama also shows his disapproval on the state of affairs in FPMT...

I find your deductions of the situation on HHDL's samaya with his Gurus and also the events surrounding Ling Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche and Reting Rinpoche in connection to the Ban, quite interesting. Like Big Uncle said the connections you deduce do not seem clear. However after reading how you have further explained, I think that your deductions are very much based on the karmic and in-between the lines points.

It is like you are saying the the total karmic accumulations manifesting in these unforeseen traumatic incidents. I have to say I can believe what you are saying. The Ban enforced by HHDL is now having the negative accumulated karma and inflicting upon others like Ling Rinpoche. 


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2013, 07:24:48 PM »
Dear All,

I found this pic of Ling Rinpoche by chance on FB and would like to share with you guys. Seems like Ling Rinpoche is doing well on the road to recovery.

I hope Ling Rinpoche recovers and will be back on track with his studies and mature to be who he is soon.

Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: Ling Rinpoche in Car Accident, ‘Out of Danger’
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2013, 06:14:10 PM »
Just wanted to share this image with everyone. Since the last update from Harry when Ling Rinpoche was still in a wheelchair, Ling Rinpoche is apparently now doing much better after his car accident. He is now able to move around on his own two feet (albeit with the aid of crutches). And look who that is visiting him... the Karmapa ;)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 06:16:08 PM by DharmaDefender »