Author Topic: HHDL more relaxed & confident the Tibetan cause can continue without Him.  (Read 4528 times)


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At Tumkur University His Holiness the Dalai Lama Inaugurates a Conference about Yoga in Education and Later Meets with Bangalore Based Tibetans

November 28th 2012

Bangalore, Karnataka, India 27 November 2012 - This morning His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove about 70kms north-west of Bangalore to visit Tumkur University, where he was warmly welcomed on arrival by representatives of the university and monks and lamas of Sera-je Monastic University. Joining him on the dais were Dr Sree Sree Shivakumara Maha Swamiji of the Sree Siddaganga Mutt, Tumkur, who has attained the venerable age of 105; Prof HR Nagendra Vice-Chancellor of S-Vyasa University, a local Yoga University; Dr Apathukatha Shivathanu Pillai, India’s principal rocket scientist; Dr P Sadananda Maiya, a major benefactor of Tumkur University and Prof SC Sharma, the Tumkur University Vice-Chancellor.

Following a resonant invocation by the Sera-je monks, Prof Sharma gave an enthusiastic welcome address and a brief introduction to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He then requested His Holiness to participate in an exchange of memorandums of understanding first between Tumkur University and Sera-je Monastic University and then between Tumkur University and S-VYAS University to mark the co-operation that is being established between them. His Holiness and Dr Sree Sree Shivakumara Maha Swamiji then lit a lamp to formally inaugurate proceedings. For its part, Sera-je offered a Tibetan style lamp to His Holiness and then offered images of the Buddha to the assembled dignitaries.

He began his talk saying how happy he was to inaugurate this important conference, and went on to thank the University for the great honour of bestowing on him an honorary professorship, remarking jokingly,

“It’s a great honour, especially as I haven’t really done the required study and won’t have any time to do the required teaching!”

“Now, to begin with, I’d like to say a few words about India. Among the several great ancient civilizations, India is one that has given great thought to the nature of reality. Along with the concept of ahimsa or non-violence that has become part of its heritage, this is significant. Ahimsa finds expression, for example, in India’s remarkable and longstanding religious tolerance. This has seen homegrown faiths such as the Samkhya, Hindu traditions, Jainism, Buddhism and later Sikhism, and religions from abroad such as Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam living harmoniously side by side.”

Meanwhile, in the world at large, in the twentieth century the destructive power of technology reach unthinkable levels with, quite apart from “conventional” warfare, the actual use of nuclear weapons with terrible results. His Holiness recalled visiting both Nagasaki and Hiroshima and meeting survivors who recounted their gruelling experiences. He suggested that if the violence and bloodshed of the twentieth century, in the course of which an estimated 200 million people met violent deaths, had led to a better world it might somehow have been justified, but that was not the case. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge that trying to solve our problems and disputes through violence is completely out of date. We must find a fresh approach and the realistic and humane alternative is to engage instead in dialogue.

But is okay for Dorje Shugden issue to BAN unjustly and for Pro Dalai Lama activist to be like terrorist to hunt, attack and discriminate Shugdenpas? And up till today His Holiness still has not grant any dialogue with the Shugden representatives instead withing the exile Tibetan community... there is already separation, no unity and Shugden practitioners, Lamas, Sangha and people are basically being left out in the dark... abandoned. 

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at the inauguration of the International Conference on Yoga in Education at Timkur University in Bangalore, India, on November 27, 2012. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
In the past people sought the destruction of their opponent, but today in our increasingly interdependent world, when for example our economies are intertwined, the destruction of an opponent would lead to our own destruction. Similarly, the damage we are doing the environment will ultimately only do us harm. We must find peaceful solutions. His Holiness mentioned a Mongolian astronaut who told him how he’d been so moved by the sight of our beautiful blue planet from space that he has dedicated himself ever since to protecting its ecology. This is the kind of change of heart we need.

“Sometimes dialogue is seen as a sign of weakness, while violence is regarded as a sign of strength, but this is quite wrong. Developing respect for the rights of others, their right to life and their way of life, is the basis of ahimsa.”

The demarcation between violence and non-violence is the motivation. If we cheat and exploit others with a smiling face and beguiling words, we are actually engaging in a form of violence. Our ultimate source of strength is warm-heartedness.

Going back to the question of religious harmony, His Holiness said that we have a variety of religious traditions because there are different people with different culture living in different places. Compassion, tolerance and self-discipline are taught by them all, and it is self-discipline that helps us resist negative action, it’s about personal restraint. He said that along with self-discipline we need contentment, because as wealth increases, greed seems to increase and with it a sense of competition. This gives rise to mistrust and suspicion, which leads to fear, frustration, anger and all too often violence. He said,

So how non-Shugdenpas cannot mix or just get along with Shugden practitioners and live in together in tolerance?? I guess it must be because Shugden practitioners are doing well, wealthy, happy and growing that cause so much jealousy, mistrust, greed, frustration and anger in those non-Shugdenpas... yeah that is must it, otherwise why so much aggression and must be why they just wish to wipe us out even the lineage Lamas we call upon for blessings in prayer is being threatened of being wiped out! 

“Those who have little interest in spirituality shouldn’t think that human inner values don’t apply to you. The inner peace of an alert and calm mind are the source of real happiness and good health. Our human intelligence tells us which of our emotions are positive and helpful and which are damaging and to be restrained or avoided.”

Audience members listening to His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at the inauguration of the International Conference on Yoga in Education at Timkur University in Bangalore, India, on November 27, 2012. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
His Holiness averred that India has the potential to combine the values of ancient traditions with modern education, which is why conferences such as this one focussing on Yoga in education has such a positive potential. He went on to offer his congratulations on the special relations being established between Tumkur University and Sera-je Monastic University. He said this fulfilled one of his long-standing wishes as a chela of Indian gurus. In the course of time, the guru has neglected aspects of his ancient thought, but the time has come to study ancient Indian philosophy once more. As reliable chelas of Indian gurus, Tibetans have kept ancient Indian knowledge alive. He observed that while Buddhist religious teaching is a matter for private individual interest, there are many aspects of Buddhist philosophy and science that are of universal appeal and can be of universal benefit.

To a question from the floor about how to train children in love and kindness, His Holiness replied,

“In our education system, we need to included lessons like those concerning physical hygiene that focus on mental and emotional hygiene, that teach how to develop a healthy mind. This is the core of what I call secular ethics and we are working to create a draft of a map of the mind and emotions to put it into effect.”

Following lunch with the Vice-Chancellor Dr Sharma and Dr Pillai, His Holiness drove back into Bangalore to meet Tibetans who are based in the city. He expressed his happiness at their being able to meet together even for only a short time. He told them that although Tibetans have been in exile for 53 years which is long in terms of an individual’s life, it is short in terms of a people’s struggle for freedom. He was happy to say that in exile Tibetans have been able to keep their traditions and culture and that the spirit of all Tibetans, those in Tibet as well as in exile remains remarkably strong.

He praised India for its democracy, rule of law and religious freedom and spoke of the importance of Tibetans keeping their honesty and integrity intact.

“If you are sincere you can be honest and transparent with others; if you are insincere you will easily become deceitful. Never think that being kind to others is an invitation to them to exploit you.”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to a gathering of Tibetans based in Bangalore, India, on November 27, 2012. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
He pointed out that there is more to Dharma practice than reciting prayers or playing musical instruments. Tibetan Buddhism is most profound and the Tibetan written and spoken language is ideally suited to expressing that profundity. This is one of the reasons why it is important to use and extend the Tibetan language. Some schools in exile are now teaching modern subjects like science entirely in Tibetan and even employing traditional debate techniques to examine modern topics, which is a positive development.

His Holiness reviewed the steps that had led to his devolving his political responsibilities to the elected Tibetan leadership and ending the nearly 400 year old tradition of the Dalai Lamas wielding both political and spiritual authority.

“In the past when I was travelling abroad, I sometimes worried what would happen to the Tibetan cause if there were to be an accident and I were to die. Now I feel more relaxed and confident that the Tibetan cause can continue without me and that the elected leadership will ensure this.
Although I’ve told them that should they need my help, I am ready to give it.”

But up till now your people are still burning, the aggression and oppression on Dorje Shugden practitioners a still happening... and so far nothing new from CTA since... So I would disagree about this...

What is really the Tibetan cause any way and does it include Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden... or are they not considered Tibetans any more???

Addressing students, he said they should understand that Buddhism involves transforming the mind and that they should be able to explain what it was about if fellow students asked. Essentially, he explained, Buddhism is about the view of dependent origination and the conduct of non-violence, helping others if you can, but at least avoiding doing them harm. He also counselled them to reach out to Chinese students who may be studying with them. China will change and these young students may be leaders themselves one day, so it’s worth taking the opportunity to explain the reality of Tibet to them.

Requested by local journalists to say a few words in English, His Holiness recalled first visiting Karnataka in 1956. Later, when he and many Tibetans came into exile, Prime Minister Nehru wrote to Indian Chief Ministers asking if any could offer help to Tibetans. Karnataka Chief Minister Nijalingappa was particularly imaginative and generous in providing land for settlements. As a result, 40,000 Tibetans are now settled here and, most important, the great monasteries preserving the pure Nalanda tradition have been re-established.

“The people and government of Karnataka have been especially helpful to us over the years and I would like to express my deep appreciation to them all. Thank you.”


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Re: HHDL more relaxed & confident the Tibetan cause can continue without Him.
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 05:15:35 PM »
At Tumkur University His Holiness the Dalai Lama Inaugurates a Conference about Yoga in Education and Later Meets with Bangalore Based Tibetans

November 28th 2012

“Now, to begin with, I’d like to say a few words about India. Among the several great ancient civilizations, India is one that has given great thought to the nature of reality. Along with the concept of ahimsa or non-violence that has become part of its heritage, this is significant. Ahimsa finds expression, for example, in India’s remarkable and longstanding religious tolerance. This has seen homegrown faiths such as the Samkhya, Hindu traditions, Jainism, Buddhism and later Sikhism, and religions from abroad such as Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam living harmoniously side by side.”


His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at the inauguration of the International Conference on Yoga in Education at Timkur University in Bangalore, India, on November 27, 2012. Photo/Jeremy Russell/OHHDL
In the past people sought the destruction of their opponent, but today in our increasingly interdependent world, when for example our economies are intertwined, the destruction of an opponent would lead to our own destruction. Similarly, the damage we are doing the environment will ultimately only do us harm. We must find peaceful solutions. His Holiness mentioned a Mongolian astronaut who told him how he’d been so moved by the sight of our beautiful blue planet from space that he has dedicated himself ever since to protecting its ecology. This is the kind of change of heart we need.


The demarcation between violence and non-violence is the motivation. If we cheat and exploit others with a smiling face and beguiling words, we are actually engaging in a form of violence. Our ultimate source of strength is warm-heartedness.


Going back to the question of religious harmony, His Holiness said that we have a variety of religious traditions because there are different people with different culture living in different places. Compassion, tolerance and self-discipline are taught by them all, and it is self-discipline that helps us resist negative action, it’s about personal restraint. He said that along with self-discipline we need contentment, because as wealth increases, greed seems to increase and with it a sense of competition. This gives rise to mistrust and suspicion, which leads to fear, frustration, anger and all too often violence. He said,


He observed that while Buddhist religious teaching is a matter for private individual interest, there are many aspects of Buddhist philosophy and science that are of universal appeal and can be of universal benefit.

How I wish that the above address by the Dalai Lama were made to a congregation of people who persecute  Dorje Shugden practitioners. It seems like the most appropriate advice to apply to the situation within the Gelugpas today.

I once asked a spiritual elder how he would sum up all the Buddha's teachings and he responded saying that perhaps the most important directive Buddha gave to his followers was "do no harm", which is the essence of ahimsa that goes to the core of Buddhism. Harm does not only refer to physical harm, but also damage to their livelihoods, their peace of mind and destruction to very foundation on which they build their lives. We inflict the most harm on others when we trick or coerce them into creating causes for immense bad karma to be visited upon them not just for this lifetime but also for aeons to come. That would be the most harm we could wreak upon another. Therefore to me, one of the most serious breaches of the Buddha own directive is seen in the Dorje Shugden ban that has brought so much harm on those who do the Protector and those who oppose it.

What Dalai Lama said is very true, that in trying to destroy our "enemy" we destroy ourselves. We may not understand that there is no real "enemy" other than what we conjure up in our minds, arising out of our hatred. But we can surely understand that when we seek to destroy, we are summoning up all the negative thoughts and feelings in our minds, which is the anti-thesis of proper practice. In hating Shugden practitioners, they try and destroy both the practice and the practitioners. Imagine hating a Buddha so much and inciting others to similarly hate. How can that be a good thing. In hating Dorje Shugden, those who support and uphold the ban do nothing but reinforce their own anger, prejudice and wrong views...and these will prove to be their great undoing. Not only are they creating bad karma in nurturing and harnessing the true enemy of Dharma, they are directing their poison towards a Buddha which magnifies their bad karma Buddha only knows how many fold. Even if they disagree with the practice of Dorje Shugden, and even if they wrongly believe that the deity is evil, they could have practice what the Dalai Lama preached and practice compassion and tolerance. They could have practice what the Buddha directed that is not to inflict harm, but instead to cultivate virtue and tame their own minds. If Dorje Shugden is evil, he is not the only "evil" before this and after this. Evil will always be around as long as there is samsara. Are those people going to be anger at all manner of evil spirits and ghosts and harmful elements? Theirs is not anger directed towards a demon, theirs is anger arising out of prejudice. It would have been so many more beneficial to themselves and Tibet if they had fought the true evil, which is their own poison with similar commitment and ferocity.

What destruction and decay lay in the minds of people is reflected in their environment and so today we see Tibetans literally dying in the streets, people turning away from the Dharma, the fear, frustration anger and violence the Dalai Lama spoke about is prevalent within the Tibetan community as a society seeks to destroy itself and the bearers of the Dharma along with it.

The Dalai Lama spoke of motivation and while we cannot say what the Dalai Lama's motivation is, the ban has unleashed wicked actions done, not out of good motivation but anger, wrong views and blind faith all of which not only the Dalai Lama but also the Buddha have spoken out against. Unless this is quickly corrected, the Dalai Lama's legacy will be a Tibetan cause, but not the kind everyone had in mind, but one of having to face their own individual and collective karma.


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Re: HHDL more relaxed & confident the Tibetan cause can continue without Him.
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2012, 04:33:18 AM »
Ironically, the Tibetans cannot do anything without the Dalai Lama. I sense that perhaps, the ban was a test to see if the people would rise up to the Dalai Lama and say that he is wrong (because there are many of Pabongkha Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche's followers in Dharamsala, not to mention back in Tibet) and they failed to actually stand up for something that is their basic right: the right to practice whatever deity they want and not get prosecuted for them. CTA has failed for more than over 50 years in establishing itself without the Dalai Lama's backing and approval in anything, so I do not really see how can they stand up on their own. Perhaps, HHDL is doing this because he realizes that by feeding them and allowing this to continue, he is not helping them in any way and that he should just stop and let them stand on their own so that they will actually learn.


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Re: HHDL more relaxed & confident the Tibetan cause can continue without Him.
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2016, 02:16:39 PM »
Trying to solve disputes with violence is completely out of date, says the Dalai Lama. On the other hand he is the one behind the Dorje Shugden ban. An out of the ordinary ban that has torn apart hundreds of families and turned friends into enemies. It has also made hundreds of people flee the country for the sake of their own life.

I really hope that the ban will end swiftly without any bloodshed.


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Re: HHDL more relaxed & confident the Tibetan cause can continue without Him.
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2016, 02:14:22 PM »
I think that the Dalai Lama's leadership is too deep into his people and they will definitely be at lost when he should pass on. His "god" status means that everything the Tibetans do will look towards him for his approval and consent, whether direct statements or by inference. Due to the structure of Tibetan society, every word or action of the Dalai Lama is closely watched for nuances of his wish which they will sort to fulfil. As with the ban on Dorje Shugden, when he said do not practice, suddenly CTA go full blown into making it a ban to be applied to every Tibetans and his followers carrying out the purging of Shugden practitioners, even to extremities which includes harassment, abuses, ostracising and even attempted murder of Shugden practitioners. After 20 years of the official ban, the Tibetans still can't see through to the truth of their own actions, how can they function without the Dalai Lama?
Besides, with the terrible leadership of the CTA officials who only care to remain in control and satisfy their greed. By riling their people to a frenzy against the Shugden practitioners, CTA is able to control under the Dalai Lama's auspice. I shudder to think that if the Dalai Lama is not around, how his people will live under the current regime. It is sad that after 20 years, the Tibetans who were Anti-Shugdens had not even bothered to see through the Dalai Lama's questionable reasons for the ban to actually take in his precious teachings and practice that instead. Most importantly, for 20 years the Shugden Lamas and practitioners had suffered for them already. The Dalai Lama do not have long to wait for their transformation and I really hope they will realise that.


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Re: HHDL more relaxed & confident the Tibetan cause can continue without Him.
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2016, 02:06:06 PM »
Since 1959, the Tibetans have been living for one person who is deemed god. So, there were no thought on what will happen once the Dalai Lama leaves this life and move on to the next, he is expected to live forever.

That's why there is such ferocity in defending the Dalai Lama. So, what will happen, my guess is that everything will fall apart. The CTA will just grab like there's no tomorrow and the Tibetans will still believe everything they say if they throw in the Dalai Lama's name like the way a lot of people still believe that Elvis Presley is alive.