Author Topic: No Future In Religious Persecutions.  (Read 4719 times)


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No Future In Religious Persecutions.
« on: December 21, 2012, 04:57:33 AM »
It appears even the mighty China is coming to its senses that religious persecutions ultimately fail and may come with heavy consequences. The bottom line is, no government in the world today can oppress its own people and get away with it. Very likely, after a time, the crimes committed during the persecution are brought into light and perpetrators called to answer and punished. I hope the people who walk the CTA corridors of power are made aware that the longer they delay in correcting their grievous mistake in denying Shugden worshippers their basic human rights, the worse it will be for them when eventually called to answer.

In 1999, the Chinese Government sought to eradicate the Falun Gong is a spiritual discipline first introduced in China in 1992 which combines the practice of meditation and qigong with a moral philosophy emphasizing morality and the cultivation of virtue in its central tenets of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Deemed as a political threat the Communist Party initiated a nationwide crackdown and a launched a multi-dimension propaganda campaign to wipe out the Falun Gong. Members of Falun Gong were ostracized from society and shunned by family and friends because of the propaganda campaign. Although Falun Ging and Dorje Shugden are different practcies, they both share the same experience of having being bullied by powerful state apparatus and propaganda. Both are victims of oppression but in the Dorje Shugden's case, it is evel illegal and it went against Tibet's own constitution.

Dorje Shugden practitioners have experienced the same fate as the Falun Gong, except it is not a 10 years old practice but one that has been transmitted by highly attained Masters for over three centuries. Just like the Falun Ging, it faced extermination by its government for no apparent reason or logic and many people suffered as the consequence.

But one thing positive about true faith in the face of oppression is that it grows. The Dorje Shugden practice have definitely grown both in numbers and the strength of the faith. The ban has FAILED and it is time for the CTA to correct this injustice and not embarrass itself any longer. If China with all its might can realize that it cannot suppress a people's faith, what is taking the CTA so long to wake up? If China is man enough to face up to its failure, when is the CTA going to grow some courage and honesty? After so long, haven't they learned that you cannot wipe out a practice that trains people to be better, to be compassionate and to adhere to the Buddha's teachings?

Sooner or later, the Protector practice will grow to such a momentum and the world will again take notice of this injustice. That is when Dr Lobsang Sangay and the CTA will be called to question. How people will laugh that one who holds a Master's Degree in Human Rights Law has become the champion of its abuse. The people of Tibet should now question the ban and examine it for its lack of logic and ask themselves, why are they allowing their government to get away with this.

Have a read of the article which I am reproducing verbatim because it is worth the read and relate to the Dorje Shugden ban:

A Violent Chinese Persecution Running Out of Steam

Congressional Executive Commission on China looks at campaign against Falun Gong
By Matthew Robertson
Epoch Times StaffCreated: December 18, 2012Last Updated: December 20, 2012
Related articles: China » Democracy & Human Rights           

Hu Zhiming, an officer in the Chinese Air Force, gives testimony to congressional Representatives on Dec. 18. Hu lost everything and spent over eight years in prison because of the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong and Hu's refusal to renounce his faith. (Lisa Fan/The Epoch Times)
Hu Zhiming had a good life as an officer in the Chinese air force, but his choice to follow his conscience led to over 8 years in prisons and detention centers, with torture driving him to near insanity, emaciation, and to within a hair’s breadth of death.

Due to his technical expertise, Hu was instrumental in setting up secure lines of communication between Falun Gong practitioners in China and the overseas Falun Gong website These activities also led to his being abducted from a Shanghai hotel room in the early hours of the morning on Oct. 4, 2000. From then until 2009 he was in and out of jail and detention—though mostly in.
But Hu’s story is representative of both the persecution of Falun Gong, the resilience of adherents in the face of it, and the visible exhaustion of the authorities in continuing the campaign, as explored in a hearing by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) on Dec. 18.

For example, in 2000, before Hu Zhiming was in jail, there was little Falun Gong activity in his hometown in Liaoning Province; in 2004, during a brief sojourn from prison, he saw posters about the practice, but they were quickly torn down; by 2009, however, before he fled China, Hu saw “copious posters, signs, flyers, and informational DVDs.” And not only that, but the posters “had been there for a long time, with ink faded from the sun and [the] paper crisp from dried rain.”

Falun Gong practitioners had persisted over a decade since former Chinese Communist Party head Jiang Zemin had launched the campaign against the traditional spiritual practice in 1999. That campaign was running out of steam. Three years on, that trend has continued.

This much and more was explored during the CECC’s hearing titled “Falun Gong in China: Review and Update,” consisting of two panels, the first made up primarily of victims, and the second primarily of researchers of the Communist Party’s campaign.

Representative Chris Smith (L) and Senator Sherrod Brown (R) listen to witnesses at the final session of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, which was devoted to an in-depth exploration of the current status of the persecution of Falun Gong adherents in China. (Lisa Fan/The Epoch Times)
Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), Chairman of the CECC, opened the discussion by describing the campaign as “severe, brutal, ugly, and vicious.”

Co-chairman of the CECC Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) described the persecution as “One of the harshest campaigns against a group of believers in modern times.”

The testimony of Bruce Chung, a Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioner, was also given. Chung was detained in China during a family trip in June of this year and accused of sending from Taiwan equipment that could have been used to insert Falun Gong documentary materials into television broadcasts.

His real crime was trying to overcome Chinese censorship and exercise free expression,” Senator Brown said.

A key question for researchers of the persecution of Falun Gong, and a stated goal for the CECC hearing, is to understand the current status of the campaign in China today, the importance to which the Chinese Communist Party accords it, and the circumstances of adherents in China.
One panelist took a different view from the other three.

James Tong, a professor of comparative politics at the University of California, Los Angeles, believes that the reports made to the National People’s Congress by the People’s Republic of China chief prosecutor, among other publicly available sources, indicate that the campaign against Falun Gong is no longer a “law enforcement priority” for the Chinese leadership.

Tong also pointed to the virtual cessation of anti-Falun Gong propaganda in the Chinese state-run press, which had been inundated with it after the campaign got underway in 1999. Notably, 2002 was the year of the 16th Party Congress, when the baton of leadership was passed from Jiang Zemin, for whom the persecution of Falun Gong was a personal crusade, to Hu Jintao, the more guarded new Party chief who has never publicly associated himself with the brutal campaign.

The end to high-profile, national-level propaganda, and Falun Gong’s absence from the state law enforcement agenda, were not an end to the campaign, however, according to other experts. An examination of the details on the ground, and of the interactions between the various political bodies in China that are involved in the persecution, reveals a much more complex picture.
“This is a political campaign led by the Party,” said Xia Yiyang, Senior Director of Research and Policy at the Human Rights Law Foundation in Washington, D.C. “The 610 Office is run by the Party, not the state,” he continued, referring to the agency set up by the CCP to persecute Falun Gong. He said the persecution is “a Party action that used state organs as the instrument.”

Charles Lee, a Chinese-American who survived three years of persecution in prison, added that removing Falun Gong from the spotlight, while continuing the campaign all the same, was “another strategy” because the campaign had caused international attention on China’s human rights abuses. So after Hu Jintao took power, the Party began to downplay the persecution in public, rather than cease it, Lee argued.
Despite high-level security cadres continually cracking the whip on the Falun Gong persecution, however, what played out at the lower levels of the administration was much more complicated, according to Caylan Ford, an independent researcher who studies the Falun Gong persecution and has published widely on it.
“It’s about willingness and ability,” she said. “They describe it as a life and death struggle in documents from the central 610 Office … but at the local level, many of the security officers—not that there aren’t a good number of sadistic policemen—sympathize with Falun Gong.”

She added that, “People are increasingly sick of this, and even the cadres charged with this transformation work are having a hard time being convinced of the necessity to continue the persecution of Falun Gong.”

Push back from society includes often intense resistance from friends, neighbors, co-workers, and well-wishers of Falun Gong practitioners, who in recent years have rallied together, often at the risk of reprisal, to collect signatures against the persecution of friends or relatives, and have stood up in an unprecedented fashion to the iron fist of the Chinese Communist Party.

The official communist party literature reveals, perhaps unwittingly, that the 13-year-old campaign to defeat Falun Gong has failed.

—Caylan Ford
“The official communist party literature reveals, perhaps unwittingly, that the 13-year-old campaign to defeat Falun Gong has failed,” Ford said in prepared remarks. “Local cadres suffer lethargy and ‘paralysis of thought’ in pursuing the campaign,” she said, while “more and more people are returning to or taking up the practice of Falun Gong.” She concluded that, “despite all its efforts, the Communist Party is losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the Chinese people.”



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Re: No Future In Religious Persecutions.
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2012, 05:21:32 AM »
It is more like China is desperately needing religion as they realize that decades of not having a religion has taken a huge toll on the people. There has been a lot of cases where the Chinese have lost their humanity as a result of decades of prosecuting religion and China is desperately trying hard to fix this situation by introducing Buddhism to China and reinforcing it. So, we can imagine what would be happening in Dharamsala as well sometime in the near future. It will cause a collapse in the ethics of the people and in their central ideologies of what Buddhism is. That will be coming to CTA soon.


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Re: No Future In Religious Persecutions.
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2012, 05:05:39 PM »
I think the advantage that governments like the CTA have is looking at the mistakes others have made, and then learning from them. For example, the persecution of blacks in South Africa and the Civil Rights Movement in the States. From that, everyone has learnt about the evils of racism and how it is immoral to persecute people of colour. From watching the dictatorships of South American, Central Asia, etc. we learn about the importance of a democracy and the evils of human rights abuses.

So I wonder, having all these examples available to them, why is it that the CTA still continue to persecute a group of people? Why is it that the CTA insist on their false democracy, and their human rights abuses? Are they just intent on repeating the same mistakes that have already been committed throughout history?


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Re: No Future In Religious Persecutions.
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2012, 12:19:49 PM »
I think the advantage that governments like the CTA have is looking at the mistakes others have made, and then learning from them. For example, the persecution of blacks in South Africa and the Civil Rights Movement in the States. From that, everyone has learnt about the evils of racism and how it is immoral to persecute people of colour. From watching the dictatorships of South American, Central Asia, etc. we learn about the importance of a democracy and the evils of human rights abuses.

So I wonder, having all these examples available to them, why is it that the CTA still continue to persecute a group of people? Why is it that the CTA insist on their false democracy, and their human rights abuses? Are they just intent on repeating the same mistakes that have already been committed throughout history?

They may be looking at the mistakes, but are they learning from them? From how they are treating the Dorje Shugden practitioners, I can safely say that they are not learning anything from the histories of the other countries. What China is doing to Tibetans who pray to the Dalai Lama is what CTA is doing to Dorje Shugden practitioners. The CTA is no different from the Chinese government in this aspect, except that the Chinese government isnt trying to prevent people from practicing Dorje Shugden, or any other Buddhist deity. Their ban on the Dalai Lama is understandable as the Dalai Lama is not just a spiritual head, he is also the political leader of the Tibetans. There is however, no excuse for the banning of Dorje Shugden by the CTA.