Author Topic: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight  (Read 10999 times)

Jessie Fong

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GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« on: December 24, 2012, 12:47:26 PM »

A bull fight goes terribly wrong. 

Julio Aparicio is infamous for an incident when a bull gored him and its horn lodged through his throat, and went through his tongue fracturing the jawbone.

In the morning, Julio Aparicio had knelt to pray in front of a portable shrine, one that he always takes along to his bullfights. He knelt for longer than usual that morning, he says.

Aparicio has been a matador for more than 20 years. He has killed hundreds of bulls in his career.

He was lucky to live to tell his tale.

Tenzin K

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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2012, 04:11:24 PM »
If we belief in karma what happened to Julio Aparicio is nothing to be surprise.
He has been killing hundred of bulls for 20 years how much of negative karma he has accumulated? This negative karma not just ripening now but it will carry forward to his future lives. Killing karma will bring us to hell. No doubt!.

Seeing the bull being kill brutally for the entertainment sake but this time is Julio turn. He should have a deep thought on this and realize how cruel things can be and what is the the real benefits of hurting other as it's just the same as hurting ourselves.

Be more compassionate as animals have the right like us to live.

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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2012, 05:25:12 PM »
Gosh... the photo is shockingly gory to see...

So Julio Aparicio survived the horrible incident on that fateful day... and live to 'tell' his history... I wonder if he can still talk with the serious injury to his tongue n throat...

I found the video how he was gored... scary...
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Anyway, like Tenzin K said, for this incident to happen is not surprising because Julio the matador had killed hundreds of bulls in his 20 years career. It is a very very serious karma.

What is sad is, the people and government of Spain, Portugal, Mexico, etc. still allow this kind of horrible 'game' they called 'Bullfights' as their national entertainment as well as tourist attraction.

In some cases, horses were killed too... and sometimes, the matador got killed.

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Nevertheless the bulls are killed by hundreds and thousands just for the sake of human entertainment... If only they understand the Law of Karma...

I pray that all this kind of senseless killings be stopped..!


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2012, 12:22:03 PM »
One reap what is sowed. The profession of matador is to kill in the name of entertainment and greed. So much negative karma for the matador and the spectators. I can not bear to see a bull fight. It is stupidity in the highest order and does nothing good to anyone. It the lowest of the lowest of professions. I shudder to imagine what is the consequences for the matador, spectators and all involved. Being gored is probably nothing. Where the matadors go in their next reincarnation is going to be far worst then being gored.

I am sorry. Please do not support bullfights.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2012, 12:53:18 PM »
Just because the tables are turned, the spotlight is now on the matador who was gored in the throat, with the bull's horn lodged in his throat and going through his tongue fracturing his jaw. And he gets all the sympathy. Think of the many bulls that Julio Aparicio has killed  brutally over 20 years as  a bullfighter. Each time, the bull would have suffered tremendously.And all this just for human entertainment!

Similarly, in places like the Philippines, cock fights(with the cocks armed with spurs on their legs) are as bloody and brutal, and ends up with a lot of blood and gore too.

It's always Man who devises ways of entertainment, involving animals and the brutal abuse and horrendous deaths of these animals. Such entertainment ought to be banned.



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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2012, 03:09:00 AM »
A gory photo, it must have really really hurt. I watched the youtube video that someone kindly shared, and I really took pity on both the bull and the horse. Both so innocent and both getting hurt merely because of the games and entertainment of humans.

The video truly illustrates how selfish man can be. Knowing very well that the horse will get hurt, the man used the horse as a shield for himself to protect himself from being hurt by the bull. I am sure the horse must have felt pain when he/she was horned at the side by the bull. And worst still, after the horse is down, he was forced to get back onto its feet to continue the sickening game.

I don't take pity for the man who was gored by the bull, which fractured his jaw bone. It is his own doing and choice. After killing, hurting and teasing so many bulls, the karma for himself to feel the pain he has inflictecd to many of the bulls has dawned upon him. I guess you cannot really run away from the karma due, as it is a matter of time only before it really catches up with you.

Never hurt anything, for all beings are worthy of a free life.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2012, 05:27:15 PM »
He got exactly what he had coming! This is animal abuse at its worst. What else was the bull supposed to do? He'd already been stabbed repeatedly and was in pain and angry. He was only defending himself. Bullfighting is a cowardly "sport" and should be banned forever. And for what? The bull was killed. I have absolutely no sympathy for the man...he got what he deserved; unfortunatly the bull did not. For shame you cowards!

Big Uncle

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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2012, 12:00:08 PM »
Well, being gored in throat is just a small problem that he will face in the future. Having such a lifestyle and even rejoicing in the killing seals his fate. It is not so much as future lives in hell that he should be afraid of. It is actually, the type of mind that enjoys hurting and killing other beings that will get him in a lot of trouble. I hope he realizes this and being gored is really a blessing or perhaps a hint of whats to come for him.

If he's smart, he will feel something is not right about this. But, chances are, he would be so hardened by all the killing, he would get even angrier and kill more bulls to exact revenge and we all know how destructive that sort of behavior is. He probably has a difficulty in feeling empathy for others and as time goes by, he will feel more and more difficult to empathize or feel what others are feeling. I sincerely hope, he realizes and turn over a new leaf. There can be nothing but bad things that come from killing.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2012, 04:29:14 PM »
All I can say is that Julio Aparicio had it coming. After years of being a matador and killing hundreds of bulls, he is surprisingly lucky to have been gored only once now.
I totally agree with everyone here that such practices as using animals for fighting and entertainment should be banned. It is cruel and downright heinous. To me people who find pleasure in seeing animals fight to their deaths are no better than criminals and murderers, or child abusers and pedophiles.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2012, 06:11:16 PM »
I feel horrible for Julio Aparicio, it looks like that really hurts! However, if he had impaled a sword into the bulls throat and through the mouth why aren't people horrified by that? The bull did not voluntarily step into the bull fighting ring, nor did he set out to kill.

They are taunted and provoked for a reaction.

If Julio is prepared to kill, he should be prepared to be impaled and killed.

I echo what Big Uncle says; that it's not being gored in the throat that is his problem, but the karmic repercussions of his actions: killing. It is may be a blessing in disguise, give him time to reflect on his actions, and perhaps the injury may prevent him from killing more in the future.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2012, 08:13:49 AM »
I really don't understand this type of sports or entertainment. What i can say that this Metador deserved it. Julio Aparicio has killed many bulls in this sports. It is very unfortunate that he indulge or participate in this sports for entertainment. They called cultural and has been done for generations, however that does not mean they should continue the sports of torture and mindless killing. I hope Julio Aparicio will learn from this lesson and encourage others to stop this mindless sports.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2012, 12:29:36 PM »
Animal cruelty should stop with immediate effect. Animals are living beings too and they do fee pain when they are hurt. And it is not fair for humans to torture and eventually kill them in a sport which entertains an audience. So, what had happened to the matador could be the effect of him killing so many bulls in the last 20 years. THis may be something small which serves as a warning for him to stop what he is doing so that he will not get killed the next time. Surely he will go to hell as he has done so much killing intentionally. Maybe he could start to accumulate more good karma if he comes out this injury to preach to others to stop killing of animals for pleasure. This could be a turn-a-round for him.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2012, 03:36:31 PM »
The matador harasses,tortured the bull,this is so wrong!I know that the sport has been a tradition,but haven't they realized that they put both at risk,even the fans.Too many people turn a blind eye to cruelty.They think that if they don't acknowledge it,that it doesn't exist.
They blamed the bull and killed it for his actions even though he was provoked.If humans continue to place animals into a position that they have to defend themselves against us for what some call fun or sport,this is the end result.Bring an end to bullfighting and this kind of thing won't happen any more.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2012, 04:15:48 PM »
All I can say of this cruel sport is that it is barbaric and senseless. To the matador , he deserves the injury and in fact he should be counting his lucky stars that the horn did not penetrated his behind , like i have seen in an American rodeo ! There they dont even kill the Bulls as they are prized , to be riden again and again unlike in Spain where it is a blood sport.

Well , what can we say ? You live by the sword , you die by the sword....errrr horn . Nothing surprising , to see such injuries happening in such staged violence ! I wont even call it a sport. Just pure lust for violence, in fact iI believe all the spectators secretly wish to see blood spilled from the matador !  It is not much difference from the days of the Gladiators in Rome ! Those people just lust for blood and violence, very very dark and evil behavior .

We, dont even need to define karma , most logical thinking persons could perceive the very likelihood of the Matador being killed , that is part of the "game" without which the so called " sport " will loose its appeal to these cruel people.


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Re: GORED IN THROAT During Bullfight
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2012, 03:53:01 AM »
Bull fighting has existed almost a thousand years ago at first out of the boredom of the warriors in those days. Eventually it has evolved into a traditions in certain countries.

Some brief history. Bullfighting is believed to be a direct descendant of gladitorial combat from the Roman times. There are theories it was introduced into Spain by Emporer Claudius, as a substitute for human combat.  It later spread to Spain’s Central and South American colonies, and in the 19th century to France. Initially, the fights were held in the central plaza of a town as entertainment during religious festivities, royal weddings, and other celebrations. As popularity grew, dedicated buildings were constructed to house the events. First square, they were later constructed in the shape of an arena to discourage cornering of the action. The modern style of Spanish bullfighting is credited to Juan Belmonte, considered by many as the greatest Matador of all time. Today, bullfighting is still practiced in Spain, as well as many other areas of the world, however support for the event differs. Proponents state that bullfighting is a culturally significant tradition, on par with painting, dancing, and music. Younger generations and animal rights advocates state that it is equal to a savage blood sport, resulting in the suffering of both the bulls and horses. Bullfighting was recently banned in the Catalonia region in Spain.

Seville boasts the oldest bullfighting area in Spain, the Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballeria de Sevilla.

Have you wonder what kind of bull are suitable for this inhumane activity? Here are some information about the bull itself.

The Iberian Bull

The Breed
Bulls used in Spanish bullfighting are a subspecies of cattle called Bos Taurus Ibericus. The bulls are known as Toro Bravo or the Iberian bull, and are also called toro de lidia, toro lidiado, ganado bravo and Touro de Lide. They are mostly bred on large free-range ranches in the south of Spain, Portugal and Latin American countries where bullfighting is practiced. Most bulls are black or dark brown, but they can also be red, chestnut, gray, roan, brindled or have white patches.

Spanish fighting bulls mature more slowly than cattle bred for meat. They have an elegant stature with a long curved neck and a well-muscled athletic appearance. They have heavy muscling over the shoulders and neck, and a high-held head. They have long horns, slender legs and when mature weigh from 1,100 to 1,600 lbs. They are naturally aggressive and will charge at many things. They must also have strength and stamina.

The bulls are thought to have descended from wild bulls from the Iberian Peninsula that were used for Colosseum games by the Roman Empire. Genetic studies show them to have an old genetic pool with DNA that is normally found in African cattle that may have been introduced during the Moorish occupation of Spain. There are only about four different bloodlines in existence. In May 2010, the first Spanish fighting bull was cloned and implanted into a Holstein host mother.

Age of Fighting Bulls
The bulls are evaluated when they are 3 years of age. The best bulls are kept for full matadors. Others are used to fight training matadors, known as novilleros. Bulls fought by full matadors must be at least 4 years old. They must have fully functional vision and have horns that are even in size and shape and have not been blunted or tampered with. In first-rank bullrings, the bull must weigh at least 1,010 lbs. Second-rank bullrings require a minimum bull weight of 960 lbs., and third-rank bullrings require a minimum weight of 905 lbs.