Author Topic: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.  (Read 7880 times)


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China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« on: January 06, 2013, 05:18:04 PM »
As China's new Communist Party leader Xi Jinping gets ready to take over as President in early March 2013, supporters of the Dalai Lama are hopeful that the new leader will be able to affect a softer stance on Tibet. That may very well be the case but like Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping is no political strongman and therefore any changes to the Communist Party’s approach to the Tibet issue will have to be by party consensus and it would help if the political leaders of the Tibetans in exile understood this, and do their part.

Not only must Dr. Lobsang Sangay and the CTA win over the new leader but more critically, they must not create any reason for Xi not to have the necessary consensus should he decide to pursue a more liberal policy towards the troubled state.

As it is, the consensus within the Communist Party is that the Tibetan leaders are adopting a “splittist” stance, no doubt brought about by the many anti-Chinese rhetoric hurled at them at every possible opportunity. The Sikyong Lobsang Sangay and the CTA will have to work very hard to change that image.

It is said that after the 1989 uprising, Hu Jintoa wanted to soften the Party’s hardline approach to Tibet, in part due to his recognition that the Tibetan people were getting increasingly frustrated as their culture was being marginalized. Hu sought to make changes by issuing a decree to “protect Tibetan culture” at the beginning of the year 2000 but his plans were dashed when Dharamsala widely accused China of a planned cultural genocide. Consensus turned against the exiled Tibetan leaders again, worsened after the 2008 riots and continues till this day as cases of self-immolations increase and the CTA continues to fail to do its part to placate and calm the exiled population, frustrated from over half a century of false hopes.

During the 2008 unrests and as Communist Party leaders, military officials and even ordinary citizens labeled the Dalai Lama as a "jackal in Buddhist monk's robes" Xi Jinping stood alone in his opinion and commented: “We should have normal hearts” [Source;] . Xi, perhaps due to the influence of his Buddhist wife, is a supporter of the religion and in 2006 as the Party leader of Zhejiang Province, took extraordinary measures to host the First Buddhist World Forum. Since then two other subsequent meetings on such forum had been held.

In recent years China with the blessing of the leadership seems to be ready to embrace Buddhism. Faith it seems is beginning to fill an ideological and spiritual vacuum left by the Moa Zedong era. In 2008 the Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the top monk of Taiwan and the Abbot of Fo Guan San Monastery was allowed to visit China for the first time, after being banned for allowing his temple near Los Angeles to provide sanctuary to Xu Jiatun (the then China’s ambassador to British-ruled Hong Kong) whom the Communist Party regarded as a dissident for supporting the student-led demonstrations for democracy. Since then the Master Hsing Yun has even been allowed to build a temple in Yixing, Jiangsu province and even conduct regular spiritual and cultural activities in China.

Then in 2010, the Communist Party gave its permission for the Tzu Chi Foundation, a Taiwanese Buddhist Organization to open up its China chapter in Suzhou. It is important to remember that Taiwan and China have not had the best of relationships but as the Asian giant opened up, Taiwan took the cue and benefitted from it. Tibetan leaders need to take a long and hard look at their stance towards a powerhouse that they have no way of overcoming but instead must win over.

Very clearly the Chinese government is operating an open policy towards Buddhism and has invested considerably in it and even welcomed participation from Taiwan that it previously regarded with some suspicion. Why isn’t the CTA using this ready platform to engage with the Chinese instead of its customary hostilities towards a nation so powerful today that even the rest of the world has learned that it is far better to be China’s friend. The CTA has nothing to offer the Chinese in exchange for its autonomy other than its co-operation that is the last albeit significant piece of a jigsaw that would could complete China’s peaceful integration of the Tibetan Buddhist culture into its own.

If the CTA is sincere in its goals - that it merely wishes to preserve the Tibetan culture, to have freedom of religion under China’s sovereignty and to be able to operate autonomously, then the onus is on the CTA to prove it. As the first measure, the CTA needs to show that indeed it does place a high value on the freedom of religion that China has already demonstrated that it is prepared to offer all citizens. It is very much the CTA that has to shift and do so by removing the Dorje Shugden ban.

diamond girl

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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 06:16:36 PM »
China does not like is not because of HHDL's religion but because what HH stands for is about Free Tibet and this rocks the political stance of China. Therefore, when addressing China we must separate and differentiate between religious and political intents.

China has done a lot to preserve Tibet as a cultural treasure. China does not disregard that Tibet is about Buddhism. But if you shove politics in China's face and go about with the Free Tibet message, you will rock the boat and China will not let anyone (even the USA) rock their political boat.

Buddhism is not threatened, but the CTA is...because the CTA will take a political stance on this Tibet issue. Wake up and smell the coffee CTA!!! Do you see what is happening? Change your strategy if you are going to be of any substance worth praising... 


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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 05:39:07 AM »
You're right, vajratruth, China is more than ready to accept CTA back into their fold, and with them, the Dalai Lama. But unfortunately, the CTA is way too one tracked in their mission to regain Tibet, which is not for anything else than for their own convenience instead of for the people. If only CTA would actually focus on the needs of the people rather than their own needs, they would have seen that China is more than ready to accept them. For a long time now, CTA has been giving the excuse that China has been unwilling to enter into dialogue with them when China is in fact, ready and waiting. It is purely due to the CTA's unwillingness to give up their notion of independence which leads to a deadlock for them. As long as they dont get rid of the hate in their hearts for the CTA, they will not achieve anything with China or to return to Tibet.


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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2013, 01:40:49 PM »
Very clearly the Chinese government is operating an open policy towards Buddhism and has invested considerably in it and even welcomed participation from Taiwan that it previously regarded with some suspicion. Why isn’t the CTA using this ready platform to engage with the Chinese instead of its customary hostilities towards a nation so powerful today that even the rest of the world has learned that it is far better to be China’s friend. The CTA has nothing to offer the Chinese in exchange for its autonomy other than its co-operation that is the last albeit significant piece of a jigsaw that would could complete China’s peaceful integration of the Tibetan Buddhist culture into its own.

If the CTA is sincere in its goals - that it merely wishes to preserve the Tibetan culture, to have freedom of religion under China’s sovereignty and to be able to operate autonomously, then the onus is on the CTA to prove it. As the first measure, the CTA needs to show that indeed it does place a high value on the freedom of religion that China has already demonstrated that it is prepared to offer all citizens. It is very much the CTA that has to shift and do so by removing the Dorje Shugden ban.

Very good points there Vajratruth but i really doubt that CTA is but sincere in anything they do. If their wish is to truly preserve the Tibetan culture and freedom of religion... well they would have started it from home first!

Yes it is getting more and more apparent that China is in fact becoming more and more liberal in the matters of religion... perhaps they recognized the growth in mental anxiety and depression in their people as they get richer with their continuous booming economy.... Spirituality seems to help bring back some balance and I guess sanity. Definitely nothing new in their culture and let us not forget that Lama Tsongkhapa was practiced by their Emperors of China.

It is also said that the Emperors of China are emanations of Manjushri whose abode is the 5 peak mountains called Wu Tai Shan in China. Dorje Shugden is Manjushris's mind emanation and Dorje Shugden also resides from the mountains as resided in our invocation prayer when you invite Dorje Shugden to come forth. It is also known that Emperor Kangxi is considered the emanation of Dorje Shugden. So Basically there is a very strong connection Dorje Shugden has with China from the past and it seems only quite natural and apt for Dorje Shugden practice to arise again from there, don't you think?

I find this quite fascinating as we see how it all unveils and yes of course very silly of CTA not having such foresight. Instead of making enemies with the world's no.1 superpower, they should make friend... follow Buddha's teaching at some point would really help! So really it's okay if CTA refuses to give religious freedom to their own people and choosing to ban something that is only LEGAL in their "exile community", NOT EVEN LEGAL IN INDIA... it's okay because if giant mother China start promoting Dorje Shugden.... I don't think anyone would dare say anything.

Just take a look at some pictures of the grandeur of some of their celebrations and festivals...

A grand ceremony is held to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Chamdo Prefecture in the east of Tibet Autonomous Region, photo from China Tibet Online by Jan.

Lamas attend the celebration ceremony, photo from China Tibet Online by Jan.


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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2013, 07:42:15 AM »
Yes, in recent times we can see the softening of the stance of the Chinese leaders towards the Tibetans regarding their freedom of practicing Tibetan culture and religion. Beginning with Hu Jintao, who had seen the frustration of the Tibetans over the marginalization of their culture, efforts had begun to protect Tibetan culture through a plan to issue a decree. Unfortunately, this plan was squashed, as Dharamsala(the CTA) began to accuse China of planning a cultural genocide of Tibetan culture. Things worsened between China and Tibet, culminating in today's increase in the number of self-immolations by Tibetans, fighting for the cause of freedom for Tibet. The CTA has not helped in anyway to pacify the Tibetans in exile and at home. Nor has it addressed the frustrations of these Tibetans.

In fact , the time is ripe for CTA to act to secure freedom of religion and  culture for the Tibetans, as the opportunity presents itself. Here is why.The in-coming Chinese leader, Xi Jiping appears to be a supporter of not only freedom of religion, but also a supporter of Buddhism.  Furthermore, his wife is a Buddhist. As a party leader of Zheijang Province, he had taken "extraordinary measures" to host the first Buddhist World Forum.

Another sign of China's softening of its stance towards Buddhism is that it had allowed the previously banned Abbot of Fo Guan Shan Monastery  in Taiwan to visit China and to build a temple there. It has also allowed the Taiwanese-based Tzu Chi Foundation to set up a Chapter in Suchow.

But first CTA must show its sincerity that it wants freedom of religion. It can show this with conviction by lifting the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden. China will be ready at any time to embrace Dorje Shugden. Through historical examples, China has shown a strong connection to Manjushri and Je Tsongkapa  and Dorje Shugden. Take the 5-peaked mountain, Wu Tai Shan,abode of Manjushri, and also abode of Manjushri Protector Dorje Shugden(in Dorje Shugden's invocation prayer, we always invite him from the Five-peaked Mountain). Also Emperor Kiang Xi is thought to be an emanation of Dorje Shugden. Lama Tsongkapa was practiced by the Emperors fof China.

So CTA had better strike while the iron is hot. First , remove the ban on Shugden and then make overtures to China to allow Tibetans freedom of religion and freedom of culture.


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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2013, 07:58:55 AM »
If the CTA is sincere in its goals - that it merely wishes to preserve the Tibetan culture, to have freedom of religion under China’s sovereignty and to be able to operate autonomously, then the onus is on the CTA to prove it. As the first measure, the CTA needs to show that indeed it does place a high value on the freedom of religion that China has already demonstrated that it is prepared to offer all citizens. It is very much the CTA that has to shift and do so by removing the Dorje Shugden ban.

If CTA is really sincere to its goals, then there should be no problem  for them to talk with the Chinese -- both have the same goals: CTA wishes to have the tibetan culture preserved and for the Tibetans have a peaceful coexistence with the han Chinese on the side of the Chinese, then there is something in common there. But unfortunately, CTA wants more than that: they want to re-establish the Ganden Phodrang in Tibet so that they can run things like they used to: having a feudal system (which again, does not reflect Buddhism at all) so that they can have all that they used to without much effort and that they can have some sort of life that they dreamed: they dont need to lift a finger and they have slaves working for them. Obviously they cant have that now in Dharamsala or else India would kick them out, but I am guessing that is their "Tibetan Freedom" that they desire.


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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2013, 02:31:28 PM »
China the big brother now is open to religion not like the times where Chairman Mao rule China. This can be seen from the acceptance of building of monasteries by those Organisation founded in Taiwan. Taiwan is still opposing against China to become independent but China is still adamant in uniting Taiwan as part of China. History has shown that Taiwan was part of China until General Chiang Kai Shek rebelled against the government and ran away to Taiwan with his military and formed Taiwan. With this political war, China is open for Taiwanese temples to be built in China. This is far sighted for the Chinese as using religion as a method to slowly incorporate Taiwan into the mainland. Sooner or later, I would think that the two countries will become one.

CTA on the other hand has not played their cards wise enough to lower their ego and be China's friend. The CTA under Lobsang Sangey did not seize the opportunity to be friend's with China when the Dalai Lama retired from office.   Why have they not done so? Is it because the Dalai Lama is still pulling strings behind the Sikyong?

If they have gone the way Taiwan does it, we may not have so many Tibetans who self immolate to fight for their's country's freedom. CTA, it is still not too late. THere is still a chance when the new Chinese President Xi takes over in March this year.


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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2013, 11:29:18 AM »

CTA on the other hand has not played their cards wise enough to lower their ego and be China's friend. The CTA under Lobsang Sangey did not seize the opportunity to be friend's with China when the Dalai Lama retired from office.   Why have they not done so? Is it because the Dalai Lama is still pulling strings behind the Sikyong?

Unfortunately, yes, that is the reality. Lobsang Sanggay has only been echoing the Dalai Lama's words all along. He has not done anything meaningful or independent of the Dalai Lama since taking office. It does not matter whether or not he gets the sikyong title or whatever -- he is still afraid of the Dalai Lama and acting like the Dalai Lama's sock puppet which is detestable for a Harvard graduate. One would have expected a lot more from someone like that, but no, unfortunately, it is what we are seeing. the easiest way that the sikyong can prove that he is independent of the Dalai Lama is to lift the Dorje Shugden ban and declare that as a democratic government, it will no longer be in charge of religious affairs. Actually, in many governments, there is a religious affairs department that does not concern the main government. Maybe the CTA should give that a try.


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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2013, 01:50:23 PM »
And may I add, China is now promoting Buddhism; the CTA is now.

There's a very powerful article up on the website right now, just in I think, about how the stance between China and the CTA have well reversed: while the former used to suppress religious practice and freedom and the latter were trying to preserve it, the situation today looks very different. Now we see more spiritual growth within China (its monasteries, practices, Sangha) and greater suppression and politicking within the Tibetan exiled community. The clearest example is in how Dorje Shugden is being so violently suppressed among the exiled Tibetans but so widely promoted and freely practiced throughout Tibet. Whatever the Chinese motivation is for promoting Dorje Shugden, bottom line at the end of the day is that Dorje Shugden is being promoted and spread.

So what exactly are the Tibetans now trying to preserve and uphold? Ironic isn't it, that the ban on Dorje Shugden was to preserve the purity of the religion and Dharma, but this is precisely what is causing it to wear thin and be destroyed from within. For in "preserving" the lineage, they have caused monks to be expelled from the monastery, monasteries to divide into two, teachers and students to be divided, statues to be destroyed and lay practitioners to be ostractised from their own community. What kind of Buddhism is that?

Have a read, one of the best things I've read in a long time: 

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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2013, 04:07:59 PM »
Somehow there is much truth in what is shared here in this article. China seems poised in trying to put to a close this long standing issue which has been a torn in her side for decades. Having said that, China will not back down or concede if the route that the CTA does not change. It would only make China "lose face" and that is something akin to death in Chinese society!

So where does one go from here? Perhaps a different stance is required? Something less in-your-face, something kind, something "friendly"? This article really sums it all up. Read up!

Some true icons in "fighting" peacefully:

Aung San Suu Kyi

Mother Theresa

What wonderful pearls of wisdom shared below. If only it was followed:


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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2013, 02:54:02 AM »
There is a long history between Tibet and China. All these while, Tibet is part of China, and yet they have their independent administration. It is hard to say 100% "China is ready", because I am sure China has his conditions too.

But I agree that this is all about political and nothing to do with Buddhism.

For China, they cannot afford to allow Tibet to become independence because if Tibet does, it is a huge threat to China, because USA will definitely send army to Tibet and "help" Tibet. Who would want other country's army on your own backyard?

Also, China is very scared that people use religion to instigate the people. Indeed, it is very easy to use religion to spread certain message. Still remember the Fa Lun Gong saga in year 1999? China is a new developing country and many of their people (especially the rural areas) are still not well educated and they can be easily instigated especially through religion. Therefore, China is not against Buddhism, but against all religions, especially it is used to spread some hatred message.


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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2013, 04:46:00 AM »
There is a long history between Tibet and China. All these while, Tibet is part of China, and yet they have their independent administration. It is hard to say 100% "China is ready", because I am sure China has his conditions too.

But I agree that this is all about political and nothing to do with Buddhism.

For China, they cannot afford to allow Tibet to become independence because if Tibet does, it is a huge threat to China, because USA will definitely send army to Tibet and "help" Tibet. Who would want other country's army on your own backyard?

Also, China is very scared that people use religion to instigate the people. Indeed, it is very easy to use religion to spread certain message. Still remember the Fa Lun Gong saga in year 1999? China is a new developing country and many of their people (especially the rural areas) are still not well educated and they can be easily instigated especially through religion. Therefore, China is not against Buddhism, but against all religions, especially it is used to spread some hatred message.

I dont know if you have noticed, but during the recent years, China has been promoting Buddhism and Buddhism alone. I have not heard them organizing Christian or Taoist forums, only Buddhist ones and temples are being restored or new, elaborate ones being built (maybe for secular reasons such as catching onto the tourist dollar, but no matter what it is still a good thing)  while the other religions have to take a backseat. China has also been developing Tibet and now there are more and more news of how the Lamas in Tibet are spreading the Dharma in accordance with Trijang Rinpoche's instructions and lineage.

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Re: China Is Ready, CTA Is Not.
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2015, 11:20:54 AM »
I totally agree that the Chinese Government is more open to Buddhism and has welcomed renowned Buddhist Monks to visit China. By chance I had the opportunity to meet the Sharmapa in Shanghai before he passed into clear light and the late Sharmapa was giving teaching openly in Shanghai.

It is clear that with growing world influence, China will be willing to put on a nice face and meet with CTA and the Tibetans in exile.

Why is it not happening, could CTA be afraid to be without anything to do when they are allowed to reenter China.