Author Topic: Reality Bites  (Read 10467 times)


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Reality Bites
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:21:10 PM »
Here is an article that offers a contrarian (and perhaps, more up to date) view of the Tibetan government as protectors of the Tibetan Buddhist culture. The CTA has long accused the Communist Government of China of pursuing a policy to destroy Buddhism while the exiled government of the Tibetans in seeking world support, have positioned themselves via their PR machinery as desperately wanting to preserve the Buddha's teachings. Much of the Western media took this bait a long time ago and continues to propagate the same image of the Tibetans but it would appear that the reverse is true.

On record, China has done much more for Buddhism than the CTA, who whether consciously or otherwise, have been executing policies that are extremely detrimental to the preservation and growth of Buddhism. The CTA's ban on Dorje Shugden split the Tibetan monastic community as well as the people. As if that is not enough, their interference in the Karmapa issue created another schism in the already small Tibetan community. These actions do not serve the cause of Dharma at all, and the CTA is eroding away the only thing they have to offer the rest of the world, that is the Tibetan Buddhist lineage and culture:

[extracted from Tibetan Buddhism: Erosion From Within Or Without]

"So, on the one hand we have the Dalai Lama, his government and people who were regarded as the great custodians of an ancient religion based on ethics and morals; and on the other hand we have the Chinese Communist Party leaders some still in the shadows Mao Zedong’s legacy, seemingly hell-bent on destroying the Buddha’s teachings believing it to be a counter-revolutionary weapon designed to keep the ruling elite in power.

In this way, these two images of Tibet and China were proffered to the world as complete opposites locked in an epic battle  – one, to preserve an ancient and secret map to an elixir that could bring an end to all suffering, and the other, trying to stop it.  It is therefore not surprising that the fight for Tibet’s freedom is also linked by inference to be a fight to protect the principles of Buddhism and here the exiled Tibetans and their government (known today at the Central Tibetan Administration) have for decades scored perception points over the Chinese “aggressors”.

But if there is one thing Buddhism has taught us, it is that nothing is permanent and so, casting perceptions aside, let us explore developments within the Dalai Lama/CTA’s camp and compare them to policies and initiatives undertaken by the Chinese Communist Government in recent years, to see how the actions of each have either promoted or harmed the practice and propagation of Buddhism".

Read on here:


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 05:33:14 PM »
Yes what Vajratruth wrote is so accurate and make so much sense.  In fact, the Chinese are trying their very best to preserve the Buddha's teachings.  Looking at their temples and most of the Chinese are Buddhists... It is just the recent years, many have get in touch with the Tibetan side of Buddhism but look at how they embrace Buddhism is beautiful.  You can see many Tibetan images in many of their temples and worshipping.  Many dharma centers are also set up in various part of China.  Yes, the controversial side of things might seem head to head with spiritual leader Dalai Lama, after all he represent the head of Tibetan Buddhism but it doesn't stop the Chinese from devoting themselves to Buddhism.

On the other hand, the Tibetans are self immolate, given up on faith, sangha coommunity are split, a decrease number in the monastery, created a lot of doubts within Buddha's teachings... etc.  What support did the CTA give besides making more trouble for the mind of people?  I rarely hear they are actually supporting their own people or helping the people by doing so and so.  Then what kind of government is that?  What are they good for actually if you are not taking care of your people?

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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2013, 09:46:18 PM »
This article is an excellent observation of the reality of what's happening in China and the tiny Tibetan community in India. I think what we are observing is similar and is perhaps a re-enactment of the later development of Buddhism in India and its propagation to Tibet.

If one travels throughout northern India, one would come across several important Buddhist pilgrimage sites and one can observe the ancient ruins of great institutions that was once large and were great thriving centers of Buddhism. These great thriving centers of Buddhism were already degenerating before they were wiped out by the Muslim invasion. There is some parallels here with the Tibetan community in India and Tibet, China. I think in the future, Tibet would be a powerful springboard for Buddhism to grow in China and throughout the world.

Already Tibetan Buddhism is well-known throughout the world due to the kindness and compassion of the Dalai Lama. However, the development of Buddhism in Tibet, China is directly and indirectly connected or tied to the actions of the Dalai Lama. The biggest reasons why China had encouraged Dorje Shugden monasteries in Tibet was due to the Dalai Lama's ban. It was interesting fact that the Chinese backed the enthronement of the 17th Karmapa Orgyen Trinley in Tsurphu Monastery in Tibet. The reason why the Chinese had picked its own Panchen Lama within Tibetan circles was to replace the Dalai Lama's handpicked incarnation. To me, it seems that whatever Buddhist development in China seems to be tied to the Dalai Lama.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2013, 10:36:03 AM »
The western media is controlled by the US. And the US wants things to be done in a certain way and for a long time now, they have been trying to weaken China and China is aware of that. The US have used similar strategies to penetrate the iron curtain of Soviet Russia by secretly funding and forming the Taliban as a means to achieve that aim. In this sense, the western media have been using 2 agendas to try to penetrate China and weaken them the way it happened with Soviet Russia. The first agenda is the Tibetan agenda where the CIA funds the Tibetans to incite the Chinese. This was during the 1970s and there were talks of Tibetan Guerillas who want to take Tibet back by force. (it was also the same time the Dalai Lama imposed the ban. Related? Perhaps HHDL did that so that there wont be any guerrillas attacking china... ) When that failed, the US used falun gong and gave them the powerful echelon servers that only governments can have. It seems that falun gong has failed again and the US is using the Tibetan cause yet again with the self immolations. This is the reason for the biased media reports that completely dodge the Dorje Shugden issue even though it is a perfect example of human rights and how and why CTA must not take over Tibet because it would mean suffering for many people. If they can be so negative and brash about a ban like this, imagine how much more would suffer if they governed 1.3mil tibetans in tibet.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2013, 05:24:39 PM »
And so, the greatest irony in all this is that by continuing the ban, supporters of the Dalai Lama and the CTA claim that they are preserving religious purity and upholding the tenets of the Dharma. What they so dismally fail to realise is that this is the very thing that has caused so much suppression and caused their own community to split at the seams. Upholding religious purity? But this is exactly what's causing monasteries to split, for Gurus and their disciples to be separated, for people to NOT be allowed to attend the Dalai Lama's spiritual teachings - what kind of religious purity is that? So while they THINK they're preserving their religious heritage and lineage, they've just caused the opposite to happen.

We might also consider this: that China may not have entirely pure spiritual reasons for promoting Buddhism within Tibet (and other parts of the country) and they may well be politically motivated - to undermine the Dalai Lama, increase their own repute and standing among the Tibetans in Tibet etc. But the truth of the matter is that Buddhism IS BEING SPREAD and it IS GROWING. In Dharmic terms, whatever someone's motivation is, a connection with the three jewels is still a true connection that will open up to something truly beneficial and sincere at a later time. So while they think they might not be engaging at all in something religious, they're also causing the opposite to happen - in a subconsciously good and beneficial way.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2013, 08:12:47 AM »
And so, the greatest irony in all this is that by continuing the ban, supporters of the Dalai Lama and the CTA claim that they are preserving religious purity and upholding the tenets of the Dharma. What they so dismally fail to realise is that this is the very thing that has caused so much suppression and caused their own community to split at the seams. Upholding religious purity? But this is exactly what's causing monasteries to split, for Gurus and their disciples to be separated, for people to NOT be allowed to attend the Dalai Lama's spiritual teachings - what kind of religious purity is that? So while they THINK they're preserving their religious heritage and lineage, they've just caused the opposite to happen.

We might also consider this: that China may not have entirely pure spiritual reasons for promoting Buddhism within Tibet (and other parts of the country) and they may well be politically motivated - to undermine the Dalai Lama, increase their own repute and standing among the Tibetans in Tibet etc. But the truth of the matter is that Buddhism IS BEING SPREAD and it IS GROWING. In Dharmic terms, whatever someone's motivation is, a connection with the three jewels is still a true connection that will open up to something truly beneficial and sincere at a later time. So while they think they might not be engaging at all in something religious, they're also causing the opposite to happen - in a subconsciously good and beneficial way.

I dont think anything is pure for the CTA. They have not unbanned the Lamas that they have banned centuries before and they only unban them after interventions, and after CTA is no longer the central government with autocratic powers. Nothing is pure or holy for the CTA other than their own agendas that would often result in much causalities in more ways than one. If they were really pure in motivation towards preserving the purity of the teachings, they should officially unban ALL the lamas that they have banned in the past and issue an apology.

About China, no matter how you want to see it, at the end of the day China is growing and they are growing fast. And they are doing quite a lot for Buddhism while they are at it. The results can be seen by the world. If CTA chooses to be oblivious to it, whose problem is it? After all, it is results that matter. What has CTA done for the monasteries in India? what have to contributed to Buddhism in the past 10 years other than misleading people and sending death threats to Lamas? I'd call that a failure by any degree.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2013, 09:21:45 AM »

We might also consider this: that China may not have entirely pure spiritual reasons for promoting Buddhism within Tibet (and other parts of the country) and they may well be politically motivated - to undermine the Dalai Lama, increase their own repute and standing among the Tibetans in Tibet etc. But the truth of the matter is that Buddhism IS BEING SPREAD and it IS GROWING. In Dharmic terms, whatever someone's motivation is, a connection with the three jewels is still a true connection that will open up to something truly beneficial and sincere at a later time. So while they think they might not be engaging at all in something religious, they're also causing the opposite to happen - in a subconsciously good and beneficial way.

That China may not be doing it out of spiritual reasons is something to celebrate because it shows the  new mentality of the Chinese leadership, that is to respect the spirituality of other. It is in fact, democracy in action. We can see that they have come such a long way from their previous mentality of destroying anything that did not fit into their communist ideology. It is a sign of China's progress. By the same measure, it also shows CTA's regress.

Regardless of their true intentions, what is undeniable is that Buddhism IS growing in China because of the policies the leadership is implementing, and that China IS doing more than the CTA for Tibetan Buddhism and Buddhist practitioners. We certainly do no see China banning any religious belief and even with the Falun Gong sect, they clearly have backed off from the hardline stance. The difference in the way China treated the Falun Gong and Dorje Shugden says that they do not see Dorje Shugden practitise as a cult, another wrongful accusation leveled at Shugden by the CTA.

That China is willing to change and the CTA is not cannot be denied. I am not saying which government is better but the results do show that Tibetan Buddhism has found a new champion and it is not the CTA. The CTA's actions seem to have harmed the preservation and growth of Tibetan Buddhist culture. Ironically, this is one of the CTA's demands to China - to preserve Tibetan Buddhism. This is yet another thing that CTA accused China of wanting to destroy but the reverse is true.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2013, 07:11:29 AM »

That China may not be doing it out of spiritual reasons is something to celebrate because it shows the  new mentality of the Chinese leadership, that is to respect the spirituality of other. It is in fact, democracy in action. We can see that they have come such a long way from their previous mentality of destroying anything that did not fit into their communist ideology. It is a sign of China's progress. By the same measure, it also shows CTA's regress.

Regardless of their true intentions, what is undeniable is that Buddhism IS growing in China because of the policies the leadership is implementing, and that China IS doing more than the CTA for Tibetan Buddhism and Buddhist practitioners. We certainly do no see China banning any religious belief and even with the Falun Gong sect, they clearly have backed off from the hardline stance. The difference in the way China treated the Falun Gong and Dorje Shugden says that they do not see Dorje Shugden practitise as a cult, another wrongful accusation leveled at Shugden by the CTA.

That China is willing to change and the CTA is not cannot be denied. I am not saying which government is better but the results do show that Tibetan Buddhism has found a new champion and it is not the CTA. The CTA's actions seem to have harmed the preservation and growth of Tibetan Buddhist culture. Ironically, this is one of the CTA's demands to China - to preserve Tibetan Buddhism. This is yet another thing that CTA accused China of wanting to destroy but the reverse is true.

China actually needs Buddhism to help restore the meaning of humanity in its people. There have been quite a number of recent cases that proves that the Chinese have lost their meaning in humanity and they just dont know how to be human. They have become cold and obsessed with money and they would do anything for that. In light of this perhaps, the Chinese government realized that denying their people of religion has been a detrimental move and they are now desperate to re-introduce it to their country something that would help them remember what being human is like. Perhaps that is the real reason why China is re-introducing Buddhism.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2013, 03:13:17 PM »
China's reintroduction of Buddhism into its country and people could also be because underneath all the communist veneer, religion is still very much a part of the country's fabric and people. There are still many old temples to be found all over China (even before the more recent attempts to restore them and build new ones). Something must have stayed alive in the hearts of the Chinese people to even have allowed these temples to continue existing and even to be maintained at some level.

China is not introducing something new to its people. It's merely returning something that's already very much a part of its age-old tradition, culture and values. If you go to the temples today, the people there are Chinese - old and young. It's not just snap-happy tourists from the west come to see something exotic. The Chinese themselves are visiting, making prayers and offering incense, and very naturally. This doesn't come from just a few years of the government building temples - it must be coming from something that's already a part of their heritage and culture.

Dorje Pakmo

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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2013, 05:33:48 PM »
But if there is one thing Buddhism has taught us, it is that nothing is permanent and so, casting perceptions aside, let us explore developments within the Dalai Lama/CTA’s camp and compare them to policies and initiatives undertaken by the Chinese Communist Government in recent years, to see how the actions of each have either promoted or harmed the practice and propagation of Buddhism".

That China may not be doing it out of spiritual reasons is something to celebrate because it shows the  new mentality of the Chinese leadership, that is to respect the spirituality of other. It is in fact, democracy in action. We can see that they have come such a long way from their previous mentality of destroying anything that did not fit into their communist ideology. It is a sign of China's progress. By the same measure, it also shows CTA's regress.

How true. Time has changed and things do change over time. What the Chinese Communist Government seemed so hell bent on destroying, they have accepted and are actually promoting it NOW. What happened was in the past. The CTA should have already realize by now that instead of promoting Buddhism like what China is doing. They are suppressing it by dividing Dorje Shugden practitioners who are also fellow Buddhists and labelling Lamas that decides to return to China to spread the glorious Dharma as Chinese spies and traitors. The CTA should really re-look  and do some self reflections on what have they done thus far to promote Buddhism and taking care of Tibetans under their care. Instead of promoting Buddhism and it's values. People are divided and self immolations cases seemingly increase in numbers. Is that really the true answer to a Free Tibet?

Tenzin Gyatso

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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2013, 09:58:28 PM »
I wouldn't hold your breath for the CTA to be gone or ineffective any time soon. Side with HHDL, Dharma and CTA and not the genocidal Chinese Govt.



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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2013, 03:53:29 AM »
I wouldn't hold your breath for the CTA to be gone or ineffective any time soon. Side with HHDL, Dharma and CTA and not the genocidal Chinese Govt.


I dont think so anyone is siding with China here. We're just discussing the differences between the CTA and China and it seems that CTA isnt doing much for Dharma. I know what CTA did to Tibetan Buddhism since the beginning and i am not too impressed. CTA devolving would probably take a few years more so like you, i wont hold my breath for it but i will definitely not vouch for them. Why is it that they got downgraded to CTA from TGIE? I'll side with whomever that will protect the Dharma and that will not destroy the Dharma further. I respect HHDL for the contributions he gave to Buddhism, but not CTA for all the unbuddhistic things they did.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2013, 12:12:50 PM »
CTA by enforcing the ban on Dorje Shugden is creating bad news all around for Buddhism. Buddhism is then seen as divisive, one faction says A and another faction says B. I mean who would want to be part of faith whereby people are fighting and cannot agree as to what is the truth. Some people have left Buddhism for much much less.

So CTA is the enemy of Buddhism, destroying Buddhism from within. Splitting the Sangha, the lay buddhists within their community and along the lines of the Gelug faith, how much time wasted arguing, fighting over this issue, so much resources wasted, life wasted, people hurt mentally and physically. So much pain endured by people, so much samaya broken, so much negative karma created. CTA is creating the causes the dharma to end even faster. 



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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2013, 03:28:19 PM »
I wouldn't hold your breath for the CTA to be gone or ineffective any time soon. Side with HHDL, Dharma and CTA and not the genocidal Chinese Govt.


The CTA are also proving their ineffectiveness - the very fact that their name changed from a "government in exile" to a mere "administrative" body is evidence enough of what little regard the world and their host country have for them. An "administration"?! That doesn't sound at all like good news for a body that's trying to champion the betterment of its being and a reunification with its motherland.

There are fewer and fewer monks entering the monasteries now because conditions are improving in China and, therefore, it wouldn't seem like there's much for them to run away to. At the same time, exiled Tibetans in India are immigrating to other countries and establishing themselves across Europe, America etc. If a government really was that effective and there to stay, why are their people running away from them? the CTA will have to do a lot more for their people if they wish to retain their loyalty - and a good start would be to just allow them the most basic rights and freedoms of any citizen, including freedom of expression and religion.


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Re: Reality Bites
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2013, 05:20:07 PM »
I wouldn't hold your breath for the CTA to be gone or ineffective any time soon. Side with HHDL, Dharma and CTA and not the genocidal Chinese Govt.


The CTA are also proving their ineffectiveness - the very fact that their name changed from a "government in exile" to a mere "administrative" body is evidence enough of what little regard the world and their host country have for them. An "administration"?! That doesn't sound at all like good news for a body that's trying to champion the betterment of its being and a reunification with its motherland.

Changing names doesn't do anything for the CTA's credibility or the Tibetan's quest for freedom. It is very much like shifting deck chairs on the Titanic. And now the CTA is trying to change its name again to incorporate the word "government", as if that would solve anything. While I concede that it must be difficult for the CTA to govern independently of the Dalai Lama after having being under the Dalai Lama's directive for so long, they have no choice but to make a clean break with tradition and decide policies for themselves.

Take the Dorje Shugden ban for example. The ban does so much harm for Tibetans in exile and yet the CTA have refused to remove the ban. Why is that? There can only be two logical reasons: (i) the CTA has something to gain from keeping the people divided and presumably easier to govern, or (ii) the CTA is afraid of offending the Dalai Lama even though His Holiness is no longer the secular head of the Tibetans. If this is the case, who is actually in the driver's seat?

The CTA is a pretend-democracy and what puzzles me is how willingly India and the rest of the world plays along with it. I think, the world support the Tibetans in exile have been receiving all these years were more out of anti-Chine sentiments than pro-Tibet ones. I shudder to think how the CTA can reinvent itself and move forward after His Holiness passes into clear light. One the one hand, the Dalai Lama is keeping the Tibetans together and on the other hand, he may also be the reason why there is no true democratic practices yet. Whatever the reason may be, the CTA serves very little purpose today. Imagine all the "new" support it could harness by removing the ban. All Shugden practitioners (and I will not be surprised if the number is larger than the CTA imagines) will look at Dr. Lobsang Sangay with gratitude and appreciation. In addition the very influential lamas like Gangchen Rinpoche and Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche who is for certain heading for super-stardom in the world of Tibetan Buddhism, will become allies of the CTA instead of people the CTA oppose. Is that not much better? 
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 05:22:30 PM by vajratruth »